Women rise in power, men fall ever more downwards

I will now tell you what is the current problem between men and women:
There has been grown a great, and ever still growing, GAP BETWEEN THE SEXUAL DESIRABILITY between women and men.

Social and technological progress has largely advantaged women:
Their social power (right to vote, "equal" rights that is privilege in practice) and sexual power (body attractivity helped
with high-tech clothing (pantyhose etc.), hair products, makeup etc.) have risen powerfully, and still get better.

Now things are very different in the other sex:
Because success, money, power, self-confidence make a man sexually attractive to women, ever more men cannot
offer this, because the socio-economic environment does not need them - there is too much efficiency, not enough
offers of well-paid work and chances to at least become a "salaryman". Not even that.
Therefore, knowing that they cannot compete, have no chances at all, men avoid to connect socially and with women,
because they know they are unattractive and cannot help it. (really ugly women would also hide socially, knowing they have no
chance). So men become NEET, or spend their lives in front of electronic media and porn, just like the old and ugly
woman reads romance novels and hides socially.

The result is this:
Ever rising numbers of ever more good-looking women are "on the market", looking for "successful" men; yet those become
ever more scarce.
The result is a huge gap:
More and more and ever more attractive females looking for men, yet ever more men withdraw socially, because they cannot compete,
know that they cannot become the muscled-body successful multimillionaire that is presented at women by media and that women compete for. All those women would never date a loser, and they are at least partially right in this, because their socio-sexual value IS indeed much higher than those of the actually available men. You would not want to pay money that could buy a Mercedes to
buy a tiny, lowly Hyundai, too, so this motive in women is understandable.
Yet, a tiny minority of handsome, rich, successful men DOES exist, and they are chased by more and more attractive women than ever before. Those men live in sexual heaven on earth.

However, the vast majority of guys are unsightly losers without money and, because of the conditions today, without any real chance to change this. So they flee society, pressures on them, women and even daylight in front of success and achievement simulators,
using porn, video games, and soon enough, virtual sex.
Women cannot flee, they have no escape mechanism. They must present their (ever more beautified through technology) bodies socially
in the hope to attract one of the rich men that is one in a thousand.

Like females bees, they swarm ever more aggressively, release ever more sexual attractive pheromones, ever more increase their supply
in demand for men who are just not existing any more.

Women have become almost perfect, ever more beautiful, ever more satisfying the male desires,
yet men have become ever more unattractive to women.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this long tirade just trying to say that women are hypergamous and prefer r-selected mating strategies such as polygamous harem and alpha-fucks-beta-bux? Reading this felt so convoluted, like someone was doing a bad job trying to connect the dots that PUA's, evo-psych guys have already connected a long time ago.

Women have it all now. What have we gained in return?

kek this is where you go wrong

i guess modern women are attractive to you if want to fuck plastic/silicone cumbuckets. judging from your pictures, you do

women are LESS attractive today than they were before. there's also much less incentive to bust your ass ad become successful. even if you're rich the best you'lll ever have is personal prostitutes. the average guy can either lick the drippings from the bottom or fuck off and be NEET

This is so delusional it's funny.
Which part of the 70% hambeast population is more attractive than ever?

Go outside and look at real people instead of models on the internet, you'll see that women are not more beautiful than they used to be. Why to you think they try to push fat acceptance so much? Because there are a shit ton of landwhales who eat their emotions.

Come on OP.

Sounds like it's time to do a 180 and pursue a whole new lifestyle, like video related.

According to a lot of Holla Forums, women are shit because there's very few strong powerful men to put them in their places, lead them, guide them.

On the other hand, like you said, men are heavily dis-incentivized to improve themselves or their sexual market value since women are utter shit and unloyal whores nowadays that couldn't raise a dog properly, much less a human child.

Which one do you think is more accurate? Or maybe it is both, and it functions as a feedback loop?

I lean towards women being shit since they're the ones who set up this giant legal framework to extort money from men, mainly so that they can pursue their alpha-fux-beta-bux strategy. I mean, hell, if all it took was a powerful strong manly guy to keep women around, you wouldn't see supposedly powerful guys getting divorced. But they do. A lot, in fact.

