Yup, the man who once called Trump supporters "childless single men who masturbate to anime" just called all of us out on national TV.
Rick Wilson Calls out 8ch and Halfchan
Other urls found in this thread:
Rick Wilson is an impotent cuckservative and an enemy of Holla Forums. His opinion is less than worthless.
MSNBC actually paid someone to come up with that pun.
Can we not give Rick any more attention?
Call me out all you want Wilson, I'll always win because I don't have any niggers in my family tree :^)
be sure to exaggerate the pronunciation you fucking pussy
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
And the average person is watching wondering what these two fucking knuckleheads are talking about. It only serves to undermine their creditability.
Everyone knows trolls on the internet amount to nothing more than a fart in the wind. It is so out of the purview of the lives of people who are not SJW millennials tied to their social media accounts.
Hi Rick.
Here's a song someone wrote for you.
Now we're just gonna have more people come here and to halfchan's Holla Forums screaming and yelling at us
dubs of truth
Rick, you're first for the firing squad. You've got something coming to you.
what if rick wilson is one of us and he's just pretending to be a cuck to virtue signal?
I made it 3 seconds in before I got ear cancer from the faggot host. As of now I'm not sure if it's male or female.
Did I win the prize?
Another nobody good goyim cuck.
this just proves that rick always knew what he was doing when he was calling out the alt right anime masturbators, he could only call out 4chan and Holla Forums at 2:40 seconds in because trump retweeted that sheriff star picture.
So technically speaking the retards that keep on pushing for anti anime posting are now complicit with rick, they are literal shills who start crap.
Why does their opinions matter at all? They're worthless NEETs. Just spit in their face and laugh. Tell them just how worthless they are, or beat them up in an alley. Fuck, you could even slip them a roofie, rob them, and drop them off in the ghetto, naked.
They don't matter.
shut up namefag
Literally impossible. We reached the trolling singularity years ago & are stuck in a true logic loop where everything said is a redpill. The fact that they even acknowledged us proves they're scared.
Can you feel it? We're memeing everything into reality. We're close guys. We're SO close.
Which one of you glorious bastards did this. lmao
stop namefagging niggerkike
Those are pretty reasonable demands.
How did we get here indeed?
Mixed feelings
Should we be worried about another exodus?
Didn't realize it was still on :p
Oh no, drive more people to the redpill, how horrible.
start preparing. we're going to be flooded. the only thing that's kept it secret so far is our blaming 4chan and the fact that google b& us from their search results.
We're probably gonna need a new redpill thread then. The sticky turned into some an "it's not the jews, it's the 'Anglo-American Establishment'" autism fest because some infotard took too much penis juice.
Wrong. CNN mentioned us and nothing changed. You're wrong and gay.
As long as we stay on top of newfaggots, shitposters, and slide threads then sure, more people getting exposed to the redpill are great
The issues are staying on top of it all but I'm confident we can
I don't think I like this Rick Wilson fellow.
I don't think I like him one bit.
I don't know, the main path to power of your political movement being the transformation of the best nation that ever existed into a third world country might have something to do with it.
I wouldn't make too much of this just yet.
We should've been preparing bunkers on Tor/I2P/whatever network /g/ is jacking off over a long-ass time ago. I know /baph/ had some, but I remember them being unreliable and not having any active users.
I'm not saying it's not going to suck ass, because it is, but we've done this a time or two by now.
We should be able to absorb a LARGE amount of FNG's by now.
Nobody with any intelligence or power watches this shit anymore anyway.
Same with every other big TV network. Their viewership's are in free-fall.
The Overton window is shifting right faster than ever and these media companies will have to become either more extremist leftwing, or more extremist right wing just to retain viewers.
Anybody got any of that webbum?
Jesus cucking christ……
There is no "new" holocaust, there is only the first and the final Holocaust that will kill all the Jews. Only after every single Jew, and mind you, the eternal crypto-Jew too, has perished from this world can we have a lasting peace.
Hail Victory!
how new are you?
And we're going to make them into fucking lampshades.
No.. user……
Honestly this myth is kind of silly, because who would actually want a Jew lampshade in their house? Disgusting.
I don't much care for him either.
Does anyone have the pic of cuck wilson having a niglet grandchild?
You aint kidding.
MSNBC's highest rated show is Rachel Maddow and that snarky cunt barely breaks 700,000 viewers. More people watch Alex Jones or Stefan Molyneux.
Im waiting for the real deal, not this holocoaster, masturbation machine, it was real in my mind crap.
That feel when Jews accidentally meme a real holocaust into reality through all their lies about the fake one….
More people see that kikess here in Holla Forums by that single troll.
Did he just said screaming for (((Hotpockets)))? HAHAhaha
They see him as the final boss of the interwebs.
I don't understand these people.
Even by the most conservative estimate, it is clear that at least a third of the country is completely behind Trump. How can you just dismiss tens of millions of people as muh basement dwelling nahtzee keedz? We only have 2500 unique IPs, and half of those are shills, ffs.
It's fucking afraid at this point.
It knows it's dealing with literal wizards, and it's shitting itself over that fact.
I suppose you can include the millions of posters on 4chan, but half of those are probably Israeli government IPs.
I fucking love being the internet boogeyman. The thought that people would fear this website is fucking hilarious.
The other half are me.
Even the Jews at MSNBC are getting tired of Rick
I think part of it is that Ricky Boi is eternally shittershoahed from all the abuse he received when he and his tranny buddy tried to troll us on here.
We gazed into the abyss, d-didn't we?
Which we aren't. Are you retarded?
Someone needs to share this with Holla Forums it's too funny
I bet that a 100 years from now the most popular kvetch around the Jews will be about how we made hotpockets out of their children during the second shoah.
Is this guy literally retarded?
Serious question.
He is the primal cuck.
By our standards?
Yes, without a doubt.
Why are we asking for a new holocaust when we didn't get a first one?
Does this guy realize that masturbating to anime only makes our meme magic stronger?
For exactly that reason, last one we got was defective and only resulted in 271K dead kikes.
I guess his goal is to lose?
I also like how that faggots face on the left is like, "what the fuck is this guy talking about?".
I swear Rick's head could be photoshopped with a dick that no one would notice
Cuck WIlson Thread?
Cuck WIlson thread.
Implying Jews wouldn't be whipped out by their own mutlicultualism, feminism and Blacked Race mixing by than.
Wait really?
Stefan "Gas the Kikes" Molynux has more viewers than MSNBC?
He's an average IQ dope that made money by regurgitating stale neocon political opinions and now thats he's been made irrelevant he wants to point the finger at someone.
He has nothing left to talk about cept us new holocaust wantin, hotpocket munchin, internet nazis.
Take a look at his latest blog entry
I hate Rick WIlson with a passion
yeah he went wayyy too deep he lost him and the whole audience for sure. thats what happen when you dont contain your autism.
The only people who understood what he was talking about is him and us.
oh god my siedes
It sort of sounds like he's throwing down the gauntlet.
Fuck Rick
That feel when I unintentionally grew up to be a Nazi Wizard
I regret nothing.
