Why do the mods have to put this flashing dick background? Supposed to be funny? Faggots….
This is why I miss 4chan.
Why do the mods have to put this flashing dick background? Supposed to be funny? Faggots….
This is why I miss 4chan.
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you have to go back
i was banned so, no, i can't go back faggot
retarded usage of sage negated
Back to reddit, faggot.
sage negated
They only gave us what Holla Forums asked for
It is extremely annoying. I don't mind the quirky custom shit, but a giant flashing dong is just irritating af.
Just fucking remove it, mod.
remove yourself
you can seriously fix it in 4 easy steps
it's easy to ban evade Holla Forums but 4chan is more thorough. TOR doesn't work on the fucking site
if you fucking tell him i swear to god i'll kick ur ass
goddamn it speak english! I don't understand geek.
that's actually pretty hot tbh femdom is kind of a thing of mine
pay no mind to this user tell it
why the hell do you still browse SJWchan? i mean for fuck's sake you can get b& just for saying "nigger" on Holla Forums
why not just say roodypoo?
Because this place is fucking dead. There are hardly any posters around and most of them are 4chan exiles anyway.
and that means what in normal people's language?
At least the guy isn't a cuck
and I have gotten banned here for posting a porn video for fuck's sake? they cucks are here too, make no mistake
CP's in a grey area over here, enforcement depends on which hotpockets are on
that's the thing, it wasn't even CP. It was one of those videos from the guy who fucked a lot of women and posted it online. He would have a picture of the woman's face on the left side of the screen and would be fucking them on the right side. I dunno if you know what I'm talking about.
post it again let's see if you get b&
show me a way to go home (4chan) and I'll gladly get banned from this graveyard.
You belong on Facebook.
the point of femdom (meaning the kind of femdom that is desired by a guy, obviously) is lost when you're actually forced to do things that do make you uncomfortable. There's no way obnoxious "femdom" faggots would actually suck a cock for their mistress
i belong on 4chan, the real chan, not a spinoff
You belong on 2017 4chan, thats for sure.
I'm transbian and submissive, so I guess it wouldn't be femdom as such, just a normal relationship
newcucks can't ublock
Don't fucking tell him. This meltdowns amazing.
Hi, I live to ruin the fun of everyone on this board. Just fucking click on uBlock, assuming you have it, which I'm sure you do, click on the little fucking eyedropper, click on the element you want to block, and then fucking block it. Ezpz
not an issue though, this place is still better than 4cuck; wouldnt mind being able to go back and call them niggers though
What the fuck is a transbian? Like you're a tranny who likes girls? Are you saying that being a relationship between a tranny and a female, in which the tranny sucks nigger dick while the female holds his leash, is "normal"?
I don't care what you do, but surely you realize that this is a tragic, medical symptom of modern degeneration of the human diet, genes and psyche? Primates didn't just suddenly decide to get all fucking creative and advanced in the ways they achieve ejaculation.
Hi, I live to ruin the fun of everyone on this board who tries to ruin everyone elses fun.
Guess what? Ublock is a fucking botnet. Get Ublock Origin. It's the original version before the cucks took over it.
I have ublock origin, I didn't think I had to fucking specify due to the fact ublock (er, original?) is utter shite.
Not user, but I believe even the most obnoxious bleeding-hearts recognize it as a physiological abnormality, whether they openly admit it or not. They just get off on the posturing and the guise of open-mindedness… and confusing the absolute fuck out of everyone in the process.
Don't you think?
Yep. It's exactly what it sounds like. You've a point that maybe the nigger dick sucking example would fall outside "normal" (adultery is degenerate even if both partners consent). I guess I was thinking more about how in a traditional marriage one partner is usually the more dominant and the other more submissive.
The other is normally the girl. At least it used to be. Again, suck nigger dicks to your heart's content; it's no one's business but your own. But people sure are advanced in a way that only globalism, diet and pornography can account for.
Go to >>>/reddit/
But if we tell him he leaves.
