On one hand Nordic women are astonishingly beautiful. The peak of femininity. On the other Nordic people have a genetic flaw, in which they're prone to hysteric levels of empathy which drives them to become severely self-destructive. Even in the US peoples of Nordic/Northern Euro descent, with no comprehension of the heritage and culture of their ancestors, largely vote Left. They're the empathetic, disgusting Marxist filth. It has to be genetic. What drives these absurd levels of empathy? What is mentally wrong with Nordic/Northern Euro peoples? Why are they so blatantly inferior to other European peoples in regards to their very survival instinct?
What do we do about Nordic peoples?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know where it all went wrong for Nords OP. They just randomly became cucks out of nowhere.
So I guess the Viking Scourge was just a fluke, huh?
swedes are really the only cucked nords out there, most of the Danes and Norwegians I've met are breddy based
The propaganda you've swallowed is widely exaggerated. It's true that marxists control media and government here, but things are no worse off with normal people (the ones you never hear about among all the sweden yes shilling,) than anywhere else in the west.
You can find crazy SJW hipsters in any western country, but only in Scandinavia they are presented as the norm by shills. Meanwhile Germany, Britain, France and the US are much further along the agenda than Norway, Denmark and Iceland combined.
Sweden is a special case, and have been targeted specifically. It's being hit harder because it's the white heartland. Demoralizing news about Scandinavia demoralizes all white people.
They found God.
Socialism has insulated people from reality and the cities are saturated with (((American))) media and commercials.
Most people outside the major cities are good folk.
Y'know I really don't get you guys. We all know that the majority of any given region, while bluepilled, are still against most of today's concepts. Big cities will always be the bearer of the big problems of society. Sweden in particular has been the target of the mass immigration project, but the effects of that shit are only visible in the places where media coverage is also the highest, Stockholm and Malmo. Meanwhile, going a bit up north bears a whole bunch of angry blonde dudes burning down refugee camps and being wholesome communities on their own.
Have you ever actually been to Europe? Nordic people are stereotyped as being very serious, melancholic, and distant. They're also considered to be hard-working and industrious like Germans, as well as a bit alcoholic. Nordic people are considered so overly serious that they are seen as prone to violence against themselves and others. You're completely off the mark here OP. Whatever you can say about their recent immigration policies you can say about much of western Europe in general.
Sweden has to be divided between Norway and Finland until they regain their senses and can be left to their own devices.
I wish mongrel 62% white Americucks would shut the fuck up about Sweden.
Land mass and population density. You'll find Brits, Germans, Swedes etc. are far more exposed to diversity/multiculturalism than most white Americans.
what's the matter Sven? Are you upset that swedes are the genetic waste of the nords?
do we talk about the swedes?
is it possible to save them?
they even didnt participate in ww1 and ww2
Kill yourself OP.
All the good Norse people left Sweden and other Scandinavian countries before it was too late. Most went to Finland, Netherlands, and the Northern US/Canada.
Plenty of us are still around, and no we are not cucks.
Does your inferior race understand what blood-lust is? Let me tell you pal, that shit is real, us Scandinavians have it and it would be frightening to have us all in once place again.
Plus we like to live rural, we don't live in metropolises.
I do frown upon what our ancestral home has become, but the people there that let it happen, are a disgrace to our ancestors and should burn along with the followers of the Mad Desert God.
Holy shit.
This sums me up perfectly.
Stereotypes are very, very real friendos.
Swedes were always cucks. They have a long history of being bumdrillers and got their arses kicked repeatedly by the Brits. The only times they were successful in battle was they conducted raids on unarmed peasants. The same sort of shit the Ottomans pulled until Vlad the remover dealt with them. Vikings used to sell white girls to Muslims too in exchange for jewellery.
Russian/Ukrainian girls are more attractive too.
Pretty much ever great conquerer has been an Alpine or med not a Nordic.
Niggers are stereotyped as criminals in the US because a disproportionate amount of them actually commit crime and the ones that don't idolize the ones that do. Stereotypes reflect culture and innate qualities of people, even if there are exceptions. Nordic people have a tendency to be overly serious because they live in cold weather and are less likely to congregate, hence they are much more individualistic and prone to depression.
t. nord
Blood lust? Mate, I'm quivering in fear.
