Is this what you boys like?

Is this what you boys like?

kind of

No. There's a pair of panties in the way.

I love lolis.

No, this is what I like

Clothed is better than nekkid.

Check em

The cure for pedophiles is right here.

3dpd is gross tho and besides what's the problem if there's no harm in 2d? Especially if it's not even close to being anatomically correct.

whats the cure for zoo?


All you're doing is feeding your unhealthy addiction. Eventually, you're going to want the real thing, so the logical thing is to nip the bud asap.
It's not like your dick knows the difference anyway, and everyone knows pedophiles only think with their dicks

I'd never harm a child. Besides, loli isn't even that big of a fetish of mine. I'd be totally ok if a law was passed to hang pedos who rape a child. They are complete bastards and I would never associate myself with them.

t. virtue signalling pedo

GTFO you cuckold

on 8ch we pay respect to child rapists

Me before loli: couldn't stop jerking in front of little sister

Me after loli: haven't harmed a child for the entirety of my adult life

So how's that work

Lol, “pedo acceptance” coming soon to a social justice crowd near you.
Kill yourself, freak.


Moving to a place where you can legally fuck animals.

nip it in the bud = cut that shit out

I'm actually hopefully optimistic that this will kill the LGBTQRSLMNOP movement.

It's like a farming term that means "to kill at the source"


I like females of all ages, from 4 to 50 or so.
The youngest I've had was 13 (when I was 29), and my wife is exactly my age almost to the day. Non-exclusive paedo master race right here.

i have the right to remain silent.

All you're doing is feeding your unhealthy addiction. Eventually, you're going to want the real thing, so the logical thing is to nip the bud asap.

It's not like your finger knows the difference anyway, and everyone knows FPS gamers only think with their fingers

So if I play FPS games the logical conclusion would be that I'd end a school shooter?

That's obviously, of course.

Fuck, does this mean I'm already on an FBI list?

Can I chose my own execution firing squad?

why are you responding to the Holla Forumsack? They can't comprehend logic

I much prefer this!

Let's praise Him with joyous song!
"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Open your bowels for Jesus;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."
Praise him with many motions!