After seeing how much a failure /namibia/ and that pacific island project were I thought that maybe you guys had better Ideas or even suggestions on how we can revive those projects.
pic related. It's patagonia a region I think could be home to a "whiteopia"
Whiteopia thread
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step it up user
I'll bite. I talked a little bit with the /greenland/ guys, not because I necessarily thought it was a great location but because I like the idea. I made them a website just for fun, it only took an hour or two.
I'm an architectural design major, self-employed for a dozen years in the construction industry. It must have been 15 years ago that I realized that architecture/local agriculture/renewable energy could be used to make a self-sufficient community. I actually have several blueprints drawn up that I'm pretty proud of. And I'm very self-critical so they're objectively good, I have no doubt.
I minored in anthropology to help myself realize this goal, because understanding humans and their societies is actually the most difficult part of this endeavor. I have a family background in farming also, and I'm pretty knowledgeable about crops and livestock.
A few years back I spent 2 years attempting to pull off my vision, and what I learned from that is that people are always the weak links. You get the fair-weather types, the I-want-to-be-the-leader-but-I'm-clueless types, the sheep, etc. Find the right group of people, and I'm in. Also I'm American, so shit in Europe is meaningless to me.
Good luck.
why don't we just invade Kosovo and build a settlement there?
shitty little country's not even relevant, except if you're a serb
There is actually a pretty big market for these self-sufficient communities, people will pay 50-100k USD just to get on a list, and wait 3-8 years to get in. People also travel around to do "eco-tourism", aka go check out how these things work. Therefore, having a hotel/cabin system set up could generate TOURISM REVENUE. From my research, that's the most profitable source of periodic income. And making money is key to success. So whether you're profiting from selling homes or from tourism or some other way, you have to have a business plan. Pic probably unrelated but is one of my acquaintances business
Sin e this is just for living in the wilderness in a secure area, not much leadership should be necessary. Identify the experts in given areas and refer to them for advice if a problem comes up.
Patagonia was talked about a lot when /namibia/ was at its peak
It is almost perfect but the issue is the ozone layer hole is directly over top. Skin cancer rates are very high in that region which is why not a lot of people live there.
Maybe its not as bad for humans I don't know
It's time we get serious and realize that somewhere like Japan is likely a better choice. It's one of the only 1st world, right wing, nationalist, homogeneous governments out there that isn't going to be affected by any refugee crisis. There is also mutual respect among the two populations and Hokkaido has a low population density.
Unrelated, I have a feeling there are more than a few Intentional Communities(Communes, tightknit religious communities, ecovillages etc) that are all-white and enforce unspoken rules regarding this. Here's a database of many Intentional Communities across the globe that already exist, by the way
Kek confirms, be careful of skin cancer
The problem for all these projects is exactly as you described. You get maybe 15 people to move to another board or forum, then a week later nobody is checking it at all.
We need solid plans, places for anons to make donations, a clear leader that does his best to keep the project alive, lots of HYPE, skilled settlers, and weapons for the inevitable armed conflict with the local government.
A right wing nationalistic Asian nation probably won't allow a large group of whites to buy territory and set up a commune.
Come home, white man
I would probably be willing to spearhead the project, hell I spent considerable resources and effort to do it once before. I even came up with a council-style 'government' that I think is effective (assuming you can get people with the right expertise and drive to fill them) when I was spitballing with /greenland/ (I enjoy theorizing on that sort of thing). I learned through hard experience that a project like this is a big task, though, the type of thing that should probably have a 5-year plan for phase one. Also I don't particularly care about having authority, I just want to test the concept. All that is highly hypothetical.
That's where I moved to start it up
(just bumping with random landscape photos)
When Vice reported on /namibia/ someone in my class brought it up to me. I had a mini internal panic attack. He just turned to me before the class and said, "I just read this article about how a bunch of white supremacists want to colonize Namibia." Then the whole class was making fun of them and I just kinda pretended to not be interested.
Something that anyone can do while they are waiting is to buy an RV, van, truck camper, or trailer and outfit it to be able to live inside. It will allow you to go mobile at a moment's notice in case of a happenings.
In this context, it would provide accommodation near the community as it is being built.
This is the ideal first step, I would think
It will never be more than a few hundred people judging by past projects.
And foreigners are allowed to purchase property in Japan with little restrictions.
I am a richfag who could probably put 50k in as long as the plan was absolutely solid and 100% happening.
If these plots had hope of succeeding, it would be best to do it in Uruguay.
Why Uruguay?
I seem to recall hearing something about Jewish organizations and this area.
Hey guys it's OP. Should i start a board for this? I would go on /namibia/ and make a thread about this but it's been dead for a while.
There is one thing all of these plans seem to miss:
In order to be successful you need to generate wealth.
Population centers almost always grow up around some natural resource. A port, fertile ground, a gold mine, lumber, etc. If the gold mine dies so does the city.
If we want to create a whiteopia we need to have a plan to create wealth through our common effort. That is the core from which all else grows.
Setting up a self-sustaining commune in a forest somewhere does nothing. We need to focus our effort on creating something of universal value and exporting it, so that whites will flock to join in the prosperity.
