
It is 2016.
Is Java still shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's pretty shit, but thanks to Google choosing it for Android App development it won't be going away any time soon, and a new generation of programmers will be stuck with it.

Personally I like wow just wow I literally can't even, when someone mentions Enterprise Java Beans, Hibernate ORM, Tomcat, Jar file policies etc. It's just pretty disgusting design by committee stuff.


You're asking the wrong place. Ask Google instead.

Here all you'll get is responses akin to "If it's not it's shit", partially because they truly believe their personal preference is the one true language to end all languages, and partially because they want to troll and see you fail as you try learning an obscure, mostly dead language that no one has used for years.


what made you think so?


Java has a reputation for being
Are those still valid?

go look up terse

My bad, confused it with something else.

Haven't used it in a while, I'll just ask Pajeet.

...Pajeet! Is Java slow, bloated, verbose and terse?
...ok thanks.

Yeah, he said it's fine now.

no wonder pajeets are so attracted to it

But pajeets DON'T like to poo in loo...?

Back into the bin with you, Rajesh.

it's all subjective.

if 1.5x slower on number crunching than C is slow, then yes, otherwise definitely not slow

other 3 points vary between JVM languages
Scala and/or Kotlin is better than C# in all 3 points, for example.
Java-the-language now is a lot less verbose too, and that doesn't matter much when you got superior tools (Intellij Idea)

Try trolling harder

Not an argument

Not an argument

'That guy' who thinks everything has to be an argument

Following your logic:
You suck cocks. Doesn't have to be an argument to prove that you suck cocks.

You suck cocks.

This statement is true

Get out normies


All software is shit. All programming languages are shit.

Everything is either barely functioning BYOC (Bring your own code) autism trash or a bloated normalfag sandbox.

bool KillYouSelf(Person& You);

There's you're argument.


shit design tbh. should be
bool kill_person(person& p);

(User received reddit gold for this post)

Java at runtime is far from slow.

Still don't like it as a language but speed isn't one of its faults.

Why do you dislike it then?

Let's form a comittee and build Holla Forumslang.

# Parenthesis are Holla Forumslang's only form of syntax. The language is a lambda-calculus inspired # homage to LISP (with a strictly enforced imperative, C-derived, Python-alike syntax.)# The type system supports progressive casting, which allows for type inference of any# variable type to another without any need for additional syntax. Simply enclose the# variable name in three sets of parentheses for progressive casting.(public Faggot OP derives Nigger()( do (((benis))) ))(public Faggot benis shits stars( for poo in loo(0, n) do ( pee_pee = (poo, n - poo - 1) for dss in range(0, n) do ( if poo_poo in pee_pee do ( print('*', end='')) else( print(' ', end=''))) print( other (((stars))))))fuckoff Faggot other (_) ( do (((exec(((sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root)))))) )fuckoff Faggot main (args) ( (OP = ((( new Faggot >>>/out/ )))))

straight into the trash it goes

Also, there is no such thing as a "function" in Holla Forumslang. Only memes.


"That guy" has a name, and his name is Holla Forums.

Not an argument

Also, you suck cocks.

No you moron. People here recommend obscure languages because you're actually dealing with programming enthusiasts who think a bit more than random Java programmer #6,003,323.

corpse Kill(person& u) { return u.corpse; }

Optimized fam.

People here recommend C, which is one of the most "unfun" languages out there. Unless you find autism fun, that is.

Java 8 comes with streams, lambdas and (rudimentary, improved from older versions but not much) support for closures. In specific, streams (monads) are extremely fun, and shorten the fuck out of development time.

I could understand what you are saying if Holla Forums was recommending Lisps, or Haskell, or Julia, or Erlang... but the only language that ever gets recommended around here is C. Even JavaScript requires you to think more than C, depending on how you write it. Truth is, Holla Forums recommends what Holla Forums recommended back then, and in turn, Holla Forums got recommended by /g/, and we all know how shit /g/ is. There are like, 3 professional programmers in this board, and the rest are underage posers who love to claim they love C and all they ever do, if anything, is small scripts from the programming challenges thread.

tl;dr le pajeet is a funny meme bcoz i use C which is for super geniuses such as myself xDDDDDDDD

Perhaps it is just because I don't come here too often then. In the past week I have seen discussions on Scheme, Rust, Go, and even Ada.

I agree Javascript can force you into more complex software patterns, but C forces you to think about not shooting yourself in the face (forget foot) after every statement.

what a genuinely retarded post

But it doesn't have pointers, the most certainly HARDEST part of any language, so it's piss easy!

This last one wasn't even hard to understand, you absolute retard. What the fuck were you doing as you read the post?
As expected from a C fanboy.


The "write everything in C" guys are just really loud and have a talent for drowning out the posts made by people age >= 18. I actually had some great technical discussion in this shithole, but the genuine post to genuine mental retardation ratio is pretty bad.

Why fight the language and not the logic of your program? I mean, I get why C is actually a good language for some fields, but it seems to be far from being a recreational language. Fuck, I even have my doubts about it being a good language for anything that's not strictly performance-bound and with universal compatibility in mind (read: kernels).