He's right in that women are allowed to be more sexual than before. That's essentially what I think he was getting at. Women control a larger share of the sexual market place, and they choose to enrich a small percentage of men while impoverishing the vast majority which otherwise would have eventually married and been productive members of society.

Young men are not going to settle down with stacy after she rode the cock carousel for 15-20 years (from ages ~15-35) and is ready to maybe shit out one kid from her diseased hole

Holla Forums is not your personal blog faggot.

Women are incompetent and without diversity laws they would be pushed out of the market.

Idiotic. They didn't set up anything. Weak men, like you, who think only of placing blame and not taking responsibility allowed (((certain insidious forces))) to have their way with our nation and culture.

Its a feedback loop. One interesting thing I've noticed is that you can often look at the individual human organism to understand how biological human metasystems work. In the human body, estrogen predominates. In men, excess testosterone is converted into estrogen, whereas excess estrogen promotes more estrogen. The human society works this way too. Administering synthetic masculinity in excess, like through pornography, actually feminizes the society further.

Women are in fact shit because men don't put them in their place. But men don't put them in their place because big daddy government will just fuck your shit up if you look at her the wrong way. Only a select few have the massive balls necessary to beat a woman into her place. You're speaking with one now

The Jews did this.

Porbography is extremely feminine. There is nothing masculine about it.

sir save a hoe to the rescue. fuck outta here, faggot.

here, you have it. if we ever tried to put women back into their place and remove their voting rights, there would be a massive civil war with white knight cucks like this actually taking up arms to stop us from injuring pure innocent delicate white wimmenz

no, pornography is masculine in essence, but effeminate in effect. you must distinguish between feminine and effeminate.

pornography appeals to the harem desire of the male brain. your primitive brain thinks your the tip top biggest swinging dick in all the land and that you have hundreds of children on the way at this very instant. meanwhile you're sitting in your dark room touching your weiner under the synthetic glow of a computer screen

What a joke.

pornography is basically a drug, synthetic masculinity, that we inject ourselves with to numb the pain of being beta or beholden to some cunt

The only thing whores like that are good for is breeding pits to replenish our blood. The white blood must survive and be raised by white men. Everything else is of lesser priority.

The only thing whores with 100 miles to the gallon like that are good for is breeding pits to replenish our blood. The white blood must survive and be raised by white men. Everything else is of lesser priority.

You can try to trace a lot of this stuff back. Why does government exert such a powerful control on the men? The female voting block. Why do women vote this way? Some say feminism, some say female nature. Could it be that feminism, although constructed by jews, is simply playing to female nature, and would have been an inevitable development in a prosperous society? I think something like 20% of women say they aren't feminists but they still vote for bigger government and more free shit. In fact, I'm pretty sure most declining empires saw women voting in this destructive manner even though jews weren't involved.

So why did men ever give women the vote in the first place? Surely this is a western development. I don't believe Islam gives women franchisement, for instance. The K-type strategy that whites tend to follow is a high-investment strategy, and requires men to invest a lot of care/love/resources into women and their children.

that last pic….
sorry OP but sex bots

fuck everything C^;

because our dumbfuck overconfident forefathers riding the high of unfettered progressivism and decadence allowed it

female nature. women are fundamentally unfit for leadership positions, from the family unit all the way up. men are better at running everything. women are meant to be subservient and men are meant to rule over them. in this context everyone is happy.

she doesnt need to say she's a feminist. she can have your head ordered up on a silver platter if her smelly cunt feels the itch. words mean little, actions speak louder. and you're right in that we see how they vote

take every nasty trait of a man and double it. cowardice, envy, covetousness, disloyalty, dishonesty. weakness and stife, gossiping and falsehood. these are the moral fiber of a woman. she's nothing. she derives every decent trait from a man

Minor correction, 80% of women say they aren't feminists. 20% say they are. But yeah, regardless of that they still vote as a feminist would. Although married women vote republican more than the single mothers, which should be obvious. The married ones do not want their source of income ( husband) deprived to fund other women. It's like a weird form of female-female cuckoldry.