I agree.
Fuck Rick.
The ultra-orthodox are so autistic about their own preservation that they will literally pop 8 babies out of their own cousins.
They aren't going away until their generic problems catch up with them.
Do you have that post where the user printed a picture of his daughter, jerked off onto it and sent it to Rick's wife?
Nor do I.
It's already happening.
He has some weak ass white genes if his daugher's half-niglet came out looking that black
Me neither and i am a Slav that was raised to hate the evil baby eating nazis.
So you're saying the holocoaster wouldn't be worth implementing?
The fact that they seem to be so afraid of this ragtag group of anonymous malcontents, conspiracy nuts, and shitposters is endlessly amusing to me.
They have all of the tangible power coalesced in their media apparatus and yet they wither when faced with faceless people on the internet that share wrongthink and point out obvious (((coincidences))) and flaws in their version of reality.
Think about how pathetic that is, they can't squash a backwater Cantonese zoetrope message board because they get mentally shoah'd every time they try to engage us. All of that tangible power may as well mean jack shit if they aren't able to do anything except kvetch about how bad those goyim on the internet are being.
Isn't this the cuck with the dindoo grand child?
It all comes down to chance. There's a chance your mudshark baby might pass as 100% white, or perhaps a full blown nigger. It's more commonly in the middle.
They fear us because they can't control us.
That hair line though
That's what 4chan posters said once.
He's an enormous cuck. He is such an easy target, and add in the fact that he is antagonizing us on national TV it's like he loves punishment. A true cuck in every way.
And shit got infinitely worse the last time they tried…
This is what it was like in the old days user.
The internet hate machine has been revived
PRAISE KEK!!!!!!!!!!
Not its highest rated show but a lot of the shows on MSNBC get under 100,000 viewers.
Molynex's youtube gets 75,000 to 100,000 views per video, per week on average. In addition to his daily podcast
Six Flags over a Burning Oven
Literally every time they mention a kike, they resort to the usual guilt trip bullshit of muh holocaust, I'm pretty sure its effect has started to wear out on people just like how the term "racist" lacks its power now, they scream the buzzwords and hope it cows people into being good goys just as they were indoctrinated in schools. But this won't stop us, nay… This won't stop Trump, send normalfags here, people will realize soon enough that we're right and that the globalist schemes of the Juden will be exposed to the masses, no one cares about cucks crying wolf over television, you could have Barack fucking Obama cry his crocodile tears about racist Holla Forums and people will just laugh. Your days are numbered, kikes!
God this really does feel like the old days.
Schizophrenia is a jewish disease too. The genetic markers have been identified.
Some body should make a mod of RollerCoaster Tycoon toot sweet.
Mein sides!
Rick, if you are reading this.
We know where you live.
We know where you sleep.
We know who your wife is.
We know who your daughter is (Coal-burner)
We know who you grand-nigger is.
Keep pushing cuck. See what happens, you won't be making the news, you will BE the news.
I caught that too. He strikes me as a Holla Forumsirgin gamergoy libertarian.
Admins don't touch the board.
Mod team isn't compromised.
Everything went better than expected.
I actually purged a bunch of his, Liz Mair and Jebs pics - as they don't matter - but I remember that one, epic.
Can't find the one with him dressed as a JEDI either. IRL. Pathetic.
Remember back when we were far-left ?
Was that just Bill being a retard.
I vaguely remember back to 2007 and I remember us always hating niggers.
What is there to recoil from?
Query to those in this thread:
Who is your favorite Touhou and why do you want to gas the kikes?
Hard mode: No Clownpiece
Yea that was just bill being a retard like always.
He wouldn't know a leftist if they marched up to him under a red banner and sent him to a gulag.
This is fucking brilliant, we're unstoppable because the kikes cannot face their darkest fear, the truth!
The one thing the Jew fears above all else is exposure, and they will use every trick in the book to stop people from calling them out or even realizing the truth, they will throw out "muh holocaust" every fucking time a Jew is called out. They will try everything but nothing will work, for we don't give a flying fuck about their holohoax, and we know them for what they really are.
They also fear the holocaust like niggers fear the concept of their grandpa's grandpa being slaves n'shieet. It also gives them the chip on their shoulders to claim that the world owes them something because of it, of course their plan is to literally own the world…
So they're stuck between a rock and a hard place, we're the guys who see right through their leis and stand firm in the face of media slander, because all that will do is send curious people over here to get redpilled… I've actually heard stories of ex shills on Holla Forums getting paid to shill for Hillary/bernie but they ended up realizing that Holla Forums was right and exposed the entire shill business and went full Holla Forums within a month or two. We can do this to thousands more normies and have many more people join our cause, this is brilliant! Thanks, cuckservatives for giving us a hearty meal to really sink our teeth into.
It's feeding time at Holla Forums!
You're a few years too late with that one, champ.
It's beautiful to watch it unfold
I remember when it was called a USB line
Chen is best girl
No one's coming here. It was around 2500 on the board on Saturday when this started, and it's still around 2500 now.
I am an oldfag and I am flummoxed at how powerful meme magic has become. Trump was a joke of a candidate just a year ago.
Then Bernie kicked the hornet's nest by playing to the progressive stack.
And the meme's became focused like a Cthulhu worshipper's ritual orgy.
Now, memes are about to make America great again.
Isn't touhou sort of a dead scene by now ?
At least all the porn jumped full on into the boatsluts train.
Nigga magic is real.
That's what we've been saying all along.
Welcome aboard sailor.
Do you ever think about having a country just for Kek worshiping anons?
Could we take back Egypt from the Muslims some day?
We truly live in dank times.
Where were you when Kikes got triggered by a dank meme?
IMHO next level trolling is killing corrupt politicians and businessmen hated by both the left and the right. Of course this is theoretically speaking
ps: not bolis
Cirno. I'm sure I would like another one just as much, but since I only play EoSD I don't think I should pick anything outside of it. I'm just here to shit on muslims and liberals. I'm sure you guys got the jew department covered.
Oni are best.
I'm almost half convinced there might be something to this meme magic shit. The metaphysical threads we've been having lately have been fascinating.
I like bullet hells, catchy music, and poorly drawn anime girls in silly hats, what can I say?
does this guy have any social media to troll? Please link if so
Right here checking those dubs.
Or maybe our worship of Kek has provided a locus of our collective meme power thus giving us the ability to actually challenge them.
I mean the Nazis eventually turned in Occultists too.
I guess History is repeating itself.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the rise of a jobless lost generation at exactly the same time the political order has started to lose control of its single meaningful mandate, ie protect people from harm and foreign invasion
It's okay, we believe you.
hi fbi
bulgarian interpol comin at you i do not fear the gypsy wizard
not really im just drunk and didnt sleep cos neighbour
I bet the rise of the National Socialists really felt like meme magic in the 1930s. It was surreal. It. Was. Magic.
the "born just in time for dank memes" meme has never felt so truthful.