I have no desire to go join 20 white people in the middle of nowhere and toil in the dirt just to die poor with the only benefit being that I didnt have to deal with niggers. I, and nearly everyone I know, would go to a white-only city (or country) full of good paying jobs and schools that teach white pride and nationalism instead of communism.
You could just move to a really rural county in the US and hit the elections hard. Sheriff and prosecutor are both county level elected positions. Town council appoints local police chief, school administrators and doles out the budget to the local town offices as well as determines zoning and permits for the town.
Free state project pretty much is a lolbertarian version of this for NH. If you shock the system with enough new votes you can take over local government. Thats how the Irish grabbed so much influence so quickly in America.
Dubs confirm, this plan is emperor approved.
The population is 3 million, 2 million of which live in the capital Montevideo, the second city, Punta del Este is almost 1 million… the rest of the country is practically deserted population-wise.
This leaves the Uruguayan countryside, of which the population is almost strictly Germanic.
The nation is the safest in Latin America (more than Chile almost comparable to Canada). The countryside is policed by their "Gendarmerie" and are known to be ruthless with criminals and prefer to torture them or kill them rather bring them to trial. This is a holdover from the military regime and they're thugs but don't go around begging for bribes like in some other spic countries.
Gun laws are good (for Latin America), they seem to distinguish between urban and rural areas, in rural areas you can own rifles and shotguns with only a registration (handguns are oddly more difficult to acquire legally), but "high capacity" rifles are considered "military grade weapons" and are banned.
I don't agree with it, but the herbal jew is legal and so are abortions (which is odd in Latin America).
Also anyone with a pulse from North America, Europea, Australia, etc can get a visa to live there.
And unlike every other project, Uruguay is some of the most arable land and premium livestock pastures in the world.
Every immigrant that stays under legal pretext is given citizenship automatically after living there for 6 years.
Not to mention the locals are Whiteish so it's not like Namibia and Greenland where you're making camp right in the lion's den of non-Whites…
Sure it's less romantic but actually feasible.
I don't know. That sounds pretty worth it. Also if you are self sufficient then you can hardly be poor as you have no need for money. I think you have the consumerism bug, only known cure is to spill the blood of the jew.
The region of Patagonia has an abundance of Timber, Gold, Copper and other natural resources that are mostly undeveloped.
Thank you very much!
Any further links or info about Uruguay (or Argentina) for pasty whites?
I was in Chilean Patagonia a few years ago. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to, and Chile has some of the most relaxed laws in the world on getting citizenship, and you can even buy land and vehicles on just a tourist visa.
I visited this town in the picture (called Puerto Varas), which was set up by German settlers in the middle of the 19th century. There were no more Germans when I was there. They were lost in the sea of Mestizos.
So, why would you set up a white colony in a non-white country? Your future descendants have an increased likelihood of just race-mixing into oblivion.
Why not just just buy property in Greece now that our government is selling off our clay and reverse the trend?
You can even vote for GD if you manage to take citizenship.
Do you have a skype or such?
I'm not clueless, but humble enough to admit I have no skills that can match yours. However, I am willing to work hard on a project and architecture was always something I enjoyed thinking about and could have went to if I hadn't dropped out of bricklaying.
It's not Japan… anymore… but Sakhalin in Russia, just north of Hokkaido, is fairly sparsely populated.
The southern end of the island, which was once Karafuto prefecture in Japan, has a very similar climate to Hokkaido.
There can be no success in such an endeavor with the people here. We are meant to die fighting in the race Ragnarok to create a better White world, not live in it ourselves.
No matter how much we rail against modernity, we've fatally internalized it. The new White Man must be surrounded by and produce only Traditionalism.
I think you speak the truth. It's a long time to come (potentially centuries) before we've removed all the alien influences from our collective psyche and create something wholly Aryan.
Real life networking is very important, and private colonization has been done countless times throughout history. However anonymous communities aren't able to succeed because projects like these need:
-A leader (an idea which is always autistically resisted)
-Local preliminary meetups of people not afraid of leaving their 7 proxies
-Limited to one country (namely USA -OR- EU, not both) so that people can easily move about within a large geographic area.
-Stringent purging of a few types of mission drift personalities: non-violence pacifists who aren't willing to fight kill and die for the cause (/k/ tier cryptoegalitarian lolbertarians); TOO violent/purist types who want to massacre niggers and don't want anyone who isn't 101% pure bavarian phenotype; and space elevatorists who want to create technologies that don't yet exist – rely on what already exists and innovate after you've achieve victory.
-Telling students/careercucks who can't walk away from their present commitments to go get fucked by Jamal until they're ready to fight.
I agree we must leave USA or EU, but in the short term you need a staging colony that can take in raw recruits and boot-camp them into useful soldiers.
It has to be able to take useless NEETs with no skills, fat fucks, underweight skellingmans, and all forms of degenerate trash that the jews have made of us and turn them into a standardized semi-aryan human.
To that end we need a domestic colony with rudimentary economy, barracks, and training facilities. We need not only to reform the body and the skills but also the mind. We need a much stronger consensus that just merely the fourteen words, which is why a single leader is so important. We need an ideological book to indoctrinate our soldiers in. A lot will reject the ideology for muh principles and washout. We should make recruits say they love sucking jew dick on day one to flush out the principlecucks.