That cosplayer needs to be mass produced.

wow you're on a roll. nice connection there, you're totally right. like i said, she derives every decent trait from a man, neither can she ever really understanding abstract moral concepts like loyalty, justice, righteousness. she only understands material things, her world is the physical.

the biggest lie is that men are materialists while women are spiritual. in fact its quite the opposite, although men being spiritual creatures have greater dominion over the material world. women are inferior in every way, and in fact this is how they were designed. her role is to be inferior, and to live in subjugation, with her man to rule over her. this was God's gift to man

no not really


..are you serious? Women have become gay men. They hardly value themselves anymore or let morality stop them, they just do what feels good. They're incredibly easy, it is simpler than it's ever been to get laid.

Is it really so impossible for you to believe that, deep down in the back of the male mind, he doesn't want to Mate with a Whore? Can't you at least consider the possibility that the modern woman's "virtues":
1. "Strong" when they feel like it
2. Independent to what end?
3. Empowered promiscuity
4. Workforce participation
Can you consider that these thingsare worthless to a man seeking a mate?

Japanese women are like living, breathing sex toys…

What an utter crock of shit, OP.

The fact that most men can opt out and live a life without women is dead giveaway that women are going to be the losers in this equation.

Sure, women have it easier when they are 18-29. But then the wall comes and looks wane, and if the women has not acquired a husband and some life skill other than relying on her looks to get someone to have her shit done for her, she is in for bad times.

The modern dynamics of alpha fucks beta bukcs is breaking down as most "betas" (hate that term, it is misleading as fuck) just don't shell out the money and commitment anymore.

~20% of desirable male population just cant carry the women. And the life without a women gets easier and easier each passing year.
I mean, VR taking off, all sorts of man toys and endless supply of porn and other media make life without women bearable if not, for some, ideal.

And cherry on top is that men who don't engage in the "game" also don't contribute to surplus. Why would they, thy are living for themselves and no one else. You cannot tax enough a man who lives only for himself and makes just enough money to support himself and his hobbies to support one single mom…. not happening.

Also, you are citing japans situation as a proof that women are having it all and shit.
Worse example could not be had. Japan is panicking because no babies, no surplus for wimminz and men don't really give a fuck anymore, literally and figuratively. Societies are built and maintained on mans surplus. When you remove the motivation from men to crate that surplus, or to share it with those who need it (child bearing mothers), the losers are in this equation the society who enables thins and the women who will now have to carry themselves.

Show me one successful civilization where women were "equal" to men, and carried themselves instead of having sexually divided roles? The odd tribe in amazon forest where men and women lived separately died the second it came in to contact with Spanish: no men around to protect them from the ebil catholic patriarchal shitlord oppressors.

If this trend, in Japan and west, goes as it is going, men will simply invent AI that emulates a desirable women and be content with that. Men do have natural urge to show affection to something that resembles woman, but it don't have to be real women, as the internet has shown us… This is not a good news for women.

If you want to see similar situation happening in nature, something like women getting over sexualized, then look at Fishers runaway process.

In humans this is cultural instead of genetic, but this still promotes behaviors from males that is disadvantageous to the males and society. And eventually to females.
You can see this in Nigger population in USA even now. The easiest way to get laid is to fake a fitness, being a aggressive, territorial and assertive while disregarding any kind of planning for future or investment in oneself in relation of the society you live in. You go full nigger for some pussy and then jail or bullet. From reproductive strategy that is best nigger can have in USA, but this will not form a cohesive social structure that could defend against societies with more structured and chained sexual selection.

TL:DR Modern tecnology enables the men who fake fitness to get more poon tank because the ramifications of the bad selections are masked under the technological surplus. This will all end when the same technological surplus will make female sexual characteristics less attractive than the supernormal stimuli artificial females can give men. It is a pendulum that swings both way.

Also this, if you are a man and learn how to fake fitness, its really easy to get laid.

Because in modern world, women are so pampered they don't screen men for fake fitness marks: the ramifications fo bad mate selection is cushioned by society to the extent the females stopped caring.