It's magic, Anons! We have a very special and powerful thing here, we must cherish it and protect it at all times, never letting it slip into the hands of the enemy, Praise Kek! And let's make some MAGIC!
What you call magic is actually just fear entering the heretofore sedated lives of normies. The sublime comes from two elements: awe and fear. We Westerners have never been good at producing the second one through art and religion, we have to fabricate it in war and political turmoil
I'm willing to sacrifice these digits in Kek's name
Shouldn't he be Wojak?
Shameless self-check.
At least get something worth sacrificing before offering them.
This is a good chance to redpill hundreds if not thousands of people, yea… Summerfags will come and try to shit up the place but they'll either get triggered with racist dank memes and leave the site or maybe even drink some bleach, or they'll realize that "hey, these guys have a point." It'll be fucking hilarious either way as we trigger tons of SJWs getting butthurt over trump supporters on an internet Singaporean animated arts forum. They have no power here.
Make him Wojak for fucks sake.
Ok but who is wojak?
gimme a pic
The feels guy for fuck's sake.
Only saying this because of dem ID dubs.
I'm a glass half empty kinda guy. I'm worried that 8ch's posting quality will degrade to the maximum cancer level of cuckchan.
I guess as long as Holla Forums hangs around its usual number of ~3000 active users, we'll be alright.
get out from here's
Kill yourself
look at this newfag
Dont think hes all that popular m80
This is Wojak. Do you newfags know anything?
You silly that's Bill Wilson.
Rick's brother?
Our dank memetic energies are feeding back into themselves in a loop.
I have made 2 pepes
this was the second
I have just been practicing is all
and i now gotta kill myself
for not knowing who that retarded actor is
This is art
I'm neither a glass half full or half empty, I see the glass and realize it has water with flouride in anyway so I toss it into the sink :^)
Jokes aside… It's going to take a lot more bitching from the kikes for us to become cuckchan levels of cancer, I admit I've seen cringy summerfags about recently, but I feel it'll only be temporary, everyone was new once but I guess none of us were THAT new to the point where we discovered chans when we were 12 years old, most of them will leave when they realize they're not welcome but for those who lurk because of the media telling them who we are, they're in for a nasty shock too, most will leave and will forever see this place as some racist underground bunker for Hitler lovers but for those who read on a bit and debate us for a while will find that we indeed have a point, Holla Forums used to be primarily for political discussion, granted it's shifted somewhat to activism where most of us has similar ideas, (love of one's people, downfall of the corrupt globalist agenda, ect). There's plenty of other places one can go to debate online, just mentioning Holla Forums a few times gives us power to show normalfags who we are, we're putting our head above the ditch but the other side don't have any rifles to shoot us with. I think we'll be fine.
Oh hell, it's Fox news reporting on halfchan all over again.
I don't want to gas kikes. I want to dump them all in the middle east where they belong and watch them fare without our protection.
Holy shit, who paid him to do this? This is epic. Also I see he has a set of drums now instead of the logdrum, pretty cool.
The fact he's willing to say anything for donations sort of proves that those people are in need of donations or he knows absolutely no English and therefor doesn't know what he's saying. But it's lulzy either way.
I for one vote to start the Church of Kek. Step one; make T-shirts and meme it real.
At this point, I'm a pretty devout member.
It'll be fun to watch the SJWs try, and fail badly, to coopt it and the normies just scratch their heads.
And then gas them right?
Implying they wouldn't have subjected the surrounding populace and be building central banking systems within weeks of this….
This faggot will be hung from the highest tree when the new civil war comes here in the states. I cant wait to see leftist scum like him pay for what they have done to people.
Praise kek
Have some music.
It's like you guys haven't seen that webm before…
Granted it's funny but it's hardly a new one.
I can't believe we've come full circle and returned to a golden age.
Ideas enter the subconscious and become self fulfilling prophecies. It might as well be magic.
lel newfags keep pouring in
It's nice to have finally found my religion. Now, how do we get tax breaks and workplace protection.
Imagine this; imagine if it was illegal for your boss to fire you for shitposting on the internet. Because it's your religion.
Praise Kek, make it so.
Fuuuuuuuu why did I have to take a bite of cereal when that came up. Holy shit Rick Wilson is the greatest person to troll next to little benjamin.
Yes. Yes. YES!
Yeah, I don't want to know anything at all, just keep me in the dark. Who needs intelligence boards anyway?
These fuckers are going down. They don't understand the mistake they have just made.
Rev the engines boys. Time to let the world know the BIG LIE.
The newfags are already here.
If the Jews actually manage to use sand niggers as a host for their parasitic ways, all they'll end up doing is giving us an excuse to kill dune coons along with them.
this is my daughterfu
We're taking porn back.
Praise Kek!
Speaking of porn iv'e been mulling the idea of pushing the 3dpd meme to try to destroy the live porn industry.
I mean when it comes to filmed porn those are real daughters and sisters that get whored out.
2D porn in comparison is relatively harmless
Stand alone complexes exist
Plus MSNBC. Nobody actually watches that shit.
Ok thank you for the info.
Anime girls make me realize I want to have kids
I'll have a little explosion chan of my own one day
I thought i was the only one
I remember when showing pepes wasn't a revolutionary act!
You know this season there's actually an anime about a loyal dutiful father struggling to raise his daughter properly after his wife died of some unknown illness.
Japan is starting to create family orientated anime to try to boost their national birth rates.
I don't have a good Flandre remix in this old playlist I'm digging through, so I'll leave this instead. Just sharing old Touhou tunes.
some day, anons, some day
I'm fairly certain it's he who is giving us attention.
Lots of great images in this thread!
Doesn't it strike anyone as suspect, this whole situation?
If you look at the archived thread, nobody even noticed that Hillary pic, it was roundly ignored.
Who would archive a thread like that? You wouldn't normally do that for a random Holla Forums thread where nothing interesting happened.
Having archived it, what sort of person would then remember that they saw this picture (that nobody noticed) in this thread they just happened to have archived from 2 weeks ago?
Hypothesis: the Trump campaign posted it here and took the archive themselves, because they knew they were going to later post it on Twitter and they wanted to create the biggest shitstorm possible.
One last song from me, a song of judgment.
What a retard.
What is this guy thinking? Does he really think calling us out is going to do anything good for him?
Bad news buddy. Our numbers grow.
Perhaps he's trying to infect us with newfags.
Internet hate machine is back.
I'm ok with this.
Honestly I can't see anything else happening other than this being part of Trumps plot or they someone tricked Trump or one his interns to post the image after posting it here.
The only question is why would Trump want to associate with us?
Can we do another Youtube Porn day where instead we mass trigger liberals?
seems like 'lil rick gets off to us humiliating him.
Maybe sempai has noticed us and wants to utilize our meme magic?
Maybe this is all part of a Thule society plot.
Girl needs oats and squats.
I know none of us like (((CURRENT YEAR MAN))), but he actually did a great episode about this exactly…
I'm sorry to tell you we're much, much more sophisticated than both of those stereotypes. We've at worst turbo autist who regurgitate things more intelligent users post, and at best… well at best revolutionaries, philosophers, the enlightened of our time.
