Trump supporter kidnapped

*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

yep…. that's me.. you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation..

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Yeah, not clicking YOUR link
fuck off

On the off chance it's real those niggers have fucked up hard, no effort to hide their identity and broadcasting from an NSA device.
They so stupid I wouldn't be surprised if they had the GPS turned on while doing this.

inb4 media doesn't cover this and if it does reach the masses they will just discourage reprisals.

it's real nigger

i have an overwhelming urge to rip these fucking niggers' throats out with my bare teeth.

They drugged, pissed, beat, taunted, and pointed guns at the boy.
Holla Forums has a thread on it.

they should do the same with all of them tbh

Yeah I know how you got there.

Do they do anything good or are they just going to ook for 30 minutes


no, they just need to be hanged.

none of this torture shit, just end them quickly. remove them from society.

If you are a gore fag, you will be disapointed.
They taunt, beat, piss, drug (heroine), and point a gun at him.

Not without going through court. We cannot let this turn into the third world.

There are far too many of them doing shit like this, the legal system is not capable of keeping up.

Either deport them all back to Africa or let vigilante justice take care of the problem.

I bet the jews are behind this.

what are you, some kind of gay?

How can someone be so dumb as to film themselves while torturing someone?
if this is not a false flag to ignite a racewar and initiate martial law, those are the dumbest kidnappers in existance.

this is so unhuman,makes me want to murder those fuckin apes.
fuckin lynch them.


This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams.

And you can go fuck yourself
Four people were holding him there and he was too scared to do much - he's also literally retarded.

Remember goy,Trump supporters are the violent ones!


Just kids being kids tbh goy


now i seen the video its real
thats not a trump supporter, bet he barely knows how to tie his shoes

hiding something jewtube?
is it the niggers?

What do you expect from millennial niggers? I just expect fuck ups so bad it's impressive.

Also due to kiketube being well a jew the alternate source can be found here

How the fuck do they know he's a trump supporter?

Nigger Logic. That's all.

because retards unanimously supported drumpf

and now we run the country. u mad hillbot?

well 2017 is off to wonderful start.
Let's just hope some Holla Forumsack doesn't do some stupid shit.
Also, I love how CNN is trying not to call it a hatecrime. And they're still trying to blame it on Donald Trump.
I mean yes, technically "political leanings" are not classified under hate crimes.
But even then, they did say "fuck white people".
And they targeted a mentally disabled person
And most people would call a bunch of conservatives beating a liberal a hatecrime.

For fuck's sake, even if you don't want to call it a "hatecrime", don't defend this fucking pricks CNN. It's just really stupid.

MAGA hat? he said it?

i didnt even vote for hillary, so no, not mad, it's going to be interesting to see what happens though

i'll tell you what'll happen. the world will experience another great financial panic way larger than 2008. central banks are tapped out. they can't print (lest they create a currency crisis) and they cant lower interest rates (they are already near zero or negative). so the IMF will swoop in and save the world with their world money called the SDR (Special Drawing Right). but before that the world's financial institutions will be on lock down. banks, money market funds, stock markets, etc the world over will be shut down for weeks maybe months while the IMF re-liquifies the world. they may let you have a couple hundred dollars a day from an ATM for essentials but good luck getting access to your wealth. look at what's happening in India today or what happened in Greece or Cyprus. that's our future.

there will be money/bank riots and, if you weren't aware, the US is still in a state of emergency from 9/11 that is renewed on an annual basis. all it takes is for one call and the US is under martial law.

it didnt matter who won the presidency, this collapse has been brewing for decades. central bank policy has caused it but they will be quick to blame trump, brexit, and the rise of nationalism. i only hope people arent stupid enough to fall for it.

yup. this guy knows his stuff.

When that happens people will be too busy setting government buildings on fire to care

I work at an adult retard facility and every time Trump comes on the TV they all start clapping and chanting "Trump! Trump! Trump!"

Retards love Trump like autists love dinosaurs and Thomas the Tank Engine.

SJWs always lie….stay salty retard

classic drumpf supporter rhetoric; blame everyone who has something less than favorable to say about drumpf as a liar


m8, i never even mentioned race

Except the nigger kidnapper did. faggot.

did i ever defend them? no.

I suspect the white boy enjoyed it, sorry to say.



Well sure I've been gay for awhile now. I mean I can get cute small hairless bois to open up their asses for me. But no one ever wants to top me or anything. I can't blame em I'm tall masculine and hairy.

Being the bottom seems like its just a sweet gig. I mean you think about it they get it easy. I wish there was a guy who wanted to top off my ass. That'd be great.


Have you tried roofying your own drink at a bar/club? If you don't want to seem too desperate just leave your drink unattended as much as possible.

Not sure if you're being facetious. NIRP is a thing. Eurozone does it. Japan does it. If you look at real rates (nominal rates - inflation) the US has had negative real rates for years now. Some people have a hard time understanding this part so:

You put 10k in a bank at 1% interest. In a year that's $100 in interest. But if inflation is 2%, your 10.1k has less purchasing power than it did last year. so the "real" interest rate is -1%, essentially taking $100 out of your bank account.

Sage for off topic.

Someone better have webm'd that

bruh, its almost half an hour long

or atleast downloaded it then, i really want to see it

It'll be somewhere, just search around. Try liveleak if google turns up blank.

This looks like it works too; didn't click any links because I don't plan on watching it but they all look like the real one; go to YouTube, search something to the effect of "kidnapping full video" and set results to upload date.


Download it soon, it probably won't be up for long

At around 3:50 you can see that they cut him down to his skull

Did anyone found these niggers's identity in order to treat them like they deserve to be?

Bruh, it says in the video 3 posts above yours.