The training process should transform them into fit men with some skill in a practical trade while modifying their ideology to our party line all while their platoon works together to construct a fiberglass oceanworthy ship. Once a platoon has constructed their ship (this process should take at least a year) they depart the colony as new recruits come in. They sail and act independently and establish a new colony elsewhere and repeat the process.
Even if we never get past this point we establish disciplined, cooperative cells of capable pro-white men throughout the United States who can respond locally and do as they please on their own initiative.
But should we go all the way, our fleet of oceanworthy ships would give us GLOBAL reach to reach out to any coastal location in the world and touch them. We could invade Liberia (army: 3k low morale poorly trained chimps) during one of their civil wars or coups. We could raid Iceland for waifus. We could join nationalist movements in small european countries such as Finland if they make a move against their government, supplying them with rifles and armaments. We could transport thousands of European refugees to our colonies as illegal immigrants of the proper color.
If you want a plan that empowers us in meatspace, it will look something like this. That's all from me I guess, the thread is dead.
Just come to Kekek.
I'm thinking the best way is to do it the way the jews do it. Let's face it, Israel is a huge fucking success. I'm actually scared I'm turning into a jew myself, but still, if it can help save the white master race, I'm all for it. It's simple: settle everywhere, form strong communities based on race that refuse any interaction with locals, help and favor each other in order to be more prosperous, gather money and send it to Israel.
So here's what I think is a viable strategy: we keep on going with our daily lives, making money in the larger world, and putting some of it aside for the day whitetopia becomes real. If we ever come to agree to a location, we can invest that money to buy land, build property if there isn't, basic infrastructure, roads even. Many craftsmen will be required to start this, and they'll need basic accomodations, food and water, which will see the birth of the first businesses. Then we start going there and meet for every major holiday, to strengthen bonds. And if all conditions are met, a diaspora will bloom on its own.
At least, nothing is lost in the process. Well, actually putting money aside equals giving it to the jew, so maybe invest in some material wealth such as silver, gold or real estate, but still, we're not losing much and I think it prevents many ways Whitetopia could go wrong. And it's not just roleplaying, I've kinda done that before, and many do.
You could say I'm globalization's and multiculturalism's greatest champion- oh I do hate them as much as anyone around here, but I realized they can be powerful tools on my side. They allow you to go anywhere, and do anything. If we are of this race that conquered the world and built the greatest civilizations, surely we can do something with it.
I myself became completely part of it. I'm no longer part of a society, culture, ideology, or nation. I own owning nothing and spend my time going wherever there grass is the greenest, profiting from all opportunities, being a perpetual tourist. No one can reach me, yet I can reach anything, anywhere, anytime. Globalization weakened the world, so much that it has become easy for an able individual to ride that bitch.
While immigrants are storming my birthplace, I'm being an immigrant in theirs. They invade my country, I colonize theirs. Everywhere I go, I exclusively associate with European/NA/Aus expatriates, and we always help each other out, out of a profound racial friendship, and form small communities of like-minded people, like a small family, spending every major holiday together. We establish businesses together and milk locals, leave when things go sour, start again somewhere else. I'm a parasite, but no one can stop me, that would be racist, even though I'm white. It's like several mini-whitetopias that spontaneously bloom everywhere around the world. They're not geographically isolated, you can only live among locals as foreigners, but what matters the most is who you interact with, and where your money goes.
And while doing this, I hope I'll eventually find an actually great place where Whitetopia could settle for good, because holy fucking shit are other countries absolute garbage; no wonder whites eventually settled in Europe, it is far superior to any other place in the world.
That's exactly what jews did, and it worked. Better, it works for whites. We just haven't found where to settle, and most whites are way too attached to Europe to just abandon it. But if you want Whitetopia to become real, I'm thinking you need massive expat immigration there, which alone will settle the deal: they're seasoned travelers, resolute and courageous, used to settle, move around, and establish basic organization and infrastructure, they can live in any kind of situation including a complete lack of comfort and hygiene, and will welcome an attempt to make a white nation. The only issue is that many are leftists, but the core is redpilled as fuck.
tl;dr: Become the jew: colonization, communautarism, favoritism, and invest your saved money in Whitetopia.
Were all gonna be the same color in 40 years anyways..
Race mix while its still available
Thank goodness, a set of possible news which could help everyone out, including the suffering black Africans.
Ironically, Africa, specifically Botswana or Kenya, would be excellent places for our new area of peaceful relocation. Kenya, because it has large swaths of arable land, but until recently, the Kenyan Government has had security issues with al-Shabaab and just in general; people still accuse people of witchcraft and burn them alive. Botswana doesn't have as much arable land, but it is available since not too many blacks are in the argicultural business it seems. Botswana is also not only one of the safest countries in Africa, but also the least corrupt. I've often stated how stupid relocating to Namibia was, especially since Kenya and Botswana (Nigeria too, but I wouldn't recommend that) are looking for professionals in many sectors especially farming.
Don't be gay, we have to think strategically. Right now, the Chinks have their stubby fingers in Zimbabwe to colonize and enslave the blacks. Do you honestly think that we as pollacks would stand a chance against not only our corrupt government and the yellow-bellied whites, but also against the Chinks? Get real.