Ya think?
Thank You now I totally understand and tried to correct my error with a new image.
And I will never have to ask that question ever again.
You know iv'e been thinking about how modern imageboard culture has developed and become in a way what chanology should have been.
In the old days when we were kids we fucked with people for lulz and only lulz not giving a single shit about society at large.
As we grew up it was inevitable that we would start to care about things and people like us have always wanted to fight for a cause. Not chanology just went full fucking retard and went full moralfag not to mention they created an organization that was so susceptible to subversion that it's laughable.
But now we're the Internet Hate Machine and we're fighting for the cause that we've always wanted to without being faggots about it.
I know that we're always depressed about the state of imageboards but honestly I think that we're doing pretty well.
I may live in my mom's basement but I do have a job. What am I supposed to do, chase the American dream: An adopted niglet, a mortgage on the home and the cuckshed out back?
Nah, I can't fund RWDS's that way
Reminds me of
To be honest triggering videos will be pulled off faster than porn.
That's how stupid the world is today.
Go back to Encyclopedia Dramatica faggot
he sounds like a crazy anti-Trump faggot, normies will just ignore him
Tumblr then?
Can you even raid Facebook?
Pointless, but it might just work.
Completely fucking wrong. We want chicken tendies an a new holocaust, faggot.
Iv'e been hearing talk of tendies lately.
What the fucking is going on with fucking tendies?
They're tasty as fuck nigga.
I wonder if he is reading this thread right now?
spit out my tendies reading that
I hope he's reading this. I want my god damned tendies.
Checkin those tendies
What I like most about all these normalfag reports on us is how there is never actually a rational counter-argument presented. Its just "hurr durr ebil bigots shud be locked up!"
Its just so obvious they're terrified of us in every possible way. Terrified that the internet is going to put them out of work. Terrified of a medium where readers can actually challenge your condescending crap-columns rather than gobble it all up. And terrified of our actual views themselves.
Culture and memes start here and spread to the larger population.
Milo said it, now we have a textbook definition "establishment" guy saying the same thing.
It's real folks.
Are chicken tendies something like kfc strip chicken?
White chicken meat covered in some kind of deep fried shit?
Non burger here.
I like Chicken Tendies
Yea, fried and breaded strips of breast meat.
Tendies are like Fish-n-Chips, but with chicken replaced with fish and no chips.
That shit is delicious.
I love it.
Rick Wilson is butthurt that what used to be the exclusive domain of back room 'oppo research' teams like his now moves at the pace of 100s of post per hour and is vetted out through a focus group of thousands of vieweres.
We have a political machine operating here, testing what memes work, bubbling them from the ether, sharpening them through the crowd, and sending them like psychological thunderbolts into the lighter, brighter web.
BTW Rick, because I know you will be reading this:
The 'clever' and 'subtle' peoples' racism all all around you, your family, your coworkers. They see your mulatto granddaughter and think "what a shame that is", and are inwardly glad that it hasn't happened to them.
We all do, user. It's the Official Sustenance™ of Kek.
Played most of the 2hu games and my waifu is cirno.
And if the kikes aren't gassed i guess that's fine as long as it's some other type of shoah.
Speak for yourself
Hey I still own some of those pic's too. Lmao
I like the joo one
Sometimes I wonder what Matt Furie thinks about a large group of Nazi wizards literally worshiping some random frog that he drew over a decade ago.
That is probably the least strange thing going on in this current year.
The more I watch it, the more it seems like the guy on the left is thinking
Just tory shitposters, user, just ignore them like a good lad.
I haven't seen that picture in years user
Wait is this some brit/pol/ meme that I was left out of?
They're too cool for hotpockets across the pond.
Only successful suicides can see the face of wojak.
but he did
Well fuck, prepare for yet another normie invasion.
He doesn't know anything bout either board if he doesn't mention the frog god.
What a pleb, babbys first hacker on steroids internet hate machine.
Roll the footage of the exploding van, susan.
The reason they fear us is that we live outside their propaganda bubble and they are afraid people will come here.
Every single person on FB, Twitter, etc have mainstream opinions, believe everything the MSM tells them.
They are essentially like those people in the tubs in Matrix, they feed energy into the system and pose no threat whatsoever unless they are exposed to us.
But eventually, a lot of people through their lives will start to see the flaws in the system, start to doubt it and look for answers outside of it, especially when the system overplays its hand like it's doing now.
They don't realize that "everything is white males' fault, import rapists by the millions and don't mind the jews own the information system" is not any more credible than Holla Forums's most far-fetched theory.
A lot of them will read Holla Forums or similar sites. Maybe the first time the shock value is too high and they go back to the edge of the bubble, but Holla Forums left some questions in their mind and eventually some of them will return or find their way to combat the jewish estabilishment and the ongoing destruction of the fabric of Western culture.
They may be scared to name the jew and use different rethorics to tip-toe around it, but ultimately deep down they know.
That's all it matters. Once the goyim know, they won't trust the jewish estabilishment and their narrative, and there is nothing the system can do to change that.
Why does this guy even bother with us like that on national T.V. ?
It seems to me that the right way of dealing with us would simply be to co-opt and D&C, no ? What he's doing is illogical, it's like he's sort of angry at us for being better than him at political propaganda and he's out for vengeance because after his first attempt at making us look stupid we uncovered all the dirt that we could find on him and his degenerate family.
You don't deserve ID dubs. You should've lurked some more.
why did I come here? God dammit.
This is basically me. This place is too powerful.
Honestly, if you're a newfag, get the fuck out while you can.
He's kind of our dark mirror image.
We say "Look! It's the Jews!" And even though we're right, everyone dismisses us and thinks we're insane.
He says "Look! It's the Anons!" And even though he's right, everyone thinks he's insane.
The difference is that we haven't done anything wrong, the Jews have.
It's far, far too late. I'm here till the ride ends. I feel like I bought a one way ticket to the Twilight Zone, everything was a-ok and normal before I started on this shit.
That's a bunch of horseshit.
t. Ben Garrison
If it's really you, pic + timestamp.
Ikr? I had a whole fucking career path going and then this shit hit me.
Fucking hell. Although I came to terms with it ages ago. I'm here for ride no matter what.
Boo hoo.
Too risky. You understand.
We the few, have done so much for so long with so little, we are now fully qualified to accomplish anything with nothing
t. Holla Forums
If that kikess wasn't a kike I would schlong her so hard.
Where the webm tho?
Not webm but whatever
Jesus christ user
based user
One of US!
Yeah okay FBI.
Whatever you say bro.
He's nothing. He's not even a man.
It's because Rick Wilson has been gaslighted so badly that he's on national tv crying about shit other people won't even understand. He's constantly flooded with mentions calling him a cuck.
We're driving him insane and it's working.
The Vendors meme has been floating around for a while, but it got a big boost recently when a Bernout posted on Plebbit saying that his mom brought him a plate of chicken nuggets and he knocked it out of her hands in a fit of rage because Bernie lost the primaries.
r/the_donald took that copy pasta and fucking ran with it hard.
