Why is there such a high correlation between linux users and anime?

Why is there such a high correlation between linux users and anime?
Is it just further proof that linux is an os for manchildren and not for people who want to get shit done?

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Men enjoy beauty. Anime depicts women at the height of their beauty, no blemishes or flaws and extremely feminine. One should draw the conclusion that anime fans are more masculine than a beta cuck who lusts after old drunken slags. The beta cuck enjoys the ugly and the masculine traits in his females because that is what he can afford. The anime enthusiast is, as you have now been given facts to back it up, the Alpha Male.

I'd also like to interject for a moment copypasta.

I find M$ and Mac to be unproductive. Giving you bloated pieces of malware like Office 365 and calling it productivity is like giving you a typewriter in a jail cell and saying, "imagine all the work you can get done!"

There's nothing wrong with liking anime you gay nigger.


Yes. It's OG hipsterism.
"It's not Western so it must be good!"
"It's not proprietary so it must be good!"


I don't like animu.

You call this beauty? hasn't got any aesthetic sense watching his wallpaper / window system.

No. Anime is so fucking mainstream now; like video games, no one can really claim it's for "nerds" anymore. I see plenty of normal fags with iphone anime wallpapers and make references to hentai.

I have a Gentoo+i3 laptop and weebs are mentally ill.

I have a Naruto boxset and freetards are mentally ill.

Arch*, not Linux


The anime stuff doesn't do anything for me, but I'm a Gen-X guy. I basically ignore it and don't care. Why are you so hung up about it?

you forgot

Not just Holla Forums-tard stuff like "resistance making my penis harder"?

120 is plenty, even with bloat.

1) Hipsters (they use Mac, though).
2) Not normies.

I think they're ugly as sin

They only use foss because they're paranoid people will find out how degenerate they are.

The fact that they know about foss is already better than 95% of the population, m8.

I'm sure super computer maintainers and the astronauts on the ISS are all manchildren.

GNU is western, so is Linux.

Kill yourself, m$ shill.

what does pretty much every server in the world run?

fucking THIS every non normalfag i know either doesn't care for it or doesn't watch it much, while all the normalfagots i know LOVE ANIMESS XD HAVE U SEEN ATTAK ON TItAN ??? ^_^ KILL LA KILL IS REALLY COOL&DEEP :3

Bright colors and idealized characters attract autists, and autists are fucking amazing at software development and choose the best platform for it.

Or maybe people who like to get things done really like anime?

Eating all the tendies in one night doesn't count as "getting things done"

Oh yeah, ask them who their favorite doujin artists are. They probably won't even know what you're talking about.

The likes of Dragon Ball Z, One Punch Man and JoJo may be mainstream, but those are just the tip of the iceberg, and it's popular to think that anime is shit and problematic and triggering except for the aforementioned anime and a few others like them. Even anime communities are full of that rhetoric. Western culture and anime are a poor fit.


Yeah, except that when you ask to write, Linuxfags will give you a rocket launcher designed to have a shitty UI and UX on purpose.
Some time later you die in an explosion, meanwhile the man in jail with the typewriter has published a book and has made money.

Truth is that Linux is shit. It could be good, but the community refuse to make it usable and enjoyable and reliable, so we are stuck with it.

You're fucking retarded.

Y'all faggots.

Nerds use linux. Nerds like korean cartoons.

theyre called chinese cartoons thank you very much

I'm fond of mongolian flipbooks myself.

it's real

Personally, I came into Linux expecting a challenge, something I could learn and would have to work on on the weekends I bothered to learn about all this stuff about a 2 weeks ago although I was aware of it for quite some time already, what I got was a working, fully supported OS Xubuntu, which is currently leaving me disappointed. Which is why I'm very interested in trying Arch, since people say it's harder to use. I have always enjoyed hard things and challenges.
Although the main reason to switch to Linux was so my friend and I could learn how to program and make gayms.

Did you perhaps mean Finnish Telenovelas?

There isn't a correlation with Linux and anime, only anime and image boards.


You just don't see the Linux users who get shit done because they don't waste their time ricing and posting in desktop threads

i have only saw linux users and anime connected in chans

back to school

Why is there such a high correlation between pedophiles and Windows users?

Autism user, pure autism. Normalfags didn't like anime until 3 years ago.

We love what our kids like. We can't hate what they use or we are ...

... alone.


Snowden used to work for a website that sold anime. Did he use Linux when he was working for the NSA?


anime is trash kill youself

Linux users care about what's right, not what's fashionable. Anime is right.



It's more of a high correlation of anime and users who know how to pirate things.
Or if they're richfags who are into the appeal of anime.

A more important question, though.
What is it with anime and swiss bank employees?


What's stopping you from getting windows?

I haven't seen many Linux users who are into chinese cartoons but not websites for chinese cartoons.

Maybe it's just you're posting in a chan?

I don't think every linux users are retarded enough to watch anime

I have over 130,000 jpegs of anime girls saved over 10 years of image board browsing. I will never get sick of anime girls.



Ricerfaggots are a minority.

I'm a ricerfuck but my wallpaper is my dead dog. For the time being it doesn't feel right to have any other thing.
I miss you, buddy.

is he okay?

I'm sorry, user.
Sleep tight, pupper.

When will microshill run out of money?

see pic


There are a disgusting number of threads with microsoft sympathizers on Holla Forums nowadays. Either microsoft is more desperate than usual, or this place's user-base has gone to shit.

Anime is pure, hentai is impure. Learn the difference. The OP mentioned anime, not hentai.

Anime is just thinly veiled propaganda for C.

post pic plx

The only "hard" part of arch is the installation, and the shitty system for installing programs that aren't supported in the arch repository.

Other than that not much different in day-to day use from something like Ubuntu or mint.


Both disproportionately attract autists.

wat's C

Do you really need to ask?

Well it would kind of follow that those that are deeper into computer and tech are also into other "nerd" things such as anime and video games.

As for the utility of Linux vs other OSes I kind of like to use this analogy.

If Windows/OSX are like your living room then Linux would be like your garage.
They're completely different environments in which different tool sets and activities should generally take place.

That being said, if you're looking to set up and configure a working environment I see no real value in spending hours configuring every little thing in Linux just to install it. The only reasons to do such things generally fall under an educational umbrella or you have a very specific system you need to work on under very specific parameters.

Is that Pico?

I'd call it cute but retardation isn't cute.

Because they're both shut-ins. Anime masks the shut-in's need for socializing.

i hate when people compress shit when its unnecessary

people who like anime like to pretend things. so they install linux to pretend they get things done


There's going to some overlap because both high-technology and anime are popular with millennials, but this doesn't mean people like GoDaddy, the government of Germany, and the government of France are watching a ton of anime.

itworld.com/article/2812975/open-source-tools/linux-wins-another-european-government-contract.html (archive.is/0MVwJ)
linuxjournal.com/content/german-government-drinks-greatness-linux (archive.is/XuHdV)

linux users arent autists, autists just like linux

oops forgot to bump

got you covered fam :^3

It's because you're on a chan board.

the letter after B

Because we have no monies to spend after buying manga, figurines, full sized body pillows and spare HDD's to store High quality 1080p dual audio complete Blu ray rips (With extras and FLAC OST).

Therefore we have only a small amount of cash left so we buy Chinkpads and install Gentoo.


Doesn't /g/ come here still? It might be some nigger from there.

>Never use Eng dub Except for DBZ because Goku's Jap voice is murder
I need a new friend.
Will you be my friend user kun?


