How hard would it be for /tech to create a OS based on the seL4 microkernel? What would we name said OS.
SeL4 Plan9/Unix like OS
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/techos/ of course, built on the backs of women and people of colour.
Nice b8 m8.
Not even bate, just low grade sarcasm in a thread that is soon to see "I'll design the logo" next.
It's best to ignore those comments. Can't have a logo without a OS.
Can't have an OS without a logo. Checkmate.
Sonic logo w/ blue arms
uses a Rio port an p9 protocol
Write the OS in Ada (because it came up recently).
Let's make it in Lisp. There's already an OS in Common Lisp, so we can steal code and pretend that we know what we're doing.
I expected you to read about it on your own, unless you want me to hold your hand.
Fuck that noise. Lets set it up in the installgentoo wiki.
Most of Holla Forums couldn't program a fucking calculator, let alone an operating system. But tell me: Why a unix-like of all things? There are enough fucking unix-likes already.
That's why I also said Plan 9 like.
But Plan9 is even more unix-like.
Would you want it like NT or VMS. Those systems have shit design.
Come on, son.
Go fuck yourself
This board is all talk and no show.
I'd rather ask /tg/. At least those faggots actually make stuff from time to time, including software(ex: Chapter Master).
At least someone pointed me to the correct desination. I'll see if I can cross post.
What are you even trying to prove now?