Should my sister become a escort? She's Irish so she has dat sexy accent and she looks like a nerdy girl which guys like, What you think Holla Forums?
Should my sister become a escort...
5/10. No on the escort.
crack whore/10
Couldn't agree more
I'd hit that, if I didn't have good porn to fap to that day
I'd rather buy a sex suit iyl
She would have to offer some amazing technique and service with a great attitude, but even with that she could only expect a good volume of customers if she kept her rates at the level of Backpage qv specials. There's no way in hell she could compete at the $200-$300/hr price point.
Once she has a reputation and some money she can consider investing in sex toys, outfits, and/or massage equipment to get into the higher profit margin worlds of body rubs and fetish providers. Again, those are fields where you can get by with okay looks as long as you have top-notch service and attitude.
If she is kinda kinky, not overly expensive, and has a good attitude. Sure.
I'd pay like 100 bucks for an evening of playing Mario Kart and getting my dick sucked.
tell her to do it, faggot. of course she'll get customers. Pay no mind to the NEETS on here that watch porn 24/7 and have unrealistic expectations on how regular women should look.
Fuck no she looks like my ballsack, but I actually take care of my ballsack.
why are you asking? Did she express interest or are you just being a idle asshole? Answer the question, OP!
user, my sides!
need to see the tits first for a professional opinion
To find out if she's really fit for the job, you should give her money and have sex with her.
post asshole too
Ok. You win. Good one sir.
I'm dead
Do you remember how you died?
If your sister dressed up her best each time and let me do anything to her and cum as much as I wanted, I'd pay her $100 an hour. Honest.
your "sister" unironically looks like ozma before she turned fat. as in, unattractive. now post tits or gtfo, "totally not a girl".
I would say she shouldn't knowing that men are super desperate when it comes to sex (see online dating) then she should go for it,
She should do anal too if she wants to be worth the money.
This is the only thing Irish women are good for.
Sounds like she needs culturally enriched by some refugees!
Hahahahahahahaha, no.
yeah, only Becky has both of those qualities
No OP. Save your sister and become escort yourself. You can give anal too.
what the hell is with that weird gum