Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars with 1 Million people in 100 years
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1 million niggers
great. we don't get a socialist revolution, but at least elon musk will send 100 classcucks on an exploding rocketship to mars.
Socialist policies is what crippled funding to NASA back in the 70's & 80's. Had we taken all that money used on welfare and medicaid into NASA programs, we would have already had colonies on the Moon, Mars, and possibly around Jupiter by now.
This is what permavirgin NEETs that browse Holla Forums actually believe
Prove me wrong.
Have you ever considered becoming a SJW? You're already more than qualified.
I accept your concession.
Maybe after we colonize Mars, we can finally discover what practical purpose colonizing Mars actually has.
Asteroid insurance?
For our grandchildren to run away from the mess that the baby boomer generation created.
You can't prove him wrong so you pretend that you have the facts, and then you tell him that he will deny those facts before he hears them because you said so.
Sounds like you're the SJWkin here.
Popsci like faggots like Musk piss me the fuck off. All he has ever done is fund engineering projects that were already suggested before.
He's a leftycuck. What else do you expect?
Holla Forums plz go
Plz go, Holla Forums. You're cancer.
call the commisar bitch
can we not have a shitposting war here please for fuck sakes
wew lad
Almost every post here is some whiny Holla Forumsack obsessing over Elon's political views rather than the Mars effort. This thread was killed before I started shitposting.
No it wasn't faggot you ruined it
get back to the ration line to wait for your singles, in america we can just go to the store for doubles
Not an argument
Also not technology
Here's the presentation.
speaking of dubs
Finally the rich and powerful will be able to escape from the rest of us who create their wealth.
Would you be a first exodusfag IRL if you had the chance?
Just what we were missing.
Fucking retard