Why do you polute my land?

Why Holla Forums? Why? ;_;

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it's not your land

It is. Send the Europeans back to sea!


boo-hoo. maybe you should have bettered yourselves instead of living in mud huts for 10,000 years


still shit

Better than cold stone and thatched roofs eurofag.

I'm Filipino English, I wish civilisation had arrived quicker, people still live in mud huts in parts of Asia and Africa, Spain, Austria, UK, nl, had impressive structures, education, music a long time ago. There is only a few Brazilian tribes etc that have not had outside contact, but all the inbreeding and diseases will kill them soon.

if that's true, how come we took all your land and wiped out 80% of you?

Guns vs bow and arrows.

It is the white man's way. Have another beer and enjoy your casino profits.

and what was stopping you from developing better weapons during the thousands of years before the europeans came?


a nauseatingly stupid post, cock sucker
why don't you just shut up? you'd seem far less foolish now.

I can wait all night for your response

it's not a question to which there is a response, moron
it's not really a question at all, but a rhetorical device designed to call your acolytes for a hugfest
how come your ancestors were dying of pox in a frozen cave when niggers were building pyramids?

because at that time, they were worse than the niggers

unlike the niggers, however, they improved

they improved so much, apparently, that a few centuries later they felt the need to run away from their homeland and fellow europeans, to murder and pillage vulnerable natives on the other side of the world. they improved so fucking much that they couldn't make it in the developped society their forebears had created, so they sailed away and stole from a weaker people what they couldn't obtain at home.

and the summum of this improvement is you, an ignorant bigot arguing online that native americans deserved genocide because they didn't have guns. shame on you.


it was necessary you stupid fucking native. that is how technological process works, you start with something basic then build on it.

unlike you, white men looked to the stars and wondered what was out there while you just danced around a fucking fire chanting and to this day still would be.


Jewish slaves built the pyramids.

The original Jews were niggers and also Egyptians were niggers

deserve's got nothin' to do with it

its fucking easy as shit my dude

Faggot, you have it good here with us Europeans

even hieroglyphs depict high class as white, while low class as black, so not all egyptians were as nigger as u



one and only one

read more, nigger

Both of you need to read. They weren't white, nor were they black. They were closer to arabs or idians. Some were greek if you consider greeks white I guess. Most black Egyptians were bantu slaves although blacks were not exclusively slaves. Egypt is black now because of the arab slave trade during the persian empire.

As if whites were the first imperialist. Although we do love to take credit for things we didn't do or invent just like every other group of people. Really all we did was figure out sailing first because europe has so many goddamn islands an peninsulas. From there we aquired knowledge from all over the world through trading and became an unstoppable powerhouse although it did help that we were a bunch of ruthless savages from years of constant war. Not unlike north american natives actually. Too bad we had horses, guns, and smallpox.

im still right

it's his land actually, euro/brit americunts are just immigrants.

fuck off burger.

they don't have to follow your twisted idea of civilization, you can be civilized and live in harmony with nature.
the cherokee has a very advanced civilization, it's just you who thinks that civilization = industry.

fuckin stupid

civilisation does equal tools. Did they invent computers to hunt? Yeah, nah ure cunt

actually the indians seemed to have a much more interesting and fun way of life than modern life. they spent their days hunting in the wild and traveled with the wild migrating animals without destroying everything they touched.

No you stupid cunt.

yes, u stupid cunt


I dare you to try it, prairie nigger. The only reason your tribes continue to exist is that some rich white folks felt sorry for you.. and those rich white folks never had to actually deal with you, I might add.