You don't have to be fit man to reproduce. You can be a nigger with 60k in debt with bad job but as long as you spend that money on pussy and get her pregnant, you get to reproduce. When the bill comes, you already sired a bastard offspring that the society will take care of to adulthood or juvenile prison.

adding another thing OP didn't factor in: the fast decline of female attractiveness over time. Women's attractiveness has a half-life of about 5 years. That is, if 80% of 22 year old women are notably attractive, only 40% of them will still be by 27, and only 20% by 32, and so on. Yes makeup exists but you're a fool if a judge a woman's attractiveness based on how she looks wearing whore makeup.

What this means is that, as the average marrying age rises, the average woman becomes less superficially desirable. At the same time, women are such whores nowadays, or at least there's a sufficient proportion of whores, that an older woman has to compete with younger women who don't mind / actively prefer casual sex.

Your Post: The Image


Yes. (ww2, evil nazis, muh oppressed jews etc.)

Meanwhile a woman just has to have a pretty face, some tits and ass (which they have by nature anyway) to be attractive to men. The game is unfair to begin with. Also todays women aren't worth the effort you have to put in them just to get into their panties. And women get everything handed to them on a silver platter unlinke men who get have to work for everything.
You mean the fat ugly angry feminists who hate men to begin with? Todays women are dumb as never before and anything but perfect. What do womynz have to offer beside tits ass and a vagina? NOTHING!
You tumblr faggot get back where you came from with your shitty leftist propaganda.

OP this just sounds like intellectualized justification for your own failure and low self esteem.

Feminism and the Manosphere in a nutshell.

Thing is, I don't know about others, I'm not beta or have a oneitis but I just don't go out of my room books much.
I also don't like most people for anything other than small talk.

Women are attractive from 15-16 years of age to 30.
Since the legal age of marriage is 18 and nobody marries until they finish college at about 21 or later, when they have a stable job, say 23 - that means women have 7 years of success on the sexual market.

Meanwhile as a man it gets progressively better, peaks at 35-40 years of age then (depending on lifestyle and career advancement) declines a little but remains very high.
It starts at about 30, when men are mature and have a good career and job and finishes at when they die (80, 70, 90 whatever).
We thus have 50+ years of success on the sexual market.

All traits are horrible. Breed with a slut, and our daughters are going to be sluts.

Mature men only have success with women when they look like George Clooney and are really rich which the maority of men over 50 are not. Men over 40 also tend to lose their hair and have a fat belly no woman would ever be attracted to that. I think you need to take a step outside and see some reality. Most women go after men their own age or younger. The myth of the old men who fuck young women is a jewish porn lie.

When women become unbearable cunts, men create better women. Pic related all sex dolls, bio-cunts will be irrelevant in the near future.

Stop watching porn and anime fags and take back your rightful place on society.

pic related OP? This is "almost perfect"

He's kind of right. Sexual freedom ruins society and the media and education outlets push young minds into the cesspit of lust, multiplying those damaging effects.

Feminism kills and destroys civilization. Men need to be needed. Modern life does not need men as much as the past did. Men begin to feel disenfranchised, seen as secondary to the women. A family no longer needs a capable man to thrive, but simply the mother and government benefits and handouts. Most jobs are demeaning and emasculating, killing man's natural behaviour, attitudes and aspirations. Of course the media and schools make sure to hammer into boys a more feminine way of life, boys are taught they are monsters unless they improve, their natural boyish behaviour is seen as problematic and troublesome and therefore must end and be cured with pills.

Then we enter the era of instant gratification. All these issues can be curbed somewhat with instant pornography, humour, video games, reading etc. and therefore instant pleasure. Its a slow, downward spiral to the end anons.

Now post a pic with the usual beta

this whole situation has gotten so out of hand with the postwar babyboomer generation

a whole lot of people grow up as hippies and reproduced while in every society before that they would never be able to do
so you end up with subsequent generation filled with defective people here commonly refered to as betas or white knights

however with the new generation you can already see this social trend burning itself out, we are now at peak degeneracy as a generation birthed and raised by degenerates is at young adulthood
however a correcting trend is already in full swing, due to all the social implications in the modern world as discussedi n prior posts most people don't have children
only people with a strong childwish and a stable family and income stream to support it are having more than 1 child, this is becoming very noticeable in the older parts of the millenial generation
as such only the offspring of these capable people who adhere to the old and tested modes of societal organisations are going to be the future due to lack of others

in the meantime the degenarates will howl kicking and screaming as their power wanes because deep down they know the bitter lonely ends that await them

for the west we are just going to see a return to normalcy where 2 generations of people that shoudl never have been born are removed from societal influence, the only problem is to avoid being overrun by the proverbial barbarians untill the cycly is complete

but wait your defeatists ass says this is impossible white knights will prevent this from happening
what if i told you even the muslim world lived through what we are living through around about the 1000's even in the islam world women could vote went into public live and destroyed society, they recovered and for the next millenium women were pretty forcefully kick back into the kitchen
it is the same fate that awaits the western feminst