Greenland is gay, too cold, no natural resources like Africa, and shitty farming weather. We're trying to make a land prosperous, not merely survive in isolation from the decadent West.
Terrific, try finding someone who has that type of management experience. Unless you're volunteering.
Don't fool yourself, just because we could be a homogenous community, doesn't mean that law and order are not necessary. Whites still commit crimes against whites, just not on such a dramatic scale as x-group vs whites.
Patagonia, like with Greenland, suffers the same problems, except now, we'll have to contend with Zika as well as being even more isolated than Greenland. If you want to live in South America, I'd suggest Argentina, or the little German village of Pomerode in Brazil. Looks nice, friendly, and the women their look authentically German. Good luck getting in though. Here's some photos of the place. https:[email protected]/* *//23792673229. Also, you have to think how we're going to survive. Patagonia would be even more isolated from everyone else than even Greenland. I have and always will, suggest Africa.
You can't be a citizen of Japan unless you marry a Japanese person. Otherwise, you can only apply for permanent residency in the country.
Fuck off, NWFaggot. That's shit idea, because it's still under the jurisdiction of the US government. Not so smart, eh?
I would've just went along, the Pollacks didn't understand fully that Namibia was a terrible country to peacefully relocate. like I suggested time and time again, Botswana or Kenya is the way to go. Were you one of the originals on the Holla Forums thread to discuss that?
If that's the case, let's go with a stable country in Africa where our Dollars would be stretched wider than the Cuckservative Truth.
Absolutely correct user, we cannot possibly do any of this without a common resource which starving Africans need to survive yet don't have the education to obtain despite excellent growing weather year-round and excellent topsoil in most places. Someone suggested Uruguay, which is mostly mountainous and would be shit to relocate to.
Interesting choice, Botswana and Kenya have lax gun laws (since no one seems to follow them), but even still, to go the legal route, you can just set up a private security company and have all the automatic weapons you desire.
What's the political situation? Is there a way for non-citizens to own land?
Could you teach us how to build that wall on the West Bank, Moshe?
I think we need to put more boots on the ground in Africa to help the whites Rhodesians in modern Zimbabwe and the Boers of South Africa. Both are white colonies with a strong lineage, but they are under grave attack from nigs.
We can show solidarity with our white brothers and firmly establish land in Africa, letting the apes there know not to try and fuck with us.
I might be jumping the gun, but I'm just so damn tired of watching all this invasion shit happen to Europe. And worse still, no one gives a fuck about the Rhodesians and Boers… I mean, if Sweden and Germany wanted to help real refugees, they'd open their doors to them instead of undocumented nigs…
I think I've figured out what happened to the Ancient Egyptians and other races that achieved almost impossible feats.
I'm giving this a bump because this is a great thread and I've been trying to revive this concept forever. Here's a few maps of Botswana and Kenya. I'll be back later to go into great depth about my reasoning. I'll be back at least 24 hours from now.>>6718860
At present, South Africa suffers from an influx of various blacks from Zimbabwe who are escaping Mugabe's tyranny. You're correct when you say that we need more boots on the ground in order to scout the area, but that would be true for any of the expeditions. We can establish ourselves firmly in (my opinion, preferably) Botswana given it's lower crime/corruption index and the fact that it's never had a Marxist/Maoist insurrection, no history of farmland seizures and is relatively close to the other problematic Africans nations, such as South Africa, Namibia and Zambia/Zimbabwe (Northern/Southern Rhodesia). By the way, some maps which may prove useful. One final note, this is a peaceful relocation expedition, we are professionals looking for establish a strong economy which will not only benefit us, but the blacks as well. DO NOT go 14/88, doing so will jeopardize this plan and will have us kicked to the curb. Look at it this way, anyone who's doing that retard bullshit is either from Tel Aviv or is someone who is not too well-educated or composed to begin with; someone who will be a net loss to the prospects of our expedition. Capisce?
If anything, we're better off now, since Holla Forums seems to changed their zeitgeist from a strict copy of the NSDAP, to the more standard and beneficial American Paleoconservatism/Afrikaner Nationalism. Both are excellent ideologies.
I just noticed this post so i'm responding to it, and now I'm off. Be back again soon, don't let this thread die out.
Which one has the weaker easier to handle population?
obligatory posting the plan
Check back at least twice everday for updates!
It's not so much a fact of who's weaker, rather who's more cooperative. I would say Botswana absolutely, so I would start there. As previously stated, lack of crime and a rather homogenous population (Mostly Tswana people), would lead me to believe that they'd be more cooperative. As a side note, Botswana has a very complicated tribal structure, which would lead me to believe that there is a tribalism within the Tswana people's nation, but it is not as bad as the bullshit between the Xhosa and the Zulu in South Africa or the Mashona and the Ndebele in Zimbabwe (each comparative group are actually different nations, not tribes). That being said, Botswana and recently Kenya, are looking for professionals, especially Farmers, to grow their economy. My money's on Botswana.
Thanks, i saved it, and will spread it around.
