Petition Thread

As all of you probably know, a white disabled man was kidnapped, beaten, cut with a knife, forced to say "fuck Donald Trump" and "fuck white people" on Facebook livestreamed by Brittany Covington.

Her accomplices were Jordan Hill, Jordan Hill, and Tanishia Covington.

These == hate-crimes == cannot go unpunished. If four whites kidnapped a black person and forced them to denounce Obama or Killary, it would be the #NotMyPresident Riots all over again.

But apparently since it was a white guy, it doesn't matter as much to people.

This is a petition to qualify their behavior as a hate-crime:

I've already signed myself, and I want all of you to join me too.

FUCK I meant her accomplices were: Jordan Hill, Tesfaye Cooper, and Tanishia Covington

Cant ==title== things inline mr user

I gave you the link faggots, you gonna sign or what?

still not your personal army, numbnuts

stop spamming threads about this

Oh look, we have another example of why we don't have any good raids or can't even be an interactive community. It's faggots like you that call everything a personal army request, attempting to completely stop and shut down the thread. Go back to 4chan you faggot.

right after you

No, I crawled out of that hell hole a long time ago. Seems better for a cuck like you. You'll LOVE the mods there.

not to be critical, but this is the same sort of tactic using the pity for a single incident that the media uses against us.

are you fucking serious?

kill yourself

With all of the shit white people have done to others in the past, I'd say this is justified.

I pity the poor disabled kid. Not all of the whites. Shit like this happening is because of Obama not calling out black criminals, black lies mattuh blowing a few cop on black deaths completely out of proportion, society being rigged to where people can't be racist to whites, ect.

Things are getting out of fucking control. If we can get them to be charged with a hate crime, that will cause quite a huge dent in this "poor Tyrone so oppressed he dindu nuthin." bullshit.

People like you are the reason this kind of shit happens. I hope you get run over by an ambulance while you're blocking the streets in a protest.

I never said this was a raid. I used raids as an example of what these NYPA faggots prevent.

No, the thousands of years of oppression by whites is why these things happen.

Years of normalized oppression of millions is okay, but when one of the oppressed fights back it's suddenly a hate crime?

Yeah, fuck you.

niggers are the borg, no the borg got shit done at least. Pretty shitty hivemind niggers have going

Also, the Borg were actually fucking rad.

Faggot, quit trying to act like black people are still being lynched, and that there's still colored water fountains for fuck's sakes.

Also, a few black people dying here and there from cops when there are people of all walks of life and race being killed is not oppression.

I guess nobody has ever heard of a thing called "progress" either. We did have segregation but we got fucking past that. And before you bring up the slaves, there were non black slaves too. Your shitty little liberal "poor Tyrone he dindu nuffin fuck whitey" schools never teach you that.

And slavery wasn't founded by racism. It was founded by money. Why do all the work yourself when you can force someone else to do it? Slavery really slowed the fuck down then the cotton-gin arrived.

Quit being such a victim, you brainwashed lunatic.


Op you probably by now figured out what i did a few hours ago when i put out a call to help.

these people are only interested in pointless shit post and CP.

try reddit. you'll find a higher class of people.these people are shit

Spot the niggerlover

And before some liberal faggot says that black men make up only 6-7% of the population:

1) blacks are about the same percentage of people arrested, per the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports
2) blacks are about the same percentage of identified perpetrators, per the National Crime Victimization Survey

You know who is underrepresented in this data: Asians. Does that mean that Asians are the real majority in America? No. It means that different groups have different values, which cause them to get in trouble with the law differently. No one drinks and drives like white people do, look at the statistics.

Look, dude, you're fucking racist. When you start using "the past" to justify your bigotry, you are no better then Holla Forums or a Klansman. No amount of injustice commit by dead people to other dead people ever justifies anything in the present.

Interesting idea. I assume you're white. I am a large negro,, can I knock you to the ground and shove my huge throbbing cock inside of you?It's a political statement and I won't enjoy it all, really.

um.. the cotton gin is what made cotton production boom. look it up.

gg no re

This is the kind of shit that killed Anonymous.
"Come on guys! Let's go fight this social injustice for goodness and the American Way!"

Come back when you want to do something for the lulz, faggot.

Guantanegro Bay


They have already been arrested on charges of a hate crime. The question of whether or not it goes further will be decided by a jury. What does a fucking petition have to do with a jury verdict?

If they are smart, this will never take this to court, they will plea down.


As a black person who despises BLM and Hilary Clinton, this is utterly ridiculous behavior and all the "kids" involved should be jailed for it. It's absolutely disgusting to see people going on national television and defending these heathens, saying it's just bad home training and it's not a hate crime. Wake up you fucking idiots, it is a hate crime and there is no such thing as bad home training if even the media is defending it. Fuck BLM and fuck CNN, you fucking hypocrites

there's no such thing as a hate crime

BLM is doing you big favors by fighting for racial equality. You should be more grateful.

This, tbh. I'd rather we eliminate the entire concept than just get it to apply to minorities attacking whites. Doing something malicious, unprovoked, to another human being is bad. Unless they're screaming racial slurs while doing the deed or you find a diary citing racial motivations, leave race the fuck out of it. There is no need to make the sentence worse simply because the parties involved had different races.

