Holla Forums's degeneracy tolerance scale (DTS): Where do you belong?
Repulsion: The degeneracy is seen as a crime against nature. The degenerate is considered sick, crazy, immoral, sinful, wicked, etc. Anything is justified to change the degenerate: hospitalization, medicination, behavior therapy, electroshock therapy, incarceration etc.
See: Fascism, nationalism, ecohumanism, racialism, Classical Conservatism, socialism, social darwinism, reactionary politics, revolutionary, Hitler, Holla Forums, aggressive warfare, totalitarianism, colonialism, consistency, neo-paganism.
Pity: Represents the "normal mans" tolerance. Normalcy is considered more mature and certainly to be preferred. It is believed that any possibility of becoming normal should be reinforced, and those who seem to be born degerate should be pitied as less fortunate ("the poor dears").
See: altruism, patronization, victimization, EBT, niggers, affirmitive action, MTV, abolitionism, romanticism.
Tolerance: The degeneracy is viewed as a phase of adolescent development that many people go through and most people grow out of. Thus, the degenerate is less mature than the average and should be treated with the protectiveness and indulgence one uses with children who are still maturing. It is believed that the degenerate should not be given positions of authority because they are still working through their adolescent behavior.
See: Chauvinism, beurocratism, Taylorism, classicism, elitism, autocracy, plutocracy, aristocracy, holier-than-thou attitude, corporate bailouts, organizational warfare, carl sagan.
Acceptance: Still implies that there is something to accept; the existing climate of tolerance is ignored. Characterized by such statements as "You're not a degenerate to me, you're a person!" or "What you do in your life is your own business." or "That's fine with me as long as you don't flaunt it!".
See: Libertarianism, neo-liberalism, Glen Beck, Ayn Rand, live-and-let-live, pseudo-anarchy, transhumanism, defensive warfare, tea baggers, constitution preachers.
Support: People at this level may be uncomfortable themselves, but they imagine the intolerant climate and the "irrational unfairness", and work to safeguard the rights of the degenerate.
See: White knights, moral preachers, moral alienation, feminism, female administration, racial equality, gay pride carnevals, internet activism, slacktivism, cardboard signs, Ockupy Wallstreet, reddit, moral warfare, cuckhold.
Admiration: It is acknowledged that being degenerate in our society takes "strength". People at this level are willing to truly examine their hateful attitudes, values, and behaviors.
See: pacifism, agnosticism, fence sitters, machiavelists, deciets, charlatans, scammers, Yellow Kid Weil, snakeoil salesmen, passive-aggressive, passive warfare, Nixon.
Appreciation: The behavioral diversity of people is considered valuable above the ideological; degenerates are seen as a valid part of that diversity. Meaning: there should be few ideologies but many forms of degeneracy. People on this level are willing to promote a degeneracy in themselves and others.
See: Drugseeking behavior, schizophrenia, brainwashing in cults, syndicalism, Stalin.
Nurturance: Assumes that the degenerate is indispensable in our society. People on this level view the degenerate with genuine affection and delight, and are willing to be his ally and advocate.
See: National Subversion, homosexual propaganda, foreign dissidence, well-poisoners, anti-nuclear family, apocalypse, anarchy, disorder, unconventional asymmetric warfare, terroris.