Brittany herring case (may she dwell in hell)

Can we destroy those fucking apes please Holla Forums ?
I am not Holla Forums at all and don't like trump but this shit makes my blood boil.
fuckin makes me sad…
May they be tortured and raped in jail.

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ooga booga , bitch nigga bitch nigga, fucking disgusting.


Fucking newfag, and it's not personal.

who cares

The only thing Holla Forums will be mad about is that they didn't kill the tard and they have to keep paying for his existence.


because it's not personal you dumb fuck.
what's personal about it????


you're a trump supporter

How doesn't this shit make you angry you stupid fag?

I am not a trump supporter at all, and couldn't care less about politics, but this is so wrong and makes me angry as fuck.

back to facebook faggot. you're the cancer killing chans

lol faggot

I'm looking forward to seeing more of this and all of you sad fucking basement dwelling, trump voting mens rights manlets getting kidnapped and having your teeth smashed in by buxom black women. You'll be cumming in your pants and shitting in them at the same time.

yes,riiiitttteeee, I am the cancer.
I am the one that is dismissing every raid as a PA request when you don't even understand what a personal army request means.
You are the one making the chans tame and lame.
get fucked you fucking cunt.

I don't like trump or politics, but this is fucked up how they torture this kid.

Oh fuck off you pansy how is it any more fucked up compared to half the other shit you see on here? They barely touch the boy.

yes, you're the literal cancer. raids are about the lulz. where's the fucking lulz in your pathetic petition for justice?

well yes, it's for great justice.
we used to raid for this too before.
it's not strictly for the lulz I have to admit.

I feel bad for him man, you would be angry too if someone did this to you or to your brother/son…etc

The gore/edgy/cruelty …etc does not bother me here, but also those niggers are fucking disgusting,loud obnoxious and dumb.
I think Holla Forums hates people like this.

I don't hate black people but I do hate niggers, and those people are very niggers.

look at this picture. it's people like you who turned us into New Anonymous

You're pathetic. If I had someone as dumb as this fuck for a brother then I'd disown my brother. How would you feel if those niggers were your brothers and sisters like? Because that example has about as much relevance as the one you gave me mate.

I prefer a lulzy raid yes, but there isn't that many lulzy raids around so why the fuck not?
also Holla Forums raided hal turner, raided that kid who abused dusty the cat…etc
part of it was that Anonymous would do something horrible then something kind.
and back then Anonymous was still great.
but fine have it your way, I just found a raid about this on Holla Forums , I will participate on Holla Forums.

what did the kid do so you think he is dumb?

Pick one. May well be that not all three are true, sure, but at least one of them is.

anonymous was only kind to cats. the retard obviously isn't a cat so fuck him. no one cares about your ridiculous crusade for justice.

make a petition to sue the retarded kid for being too annoying or to free the niggers for making a service to society and i'll sign.

this justice bs tho. not on my Holla Forums

well, voting trump was dumb I admit, but the autist thing is not such a big deal, we are all autists here.
getting kidnapped by monkeys is also not a big deal, 4 niggers can overpower a guy like him.

nonetheless, I feel bad for him.
Holla Forums is digging for their dox and raiding this nigra symone that was defending the kidnappers.
so a raid is in progress.

here is her dox

Speak for yourself buddy.

ok faggot

looks like her mother drank while pregnant.

not your [personal army

wow, rude!

Found her.