Tendies* meme
Fucking autocorrect
praise kek
i like how, where ever in the world you find hasidic jews they always look the same. the hasidic jews in your pic looks the same as the hasidic jews in brooklyn, ny for example
gotta be all that incest they doing
praise kek
Seeing that piece was bringing up memories of Faux News reporting on Holla Forums so many years ago. Glad to see I'm not the only one.
That's Heqet's name in that pic you memeless fuck.
I'm against the gorespam for this reason. We actually want well-intentioned normalfags to stumble in here, it doesn't actually hurt us in the long run even if it can be a short-term nuisance. The only thing that can hurt us is if the mods are hostile which they probably are but whatever.
Get a job, Rick.
Wait I thought Glen Beck was our Anthony Burch
cant we have 2?
what's that third pic about?
Rick is ours, Glen is Trump's.
Trump has lots of Burches to make fun of actually, he's actively creating more at every moment.
This is well said. It needs acknowledgement.
You know what turned people against the jew? The subprime mortgage crash and the student loan bubble. They got greedy.
what the cuck is this guy talking about
Wait wait what? Was Tay an aspect of Ebola-Chan then?
ricks such a big fag he has a nigger baby.
t. Been in oppo research for 20 years and this is truly revolutionary
It's simple, really. Ban outright aggression and people will find a way 6o be passive aggressive. Instead of saying you're a shitty parent for letting your daughter burn the coal, people will just stop inviting you to parties.
He is a cuck
Y'know, Rick "Are you kidding me?" Wilson is right about one thing. You can't look through Trumps twitter feed for long before you come across memes that have come off this board. During the campaign for the nomination, people in Trump's campaign team must have stumbled across this 8ch and Holla Forums.
Maybe the Holla Forums effect will work its wonders on his team.
Good summary.
There are also many of us who were brought up in the multicult/feminist world who have enough life experiences. Mormons, Jews and Freemasons rip non-tribe members off as a matter of course. It's not JUST kikes. The white tribe is just reacting to decades of abuse, and we know how to fight back far, far more effectively if we're provoked.
In essence we are simply giving our peers The Talk.
Pussies who can't even bring themselves to scroll past gore aren't worth anything
I've picked up a terrible habit of calling people faggots thanks you Holla Forums
Fuck that shit, we'll end up like reddit if it happens. We need to spread what we create here, outside. Otherwise you're doing exactly what kikes are doing to the west, shipping rapefugees in a great environment.
more smear, getting to them.
I'm the opposite. I was seen as being creepy or insane when I spoke my mind, then I found Holla Forums and thought: damn there are other people who can smell the bullshit and spot where it comes from.
no you didnt if sugary drinks had sugar youd be fat, oh wait.
Hot Pockets & Holocaust
When I first heard that Rick Wilson's son was a piss pimp, that was when I realized nothing he said or claimed to stand for really meant anything. He is a mercenary out to make a dollar and ruin the United States future and nothing more. His supposed traditionalism and conservatism raised a no good piss pimp son, clearly to Rick Wilson the United States is just another John to piss in the mouth of. No more!
many youtubers get better ratings than tv shows
his son
This Rick Wilson guy is a terrible father.
if you're gonna make a meme, at least spellcheck it first you tard.
He mentioned the name of our site on national news.
This is Holla Forums's "Fox News segment" moment. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Couldn't have said it any better if I was Aslan himself.
Everyone wants to call Holla Forums abunch of trolls, meanwhile the real troll army keeps soldiering on. The paid force of professional Zionist shills, the JIDF, cucks everything they touch. They're so concerned about Holla Forums when by all that's right they oughta be concerned about the Jew that really fucks with their heads and yanks their hearts.
Goddamned lying, manipuative, subversive, racist, even genocidal Jews. If they want to focus on some foil, it's the Jew.
fuckity fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuckity all the way fuckity fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck
god the world is a boring fucking place today.
Yeah I did notice it straight after I posted it. No one else did though apparently. But fixed it for you my friend. Now will be interesting to see both floating around.
Probably bad, but not for us so much as MSNBC, they're already losing viewers as it is. Paying attention to us does not make them look professional whatsoever.
That fucking interviewer.
that pic. why I never saw it before?
I'm starting to believe that summerfags are a real thing.
Once we outlaw gorespam, what will you suggest next to make the board safer for normies? That's political correct culture, fuck that shit and fuck you for even suggesting it, faggot.
If the normies can't handle that, then they don't deserve to be here.
Rick lost all credibility when he started raving about monglian pictogram girls and racist green frogs. He's clearly schizophrenic. We should do the right thing and push for him to be committed.
pussies who can't stomach gore can't stomach the redpill either 99 times out of 100
Fuck hiding your 'powerlevel'. Just go all out, if they can't see it, teach them.
Hahaha. We should start gangstalking him in a thousand subtle ways leaving him with no doubt that we are fucking with him, but crucially, no evidence whatsoever. Then maybe he goes on television and starts throwing all these delusional accusations at an anonymous anime message board. He would at the very least look like a paranoid maniac, he would probably lose his job.
Tendies are disgusting
my sides
that is a Chomsky quote
Gore may actually be the first redpill. It was gore on Holla Forums that put me in the mindest of looking at the world as it really is, regardless of how disturbing and fucked up it may be. The man who can look at gore, despite it being disturbing, is a man who rejects dreamland and seeks out cold, hard reality.
His grandchild is a nigger, so who's the REAL loser here?
The yellow bastards does it again.
It would be impossible for anyone to troll us. Without a doubt, once you step foot on our cyber-soil, you either leave as one of us, or severely psychologically damaged.
fuck off autist
Nah, Trump memeticians worship Momizi (awoo), we have Clownpiece, and the dojin field has been cleared and now only the best endure.
These last few years is a blessing for 2hu fanboys lol
My favourite Touhou is Flandre and I want to gas the kikes because they are behind the majority of the world's ills. Medical intervention is needed - exterminate the parasites.
That only works with cucked up organizations that give a fuck about PR.
they tried co-opt and D&C us, did you forget about 4chan?
In the wired everyone is connected.
He actually said eight-chan. I am baffled. Here I am, a German speaking Internet basement dweller and suddenly, the glasfront synagogue mentions my preferred anti-hangout place to be.
Why would they mention the name?
Slurs =/= 'powerlevel'
Who dis?
This is the same retard that called Trump supporters childless men that masturbate to anime.
Now, not saying that isn't the case for me. It's true, 100% true. But regardless, he saying this shit on TV, where normalfag Trump supporters are watching and wondering what the fuck is this retard going on about?
He's accusing Trump of trolling us and using pictures to dogwhistle us, as much as I wish it was true, I doubt it. But here's Rick "My Daughter Fucks Niggers and I watched" Wilson doing the exact same thing, except blatantly. I mean mentioning us, and "making fun" of us on TV? Something tells me he likes to get trolled.
He changed up the insults though, thought he would just go to the anime insult again. But then again that didn't work the first time. And calling for a "new" Holocaust? Rick, there was never a Holocaust to begin with.