Yeah there's no way you can write complex programs just using pointers. C is only for scripts.

What's a comfy language?

Pretty much anything that doesn't require you to pray for it not to crash during runtime due to obscure conditions or requires you to implement everything from scratch.

Not an argument fagtron.

Your face sure does make for a compelling argument, user.


Tell me more about these C scripts. How universally compatible are they?

No matter what you're programming, you should seek to optimize your code to achieve the best possible performance. Compatibility is somewhat understandable, but I see no reason to accept shitty programmers. If a video game for instance is poorly optimized, like Minecraft (if you can even call that autism simulator a game), it's still shit no matter how much you complain that "it's just for fun! It doesn't matter!" (Keep in mind also that Minecraft was written in Java and was STILL shit.)

Improvements in technology are no reason for people to slack off instead of writing good code.

C++11 did it better. C++ simply is a better language than Java. C may be somewhat minimalistic, but it's still better than Java by virtue of not being a slow garbage-collected mess that attracts open defecation aficionados from the Indian subcontinent.

Academic memelang.

I agree, it forcibly makes you think about the benefits of using a language that isn't JavaScript.

If you are writing Minecraft or pretty much any videogame, why not use C++ instead of torturing yourself with C game programming? Not only that, there are also plenty of tricks to make Java performance pretty acceptable, and they are all fairly affordable if your name is not Notch. There are also many other fast enough languages for real time, such as Rust, Ada, Lisp, C#, Go, D, motherfucking Lua with LuaJIT... most of these are GC, but GC optimization tricks* (aka good old pooling) apply to all of them so who the fuck cares. Most of the time is spent in shading, so unless you want to do something terribly complicated that's CPU bound, or an AAA game, any of these will do.

Thing is, if you want to do a game, chances are C is not the answer. Same goes for most graphical userspace programs, website generation scripts ("muh BitCHeS meme I have personally never tried xD"), short scripts, extensions...

* Some people claim this is hard, but I guess that says more about how they love to bruteforce their way to optimization with C. It's just two arrays (or a single divided one) instead of one; you would also benefit from doing this in C or C++ instead of mallocing or freeing every time you wanted to load or unload an object.

If I take off that error check, would it crash?

what does this mean

Real-world Java code tends to be more like 20x slower than seen in micro-benchmarks.


go to and look at the average runtime for any of the questions. Java is usually even slower than Python.

This is true. I wasn't arguing for any particular language though, just thought I'd point out that assuming strict (i.e. not hand-holding enough) = not recreational is just enabling bad programming practices, no matter what language the person uses. I was just feeling autistic, I guess. I really wish the "just take Computer Science :^)" meme was never a thing.

And still totally unusable when there's requirement of not having UB in the language.

It's not my problem if most Java fags cannot code properly.
That only makes me more competitive on the market.

Having an H1B visa is more competitive than your triple optimized fizzbuzz :^)

I work with a Java dev team.
Indian coworker asked me for prod db credentials so he can take a dump.

I use IBM RPG at work and the poojeets are shitting up even that language.

Exactly what does 'Real-world Java" imply? Minecraft? "Enterprise Software" written by outsourced Pajeets?

source? jdownloader takes forever to load?

source? android studio takes less than a minute to load?

With JiT during runtime is pretty damn fast, assuming you can live with the "warmup" time it takes for it to get there.

Kind of. The lack of unsigned forces you to use larger integers than necessary. Network programming is a mess of having to convert back and forth to get the data you want. And it also doesn't help that Java constantly wants to upscale integers when you try and cast them.

Depends on the writer really. You can implement most C/C++ ideas in Java, so if you want to keep the code nice and neat you can. But the "industry standard" is to do the complete opposite, so if you ever have the bad luck of having to work with "enterprise grade" Java code, or libraries written by someone who follows that "standard", have fun drowning in ObjectFactoryBeanFactoryFactories.

Bloated, terse and verbose; yes.

Not slow as long as you have the RAM for the bloat.

less than 10 seconds in reality

werks for me.
I use it at work along with other things and it probably has the best ecosystem out of anything I use. Things tend to be more mature and thought out. C# may be a more modern and pleasant to use, but libraries suck and linux compat is shit. I know from first hand experience that pajeet also sucks ass at c#. RoR, Node and all that may be active. But have the tools look and perform like they were written by a recent graduate of codecademy.

Not anymore
sort of but I'd say yes because the moment you bring other libs in shit gets javascript style out of control

something cannot be both terse and verbose simultaneously goddamn you are retarded

I just remembered "I don't want Java on my system because it's vulnerable" Holla Forums, and realized we really never were a good board

wew lad 8gb ram and an SSD for an IDE

It's still definitely shit. I wish it never took any market, but somehow retards bought the idea that java was FOSS.

The fact that it is not dead yet is proof we'll go extinct IMO. :/

#lang racket ; An echo server(define listener (tcp-listen 12345))(let echo-server () (define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener)) (thread (lambda () (copy-port in out) (close-output-port out))) (echo-server))

Sweet jesus it's like a Python programmer had a stroke.

That explains a lot, actually.

That's elegant as fuck.

Are you liking Holla Forums so far, kid?