Do you prep the bull with your left hand or right hand?
Hello Ruskie.
Nah, Sweden is atheist.
Holla Forums please leave.
This, the Catholic Church ( run by Jews since it's inception ) did a real number on the future of whites by wiping out "heathens". Charlemagne was a faggot and a cuck.
Nope, Brit. You're just jealous that you never had a real, true Empire.
Meant to post uncle Adolf not Mosley twice.
help them to claim their country back
That explains the ego.
Yeah, that Empire worked out so well, now look at Londanistan. How's the queen doing these days?
The fact that you're a (((Brit))) and still despise your cousins from across the sea shows where your loyalties lie.
Remind me where the angles, the saxons and the normans are from. They're of the same stock as nords, normans are from norway faggot.
Loyalties should always be to your own country first. Churchill was a huge faggot.
He's right though.
All the decent ones left centuries ago, the modern nords are cucked. Feels pretty good being out the EU.
Have two slavs.
It doesn't matter because if Trump loses, we're all gonna be Swedes. If he wins, then we can take the next step forward.
If Trump loses, it will only fan the flames and lead to a truly nationalist candidate, the type that would make GLR blush. Hope it works out for the yanks though.
Yeah, where the majority of Northern Euro descended peoples support Clinton and Sanders. Thanks!
OP is just saying in a sneaky, roundabout way that Nordic peoples are inherently bad, and the conclusion he wants you to draw is that they should be destroyed.
Notice the format typical for a shill thread. OP opens with a bunch of rhetorical questions, and then his accomplices show up to nudge the thread in the desired direction.
I wonder which "mediterranean" group could be behind this…
I like Russian and Ukrainian women, but they tend to be small and thin like Asian women. Russian especially. Northern Euro women tend to have wider hips, better musculature, and bigger tits. It's a shame though, I love the way they look, but the second I look at them I think "well she's probably fucked in the head so what's the point?" I can not fucking stand the empathetic nature of Nordic and other Northern Euro peoples. It's as if the further North you go, the less pride in culture and heritage people have. What a waste of genetics. They're damn good looking people with strong bodies, but they have no in-group preference. No loyalty.They can't be trusted because of that.
German, Irish, and Polish American actually.
ex-protestant countries are the most pozzed m8
yeah don't take it to heart to much swede bro its mostly just autistic newfags who got this "what should we do" tone of self-important narcissism from the disqus namfag cancer invasion of TRS. whenever somebody uses phrases of command in their OP you know you are dealing with a newfag esp. when they don't have anything to add beyond their opinion.
Sweden ain't Catholic at all. It's protestant.
actually the ottomans dealt with vlad
didn't end too well for him
Swedes have only been so liberal for the last few decades. Even in the 90s, some decisions made by them (such as high income tax, extensive welfare, permissive prisons) seemed a bit radical, but few argued with the high standard of living this afforded.
Meanwhile Swedish women have been beautiful for many centuries at least. It seems these things are not as closely linked.
Incidentally, almost a hundred years ago a traditionalist/regressive might be equally appalled at the Russian revolution, but today Russia (incidentally, another region known for its beautiful women) is one of the least progressive societies.
In any case, quit encouraging the Nord vs Med split. It's what ((((they)))) want, since it divides and isolates their enemies and encourages people to side with durkas and kikes.
Some kind of aerosol form of testosterone that only gets absorbed by the white males of their nations.
They need to find their balls.
indoctrinate them with a different belief system
They'll be just as a hardcore about it as they are about progressivism today
Consider the environment the nords are native to. It's extremely cold, and near impossible to survive unless you have good supplies, shelter ect. With that in mind. It's not hard to imagine why they are more altruistic.
The left co-opted this phenomenon.
Aren't russians on average the bustiest on earth?
Finn here, swedes a shit.
Couldn't give them to you. It was posted on Holla Forums a few months back during the primary campaign, showing who's supporting who. I didn't save shit.
why haven't you finns built a wall around Sweden to keep the cucks and sandniggers out?
I refuse to believe it until otherwise.
I'm not saying the majority of Northern US are descendants from Scandinavians, but I HIGHLY doubt they would support both of them.