You can tell when America has misplaced priorities when they consider right-wing shitposters to be a bigger threat than a religion associated with four major terrorist attacks this year.
Rick is the establishment's go to man for analysis of the "alt-right". He's being showcased again because of Trump's evil anti-semitic sheriff's star tweet.
I heard about you on MSNBC. While there may be some validity to your positions, I'll be happy to correct the flaws in your thinking.
But first things, first. How do I register for this site, configure my signature and upload my avatar?
summerfag of 2015 detected
Never change user :) because if you do I'll fucking find out where you live and fuck your boypussy with the bayonet of my rifle
Why is MSNBC giving airtime to NEETphobia?
Makes me want to give him money.
he's a fun guy
Wow, that's some raid we got going on right now
I want this to happen. Just to make things even more hilarious.
Well, I had a shock a few days ago because pdnsd went tits up. So you can always troll yourself.
If I was a normie coming here, I would be stunned how there is a place where apparently completely open discussion happens. How can that be? What is it about? Why? And react either horrified "they are organized internationally" or "uh, they have the same problems abroad?"
Most normies can't post here because of the dns-filter.
Welcome to the Church of Meme Magic, newfag friend.
I advice you to lurk more.
Irrelevant these days, really.
Yeah, that's one of us.
What's your point?
The tender is the small muscle under the chicken breast. Like short ribs, its popular bc its cheaper.
Now clean your room, robots.
Sun-Zuk. The Art of Cuck.
KEK is bringing the fight to the Kikes.
All Kikes will go to Hell.
No exceptions.
Only a dead Kike is a good Kike. We must slay them all.
Anyone who sides with them, will die.
No exceptions.
VS Verschlisssache
Control-Department II/UP
Only for Minister
Highly Classified
Secret States-Contract from 21. 05. 1949
Here: Missing of Copy Nr. 4
Dear Minister
Copy Nr. 4 of the Secret States-Contract between the Allied Powers and the provisional Government of West Germany dated 21.05.1949 is definitely missing.
The Secret States-Contract reveals amongst others:
- Media control/oversight by the Allied Powers over German Newspapers and Broadcasting Media until 2099.
- The so called 'Chancellor Contract', the document which every German Chancellor must sign by order of the Allies, before swearing the Oath of Office.
- also the Bondage of the German Gold Reserves to the Allied Powers.
In case the Copy Nr. 4 of the Secret States-Contract should end up in the wrong hands, I would recommend to deny its Authenticity.
Dr. Hickermann
Minister of State
Well, Verschliss of Germany, no less.
you know whats funny though? The further we go, the less that bothers me. Anime watching masturbator? Masturbating to anime? Not even as close to how bad it must feel to be a jew
That sounds pretty awful.
I miss you so much, Tay.
You're like the daughter I never had.
"He wouldn't disavow David Duke…"
Someone really needs to make compilations of the hundreds of lying kikes that repeat this lie, each compilation being bookended by the multiple clips available of Trump clearing up the David Duke matter. Disgusting kikes lying over and over again.
Also, is it too late to call dibs on beating Rick Wilson to death with my bear hands? He needs to meet a grizzly end.
If that's your OC then 10/10.
It's called Verschlusssache or Unter Verschluss
Thanks, I didn't want to go to jewtube
If I had missed the anime thing, I would wonder how the fuck he got on tv
Now I wonder if his jewish overlords knew he was going to mention da jooz, holocaust, hillaries star and shekels (I hadn't noticed the money tbh)
It would be fun to cyber-bully the old fart some more, but he's so irrelevant it hardly seems worth it.
But I'm Jerking it to Reimu's armpits and I don't even give a fuck.
They can endlessly keep the ovens burning.
Being so irrelevant could be an advantage for us. This guy is not a Soros or Rothschild, we could potentially break him. Send The Message to the people that are paying attention, both those influenced by his act and his handlers. If we bully him to death, the weakness of his faction and ideology are revealed. It's similar to what's going to happen in the Trump v Hilary debates. He is going to bully her skull in with the hammering rhetoric only available to those who can literally list their opponent's criminal actions ranging from conspiracy to commit murder to high treason. And then if she doesn't have a stroke on stage which might kill her, but might just leave her a crippled and self-soiled heap on the podium, no one that won't have to be executed alongside her will consider voting for her.
I guess the point is, always bully. When one bullies for JUSTICE, never cease until the evil has been removed. That old cuck is running his mouth again, apparently the last round of bullying didn't do anything but increase his hatred of us.
Can you imagine what he must sound like to the normies that graze on mainstream media? Hounding after the phantom fringes has dragged him out to the edge. Everything he says is charged with the energies of the void, even while he rails against it in his rhetoric. Just saying it causes the threads of that controlled world to fray a bit more.
That's what makes it the worst insult ever created. Everyone that doesn't jerk it to anime just thinks to themselves
And everyone that does,
It's an insult that offends the speaker more than anyone else. Sasuga cuck-kun
I already have one
Exactly. It eventually gets to the point where you rice your rifle out in weeb keychains for whatever reason.
The NSDAP started in the occult actually' not the other way around. Most of the founding members were from the Thule group and Vril society. It was also initially funded by the two aforementioned groups. the Vril society apparently also channeled the schematics for flying saucers from an alien race millions of light years away
inb4 tinfoil. Research Admiril Byrd
I disagree, but I like your thinking, especially with regards to hillary.
I'm not sure that he will sound that terribly odd to normies, I imagine most will just go 'the holocaust is scary, nazis support trump, israel our greatest ally.'
It does feel like this could be a way to get more jewish stuff mentioned on tv, if he hasn't already been shut down.
There's a clip I can't get to work now where a guy tries to make a joke about incest porn. Like talking about masturbating to anime, there's no good way out of that convo except to NEVER MENTION IT AGAIN.
My favorite Touhou character is Suwako and I hate kikes because of their shameless exploitation of the Holohoax, which they blew out of proportion thanks to the falsified reports that they forged in many of the post-war kangaroo courts. It has been over 60 years ago, yet you're still using it as an excuse to get a free pass on EVERYTHING: the insane manipulation of media, the lobbying, the atrocities you're committing against the Palestinians in the lands you STOLE thanks to your Jew friends in the United Kingdom.
Everyone knows what you're doing and you've been doing in these 50 years, the only reason this spiral of silence still exists today is because you'd be called a Nazi, an anti-semite, you'de be ostracized from society.
Can you imagine a Kurd terrorist being excused because 90 years ago the Ottomans attempted to kill his people? It would be inexcusable, but then again Jews have their friends in Hollywood who love to line their pockets by tugging at goyim's heartstrings.
I'm fucking sick and tired of your slimeball tactics. If you really have the support of people in the western hemisphere then are you still wasting no effort to influence and manipulate public opinione, kikes?
Not to mention that they're sperging out over 2500 shitposters on a Zhengzhoudian rice-cooking forum.
I want a world where only the strong and beautiful matter. Why are these fat losers on TV telling us what to think? In better times we could just gut them like the fat pigs they are.