First you need to break ground. You need to lay the ground work for those 10,000 people to live. Buying land from local inhabitants could actually be rather simple considering how valuable American money is in unstable parts of the world. As a back up you invest in a shit ton of silver and gold. Once the land is bought you need to make sure you can defend yourself from attacks. As long as you are legally there the government should not cause a huge problem they may need to get paid off. This also mean securing weapons, making sure every man, woman, and child knows how to fight and building fortifications. Now comes the tricky part SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE. This needs to be the first thing enacted once the land is secured and will probably require the most work do to desertification and naturally harsh climates. We need people with a strong understanding of agriculture.
I agree Botswana seems like a good choice. Plus they only have a population of 2 million and 300,000+ have AIDs.
Moving to Russia doesn't sound great to me. Their authoritarian government could move against WNs, and in that case little could be done to stop them.
-Botswana is a good choice. I'm not sure if you're being snarky about the whole AIDS thing. I'm not too particularly worried, just don't have sex or share blood with the locals and you should be fine. If we're smart enough, we'll have this planned out, including having a blood bank and a private clinic amongst many other things. Plus if you haven't heard, AIDS is on it's last legs according to researchers in Australia.
- THIS. Do not fall into the usual Holla Forums doings by suggesting something then either not doing it, or having it so poorly planned that you choose a hostile country, and all the other people are either dead or in jail now slight exaggeration most likely, but we really don't know what happened to Curonian. Also, in terms of Security, I'm not exmilitary but i am local LEO and have deathgrips. we would do well to have as many veterans on board as possible. There's word going around that they're being denied access to their second amendment guaranteed right, plus, they're having difficulty finding employment. Without a doubt, they can either establish themselves in Botswana and provide security detail and manual labor etc. or they can pal up with Eeben Barlow and his private company's his blog:
- DONT MOVE TO RUSSIA. If you even question the tenets of the Holocaust, you will be jailed. Contrary to what that retard Anglin thinks, Russia is the WORST place for journalists and freedom of speech. Soon enough, it's going to be a dangerous place in general for anyone using the internet. They've already banned the use of TOR and are more likely than not going after other meshnets including the recently being developed, IPFS. RUSSIA IS A DEATH SENTENCE. As far as I know, since Botswana is the least corrupt country in Africa, there is no law against either insulting, or questioning the holocaust.
By the way, one more thing about the AIDS thing. If we act like the good Shkrellians that we ought to be, and save a few shekels to buy cures (when it becomes available) for the Africans, we will be looked upon as saviours, as such, this will further chip into Deh ebil wait mens meme. Furthermore, the Botswana government will have increasingly lesser and lesser reason to do anything stupid, although their track record is pretty good, so it wouldn't seem like they'd do it anyway, but I'm just saying.
It's a mix of snark and saying the people there are fucked.
so? Make Botswana Liveable Somewhat: MBLS
But hey, I'm always open to Suggestions, As it stands, Russia has a higher rate of AIDS patients anyway (though not per capita). Would you want to be surrounded by unknown AIDS carriers in a crowded area like Sankt-Peterburg, or possibly live in farmlands in relative prosperity with armed guards amid a government that actually wants your kind (me included) there?
What exactly is your alternative better proposal user?
We are already here OP. Move northwest ASAP
How much are you getting paid Chaim?
I am not saying it is bad Botswana seems like the best choice I am just saying the local population shouldn't be a major issue.
What are your descendants going to do when Africa's population is 4.5 billion in 70 years and they know about that lily white paradise so close by?
Ok, thanks for clearing that up, I wasn't sure what you meant by what you wrote. As for the Africans, I am at worst, indifferent, but at best, possess an Ian D. Smith style of Paternalism. The President of Botswana was smart enough to want professionals in the country, I'd say this is a perfect opportunity to give him what he wants and we want.
70 years? Gosh, what a wonderful little secure paradise we'd have made for ourselves in a country that actually wants us there, but would keep foreigners, including the Zimbabweans refugees out. By the way, a link to your claim would be helpful, since I'm not sure, given births and mortality rates among the blacks Africans, that it would peak to close to that number.
You really have to stop doing this, Chaim, no one takes the NWF serious anymore, though, it shouldn't have been taken seriously to begin with.
Is there a good reason we should migrate to the Pacific Northwest other then some white supremacist said we should?
I mean at the end of the day the Pacific Northwest is still subject to American laws.
In 70 years our grandchildren fight along side their Botswanan brothers in arms to repel the foreign invaders and protect the land of their fathers and grandfathers.
Blood and soil, faggots.
That's what I said on one of my previous statements. It doesn't make sense to move to somewhere IN THE WESTERN WORLD, when the idea is to escape from it's corrupted banker hands. Furthermore, I keep stating this, both Botswana and Kenya are going to bend over and spread anus for smart, charismatic and able-bodied professionals to grow their economy; especially agriculture in Botswana, and Security in Kenya. We would face significantly less resistance in planting ourselves in arable land in the North of Botswana or the North-West of Kenya, than in the rocky, lousy farming weather of the pacific northwest. unless you like to fish (we could possibly do that in the areas I'm suggesting right now), but that's not the mainstay unlike Farming, which is significantly easier, than getting a boat and hopefully surviving. This is out self-determination that many politicians throughout the history of man stated.