I agree I find most women to be unattractive, they're not feminine or nurturing anymore which is what makes them attractive. Alot of them have become even coarser than men ever were. Some of them look alright, but it's mainly through deception like makeup, clothes, well maintained hair, etc

Not to say men are much better. But we have suffered a deliberate and malicious chemically and socially engineered attack against our very masculinity and vitality. The only hope for Western civilization is that we reclaim it collectively through individual effort. Women don't matter, they will fall in line once we reclaim what was taken from us. And they will thank us for it, they don't know what's best for them.

I'm a poor neet with passable looks and find getting attractive girls from all walks of life to like me pretty easy. I feel that most any man could get a beautiful woman if they approached it the right way.

Pick your fights well, analyze how they're going - if the energy is good then you can press on, if it's bad then you fall back to somewhere safer, if you're not getting anywhere then choose a different fight.

It's just a battle of wills, some men build their strength through riches and status so they can brute force their way through everything, some women cannot be taken by anything less - but there is always profit to be found for the opportunist who can prod for the advantage without overextending.

I look better than most women WITHOUT make up

the isolation and insularity brought by the Internet, resulting in high rates of #Assburgers, had a greater impact on men's sexual attractiveness to women, compared to the other way around. passivity and shyness are DESIRABLE traits in females, but not in men.

What have you guys been doing to fight this? I've taken many steps in an attempt to increase my testosterone by avoiding plastics (using glass instead), eating brazil nuts, working out (heavy, compound lifts), cold showers, going commando, and limiting masturbation/porn. I would like to completely get rid of porn (again).

Although women have the monopoly on sex in the market place they will all undercut each other unless they are really good looking because the ugly ones are the most insecure. You only need to be mildly successful in life once you hit your thirties and you will see what i mean.


I feel like this post is a waste because this thread is basically wizard central, but I've been wanting to talk about this subject, so I'm going to post it anyway.

The real problem is "the babysitter economy". Women control something like 87% of spending, that's why companies are constantly trying to appeal to them and cater to their tastes. Part of the reason this happens is men bringing home the money letting their wives handle the finances and giving them control of the money. They let women decorate 90% of the house as well.

This is the real reason feminists are pushing to get men less educated, and take all the high-paying jobs leaving shit like garbage collection for men. They want complete control of the economy.

I've tried to think of solutions, and at the moment this is what I've got:

-In the simplest terms, make being a woman more expensive and being a man less expensive. This is a vague guideline because I want other people thinking about solutions for this.
-Legalize polygamy. I know this is going to anger the wizards, and they'll flail and whine about this, but this is going to increase competition among women, and insure the most masculine are reproducing the most.
-Fix the court system so women aren't favored in divorce, custody, rape cases, etc. Make that system truly equal, and make the costs for bringing up false charges far more severe.
-Use memes, social engineering and Hollywood to instill that men who let their wives control the checkbook are pussies and idiots. That if you let your wife control your house and settle for a "mancave" you are a bitch.
-Spam more memes, media and statistics on how women age like milk, implants and plastic surgery are shit, divorce rates go up dramatically for every sex partner she's had, virginity is a premium, and of course that your children may have the dna of her past lovers. The cuck meme is a great start on this.
-Shame women the way they've shamed men for using pocket pussies and realdolls. Put out campaigns first pointing out the mockery of men, but then mock dildos, vibrators and plugs pointing out they're used by women who can't get men, and leave them so numb no normal man can satisfy their gaping, dead pussy.
-Continue to tear down all the SJW shit covering up women. This is an effort to lower the beauty standards for women to increase their value further. We need more women like Jana Defi and Tessa Fowler on every billboard, tv show and film.
-Use "equality" argument in regards to prostitution, forcing areas that only punish the johns to either punish both the hooker and the john or punish neither.
-Eliminate government aid for single mothers entirely, and give further incentives to married couples. This will force them to find husbands.
-Simultaneously have child support set up as a trust that the parent cannot touch, and only the child and a social worker have access to.