I'm actually very curious on all the candidates demographic support.
Clinton got the nog and batshit (((Democrat))) votes.
That's all I know.
Remember that Swedes were hardcore racists until the West embraced a suicidal Jewish imposed anti-racist value system.
Somewhere deep in the bowels of the University at Stockholm the skull measuring calipers and sterilization instruments are carefully stored away, alongside the bearded axes, waiting for the day when they are needed once again.
Well no, I wasn't saying the Northern US is filled with them, but rather peoples of Northern Euro descent tended to lean toward the Left in their voting habits. I tried a few searches worded a few different ways, but all I can find is shit listed by race. If anyone on Holla Forums saved it, feel free to post it.
You do what they did to england's women 1000 years ago.
Steal their best and leave the rest to be 'enriched' by mainlanders from Normandy.
btw as a Representative of my religious sphere I'd just like to say we're quite sorry for that, chaps. if we'd known how they would look now we would've put half of them back.
d00d he said it right there, rural
Them thar citydwellers be scots-irish and italian, with the bigwigs britons and a few (((germans.)))
Kill yourself
Old times long gone.
The Swedish people are not in control of their own country. What's happening in Sweden is what happens when Jews run things. It doesn't matter if the country is communist or capitalist, conservative-leaning or liberal, with the Jews, white people lose. Sweden is a control being controlled by interests who are at war with them.
Bullshit, they're just degenerate
Hey another one of these DnC's when for example Germany is far worse off than any Nordic nation.
Good game kike, you won't divide us.
those aren't slavs you faggot.
pic related are ethnic slavs.
Nice D&C, why isn't this trashed yet?
Slav chicks have butter face from all the Mongol rape.
Norman meant something more like northman, than 'Nordmand as in Norweigan'. Most the Normans were Danes from the Danelaw area of England who settled in France.
Divide and Conquer
Denmark or Finland will need to annex the entire Scandinavian peninsula.
Speaking as an Ethnic-Swede, I'm for a cull.
Normans were not from England, they invaded England from northern France, having coming from Norway and Denmark.
Nordic men were even more feminine back then judging by the skeletal remains from that time. But even so the more manlier men elsewhere in Europe would tremble at the mere mention of them.
You mean the same skeletal remains the size of a (short) modern day rugby players'?
No from viking grave mounds in which the warrior aristocracy was buried and they were about the same average height as modern Scandinavians.
Why do Jews hate the Scandinavians so much anyway? What did Scandinavians ever do to anybody? The whole Viking scourge is greatly exaggerated, and they certainly didn't have anything to do with Jews.
The only answer I have to this is that Jews seek to destroy any ethnic competitor.
Wtf is wrong with green tea you faggot
Nothing. Green tea is just stereotypical drink of lefties.
They were mostly comprised of people who went there after getting kicked out of England. Lrn2history, user-kun.
The corrupt hate the good, beautiful and pure.
Give me some sauce faggot.
Abrahamism. Generations of mental and physical subjugation will turn any man into a gibberling.
Go read a wiki nigga.
maybe swedes were fucked from the beginning..
i recently read books about nordic mythology and its full of cuckoldry (gods fucking each other behind the back, freya being the wife of an older god, that got cucked by odin, thor getting cucked by dwarfs and loki etc
I always thought pagans were all about purity and heritage
The Hellenics also had some cuck stories iirc.
Like Aphrodite cucking Hephaestus.
If I were in charge of recreating that faith I'd trash those tales, adultery is fucking disgusting.
I'm glad the Egyptian pantheon didn't have such autistic NTR problems with it.
genocide sweden cucks and impregnate their women with real men from america
I don't know how many times I have to tell you:
The Vikings were pimps. They sold blonde females to Jewish traders in Khazaria who sold the on to Muslims.
'One of the most noted coins in the hoard, dated to c. 800,[24] is from the Khazar Kingdom and designated the "Moses Coin". According to written sources the Khazars are believed to be Hebrews, but few objects have been found to support this claim.[2] The coin is inscribed with "Moses is the messenger of God" instead of the usual Muslim text "Muhammad is the messenger of God".[25]'
Blond females WANT dark dick. This makes it easier to sell them down the river. And stop calling them feminine, they are masculine. Evrey bit as adventuous as Nordic males.
