What do you use to secure your computer and files?
I want to protect myself from russian hackers, trojans, ransomware, spyware, etc.
What do you use to secure your computer and files?
I want to protect myself from russian hackers, trojans, ransomware, spyware, etc.
Linux desktop security is notoriously shitty. X is a nightmare.
well you can build your own but you'd have to be an expert
gentoo/arch do a good job at doing that somewhat
just don't connect to the internet OP, you'll be fine :^)
Is there a point in using full disk encryption software if I'm not a degenerate?
The only illegal files I have is copyright.
If your computer got stolen, would you care if the thief could access everything on it? If not, then no.
unless you're wanted and/or
full disk encryption is sp00py
but I do have a password on startup and to boot the OS and will soon get paid and will get a decent SD card and boot from it
me: didn't specify :^/
If you're browsing Holla Forums and someone posts CP, it will possibly be cached/swapped to your disk
Password protect all of my porn, some of it looks underage though obviously teen. Use a virtual machine too but mainly for pen testing on Kali.
Use Chrome/Chromium. It's a bit shit for privacy but it's the only web browser with decent security and exploit mitigations.
You'll be safe from 99% attacks.
If you're targeted by any well-funded adversary then you are fucked.
Upgrade to Windows 10
Even if you cache browsing data, if you get CP from a legal site that explicitly forbids it because somebody broke the rules, you can't be held responsible.
use a condom
Bullshit, linux is miles ahead in security in every possible way.
Or just cut it off.
Use true crypt.
Russian hackers don't exist, user
Im getting these digits
X isn't very good with security though.
Computer: Buy an expensive-ass computer with an ass-ton of RAM, at least a terrabyte though 2 terrabytes would be ideal, and high gigahertz processing (3.0 and higher) so the programs will all run decently. If you can't afford these things, you can still be secure but not as secure as you could be with a computer that has these specs, since these specs are needed to properly run a Virtualbox OS.
Computer OS: Get a virtualbox and download a fake Mac or Windows environment into Virtualbox. This ensures if you ever get hacked or bricked, only the virtualbox environment is affected and your actual computer outside the virtualbox environment is unaffected.
Browser: Tor. Literally fucking Tor browser. Nothing comes close.
Email: Use ProtonMail for all your email.
VPN: VPNs are a pain in the ass because a lot of them slow down your internet speed. I use IPinator VPN because I got it cheap. There are a variety of options; expect to pay if you want one. Getting fast versions require a monthly subscription. Tor does this stuff by default so you don't need a VPN for a Tor browser; a VPN program unlike Tor, makes it so not just your browser, but all of your programs have their IP hidden.
Passwords: Write them on paper. Nothing is more secure than this method as long as the paper is kept inside your home away from anyone else's knowledge and reach. Keep every password unique. It is safer to change all your passwords once every month, but that's such a hassle that you might just do it once every 6 months. Still a bit of a hassle, but it ensures a higher level of security.
Banks Safes and Home Safes: Both are helpful for storing physical files if the files are highly sensitive and demand secrecy.
People: Tell people only what you are comfortable with the whole world knowing and don't give hints to the stuff you don't want the world to know.
Schooling: You will find it much easier to stay secure if you learn about coding, hacking, cryptography, and your options as well as the opinions and ideas of experts in the field of technical security.
You can encrypt your files by manually right-clicking and going through the required steps and you can also use programs for this, but if you don't have anyone else looking at your computer and keep your computer safe from hacks, it isn't necessary in the first place though theoretically if someone was a really skilled hacker working for a government and got through all the above mentioned options, encrypting files might at most delay them from reaching the files. At which point, if you are dealing with a government out to get you, go somewhere they are not looking in the real world and browse things that don't look suspicious because a pattern of behavior on the Internet can in itself also be used as clues to find you and in turn get to your computer.
Don't use an online identity that has been compromised in the past either and never use an online identity remotely associated with your real identity or one that even hints at your real identity.
P.S. I have been doxed in the past due to my real life identity having been associated with my online identity. Facebook is your gateway to Hell if you want to be anonymous. Perhaps nostalgia is too, since I only still use this compromised Epyc Wynn identity because I have grown attached to it. I have no reason to go off the radar so I have not abandoned the identity, but I know that if I ever needed to go off the radar, I am fully capable of doing so.
good tips.
A torrented windows 10 out of box settings
dont forget to plug your camera and mic at all times
edge as a browser
bing as a search engine
fuk if fags come here to ask this means 8ch is not underground enough
what year is this?
is this reddit?
ITT pedofags who want to encrypt their HDDs but know nothing of Veracrypt
very bright. Someone breaks into it and knows all your passwords at once.
why do u ask fbi?