Holla Forums I am fuckin sick of my family they keep on criticizing my life style and pretending to cough to make me...

Holla Forums I am fuckin sick of my family they keep on criticizing my life style and pretending to cough to make me feel bad about smoking, they keep asking me to get a fucking job and don't understand my NEET master race theory, they keep comparing me to motherfucking normalfags to make me feel bad.
I am sick of it all.
Just wanted to get it off my chest.

If anyone on here had found the solution to that problem, we wouldn't be here.

please Holla Forums let's have pic related soon

yeah feels bad mam , I am starting to fucin hate those mother fuckers.
Holla Forums is my family.

there there

you will have epyc wynn in your heart and by your side, always

thenks epyc wynn gezus…

working or neet isn't some choice you just get to make

What really sucks s that they want me to be religious and mad at me for not going to church they want me to be a wage cuck and sell my soul to the system.

the way I see it they fucked up and they don't want me to be the same.


fuck I meant

Some years ago, I traveled to another town and I rented a piece of land and started planting vegetables planned to make some solar panels…etc

they kept pressuring me and tried alot of cheap tricks turning people against me to get me to come back and live with them.

Perhaps you need to accumulate more good boy points

Why the fuck is the CCS on Holla Forums so gay right now?

they told me my mom was worried and she is getting sick.
I gave in and I regret it every day now.

When all is said and done, when all the men of the earth are dead, when all your family are curled up in the grave, you will have one thing and one thing only that will stay with you from now until beyond the end of time. And that is memes.

yes I am trying to do this, starting an online business soon probably, but they don't leave me in peace to do what I need to do.
they are never satisfied, always seem to find something to criticize me with.

Hang urself my dude.

someone made a thread to choose a mascot for Holla Forums and dysnomia made an online poll to choose one, and some troll added the option to have big black cock as the mascot and kept proxying the votes.
eventually BBC won and we are all cucks now.
feels bad man.

true memes and you guys is why I haven't killed myself yet.

thought about it.

do you smoke inside the house? do they feed you and keep a roof over your head? then shut the fuck up and at least take some criticism you complete sack of shit.

they kept telling me how my mom is worried and guilting me by saying that she might die if I don't come back home.

I can't live like this and they contributed to ruining a perfect opportunity to be free and at the same time independent.

I have 0 life experience. Go back to your vegetables. If they try to pressure you to come back again, pull down your pants and remind them that you're a huge burden on them, and that you only want to relinquish them of such a thing. Although I think your parents are just really lonely and need someone to project their feelings on.


I want to but I don't have money to rent a land again, I fucked up by giving in to their threats/persuasion.

but I will try to.

Join a large grass roots movement informing memers that the top 1% of memelords have more memes than the bottom 99% of memesters combined.

Did you know you don't have to be beta to be NEET?

Eat them, not even joking. You will never be free otherwise.


I literally have no reaction pic for your stupidity