And Josef got cucked by the Jewgod.
It's like all mythologies somehow incorporate cucking in some way… perhaps because it's a powerful and emotional concept.
We should keep all this in mind as we meme our new Gods into being.
In other words you're full of shit.
You dont need to do anything, it has to come from inside, minds can change.
We remove shitskins, that way the empathy of the Nordics will be directed towards other whites, which is a good thing.
I'll tell you where they went. The Byzantium Empire hired them in droves. Best warriors money could buy.
I can't imagine actual /polacks buying this.
user's right. First words of the Danish wiki is "Normannerne («mændene fra nord») var skandinaver, specielt danske vikinger fra Danelagen, som mod slutning af det 9. århundrede begyndte at etablere sig i den nordlige del af Frankrig". I'll translate it for you, since you seem to be a spoonfeeding faggot. "The Normans ('the men from the north') were Scandinavians, especially Danish Vikings from the Danelaw, who at the end of the 9th century began to settle in the northern part of France".
Well hello there Schlomo, what are you doing here?
Oh yeah, they just cucked themselves. It had nothing to do with the forced erasure of their gods and culture by fucking roman kiddie-diddlers.
Nords are trustworthy and trusting, too trusting when around the non-trustworthy perhaps.
Due to the phenomonon of projecting, they assume others are just as trustworthy as they are.
But they are not.
They exploit the trusting people, hence white flight once their eyes are opened beyond the point they can deny reality.
The good thing about this is that once WE are in charge (or people who hold our views), the nords will trust us.
Trust is not the problem, having commie jews and shitskins betraying it is.
Nordic peoples
Nordic men are beautiful and I would prefer no other to rape and pillage with.
Are you gonna compare a country of 5 million people to over 80 million people and say the country with the 5 million peoples genetics must be inferior because they didn't conquer stuff? Actually we conquered territory inside your land Brit now that i think about it.
Viking raids were on farms and monasteries. The second Vikings came up against an army they usually got BTFO
That's not true though, they fucked up armies in England.
And France
And they were the smallest population in Europe, other countries had like 50 times the numbers
New video from Black Pigeon on Sweden youtube.com
I don't like to say this only because I'm a Norwegian-fag. But the problem is the socialist ideology the hunter-gatherer genetics where just the buffer for the flawed ideology.
One can find allot of people if one is on kikebook that is a socialist even hardcore marxists types. they don't hide it they virtue signal more than anybody.
You are brainwashed in the schools also, one could come with evidence over why its flawed to bring inn allot of shitskins, but the virtue signaling and higher morality as many of them feel is bigger than thinking of the future. Also Nords are more of a group dynamic people then ethnocentric. So if one talks frank about genetics they don't care since there is no ethnicity its only a group mindset.
Also there where allot of communists that talked how great Soviet union, China, North Korea and Cuba where in the 60 and up until 70s. So my dad have talked allot about that stuff, plus he is almost like Holla Forums the dad.
You hang the ones that show this trait, so that those that do not may multiply. Working on it - the latter part I mean :^)
Picture related. Surprise, it's the nose!
name my band, Holla Forums
No, it was the jews. Olof Palme (prime minister, got murdered, still don't know who did it) had a (((close advisor))). Also pic related, 35-40% of debate articles about immigration 1964-68 were written by jews. Sweden has more jews than no/dk/fi as well. We used to do eugenics and shit until relatively recently.
Min neger, I read that book earlier this year.
Swedes are utterly conformist. Remove shitskins from the rest of the west and they'll start building concentration camps.
The problem i think even some right-wing people has in their views of scandinavians is that they don't really understand how they are, how they behave etc.
Scandinavians is a qiuet people. They don't overly trust people, it's actually the other way around. It's hard getting to know scandinavians and getting into their groups actually. They don't really like outsiders. They are good at compromising their own position in matters of making everything else flow along, as in result over ego basically. Self-sacrifice and hard work are probably the most prominent traits amongst them, especially the men.
