Do people lack dedication these days or am I just honest to god autistic?

Do people lack dedication these days or am I just honest to god autistic?

Why not both?

Definitely the latter


It's definitely a lack of dedication.

Can't tell without any context Sounds like you were having a discussion about stack frames and/or dealing with ABIs from assembler and the other person was tired.

Both you gorgeous bastard.


my fucking goof, disregard this post plz

we're both on the same timezone, both equally lacking in sleep. im still awake, he's just being a pussy.


Aww yee! I'll push those frames right next to the hot cocoa!

those people sound awfully cheerful....too fuggin cheerful.......

not your blog

Remove that loveheart m8

This. Also, you give her walltext when she gives you 2 sentences. You're way too keen.

Clearly a facade because they're tired of putting up with OP's autism and they realized this is the only way to shut him up

That image is from 8/r9k/ back in 2015 or something. In fact it's probably still in the index of 8/r9k/.

It being the original thread, OP text reads "I'm never gonna get laid."

Both, you're the one talking to a top kekker.



he may just be more tired than you

one nights rest does not fully restore you fam

What's with all these fucking blogposts lately?

you make a thread then, you fucking faggot

teaching computing never works because the best teacher is a computer
it's especially frustrating teaching "I hate math" vidya addicts insisting on learning C++ because muh vidya

You're most likely a work in progress attempting to upgrade from a slightly mediocre intellectual tier and bragging about a particular incident for reaffirmation concerning the upstanding qualities of character you're striving to meet, all defined by societal our norms. Let's be more evolved than this, shall we?

Let me guess, youre trying to look smart on an imageboard. Lets be less retarded, shall we?

Ahahhaah I remember that thread. Hail /r9k/.

Ive tried to teach people programming time and time again but every time i actually get into logic gates and binary and hex they just stop listening and wander off or suddenly have a very important appointment. RIP work ethic and desire to learn

2 hours later he's tired

there's really no hope

is this what happiness is like?

for the whole week* he show me progress

fuck mon english

I hated learning how subroutines work in assembly. Sometimes getting the shit you wanted was ridiculous.

all i know is that the guy in blue talks a lot of SHIT

like seriously, I've never seen so much useless pile of boring, sleep inducing information thrown out at once

hopefully he can get laid sometime

C was invented for a reason.

C++ was too.

Looks like you're talking with complete and utter cancer.