Flat chests or large tits?

Flat chests or large tits?

Small > Flat > Medium > Large >>>>>> Shit >>>>>>> Breast Implants




depends on my mood


Both is the only answer.

I actually agree with this.

The problem with flat is they usually have no hips and look like spooky skelingtons



What are you, some kind of gay?

In my experience girls with smaller tits are much more interesting and open-minded sex wise. I have a bit of a theory on it being due to both a social aspect of feeling sexually inadequate from a young age that they feel they must counterbalance and a possible hormonal difference making them more sexually impressive.

Any other anons had a similar experience?

This. Size is not as important as shape, perkiness, and nipple type. I love all sizes except unhumanly large.

and now?

/r/equesting her skeltal vagoo webm

It's great to have both but sadly big breasts are a lot less common

Where do breast reductions fall?

I'd have to say it depends individually, most of the reason comes to why it was done and if it was done well.

Health reasons = fine
I just wanted smaller breasts = not okay

One night definite sex but the accent matches the face. Would you do her?

that's what harems are for.

flat is justice

The absolute worst. Fucking disgusting. Just look at Ariel Winter now

The only health reason close to worth mutilating a breast for is breast cancer. Bitches crying about back pain are just weaklings



flat because when you hug her it brings you closer to her heart

god i hate breast "enhancement" yeah we'll cut you're tits open and jam sacks into them
dwhy don't we just have breast injections or drugs that expand the tissue instead of just ramming sacks of sand in their tits

If you dont like big tits you're a fag

if you don't like small tits you're a fag

so true

all is right with Holla Forums

We'd been friends for ages, and we kinda friend-zoned each other for about 3 years. One night, we just kinda went "fuck it", and hit the sack together. It was one of the most erotic sexual times of my entire life! She was an absolute demon in bed! She was a country girl - growing up on a farm must have give her 'ideas'! No-one would ever know just looking at her - she was a "Plain Jane" in many ways, but she was gorgeous as well (in my eyes). Twas like she was trying to outdo herself to blow away the stereotype of 'plain-looking' flat-chested girls… I lost count how many times I creamed her muffin that night… she was a demon… she bit, scratched, howled… I'm getting horny at the mere memory!

The best part is - 20 years later, we are still really good friends! Yes, amazingly, our friendship survived the 'one-off fuckfest' experience!

Another added bonus was - no-one ever found out about it! None of our friends were none the wiser - even her housemate, whom we were both good friends with! If only she knew - the older housemate would have killed me! I had to wear high-necked skivvies for a fortnight afterwards, just to hide the bite and scratch marks around my neck!

I always dreamed that *I* would 'break' my flat-chested friend in the cot…. but, in reality - it was the other way round!

We still joke about it, all these years later.

True story. Fuck you if you don't believe it.

sounds pretty good.


Size are important but so is shape of the boob.

Shape > Size

bump the war must go on

skin > shape > size

for nipples


Big boobs all day


doesn't matter unless they are obscenely huge to the point that they're like huge featureless blobs.

natural is best when tits are relatively uniformly sized.



It's the girl that matters.


Flat woman is closer to loli. No tits, no dick.

fuck off

I love big tits and wide hips my friend. Flat tits are disgusting tbh

I'm more of an ass man myself but if I had to pick, I'd pick large tits only to solidify her womanhood

you're kidding yourself if you say you wouldn't rather fuck someone with a chest you can shove your face into.





The golden middle.
C>D>B>DD>A>(everything above E) > flatchest> 0 >…>-9000>Implants

dfc > all

Bigger is better

Fucking 10/10





That kid gives her a 0/10









A woman without decently sized breasts is like a car without a radio.
Still functional, does the job, but is not nearly as great.

nigga my zune is better than your radio

I prefer either to average (but I'm good with that too). Fake, OTOH, is fugly awful shit.



Cosmetic surgery always looks like shit. No exceptions. Current surgeons just aren't good enough to make what they do look real. They're a bunch of quacks, essentially.

Actual medical reasons (cancer, macromastia, etc) are the only good reasons to do that shit. And it'll still look like shit.

You're the same type of idiot that says "CGI always looks shitty in movies" because you don't realize that good cosmetic surgery (and CGI) actually goes unnoticed. kys.

If there was such a thing as good cosmetic surgery, there would be a grey area where it's hard to tell either way. There isn't. It's either obviously fake or obviously real.

(yes, with the right posture, right lighting, right setting, and some shooping, you can make fake tits look real)


Small is better but somewhere in between is best. Big tits have weird nipples and they go saggy fast. Small tits and puffy nips are the way to go.
