How can white women even compete?

how can white women even compete?

by being able to have children, and this isn't me white knighting for 3DPD, but as long as 3DPD have their monopoly on reproduction, then traps aren't as "good" as 3DPD

yep, this is this the sad but indisputable truth

hopefully the fembots come soon

You couldn't reproduce with a fembot either

could if it came with an artificial womb, but I am sure "fembots" and artificial wombs will come separately

they compete with their pussies
and they r winning

unless the fags can have children, it isn't sustainable

being infertile isnt sustainable either, but there r infertile ppl

I am talking about an alternative to 3DPD: feminine looking gay males, and unfortunately males can not bear children, and as it stands now there is no organic or synthetic alternative to 3DPD's reproductive roles. That makes traps a non-viable alternative to 3DPD as it isn't sustainable.
3DPD have had this card for awhile, and have used the shit out of it, but there is a very real possibility for a technological alternative to arise, but as it stands now traps don't win against 3DPD

so ud rather be a fag? Wow, what a fag
All u need to do is stop thinking with your dick and doing whatever she tells u to have a shot at some sex. Once they learn they wont get anything from any1, they wont have that card.

I haven't sought sex with 3DPD, nor have I every been unable to tell them to fuck off, but this isn't about me, this is about males as group, and males as a group are incapable of treating 3DPD as anything less then a special class due to reproductive strategies.This doesn't apply if human are in a dangerous, harsh environment
You don't cure cancer by cutting the tumors out, you cure it by treating the source and removing it, and in this case, the source is the economics around sex

all men as a group need to do is stop thinking with your dick and doing whatever she tells u to have a shot at some sex. Once they learn they wont get anything from any1, they wont have that card.

I'm not gay but I'd probably have sex with that man.

It's the tragedy of the commons. Solutions have been discussed ad nauseum but they're difficult to strictly enforce and at this point societal norms run against it.


Things would get better, but it wouldn't fix anything. No factors will change, unless you give people more options.

Normally, I have no problem with tranny porn, but this genuinely makes me sick to my stomach. That monstrosity bouncing around on the guy's dick deserves a bullet.

Taking titty skittles and getting it up the ass is one thing, but cutting off your little chums is fucking mutilation.

A faggot can change its mind if the titty skittles aren't working out, and revert back to full male. (And we all know traps are basically gay.)

But what kind of diseased mind cuts off its own fucking genitals?

This. That shit is nasty tbqh.

i guess we rly need to let the idiots die out

i disagree. All u need to do is do what i wrote

the funny part is when they post trans sex and the trans is flaccid. U can tell how much s/hes enjoying it…

Taking hormones basically castrates you anyway, what's the point of having the useless eggs in the way

well, that great. Still want my sexbot

Still has very manly shoulders.

I am conflicted about traps I like them sexually but want to send them to oven what do?

new meaning of the term "roastie"


Women could compete if they returned to traditional values, submitted to their husbands, and devoted themselves to domestic life.

Go the >>/oven/ with them

Choose one and only one friendo

i'm a trap, please no oven.


reveal your megakike nose and stop pretending to be pol

Apples and oranges. Why are you comparing asian men to white women?

9999/10 where do i sign up?

I feel so sorry for him. I wish him all the better, but this needs to stop.

