Who? This fucking faggot:
Why? I hate his smug little emo face. Also, I'm bored.
What to do: Spam shit in the comments (e.g. REEE, penis penis penis, faggot, RIP, etc.), mass flag his videos.
Who? This fucking faggot:
Why? I hate his smug little emo face. Also, I'm bored.
What to do: Spam shit in the comments (e.g. REEE, penis penis penis, faggot, RIP, etc.), mass flag his videos.
Not a personal army request I just want to have some fun.
Come on faggots, GET IN HERE.
Thanks for the free bump.
Fuck off, faggot. I'm not creating a Jewgle account to raid some SJW queer.
how do people like this get viewers tho? doubt in the future of humanity +8
im not going to help your stupid raid, Id like to discuss the societal psychological implications of this dude in general.
You are a cowardly cunt, Fucking no good cuck that needs to get his balls removed and sawn to his forehead.
Fuck you you sissy faggot.
You are the reason Holla Forums is shit.
How can I help OP?
It's nice seeing more raid threads recently buy a Youtube channel isn't a good target. You'll be better off shitting up his forums or Twitter page.
I think we should just mass flag his videos and dig around for his dox.
I am sure this fag has been doxed at this point.
Good idea. What should we flag it for?
he has forums?
Also yes, at the level we are at, any raid is a good raid, my raiding skills are getting rusty, we need to practice alot.
hmmm I don't know, I don't follow this fag, maybe hate speech?
Sounds good. Let's do it.
So is….is the thread dead?
this isnt funny
Ok, I will scour this forum for weakness.
we need practice, tbdesu.
it's not like we have so much raids to choose from that we get that choosy.
we need to hone our raiding skills
registered an account.
awaiting confirmation, we can spam this forum and or ddos or raep his BW.
The forum needs a manual admin approval for accounts, better ddos or rape bandwidth.
meanwhile reporting his videos.
anyone got his dox?
I say we flag all the videos where he is inappropriately rating under-age girls and start the hashtag #BewareOfOnision
He uses pictures of minors without using model-release forms, which is required by law, so we can flag the shit out h\of those videos
As for Dox, he tries to hide his real name
but it is on his marriage certificate, pic related
he also got a dishonorable discharge from the military
nypa do not violate website rules
tbh though I think you faggots are just jealous. Onision is one sexy mother fucker who is living with three girls and by all accounts has fucked *thousands* of women. Countless girls rub one out to the thought of just getting a rewtweet from him, so you betas just sit here and let your impotent nerd rage fester. He is untouchable, and no matter what you do you will hae to lie with the fact that he gets more ass on a daily basis than you will in your entire miserable lies
I love raid threads, but this guy is way to big for us to make a impact.
I really don't care about this faggot, it's true he's a humongous, obnoxious faggot and lolcow. have fun raiding or something
we can get a hashtag trending with the help of half-chan.
Since he says he rates people's pictures for body-image without discriminating against race or age, we can flood his forum with pictures of our hairy, fat neckbearded bodies in whitey tighties asking for his opinion. That would be funny as shit
JOIN ME Holla Forumsrothers
We could probably do that. Should set a time to do it tomorrow night.
Jewtube probably caught onto your scheme and blocked most of your comments out.
let's shoot for 7pm EST
to post on his forum you need to have an admin approve your account. Just make your user name sound like something an emo girl would think up and register now
motherfuckers. i wont stop
This is why people hate us.
keep up the good work
racap: get inside his forum, upload pics of hairy neckbearded men at 7 pm est? right?
forum link pls?
Mods will probably deny access if your email is obviously fake. Best suggestion is to use: , set gender to female and scroll down to where you see email and click "activate this email". Use that to sign up.
i used gmail. and now we wait.
sending a request now.
bumping, it's time to begin
Which video did you spam? Pls I was asleep for it.
it begins, way more people need to post pics asking for him to rate you
the fatter, harrier and uglier the better
we can also start topics like "rate my neck-beard"
He has jailbaits sending him nudes and sucking his cock in line. No Holla Forumstard would pass that, if they were in his place. We could raid him, sure, but he is doing a pretty good job at pissing off SJWs from the inside and dividing them, raising a generation of sluts who call themselves feminists; that's what feminism needs. A reformation, at the hands of kids, who will throw themselves at any man because "it's what Onision taught us is feminism".
That's what I got back in the day after singlehandedly preventing WWIII. I won't go on tumblr even to read what's written of him, but dishonorable discharge can be motivated by badass actions for the greater good if they violate orders from seniors.
It would be better to fuck with his followers. Get them to give out personal information, perhaps by pretending to be Onision and wanting to meet them in secret without anyone knowing, and then doxing them — for legal reasons it would be important to post the doxes publicly here, that way nobody could prove who did whatever was done conclusively. Think outside the box regarding what to do with those girls, I can imagine a thousand things…
While you make good points, don't forget that aside from this forum situation, he is the king of SJWs. This is a golden opportunity to expose SJWs as massive, massive hypocrites
i'm only here to laugh at you
we still attacking? whats going on.
yeah Holla Forumsro, the thread is still here, we are obviously attacking.
flagging the videos,and spamming his forums
is this his dox?
We are too disorganized, we need a clear plan. Here's what we should do
1) Go to youtube and flag all of onision's videos where he rates underage girls. Flag for offensive or illegal content. It *is* in fact illegal since he is not using model release forms to post images of minors. He has no legal right to use their images for financial gain.
2) Email youtube and tell them how deeply offended you are by this behavior. Highlight the fact that he is exploiting minors for financial gain and that it tarnishes your perception of Youtube
3) Start the hashtag #BewareOfOnision for this we need more people. We may have to recruit from cuckchan and leddit, but both those sites hate him anyway so it will be easy
4)make an account on his forum and post a photo of your body, however ugly, and ask him to rate you and guess your sexuality
5) watch Onision burn
What's the link to the thread?
No, and Gregory Jackson is a fake name. Here is his real name from his marraige certificate (which is public info although he tries to hide it)
sounds good.
Is anyone with decent writing skills (not me) willing to venture into Leddit or halfchan to make a thread? In a situation like these, numbers matter.
I am banned from 4chan and don't have a reddit account.
Just gave him a view and a like. Go fuck yourself, OP
We need more people
The mods on his own forum are already getting nervous and begging him to change lol
fuckin onision cuck.
kill yourself.
someone is really butthurt about Holla Forums, he reported Holla Forums to the police and he is probably the same guy that is white knighting for onision ITT.
Massive cuck.
if onision fancies children then he is a kindred spirit and my friend. Stop the hating, we all love children
We don't give a shit if he is into children or not we are just using it to destroy him.
he is a pathetic and gay attention whore.
so we kill it with fire.
oh ok then