Think about it. the Botswana unit of currency exchange rate is a little over 9 cents American. Are you telling me, that the Botswana government wouldn't want our kind to expand on their governing body of responsible government? I'd likely say yes, especially since, they, and many other African nations, advertised their interest in the White Farmers expelled from Zimbabwe.
Think about the other whites in Africa, ESPECIALLY the Boers. Think they've had enough of their black government now? Wait until 70 years time when we've been established and they are too. It doesn't take long to train a teenager for Combat (hell, they have survival/military camps for 11 and 12 year olds in Russia). Security isn't going to be a problem, especially if we have veterans in both the Military and LE.
I'm starting to wonder that the JIDF is, and will continue to pimp, the idea of the NWF. DON'T BE FOOLED. the NWF was doomed to fail, because it's part of the US. I'll repeat myself again, why would we want to be a part of that area, when it is still tied to the US politically? It doesn't make sense.
By the way, I'm referring to only training our children in case they need to use self-defense, I don't advocate the instigation of violence whatsoever.
Now for land. I am looking around and it seems farmland sells for 800-1000 per acre. Which is dirt cheap.
Well Botswana is dangerous animal territory it would only make sense. It probably isn't strange to walk around caring guns to protect yourself.
I really hope we do get a new colonization effort going, we should arrange a European and an American meet up for those who are interested.
There will be a time when the US will dissolve, It's inevitable. At that time I want to be fighting next to other white brothers.
Lions usually hunt in packs, but are terrified of Humans. So they more likely than not will flee quietly, if they can. They will only attack if they are cornered, which isn't unheard of.
It's not colonisation, it's peaceful living and economic relocation. We're not interested in taking the resources of the country, we just want a place to live that doesn't have a (((multinational bank))) , and if it does or it becomes as such, we could have the good sense to break it off, and form a national botswana bank in order to curb the debt slavery by the IMF et a. in the country while perhaps, espousing and advocating, greater Botswana-UK trade?. This is all very feasible. We just have to want it enough, and plan for it accordingly. Don't kid yourselves, this isn't going to be an easy task, BUT it is doable. hell, Gen. Gaddafi was interested in breaking away from the IMF and World Bank and creating a Pan-African trading Union, with each nation having their own National bank. Until he was murdered, that is.
At this point, I am wary as to why you'd want to meet up so soon, user. Especially since, we don't have any solid plans as of yet, heck, we don't even have our own feelers our there investigating possible farmable land. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were (((an investigative reporter))).
Stop this LARPing of a global war, that would be counter-productive for everyone. This is a peaceful project. why the hell would you want a war?
Actually I was thinking if we make plans in person we are much more likely to follow them through.
You make a good, I was kind of hasty to say colonization and we don't have the strength for it anyway.
"greater Botswana-UK trade?" if you were asking if I am British, I am mate.
Wasn't aware of that, nor was I hinting towards so. I was just saying, that since Britain is going it alone from Brexit God I hope Theresa May doesn't shit over the Farage's hard work and go six years into exiting, my inquiry, is that with all the wonderful minds on Holla Forums there are also several retards, one of whom is on this thread and is actively shilling the North West Front and talking of civil war and all this bullshit. Let me be very clear about this, THIS PROJECT DOES NOT ADVOCATE VIOLENCE OR CONFLICT OF ANY SORT. This is a peaceful project aimed at making an African country wealthy and free from sycophantic banks/bankers and all the while giving us our freedom we've been denied because of our grubby politicians.
Put it to you like this, if you'd like to do that, be my guest, however, I think now would be the best time to send out anons as feelers to get a sense of the land and report back. I myself am planning to book a flight to Africa sometime in the future because of that. Also, I should put this out here because I know this thread will attract a lot of retards and shills.
DO NOT: attempt to engage people who are advocating violence and destruction as a part of a genocidal means. This is a peaceful economic relocation project.
DO NOT:instigate violence of any sort. I and many other do not condone violence whatsoever, and if I find out any one is, I will report on sight, and most likely you will be partyvanned. No Exceptions.
DO: give us a description of your skills and educational background (if you'd like).
DO: advocate peaceful talks and possibilities.
That's all I can think of for now. No doubt, there are probably a lot of (((Hal Turner's))) on this board as well as several feds.
By the way, keep in mind, m80, that the term peaceful economic and living relocation could be hijacked and used against us, and we in fact, could be pigeon-holed as colonialists. This is not accurate in the least, but we must be doubly careful and not whine about how, for example, Europe is taking in x number of refugees, as this type of reasoning will ultimately fail with the leftards and the (((media))). with that in mind, let's keep this thread going, shall we? We still have 670 replies left on this thread as I write this, let's make the best of it.
I'm on my mobile now. Don't call everyone a shill, you faggot. I read it from a recent Pat Buchanan article, see here
It's just the official UN projection. You can find info about it all over.
This world is crashing all over. I just find it imbecilic to set up white utopia in the midst of a growing swarm of Africans, even if it sounds nice now. Your best bet is to create nests in rural areas of countries that still have a majority whites.