Eating healthy seems to be one of the key aspects. Eat as natural as possible, meaning try to cut out as much processed food as possible, especially food with ingredients that you can't pronounce or even know what they are. Do not drink soft drink or energy drinks, no need to explain why.

Cut out the pharma-jew entirely, especially don't even think of taking things like anti-depressants they will fuck with your mind.

Avoiding plastic is important also as they contain estrogen mimicking chemicals called xenoestrogens that are messing with everyboides hormones. Watch this documentary The Disappearing Male if you need convincing:

Also try to drink mainly water and as pure as you can get, you will probably need to filter it. inb4 alex jones. Sodium Fluoride should be avoided as much as possible. Find a fluoride free toothpaste.

Masturbation and especially porn is contentious. Many of us here struggle with the addicition myself included. I have had months of abstaining and I felt so much more energized and alive. And then I relapse again. I do believe porn is fucking with our minds and sexuality and we will all be better off without it, it is hard though. The struggle is real.

In general I think we need more general self improvement threads with advice on everything. Holla Forums was the place where I got the motivation and ideas to try and transform myself. It's still a work in progress for me but we all have to be on the path of betterment. As grim as the current situation is, we have to strengthen ourselves now because as we can all see, it's going to get a whole lot worse.

Basically, what we have here is a supply and demand problem, there is an oversupply of male sexual desire compared to female, the ratio of sex cells in macrocosm.
The biological facts on the ground, through the evolutionary process came to shape the instincts of men and women to value themselves highly / less highly as a consequence.
But consider this, almost no man or woman would tolerate being cheated on (why is cuck such an effective pejorative?) so it is clear that these instincts are detrimental in the current paradigm.

Unfortunately for the men of this age, when both sexual instincts are allowed to go uncontrolled, the average female benefits at the average male's expense.

The solution is simple, men must resist their instinct to exaggerate female sexual market value, We need to crash the vagina futures market with no survivors

Women are born with a kind of OPEC instinct, men need to be taught that it exists and that it places us in the prisoner's dilemma, if most men co-operate the "bad boy" defectors win at our expense, thus we must punish adulterers, & if most men defect, we all lose (white knights enforce m'ladyism) thus we must punish cucks & the whipped.
There is a win condition (patriarchy) in which men recognise their true, and undistorted market value as being based not on willingness to supply, but actual supply (1 to 1 except on women's side there is a time condition, so concessions can be extracted).

And the really funny thing is, women WANT you to extract concessions, so all benefit.

retard, women can't become stronger by looking prettier because the demand stays exactly the same: half the population is male.

privileges like getting to vote and divorce and rape accusations are women's strength. those should all be scrapped.

and the demand should be reduced by providing alternatives to being a sucker to a woman: marriage arrangements that favour men, no more shaming men for porn, prostitution, sex toys, short-term relationships being acceptable for men.

then women lose their social power.

pic is all the proof needed that women shouldn't vote.

traps too. when traps can be as pretty as cis women then they'll be more traditionally feminine that feminist modern women. and men can opt out of dating a woman at all by becoming traps and being better than other women.

more competition among women, better for men.

just make prostitution legal and common and not shameful. then men don't need to put up with women most of the time, don't need marriage, don't need to buy dinner in exchange for maybe getting sex. they can just put the money on the dresser and get sex, no gamble.

Hi me.

I too struggle with the porn and masturbation. I do however, put too much emphasis on it. Getting fit, exercise, eating right, trying to cleanse myself of xenoestrogens and such is more important for now.

fucking dayummmm!!!! i didnt know they looked this good

where can i get me one and how much are they

kill yourself

i'm not a sodomite. i want to be a real girl who's as pretty as those sex dolls and who can take dick in the pussy just like nature intended.

Kill thyself

when getting to be a girl and cuck feminists by being a better housewife than they could ever be is just around the corner? no way!