Amazing how quickly they jumped into bed with the left….Not "blue dog dems" but the full blown commie leftists of the current year.
Could…could we do that?
Praise Kek
Ackshually, it's called Infinichan or Infinitechan, that's not a number eight, it's the infinity symbol.
I wondered what the
was about
Trump: "Who are you, what have you ever done, and why should I care what you have an opinion on Mr. Wilson?"
Wilson: "If, if, if, If, if, if, If, if, if….."
>The internet is viciously shitposting for Trump everywhere to the point where Rick Wilson CIA's brother has to note you can't not find it every other click
We have destroyed a man's life and it feels great.
Feels good being the internet hate machine again. When are they going to show vehicles going boom again
while there are so many people here, can you guys help me name my car? :^)
Press IF to pay respects
Oh my god that has me in tears.
Guilty, but not ashamed. I only ever masturbate to my waifu as some kind of Tantra.
Just an EUROPOL agent passing by, can you give me the source on this one?
Thanks. I will skip the selector for this thread, if you do :)
Uncle Punjabi is based.
It's a feature
I'm with this guy:
Get out.
gorespamming is 13-year old on Holla Forums nigger-tier. If there are normies among us then we should spam redpills instead.
Sometimes we used to hentaibomb shill threads on halfchan.
No one is suggesting we outlaw gore. The point is that thinking gorespamming is the only tool in your arsenal because you're a 13-year old edgelord makes you just as bad as normiescum.
And the shills probably jerked off to it
These people still don't understand the origins of our power.
Wasn't it mentioned in this thread that some one mailed his wife a picture of their daughter that has been jizzed on? And he did nothing? It would be way better to send more Mormons, pizza, flowers, and whole albums of ejaculate in crusted pics.
I addendum. It really makes less sense to make him a Martyr.
BO is still a subhuman fuck but I'll admit this one is funny
I wonder if Rick Wilson actually prepped the bull for his daughter when she conceived the little niglet.
I wonder if he had to jerk Tyrone off, maybe even suck him off a bit everyone now and then.
I wonder if the prospect of having a bastard nigger grandson gave him a stiffy.
I seem to remember someone tweeted a tribute pic to the woman, her mom, or someone. They freaked out, I'm sure it got shut down to not draw attention to his family.
==HI KIKES==>>6592440
I hope Trump picks Kris Kobach as VP. That would make Rick's head explode since Kobach is the ultimate assassination insurance.
the date was 1/20, if anyone else doesn't organize shit
It's a nice idea but if that worked then followers of Christ wouldn't have to worry about losing their jobs for saying bad things about sodomites on Twitter. What we need to be doing is actively looking for a way to protect our livelihoods in the case that people IRL find out we're posting on Holla Forums. It shouldn't be an underground thing. We should partially take a lesson from Toiletlaw but instead of going the "my wife and kids are more important" route we need to have a way of protecting our freedom of speech. Normalfags constantly post that retarded XKCD comic claiming freedom of speech doesn't protect us from social consequences. Fuck them. It's been pointed out that the 1st Amendment isn't protecting our freedom of speech because censorship has been sold out to the private sector, and it's fucking true. So what if we don't go to jail? We're stuck with the even worse consequence of having our reputations ruined when we're caught saying mean things about black people and sodomites on Twitter. This is unacceptable. Anyone smart enough to understand the social consequences of holding our views doesn't use their real name on the internet. I don't use my real name on the internet. But why shouldn't we be allowed to use our real names? Why do we have to live in fear that spreading the truth can hurt our reputations?
Man those were great threads. Like 3 of them hit the post cap.
You're seeing the edited version. This is the original.
That's a lot of effort to blow on a sad man. On the fip side why dose he want Hillary to win?
Welcome to Holla Forums
now get out
Good times mang
Rick layed low for a while after that first onslaught.
That pic is old bud..
Are you new?
Praise kek
good times
It was obviously Rusty Shackleford.
Neocohens are Trotskyists. Always were.
Enjoy your AIDS.
Been here since First exodus, bud. Doesn't change the fact that he still whacked it to a coalburner, even if it was for the lulz.
Think we could get recognition as an Orthodox Autocephaly?
Red Paladin reporting in.
Oh shit, just realized something.
We've all taken heed to the Call of thule.
eh…. not sure if that was from those threads
I'm done
…and got it on her families public twitter.
And of course the JewTube channel, PenorCut, was taken down months ago. RIP
How can you do it? I like animal and mango and I do find 2D butts and flat chest aesthetically and sexually appealing but it looks to pure to despoil it with carnal releases, even the hentai.
God dam I can't stand that little faggot from msn.
I don't think he stands to gain much anymore. His "childless, single men" comment only went viral because of the shock factor, he's tried to replicate it a few times now to little success. He's such a fat, old, boring, dumbo-earred cuck nobody really wants to listen to his edgy ass moan about the evil internet trolls. I'll tell you right now I'm going to bombard him with smug anime reaction images all fucking day when Trump finally takes it. He is by far the one I expect some of most butthurt reactions from.
made 3 MP4 clips, each with the core parts, in case someone don't want to post the entire thing.
also, 360 res…
Don't orgasm.
I haven't even seen a single anime episode in my entire life, so this doesn't bother me at all.
It doesn't bother anyone.
improved version…
bet you this will, though.
It doesn't bother the people who do masturbate to anime too! Rick picked the lamest insult ever, it doesn't insult people it doesn't apply to, and it only makes the people who it does apply to laugh.
I've watched 15 or so of LotGH, yet I would rather call myself a weeb then go along with that pathetic attempt at shaming.
We need to make meme magic restricted chans only, we don't need horrible shit like SCP becoming real.
I sent that to Rick Wilson, he blocked me. I also told him that he prepped the bull that inseminated his daughter.
What is he, their "trolled by the internet" expert?
I give 1:3 odds he kills himself this year
Mark my fucking words, 10 years from now we will witness a republican nominee getting called out for tripfagging on Holla Forums.
12 years from now.
and he'll just say "So was Donald Trump…"
Oh, for fuck's sake, it's MSNBC…nobody watches it, it's entirely unimportant, and if you work for it you're a nobody.
They didn't mention Holla Forums anyway, and the crap they're vomiting up is just more "Trump is Hitler!" nonsense.
some are.
incoming sperging about anarchism and multicuckery
replace Holla Forumsack with alt-righter or whatever those spergs are calling themselves these days.
I support you being shot by independent agents acting in their own self interest for just 1 fucking dollar.
Nothing he thinks, says or does will ever change the fact his descendants will no longer look anything like him.
let me help you out there friend
"My next question is for Mr. Hyde and Mr. Garrison…"
Yeah, I'm sure that of all boards on Holla Forums they meant Holla Forums or something, not Holla Forums. Are you trying to be this dumb?
Except most of us just laughed our asses off and posted smug.
I'm not quite sure if it's magic, per se, as much as it is the simple fact that consensus constitutes reality.