But just because they are qiuet, doesn't mean they are wussies or cucks. There's an expression of clinching your fist in your pocket, as in don't show your anger publically. Behind closed doors, on the internet, during lunch-hours at work, people talk widely about the current state of their countries and the immigrants. People were pissed 5 years ago, they are still pissed off now and we are getting closer and closer to the moment where people are going to snap and take action.
The scandinavians are a well-calculated people. They take their time and doesn't just sperg out whenever things doesn't go well. Besides the religiously believing PC-cucks, people never liked the immigration-thing. Some are afraid of the PC-police, some are not.
Eventually thing are going to turn. I personally believe it will start in Scandinavia, just because how people have supressed their anger for years along with how extreme the leaders has been pushing the demographic and societal changes.
The only people who make these threads constantly relentlessly bashing "Nords" are spic faggots and other worthless curly haired arab shitheads from the useless underbelly of Europe, your inferiority complex/chip on your shoulder is absolutely insane
t. Not a Scandi
I find this to be spot on.
Fuck man, someone buy me a plain ticket to my ancestral homeland and I'll be glad to start the fire.
Low testosterone drives people away from conflict (women, fags).
This is the path they feel has the least conflict. Capitalism, defending one's home on the other hand seem highly conflictual instead of siding with the outsider.
Also, virtue signalling means that if you express Holla Forums views outside, you'll be alone to defend yourself instead of in a pack. Even if 80% of people present agree with you, they'll do in silence, so you'll be alone even if what you say is just common sense thus you require what is aptly called : Balls.
Sage and report
Norwayfag here and I agree with your analysis. I find most people here pretty redpilled. The ones you hear about in the media, the sweden yes types, are a tiny minority of rootless university hipsters and a tiny old-communist media elite.
No one I meet trusts immigrants or our government. I hear random normalfag boomers talk in the sauna about how RWDS is coming. They don't use those words exactly, but they know what's up.
So the problem isn't exactly naivety or trust. It's more that we got this sort of "we'll handle whatever" attitude, that potentially lets things get out of hand.
Also, we have this sort of passive-aggressive way of handling corrupt government. This worked decently in older times, but not so well now.
bump for norway
There's like four interlocking layers of D&C in this thread. It's actually kind of impressive.
The harsh environment in the North made Nordic people to organize better and to form communities and help eachother during the long cold and dark winters.
Back then resources were limited and the communities constantly had to fight for it. That's why the Vikings pillaged half of Europe.
Now thanks to mass production there isn't scarcity anymore, but the genetic affinity toward being generous stayed with them. They kept to their behaviour modell even after people from low-trust societies flooded their countries.
The Jewish led NGO's kept playing on this generous behaviours by infantilizing migrants and they let the 3rd world in and became the most cucked people of the planet.
TL;DR They should've kept the borders shut, but thanksto a certain group the didn't.
Those who live in the middle of nowhere in the most remote parts of Scandinavia (Iceland, Northen Sweden, ect) still honor their heritage, the Jew has infected the cities mainly.
Your theory may be correct, OP. There's no denying that genetics and different races have differences. For example… Gingers having higher pain tolerance due to a mutation of a specific gene that allows naturally produced Morphine to work well, Asians having oilier skin due to their warm temperate climate, Blacks having large flat noses and larger lungs due to thinner air…
Blacks are naturally lower in intelligence but are more aggressive due to their tribal lifestyle which is heavily involved around hunting and strength, Asians are naturally higher in intelligence but lower in testosterone due to their diet and the way their bodies are…
I could go on forever, but the fact is that races and genetics play a big part in how we think and what we're capable of.
Nordic women are very feminine, a sense of fragility and innocence is about them, they're very special but they've been under attack from savages for such a long time now… It'll soon turn around and the inner warrior inside the European race will stir once again, while we were fair, honorable and slow to anger, when the time of anger is just, we explode with a rage akin to the wrath of Gods!
Take the Vikings for example, they never backed down, their women were shield-maidens and were fully capable of cleaving the heads of their enemies.
The Jew sees the White Women as the ultimate form of beauty and innocence, they are filled with envy over the radiance of their golden hair and the purity of their skin that they are filled with anger, this is one of the reasons they're so keen on destroying Europe and especially starting with places like Sweden, Arabs and Africans naturally are very sex driven, thus they were encouraged via many ways by the Jew to run rampant and attack Europe, also the Jew promotes degeneracy in ways that will affect the naturally following mindset of women, they follow trends like that due to a deep lying instinct for survival, for protection… But that's being toyed with on a subconscious level by turning their natural instinct to follow into follow trends and thus media degeneracy… It boils my blood just thinking about it.