I didn't call everyone a shill. But when you have these morons spouting off aryan this, and 14/88 that, the project becomes an easy target for the media and SJWs shitheads. That's what you don't understand, you honestly believe that America is going to be able to save all of it's citizens when we have laws which benefit african-americans and section-8 housing as well as snivel-rights movements, where such things don't exist in Botswana. I'm well aware of Pat Buchanan, but his article isn't relevant to this discussion.
Except, that not every white person will be moving to Botswana, if the idea gets off the ground. This will be at first, a few people visiting the country, while ALL who are interested in the projects, will be gathering as much information about the climate, the living standards, the economic growth potential, and many other characteristics about the country. I find your lack of understanding imbecillic. Not once did you attempt to understand my reasoning on the subject, nor did you give an in-depth reason to why you want us to have pockets of white people in already majority-white areas. It doesn't make any sense. Don't be a fucktard.
Invading Botswana isn't realistic or necessary, the Mormons do fine in the US, all people need to do is actually exchange contact details, meet and move into a geographical location together. Just form an adoptive natsoc family of brothers and work together to build wealth, connections and actual families.
Aside from that, forming an corporation and investing in stuff with the end goal of simply fucking buying a small corporate nation with renewable energy, surplus of food, a national bank and some equity businesses operating around the world.
Zero personal taxation and near zero corporation tax with no welfare and you're done.
Just start small and network in person dipshits.
I didn't say anything about invading. Quite the contrary, like you stated, I suggested we put out feelers and establish our own places of land and networks while cooperating with the Botswana government. As I've stated numerous times before, the government of Botswana actually wants people to move there, Kenya as well. Hence, Farmland would be the utmost importance and the most durable of an economy.
Please tell me you read what I wrote. No where did I suggest invading a country.
please clap
Alright so real talk. One of the biggest issues in Botswana is desertification. This is something the first settlers are going to have to deal with. So now we need to consider how long it will take to turn desert into fertile land?
I did read all your posts. It depends where in the country you would set up, how many people you'd have, and your infrastructure and ability for defense for me to make a better guess. I am just saying I'm reluctant to want to be around millions of Africans if the modern world starts to go into disarray, even if we were a net positive to them before a potential global collapse scenario. But I guess I don't know how dependent Botswana is on imports, nor how well their borders are protected. Do you by chance?
New Research is still being conducted, I was not able to get to it a few nights ago, I apologize, but I am working on it.
Thank~You for your cooperation!
Desertification is a major problem in the south-western-most part of the country on the border with Namibia. To the North and Eastern-most part of the country the land is more fertile; the northern area where the Okavango Delta is, is the most fertile. Be Advised, Mosquitoes which carry Malaria are a problem in mostly all the wet-lands in Africa including the areas in the Okavango delta. This can be circumvented with malaria treatments such as malaria pills and quinine (which is found in tonic water and easy to come by commodity). Ideally, we'd build farms several kilometres southeast of the Okavango Delta and then branch out to make further arable land. Of course, one user alerted me to the possibility of hydroponics and growing food in a fairly big greenhouse to start things off first. I'd assume there would be some anons who are agriculturalists who could establish farmland out here, especially when another user on here alerted me as to how cheap farmland (and regular land) is. A few crops off of the top of my head which grow under any circumstances are Mahango and millet. Both are nutritional and are loaded with fiber. pic related is similar.
A few other things to consider would be making contact with people who already live there, perhaps to give us a tour especially of the basin.
I can understand your concern about the African problem, however, despite the AIDS problem, Botswana has a GDP to that of Mexico and a relative modest but growing standard of living. There are no ridiculous affirmative-action laws and other bigoted laws which only cause strife between people, plus, Botswana has never had a marxist or maoist insurgency due to a relatively homogenous society which was given independence from Britain and thusly, didn't suffer from the Bush war in Rhodesia or the Border war in Namibia and Angola. The main point I want to drive home, is that this isn't going to be an easy task, but it is doable and we would be welcomed into the country IF we don't act like /k/tards and neo-nazis. As previously mentioned, the President Ian Khama has stated that foreigners are welcome to live and work in the country so long as they provide a needed skill and service. It's a relatively peaceful country despite AIDS cases, which, new cases have fallen dramatically in the past 25 years.
We should also look into growing indigenous fruit trees to combat desertification. Which in turn help feed our people. Cattle seem like a bad idea in large numbers. The main thing we have to remember here is we are laying roots to trees we may never see bear fruit.
Sadly, that's the way things are, like that greek proverb about planting a tree even though you may never know the comfort of it's shade.
I'll be back in a day or two or three to continue gathering info on Botswana. As far as it look, Kenya has way more arable land, but they have a lot of security issues plus a really fucked up central government.
With crops, Sorghum, millet, mahango and others are a really hearty crop. I'm sure there are others, but I'm not an agriculturalist, and I'm sure there are other people out there who are a better resource than I am on that subject. But there are also fellow farmers whom I'm sure would be glad to relocate as well.
