I don't think I hate hate blacks…I hate niggers, of course but I mean it. I think if you have black skin you're fine as long as you don't hate me for having white skin. I've said a lot of fucked up racist stuff in the past and I don't know man…I think I'm just not a racist anymore. I think I was just scared because I saw a whole group of people out there who wanted to kill me and my people just for existing so I became the monster that they wanted me to be. Any black anons out there, I am sorry, not in the sense of I'll "RENOUNCE MY RACE" or anything but seriously, you guys can't help being black as much as I can help being white and I don't hate you. Sorry.
I don't think I hate hate blacks…I hate niggers, of course but I mean it...
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Fuck all blacks, even the rare ones that aren't niggers are usually scum. They don't belong in Europe or anglo countries.
I don't know man. I agree with that but I also think they deserve their own country and if they assimilate and are born here then it's fine.
Go back to Reddit with your silly ideology.
All this evidence…oh wait.
Sorry man, I'm just not scared of them anymore.
Yeah! And take all your nuance with you!
race is more thran skin color user
take a study in genetics
what kind of mental gymnastics do you practice?
A liberal pretends to be a reformed racist without understanding why people actually become racist in the first place.
Race isn't real though
I'm not a liberal, I was National Socialist, then I became a Nationalist, then I was…I guess now I'm just a regular old republican
Opinions on Mein Kampf and the myth? These are must reads for any true National Socialist (in my opinion the myth is even more relevant than Mein Kampf for the modern world).
You have to actually understand the philosophy before you can say you're a National Socialist, and if you truly understood that philosophy (and you are of pure European stock) I can't understand why you would reject it. Please explain.
National Socialism was (and still has the potential to be) the wave of the future, it is a sound philosophy based on logic and reason. If you think National Socialism is just about "hate" you don't understand what it actually is.
For anyone who is interested It's called the myth of the 20th century by Alfred Rosenberg.
It's a great book and definitely worth a read. It's a bit heavy on the Nordicism but that's to be expected, Rosenberg was a big believer in Nordic superiority.
If you can get over the Nordicism it's good stuff and very relevant to the society we live in today.
I just think…I can't help it. They can't help it. Why hate?
Don't hate, it's not about hate at all. Deportation could solve all of our current problems with minimal bloodshed.
You don't have to hate something to realize it's a threat to your current way of life, you dont even have to dislike it. The way things are going whites will be a minority in a few decades and a mongrelised mess in a century, the most creative innovative race gone. For what? So that we can appear politically correct? It's not worth it.
Don't mindlessly hate people for their skin colour like a retard, but don't bend over backwards and let your people be destroyed. You don't have to be a hate filled bigot to be a race realist.
You should read the book I posted, it has a lot of good things to say about the differences between races (and it doesn't suggest killing all non-whites as the solution to this issue).
Here's an audiobook version. The parts on the race soul are the most important, the section on Christianity is well written and correct but the race soul is the most important topic in this book. It makes a lot of sense, it's a Nazi book though so you can imagine the kind of things you'll find in it.
Alfred Rosenberg was going to create a racial religion judging by what he wrote. It would have been amazing to see what he would have created, unfortunately we never got too.
A black person would never think like this. They do not have the empathy to support another race other theirs. More tribalistic and more tribal as a result of the races evolving separately for thousands of years.
bullshit not all blacks are like that
Overwhelming majority are, this bullshit rhetoric needs to go asap. Intellectual niggers existed within nigger societies and they got accused of voodoo or witchcraft by the community real quick and subsequently lynched for it. I've seen it happen time and time again. When nigger worked with white's he was accused of being a traitor by his own kind, the current version of 'uncle tom' and he shouldn't deserve living in a nice house. They burned his house, while his children and wife were inside down to the ground, because niggers logic.
I've lived in Kenya and what used to be called Rhodesia. Niggers are a cancer, their intellectual few can not progress them. The woman and children look up to you, they call you, which means god. You notice really quick that the sub Saharan negroid their behavior is that of a child.
The negroid needs major culling to remove the majority which truly are a bad lot in order to further their race. They always were a roaming pillaging folk and they never progressed. White's tried to civilize them but who the fuck are we kidding here, it failed completely because you can't take the nigger out of their gene's.
When slavery existed, blacks were better off. They had a house, a meaning in life, were allowed house. Those who had the intellectual capability in most of the cases became a free man later in life. Sure there was sporadic abuse but the way Hollywood depicts it as if white's were the Arabs. Arabs were the actual one's who would whip the white slaves captured in Spain and southern France and neutered white males and let the mork on the fields in what is now Morroco to death.
The democrats and their infantilization and victimization of blacks has done the blacks in the us far more damage then slavery ever could.
Jesus christ this is gold. Maybe cats and dogs don't 'value individuality in their society' too. Fucking psychology is a science of theory shit and vagina blood.
genetics says otherwise
Babby's first racist post
As a highly-educated Protestant liberal, I simply must insist that:
you are not racist. you just kinda retarded.
Actually, it's the racists (of all colors) who are the retards. The science is in:
"Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact"
tl;dr … Verified, stupid kids become racist adults.
For once I have to say someone made some perfectly fucking sense of the whole spectrum here. Sadly I wish more people held that viewpoint as it would make a clear and definite observation point almost everything that is happening right now.
No a majority of niggers hold a crab mentality. If they see one black person doing something good in their neighborhood or themselves they have to feel like they need to fuck it up for that person or group due to the jealousy from it.
i don't believe you know africa at all with that attitude. lived in east africa and zimbabwe, my ass. you're not only a rather primitive racist but a patent liar aswell. i'd rather be a nigger than you.
post proof you know africa, cocksucker
Read this thread faggot
Wow, the butthurt on you.
What we need is a sense of balance in this thread.
Let's praise Him with joyous song!
"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Open your bowels for Jesus;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."
Praise him with many motions!
we just told you nationalism isnt hate
fuck off
holy shit he doesnt realize he just called niggers less sentient than fucking magpies
future POTUS right there