The English literally genocided them, wiping any traces off of the island.
Late adoption of agriculture. Scandinavians literally have more primitive brains. They still register the world through the social lens of a hunter-gatherer tribe. Virtually all hunter-gatherer tribes are egalitarian.
Wishful thinking. Norway and Sweden are literally the most feminine (non-confrontational) societies on the planet.
Crab in a bucket mentality is a societal disease in Scandinavia. They really are subhumans.
Feminine and indulgent: children in an adult's body; eternal adolescents. There is only one solution to the nordics: genocide. A handful of nukes from orbit should do the job.
Scandinavia has been the backwater of Europe all the way up until the 20th century. Everyone mocked them. Even Scandi immigrants to the US were shunned. Where do you think the "square head" appellative comes from? Characterising Scandinavians, exactly.
No, that is patently false.
You're obviously just some buttmad little cuck, with a massive inferiority complex who doesn't even have any arguments, only baseless accusations drawn out of his own ass.
Tell me, how does it feel like knowing that you're an inferior being?
That is a Hollywood myth.
While my ancestors were building steam engines and conquering half the planet, your ancestors were sucking a cow's tits in a mud hut, in the dark in the middle of nowhere. So stop being cute and kindly kill yourself.
The only reason your people ever accomplished anything is because you got a free ride, you got all technology handed to you by superior peoples, and then you killed injunds and niggers with it, against other Europeans you've always lost, now go watch your sister get "gangraped" by pajeet and his friends, that's all you Englishmen are good for.
Oh… Thanks for the correction, user. That was an interesting read.
Fucking Hollywood is one of the many (((things))) "rewriting" or otherwise messing with the public knowledge of history and shit.
I swear I saw some documentary on the History channel about women fighters in Old Nordic times, in hindsight it was probably some pozzed womyn stronk shit… I can't even trust documentaries anymore.
I tried to find the actual gif, but my reaction folder is a mess.
There used to be actual documentaries out there, but it's been pozzed to hell and back in only recent years, in fact I've noticed things getting much worse much faster in late 2015 up to now,
The main problem in Scandinavia is the media. It gives the impression that it is the voice of the people, while in reality most people do not agree. Those that agree are the socialists, as well as naive individuals who gets influenced easily by their surroundings. This is the main problem, because there is not much public life anymore, so then many people are prone to adapt the general "politically correct" view of public life. This is especially prevalent in the large cities, where people tends to settle together with people similar to themselves, or adapt to their surroundings.
The youth are particularly adapting their surroundings as that is the natural process of life. If they are in an environment with many bad vibes, like a city, that will affect them. It is different outside the cities however, and the people are still applying common knowledge and managing to live a normal life, while frowning upon what is happening in the cities.
The thing that is "wrong" with the nordic people is that they are tribalist. They are all of same ancestry, thinking and acting the same. Thus, it is just natural to adapt the meanings of others, and follow the stream. We all know where these meanings come from, the media and the "think tanks", which are sponsored by certain individuals with an agenda of transforming Scandinavia into the hearth of international socialism.
Maybe all the strong men went out and never came back. Like to England.
Only the effeminate cucks stayed behind while the strong men went out to conquer foreign lands.
Interbreed Anglos with them.
Anglos are hateful and warlike when pushed. Maybe bleach out some of the empathy.
you've fallen into the "Skinny slav" modelling stereotype. ukrainians do seem to be skinnier but most diaspora russian girls here are t h i c c
also most of europe is about the same when it comes to butts and boobs and curves, with some regional differences yes, but overall not THAT different. I used to like nords and western meds a lot more but now I'm more into slavs and continental germanics for some reason.
user what the fuck
Like the Normans (literally north-men) who were given Northern France and then became the kings of England?
This level of bullshit is no different from
Yes, they're pagan actually. Republic of Ireland.
Does voting in sodomite marriage sound like a good idea to anyone for Christian law?
so much autism.