I'd like to ask you though, what do you think of establishing a private security branch for our farmers and in general, our people though we may never need it?
oh right, Botswana doesn't have a humanitarian crisis like South Africa is suffering from with those pesky zimbabweans running south to escape mugabestan. That being said, I'd think our biggest threat would be Islamic Terrorism, however, with the location of where Botswana is, and the fact that Angola has shut down multiple mosques, and that the borders around east west and south of the country are fairly well secured and patrolled, i'd say we'd be fine. What i'd like to throw in though, is that the north may not be as protected, because there's loads of wetlands which could have crocs and other nuisances that would be difficult if not impossible to travail.
More arid land will be easier to get because nobody will want it.
A militia should be enough anymore and the locals and government might distrust us.
Oh look…another great thread bumplocked by imkunty
Keep an open mind, I stumbled upon this property. It's a hostel with 16 bedrooms (but ack, only 3 bath). It's 1,000,000 Pula (1 pula is a little less than 9.4 cents US). Depending on how many people are joining, this could at least prove to be useful early on. There are oter properties listed, but they're more cost-worthy and have fewer than 5 rooms. The property is listed as for sale, but there is something near the bottom which says leasehold as ownership title. I don't know what that means.
Get back to me when you can.
It would be helpful if I posted the link too, huh? lol
It means we would be leasing the land and when the lease end it returns to the freehold owner. We'd be better off buying empty land then leasing a building.
I'm looking at the building materials. Africa is a hot as fuck place to live I assume we'd save a lot on building materials. Why not just learn to build our own houses? Suppose we could recruit builders?
Thanks for the update. I'll continue scouring for potential farmland. Let's keep in mind, that some of the desert land can easily become arable if there is enough water saturated the area. I need to start reading up on this shit if this is going anywhere.
By the way, when you mentioned militia, were you referring to a mere private security force, or did you really mean, a militia in the modern sense? I'd doubt the bw gov't is going to tolerate anyone hoarding .50 cal or rpg/rpg-7. .30 and below may be a different story.
Tell me user, what do you think of the idea of Botswana? Would Kenya tickle your funny boner better? Also, don't dox yourself, but would you mind telling me you interest, hobbies and skill sets that you could bring?
As for me, I have an interest in Africa ever sense I read about the farmers there. Africa just seems like an awesome place with untapped potential just waiting to be made awesome.
btw, i like computers, both programming and security, languages, culture and am trying to become a leo. I would be useful because I am a hard worker and hold conservative values (not cuckservative, and not neo-nazi values mind you).
I work as a chef.
I have worked in agriculture from a young age do to my mother's side having farms. I can raise livestock. I also know some electrical and plumbing. But most importantly I am willing to work and sick of how shit is going. Also seriously considering joining the North West Front since that seems less like a pipe dream.
I can understand how some may view the NWF as being a good alternative, but it seems to me that Harold Covington is a bee keeper and cultivates honey if you know what I mean. Plus, I would say, that, if we were interested in living away from the predatory banks, why not go to a country which doesn't have one?
But let's get back on target here. You know, I'm fed up with how the way things are in this country, but I want to make sure that I know I'm safe from many of the evil machinations by the man on the top, if you know what I'm getting at. My biggest gripe with the NWF is that, if people can be slaughtered at ruby ridge, mount caramel or other places without so much as a whine from the people, then there's a problem. Furthermore, the central government in this country has way more power than it did even during the 80's. It's scary to think what could happen in these trying times. I think we can pull through though, and make a different country's future brighter.
May I ask, what appeals you to the NWF?
Not moving to Africa is the main thing. Also thinking about the costs of of moving in the first place.
Why was this anchored? It's an interesting thread for once.
Whoever's the admin's a fucking asshole. I tried to understand why it was anchored as well, but to no avail.
What are your thoughts on the Botswana project? What sort of background do you have?
The mods here always bumplock things that could potentially have Holla Forums move outside of this place, the self-improvement threads, or more metaphysical type threads that aren't in alignment with just day-to-day news shitposting.
About Botswana: I think it's a neat idea worth exploring, though I already live in a rural area in America and have redpilled family so I probably wouldn't move there.
I was just more appreciating the discussion from the outside.
How hard is it to start a business in Botswana by the foreigner?
I think we need to build small communities before we build a nation. Let's start small and try to get some meetups on Holla Forums.
Admin's still a gayman for bumplocking this thread, more at 11.
Anyone interested in visiting Botswana and possibly Kenya first, get on this thread and start talking so we can start planning something.
That's really shitty of them. It's not like I will never browse Holla Forums again, just that we need an extended community to talk about things. We can't talk about technology on a politically incorrect board, especially not without being called a shill. c'est la vie, i suppose.
I'd assume there'd be similar barriers to starting a business wherever you go, Botswana not withstanding. The thing I'd like to make clear, is that bw is a land that wants people there, especially farmers, miners and people in info tech as well as chemical engineers. Botswana seems like a wonderful country despite the AIDS problem, though that seems to be under control for the moment. Hopefull the ozzies will have an AIDS cure in no time. But I digress, there is always difficulty in starting a business, but there won't be the any of the same riff-raff you'd deal with starting a farm in say, /namibia/ for instance or Zimbabwe.
That's right, I've stated before, send out anons as sentinels to the country first, collect intel and then come back and post it here. How do we do the [email protected] thing here on this board?
Attention all goys, because admin's a faggot who's gay to all hell, this thread's moved to.