I never said whites were inherently weak. I said there is an inherent trend of weakness amongst them. I said that the inherent belief in superiority is not productive and determental. It is the same arrogance that has brought the Jewish families to their own demise, much to our benefit. If we are to be great, we must understand that our greatness comes not from the color of our skin or solely genetics, but how we structured our society, how we worked toward true progress and greatness. How we punished the guilty and praised the righteous. How we set about creating moral laws, not politically driven laws. How we enshrined our natural rights, not allowed governments to trample them.
Our greatness came from great people. Great people should be celebrated and admired even exemplified. Not a civilization that is built around the notion that white is better. It is our ideology and culture that will carry us to greatness.
The means of our conveyance into the future need to be protected and enshrined. To be updated to fit the world and those that oppose it exterminated. That is my inherent ideology, that we must obtain a collective power to be great, not merely assume we are great while our civilization crumbles around us.
You can say that this is merely a step backward, but I'm sure the polachs of Greece, Rome, Ancient China, Mayan Empire all said the same thing. Yet even if true, which we should never assume it is for in that assumption we will shall become passive to our own condition, there will still be generations that suffered that will never see our former greatness in their lifetime. Collectively our future may be bright, but it is neither guaranteed nor where we dwell. I'd rather we be great today, not tomorrow.
That is a well reasoned argument, I can't find must fault in it except for one sentence.
Self responsibility is something whites will need once again if they are to reascend to greatness. The notion seems lost to our people today. Everything in our society has steadily developed over the last 100 years to deflecting responsibility for our actions. It is the lack of accountability that has lead to the moral decay of the west. To Feminism and weak women.
While you say you don't believe it is their fault I say it is. We are not passive agents carried by the streams of fate incapable of interacting with the world around us but merely absurving it till our inevitable demise. We have agency in our own lives, as such we have responsibility that comes with it. If we were truly slaves, then it would be our master's fault, but if we are free men, our own masters then the fault can only lie within us.
The Tao teaches one concept in this regard. That you can only take responsibility for yourself, that fault can only lie with yourself. If our civilization is as it is then we were weak, we were foolish enough to be tricked, inactive enough to allow it to happen, and powerless to stop it. Until collectively every person understands this notion they will never seek self improvement. For once you understand that you are ultimatley responsible for what befalls you from either your direct or indirect actions or for your lacking power to stop it, then you will naturally seek power and betterment to avoid such a fat e befalling yourself or your loved ones.
The Jew is tricky, the Jew is smart, the Jew is rich, are all good excuses but what of them? Saying the Jew is able to do all this to us is the same as saying the Jew is more powerful than us. For if we were not collectively in a weaker state than the Jew could the Jew persevere in it's actions against us? If we are the apex predator can the antelope hope to best us?
While my words are twisted by elitists here, it matters not. I hear the same weakness. We're better, yet we lose and can't defeat the Jew today. Trump, another person will be our champion because we cannot take responsibility for our own destiny and governance. Pointing this out is defeatist, yet they would allow it to continue without it being addressed.
Make no mistake, we are weak, fragile creatures. That is simply fact. It is also fact that we can rise above that and become something truly great. Build monuments that will last well beyond our current incarnations. Change the very land itself, tunnel through mountains, build massive industries, raise crops on a scale only rivaled a few times in history. We can be great, but first we must accept that we are not. For if this, our current state is greatness, then you are doomed.