Pick one

Don't be racist. BLM is all about equality. Some races, such as blacks, are just more equal than others. They was KINGS.

fuggin whites livin in caves an shieet

I can pick both:

BLM fights for racial equality.

If there is ever going to be a race war, BLM is going to be the reason it started.

Fuck you for Eternity.

So you don't hold a racist justice system accountable? You don't hold hold racist governmental policies accountable?

It's a bit sad to kick those who are already down, user.

Maybe they are down because they keep themselves down. Maybe they should improve their own communities.

Every race in the US has the exact same rights. The only reason you hear about blacks getting fucked by the police and government is because thats the only stories the media covers. More white people get killed by the police, most white people who will kill someone will another white person. Most black people that are murdered are murdered by other black people.

Stop making excuses for black people who feel they are entitled to the world just because of their skin colour.

Name one example each of racism in the justice system and governmental polices.

Every time a black man is convicted for anything

Maybe policies are necessary to promote prosperity. Maybe you shouldn't be willfully ignorant of this.

Every race has the exact same rights on paper since very recently. De facto there is still a discrepancy though. Voter disenfranchisement on a racial basis does exist for example.

This seems so sheltered it's unreal. Look into stop and frisk for one. If you do some research you will find countless instances of racism in the judicial system.

Creating policies that give certain races priviledges that the other races dont get is racist. Statistics show that black people commit more crime, thats a fact. You can't just call the justice system racist because most of the criminals are a certain race.

No Justice, No Peace, No more Racist Police!

what did that niglet do?

I call the judicial system racist because of its racism, not because most convicted criminals are black.

Got any facts to back that up?

Fucking lol wish instead of police would come dred and sentence him forever working in coal mines as slave.

Dont be a progressive leftist, give some stats, data and facts please.


I think it was just niggers abusing the system to "parent" their kid. He was probably just acting up and trying to be hard when gramaw or auntee got tired of his shit and called 911. In areas like the people call the police for every little fucking problem.

You're an idiot. There's more niggers incarcerated because niggers commit more crime. At least point us to some highly cherry-picked data from whatever SJW site you frequent if you're going to spout stupid shit.


You can't be serious. Please do some research. There's a ton of available peer-reviewed content available. I already gave stop-and-frisk as an example.

I already gave stop-and-frisk as an example.

You're dishonest.

Stop and frisk isn't a proof of a racist judicial system, you get stopped, checked for illegal weapons or drugs, you got nothing you are free to go.
You do carry illegal shit you go to jail, how is that racist?

Most niggas go around with drugs and unlicensed glocks so they get buttmad when they get caught and try to blame it on racism.

That nigga saying cops be racis an shit is just a sjw faggot

There was a short video with a New York lawyer. He went to a classroom with two of his colleagues. The three lawyers were white and have not been stopped once in their life. The kids were around 12 years old and black. Nearly all of them reported of being stopped and searched at least once a week. This included a full search of bags pockets, being put against the wall, etc. Imagine what that does to a little kid.

Go do some research on stop-and-frisk and racism if you want to be viewed as honest.

It seems facts intimidate you. There's no need to lash out.


I agree, if niggas stopped committing 50% of the crimes while being 6% of the population, about 5-10 times more than other races do then they wouldn't have any problem with cops, that's why BLM is full of shit.

Hey white boy just chill.

You're a politically correct idiot.

first of all, all this petition does is get some unrelated person from the executive branch to comment on an issue that's in the judicial branch. if you're going to get a petition directed at someone how about the attorney general that represents chicago or something?

second obama fucked up when he publicly condemned someone (i think it was zimmerman) before a trial because it was just a high-profile media case. he hasn't done that since, he probably knows on some level that he fucked up. we don't want presidents weighing in on these kinds of things, don't encourage it. it just makes for a media circus.

third, when a human kills a deer they need a permit and get in legal trouble if they don't have a tag. if a person kills a wolf or coyote, likewise they need a permit or they get in trouble. but no-one gives a shit when a coyote kills a deer, you wouldn't try to arrest it for behaving wrong. so why would you try to charge a nigger killing a retard? just put the retard out of its' misery and kill the niggers for being a public health hazard.

another ass talker. 30 secs on google and you'd be less of an idiot. crime stat is false too. worthless post.

good idea. you sound mildly retarded yourself and your mom must be full-on ga-ga to go on feeding you. both will spend two days in the nigger pen before any shooting starts…


It is racism.

That doesn't mean BLM is full of shit in any meaningful way.

Making sure black kids dont kill eachother isnt racist. Frisking black people is factually good idea based on statistics. The stats dont care about race. Black people comit more crimes, therefore its a good idea to check blacks for weapons and drugs.

But you can't say that user. You're hurting the black people's feeling. It's not politically correct.

stop and frisk doesn't work though…

oh fug

Wasn't it was already deemed a hate crime


Wrong. It was nabbing so many criminals in NY that shitskins threw a shitfit. Sorry Jamal, maybe try being a productive member of society?

At first it wasn't. The official stance was that there was no evidence of a "hate crime." Now they've changed their minds. Hopefully this will set a prescedent of even more racially motivated black on white crime to be labeled for what it is.

imo the problem with stop and frisk was the number of nonviolent drug offenders that they got who were just going about their business. i saw a black kid that on his way to school school get frisked in a subway station and got arrested for having a joint, it's just not productive.

I have a better solution:

But it doesn't. It didn't reduce crime in NY