Get the fuck out of here, faggot.

i'm not a faggot! i wouldn't do gay stuff ever!

except lesbian stuff when i get to be a girl.

How will you take dick in pussy?

when medicine and science can make me into a real girl.

You know what I would do to your moth?

It's supposed to be, you lefty!

All the guys complaining in this thread are revealing their inner egalitarian. You guys are supposed to not be able breed, because you are genetic untermensch who need to leave the gene pool pronto.

fuck it?




All liberalism is born of low self-esteem and slave-morality.

yeah i wish i was a pretty girl like that. i'd wear dresses and be such a good housewife for my redpilled bf ;_;


stop thinking with your dick and your whole argument is gone.

Also, you have to consider that the most powerful men have absolutely no incentive to help enforce traditional families. The whole point of monogamy and arranged marriage is that it gives more men access to women and keeps women from pulling their harem shit. The most powerful men run the most powerful government and what do they do? Attack the family unit and play sugar-daddy to teen whores.

What makes you think Jap women are any better if when even their own mem don't want them?

Also, race mixing is degenerate.


Yes, this will make our conversion to Islam much easier. Also, for the normies that maybe had a chance with a 6/10 or 5/10 girl they will now never be exposed to any but the most ugly of whores. It will make sex with little boys easier to adjust to. Now our culture really is exotic!

You tremendous cockgoblin

All polygamy would realistically mean is that Chad can have 7 wives on birth control all legally supported by the government :^) Remember women are voting

If you read just a smidge lower, you'd see that fixing that issue is on there as well…

I called that wizards would be butthurt by this one. The whole point is that subhuman scum like yourself is removed from the gene pool. Go jerk off to your 2D waifu, go fuck a fleshlight with virtual reality goggles on, go blow your autismbux on a realdoll. That's the future, right? You weren't going to fuck that 6/10 anyway, shes 3DPD, remember? So shut your degenerate mouth, and let the men who can compete spread their genes.

Yeah, if you're too triggered to continue down the list and see that stuff is fixed on the list as well.

The stupid harem fetish that everyone has it was encouraged "sexual liberation" in the first place, from the male perspective–it was the dream that once sex became free and widely available, every man could have a harem of hot women. The reality is that it restricted sex for men while freeing up sex for women. Likewise the same drive is behind polygamy–that every man (ok mainly just me!) can have a harem of wives. The reality is that mormon communities that practice polygamy allow women to pick their husbands, so you end up with one normie husband with 4 wives will 3 guys get nothing (encouraged to go out and recruit more Mormons so they can get their waifu too, which may or may not happen.) In Islam it works the same way, with the 30% excess men encouraged to go out and slay the infidels for allah so they can get their 72 virgins (or maybe a few rape slaves)

there are two ways polygamy could be implemented. one is by masculine force and the other is by voting. in the event that men take up their arms against the government, fight a massive war to overthrow it, and repeal all of women's rights, in what alternate universe do you think a polygamy law would follow? if it were implemented it would quickly come to an end when a thousand angry pepes burn your house to the ground and rape your 3 wives.

the other method is through legal means, which would require the support of women. as such, concessions would have to be mad. polygamy might make it through, but only on the conditions that women pretty much control it, run the game..

so? that's good. other men can still visit whores.

so? i'm against that too.

I have to say:
I'm not gonna read this betta r9k shit.

I have some alpha friends who score pussy as mad, that they teach me their secrets because I was a beta pussy omega virgin.

women aren't into males having money or fit bodies or big dicks.

Hell, I have one of my alpha friends that is basically a homeless dirty hobo that scores like 20 girls every week, and he look like a druggie hobo.

Keep making excuses beta faggots rather than working on improving beyond the beta market.

you're disposables as long as you keep being beta.

keep masturbating to anime shit while you cry at night and wonder why women don't like betta r9k faggots.


why is first post always the best post?


It makes no difference whether women are more attractive today, less attractive today, of higher market value, or lower market value. Women are not the center and meaning of life, they are at the periphery. All the great things men have accomplished whether spiritually or materially they have accomplished IN SPITE of women who almost always act as a diversion. The only man who should enjoy the company of a woman is one who can overcome the need for that company. As long as you NEED them they have power over you.