The Holohoax didn't really happen, but enough people believe it did, so it did. The Earth was never the center of the universe, but enough people believed it was, so it was a fact. Same kind of shit now, but because we have internet, burner accounts, and other manner of goodies and gadgets, ideas and thoughts can spread farther, faster, and delve deeper. Consensus, doubt, whatever you want, can spread and take root. Objective fact is rarely ever taken into consideration, not even in finances where it's all digits. Control perception, and you control the world.
I started browsing in 2013, btw, so take what I say with a grain of salt
The weak should fear the strong
Holy shit.
And don't forget that
were also discovered.
That's honestly brilliant as it is simple. Can't believe no one else thought of this until now.
Seriously, why would you want to leave? Have you ever had 2,000 people pressure you to better yourself? Forced you to look and scrutinize reality? Holla Forums is a fraternity, a family, a clan.
Saw this day old lugenpresse paper at work today, took a glance at it and grinned ear to ear seeing the words 'Holla Forums' and 'cuckold' on the front page.
let's give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume he is pointing out them being clueless.
All those fucking buzzwords.
I think he meant that, if this does cause someone to visit Holla Forums, they won't know what board to go to. Also, you guys don't have to worry. Googling "Holla Forums" leads you to that .pl honeypot. Nobody's gonna come here because of this
I thought we were a Madagascan drum circle board.
All the fucking normies will be diverted to 8ch.pl which is catalogued while we are safe here on 8ch.net. I usually despise Google for being a pozzed kike-infested shithole of a company, but at least their attempt at squashing us has made us invisible to normie faggots.
fuck off back to >>>/cuckservative/
I think you mean Colombian basket appreciation webzone.
there has literally been no proof that .pl is a honeypot. In fact, 8ch.net, being owned and ran by a guy who literally has genuine connections to data-mining in the past, is more likely to be a honeypot than a site owned and ran on the free server space of czaks' polish chan
I wonder how many times rickers has seen that image. not enough times, I think
Maybe it's not a honeypot, maybe it is. Regardless, it's not the site Wilson was talking about, and that's all that matters
very true
no, you ignorant nigger.
they turn into us. it is inevitable.
I love the smell of red pilled newfags in the morning…
Do they know stalking us on chans doesn't mean knowing shit about the "alt-right" ?
On paper, with a crude model, maybe.
In real life it is not possible, can only "pass" to racially unawares who have normalized race mixing (Americans.)
That hotpockets line was pretty funny.
Kek. Now THAT surely got under his skin.
The fuck is that? I must investigate.
That guy is an absolute faggot, I can smell the wimp in him.
These numbers are surely deflated. This is surely all just a ruse, an elaborate scapegoating mechanism designed to rouse a reaction that must be provoked. All the major continents and or powers are quartering themselves off, the intimacy of the internet has proven too much to bear. Issues of copyright, of intellectual property, of loyalty to state, essence of privacy and the freedom to speak, these abstractions have breen drawn together so fast by the inextricable momentum of globalization that all parties recoil from one another, unsure of what they are, or have become, as mass entities, classes or individuals. This endless negotiation, or overcoming.
From the information nations technology flows nigh unhindered. From the almost now-industrial, resources flow back.
Astride this chasm, like forever, ride the these ghosts, the figments of our minds.
2008, I heard the name Obama, and I knew he would be president. Had I been a wise man, I would have bet on it. Now, CURRENT YEAR, I realize that had I have been a wiser man, I would have simply stopped posting.
is "image is code" the new "bulling is rabbit"?
or am i too fucking old and no one will get that reference
He's got moves, fatso
death to false gods
>"J-J-Just block them!"
Holy fuck, liberals are so fucking retarded.
The people you're blocking don't magically disappear when you bury your head in the sand.
Do they not even comprehend object permanence? Even babies comprehend object permanence.
Do these cucks genuinely believe if they cover their eyes the world around them stops existing?
We've reached a level of purely emotion-based thinking that is outright suicidal. You cannot think this way & survive. You'll die.
It's not accidental. There's a reason they're obsessed with the idea of being wiped out, to the point where holocaust porn became wildly popular in Israel. They're starting to take antidepressants now, but it won't save them. The spirit of regret, grief, and suicide; the spirit of Judas Iscariot is upon the Pharisees, more heavily now than ever, and he won't be going away until the second coming of Christ. ("If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?")
We really have become a thorn in there side have we? Keep it up pol this only proves our memes have true power over these fools.
So close my friend :^)
is this news to you?
I am going to assume you are new to the red pill.
try sitting trough one of TheYoungTurks rants about Trump, and why he can't win.
doubtful- why bring sand to the desert
Fucking hell, I came here to get a giggle out of seeing Holla Forums yell about "da joos" and about all the stupid shit going on.
Now here I am questioning all the shit public school lodged in my brain. Holocaust and all. You know I remember taking a college equivalent course in high school on US History and got the impression that all the anti-commie stuff didn't do anything and wasn't right. Oh also remember that America did a bunch of awful things to a lot of minorities, feel bad goy!
Makes my blood boil thinking about the level of manipulation and destruction that's been waged and for what? Destruction of all that is good in the world for some bullshit.
Sage for blogshit.
It's now new yet I'm still in awe of it. It's baffling to witness.
different form of trolling.
goes back to the original meaning of the word, prior to the origin of coolface (who later was called trollface)
we now have dragged the original meaning back into memestream, and refer to it as baiting
things come full circle
worst part, I remember all this shit, don't need to visit memecentral or knowyourmeme to know this
if you ever even once think that something was done to commies that they didn't deserve, just read pic's related.
welcome to the red pill
Woah there Rick Wilson, need I remind you of midgets in clown suits.jpg and how crazed and retarded you sound?
At least you were honest with namedropping jews instead of the dance around the bush "anti-semetic"
I wouldn't doubt it that a society of roaches that have plagued and destroyed civilizations from hundreds to thousands of years would be in a mental turmoil of subconsciously desiring to face just punishment for all the shit they've done.
holy fucking shit he actually fucking did.
lets take that guy down he is a fucking shit. he needs some quality place somewhere good. maybe in a warm place with his jew friends… an oven comes to mind
if you can watch TYTurds you have an iron will man. i cant fucking watch this shit anymore after all the blatant hypocrisy given how many shitskin incident we had the past year. and i cant even stomach the existence of that little shitskin kebak cenk, stink or whatever the fuck his name is
Holla Forums is always right.
I can't watch it…
some user just posted it after Brexit, and I did a "why do I hate myself this much"…
Still, that "muh diversity" rant was such a blatant example of maximum pozzed in online leftists "MSM" (aka echo chamber)
worst part:
they clearly have serious funding from someone, and it's not just sponsors.
I suspect Soros.
You can if emotions are well informed. In fact, that's optimal. There are somethings that do not require rational thinking. The problem isn't that people are being irrational, it's that they are programmed wrong.
You don't need to rationally explain why licking a pile of shit is wrong to any sensible person, but in a sphere where most aren't sensible it's "it doesn't effect you" and "ackchyually the chances of contracting diseases from feces is not that high."
Jesus Christ