I think we need a "how to ban evade 4chan" sticky so we stop being halfchans dumping ground.
Most of them aren't capable even with guidance. Just laugh at them, that's far better. The meltdowns over the css have been the thing of dreams lately.
i got banned for saying "all muslims are trash and need to die" on Holla Forums
it was worth it.
It keeps out 4gaggers like you (in theory at least, but you're still here for some reason), as regulars will be able to fix it in a few clicks.
meant for
But… you just spoke the truth?
hmm, really makes you think
the truth? b-b-but
The only conclusion I can come to is that you like nigger cocks, otherwise you'd have left by now.
can i disable it?
you could always buy Holla Forums premium, but you can also just delete system32 and that'll fix it as well, but buying premium comes with the added benefit of accessing the >>/premium/ board
fug >>>/premium/
disregard what i said about premium, it appears to have gone free now ffs
frig off
wait nvm im retarded, it's still the good old premium i know and love
I block this using ublock….."3rd party" block.
I don't think this is Holla Forums admin doing this.
if you have adblock, you can easily stop this stupid shit.
i use ublock origin
is there a script to disable the background?
this is the nigger-tier way of doing it
nevermind i just changed the theme to "dark" lmao
what options does op have?
ayy he got it
It's funny to me that there are people who continue to use a website that's flashing nigger penises in their face while they're trying to shitpost about burmese dioramas.
i feel stupid. i was thinking theme was involved with custom script.
yes. just block "third party"
that will make this retard shit go away.
Jesus Christ, how obnoxious.
1. Go to 8ch.net
2. Click on options.
3. Go to theme and paste the code.
i pasted ur moms gusset
Find me a way back to the chan and I shall leave this place happily
There aren't enough moderators to go around and Holla Forums is not a priority so it gets a shit mod.
Just move to a different board.
that's not how any of this works
Explain then.
all i know is your wronge
for starters, jim doesnt assign mods.
you're obviously very new considering you dont even know how the site is run, i recommend you lurk more, and read up on 8ch before you post again
I didn't said that Jim assigns moderators and you explained nothing. Go read up yourself.
You implied the existence of some sort of ranking system, then said that because of this theoretical rank Holla Forums has a shit mod. If such a ranking system existed (which it doesn't) it need someone to assign ranks and mods (which would be Jim), so you did say this.
And if you try to change the meaning of what you said and claim it was referring to the ranking of boards by active users, explain how Holla Forums is a low ranking board when it's in the top 3, and explain what you meant by Holla Forums getting a shit mod because it is low priority.
when the old mods abandoned ship, someone gave dysturdia the post of lone vol. Someone later made him bo. if it wasn't the gross white buddah, who was it?
Which has nothing to do with priority of boards now does it? It has to do with the internal management of Holla Forums. You may have had a point when it was a global board, but it isn't anymore.
what flashing penis? i don't see it
i'm not the same user. my only post is
i agree that the priority ranking is bull. anons apply to mod a board and the bo decides. it'd be naive to imagine that jim doesn't vet the globals, however. they aren't appointed without his agreement and walk the plank if he says so.
I think you linked to the wrong post, but agreed, globals obviously are managed by Jim, and I never said otherwise.
Having a custom theme I had no idea there was a special theme going on lately.
I guess the mods are trying to be "le funny xdddd" mememasters.
Shitty mods, wordfilters and le funny memes like this one tend to get old reaaaaal fast.
any pictures of her dick?
what did he mean by this?
people see what they want to see
All these newfags bitching about dicks flashing in their faces but to stupid to fix it.
that explains the funbags
Just disable the theme or use your own CSS faggot.
4chan never had themes nor custom CSS. Plus the mods there were in no fun allowed mode all the time… If you miss that then you need to go back.
Not gonna sage so the other faggots see this.
bump redacted
lrn 2 reverse search, its not a man fgt
I'm also to stupid to ban evade, but you aren't, are you?
How do we ban evade?
You have to hide somewhere outside of London until the King isn't so mad at you.
u mad?
Newfag, they do now.