I'm not quite convinced on this whole anarcho capitalism thing, and would like some help finding out if it's right for me:
In Ancapistan, I've been told privately owned courts settle legal issues. Say I've robbed someone's house, ripped someone off, whatever it is, and they're taking me to court over it; who decides what court we use? Say there's a court with 90% rate of accused getting off, and another with 90% getting convicted. Obviously I will want it to take place in the former and they will want it to take place in the latter. How is this resolved?
If I murder someone, have I voided my rights to be protected by the NAP? If so, for how long, if not forever? If not forever, can a court sentence me to a punishment without violating the NAP if I decide I'd rather not be punished?
What is there to make a large, powerful company hold true to the NAP when it may be in their interests to violate it if it produces a better product (e.g. threatening/carrying out threats on competition, that kind of sly tactics).
Does masturbating in public while naked violate the NAP?
I get that companies can build roads, but unless a single company is able to hold a monopoly on all the roads (in which case, considering society is built around roads, they could extort everyone) won't this mean I'll need to pay at a different toll booth at every turn essentially?
Thanks for all help! Also, general ancap thread.