You and I will probably most likely never be her bf

you and I will probably most likely never be her bf

1. You will never be able to wake up every morning with the sight of her sleeping next to you.
2. You will never tease each other playfully.
3. You will never go out in your morning runs and challenge each other to races.
4. You will never have lovely breakfast together in some Holla Forums house buried in some hills with glass walls windows overlooking a valley.
5. You will never go out and eat some good food together and chat her up and make her laugh in the process.
6. You will never cuddle with her.
8. You will never experience her.

why live

How to get this gril or type of.





she is my gf
hands off!

i got a wife and 3 kids
fuck off pedo




mmm I wonder if she does ageplay

plz no my innocent aurora

Fagrt skal mæla
ok fé bjóða
sá er vill fljóðs ást fá
líki leyfa
ins ljósa mans
sá fær er fríar

I only understando English, Spanish, and German

why not old norse?

fag art?

amerifag :^D

I did that
was great
then I broke up with her
Now I've been alone for a few years and I regret everything

That's right OP. You should at least kill her to make sure no one else gets to do all that.

Protip: rape her first

Relationships are a meme tbh. Just fap and all your faggy feelings will go away.

because there are more things in this life than mere sexual and social pleasure


cute af


oh hai viral marketer

you and I will probably most likely never be her bf
1. You will never be able to wake up every morning with the sight of her sleeping next to you.
2. You will never tease each other playfully.
3. You will never go out in your morning runs and challenge each other to races.
4. You will never have lovely breakfast together in some Holla Forums house buried in some hills with glass walls windows overlooking a valley.
5. You will never go out and eat some good food together and chat her up and make her laugh in the process.
6. You will never cuddle with her.
8. You will never experience her.
why live
How to get this gril or type of.

what to do

1. surprise buttsecks
2. epic win!



Is that Bjork?

She doesn't even look like Bjork from 25 years ago, let alone now.

And speaking of Bjork, she looks rekt these days. Bloated and old.

stop comparing apples to rotten apples >:^|

Inb4 ur new here
Who is she?


i do

I would not want to be.

Got all of her records

Aurora Aksnes