VR technology

When women become in charge of things, those thing turn to shit.

What we are going to see is an institutional collapse. I mean infrastructure, services, finances, a whole lot of bad things are coming because of incompetence in hiring. Bad quality people will produce bad quality work and it will begin to show.

What this means for us is that we must prepare because there is no way to stop it due to massive bureaucracies with a lot of money to prop up their jobs, and a lot of money to pay enforcers to keep the system propped up for as long as possible. There is no meaningful way to resist.

So we must prepare to take back the crumbled society by having children who will take charge and do the heavy lifting while we, when we are aged, will be leaders giving orders and advice.

This is going to be a long process so do not fool yourself into thinking you will be the ones who do all of the work. You need like minded people who will follow you and that starts at home. Learn how to raise children and control a wife properly and things will fall into place.

Yes, that is a very tall order and easier said than done. It is the only way to win this. Sorry.

didnt Aristophanes create a play where women took power and basically abolished propiety and imposed communism?

Dont know the reliablity but all i could find was this ancient-literature.com/greece_aristophanes_ecclesiazusae.html

You're thinking of the eternal Jew. Gathering power doesn't automatically mean you're only going to use it for your benefit. A wise man will see what is good for the society and orient his power according that.

He did, yes

He also wrote a play called The Frogs

You're thinking of



Imagine the alimony when marriages end.

I got nothing against people having multiple partners but making it a legal liability is just asking for it…

what the fuck do you think the nigger toes are going to do for you?

As for porn, just force yourself to go to plain 3d stills of women, and don't fret over it.

They are the center of it for most men, because eggs.

Women control reproduction. Women ARE reproduction; they're almost synonymous. The point is to not make biological reproduction the center of your existence. Biological reproduction is the center and meaning of a woman's existence. Great men of history like Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Frederick II, etc are remembered for many great deeds they performed. Impregnating a woman is not one of those.

Here's a good post I saw that perfectly describes the situation:

no wonder boys grow up to be traps ;_;

Video games that try to fill the void.

Then you need to lurk more, you fucking degenerate

you gotta wonder there's one tiny swinging dick who gives her a couple hundred dollars a month

You first

Only ones I know of that look to be quality are the famous Real Dolls. Those cost $5,000USD minimum. I'd say unless you're pouring cash our of your pockets, wait and see where VR goes to quench your thirst.

The dolls look nice, but they're like video game porn mods. They look good because they were carefully posed for a photo. Actually using them and maintaining them is a hassle since they way a ton and will permanently kill your reputation if you get caught with one.

found the faggot

The differences of behavior and mannerisms of the sexes feel like they're lessening to me. I feel disappointed whenever I hear a woman cuss or a man cuss in front of a woman.
I don't want to be with someone that acts like a man.

What were we supposed to get? It's a war on normalcy. Sanity. Masculinity. "Patriarchy."

What's the hobo game secrets?


Not all of us have shit taste.

nigger toes are an excellent source of selenium, as well as amino acids that promote blood flow to the testes, which keeps my sperm production high, and my test production flowing.

Those men do not lift, they just have a low bodyfat percent and likely swim or run every day.

All of this will mean nothing when SHTF and it becomes obvious that women cannot, in fact, survive without a male, unless we're talking about service-economy faggot land.

Holy shit, you are so confused about what's going on you literally accidentally shitposted.

Kind of, but not really. We've seen what happens for decades now. Women vote for laws against discriminating by sex for hiring workers. Women wind up in HR positions and hire women. If the company fails, they find a new company. They vote for welfare in case they wind up unemployed.

Even the least desirable woman is taken care of by society. Of course, they'll be miserable the whole time, but most women are no matter what their situation is.


The Spear of Longinus.

At least he got the fucking spear?

What happened, did the Jews have it burned?


The Gabbler.



Women were more than happy to sell out. You can whine about "hurr dey no agency" but no matter how you look at it they sold out their volk.

Faggots like you deserve what happens in your own pic btw.

Yeah that too.

We have entire generations hooked up to the Uglinator™: feminism.

"Women are almost perfect" he says.

5 shekels say OP is an SJW beta cuck.