Take girl home

Wat do?

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Laugh at her patetic clitoris, whay else.

Tell her nobody wants to see that, to put her clothes back on and get back to the cotton field.

I would give deepthroat her clit but only if she's nice to me and kisses me.

kinda hot

That look more like a small dick than a clit.

pussy's pussy

I'd let it fuck me in the ass


Is that Chyna?

Wish I wasn't circumcised.


I'd rather see a proper dick than this abomination

It's not a man this time so i win. gg

pretty sure she's one of those hermaphrodites

how does that make sense?

still confused

all clits are basically tiny dicks, its what becomes the dick if you get XY chromosome in the womb.

Marry her and convince her to get a gf.

Kick her in the cunt

take man i thought was girl
return it to bar
pretend its my friends friend
never speak of it again

I GUESS it's technically not gay? Can I get a second opinion? I wouldn't wanna be a homo.

bump for sauce

That user might be a circumcised girl.


how bout u show us her face?

Wow that's bigger than my micropenis


That's pretty much an "uncut" micro-cock that has a pussy attached.
I would definitely explore the effects of diddling in silky pantyhose and panties.

I may have some use of my spare butt plugs, vibrators and would likely buy a lot of high-end ballet leotards, tights and those sexy sheer skirts dancers wear.


also why men have nipples
we all start out as girls

there is the saying: females are incomplete males

I mean, wow. I wish there would be more like that,

feminine benis best benis

i want to suck that giant clit and hear her moan

That is a hermaphrodite in my book, I'm kind of interested if it's a biological hermaphrodite.

it's not though, she would have to have testicles and be able to cum from it its just a huge clit

Nope, they can have internal testicles and be unable to jizz because everything is all fucked up.

maybe you're right but too bad we can't get an x-ray to find out

It's in the blood, biological hermaphrodites have both XX and XY chromosome pairs.
There is also Pseudohermaphroditism which is basically genital downs syndrome caused by a busted chromosome.


i still just think its a giant clit user
herms are more rare than giant clits

*take a second condom out of pocket*

Need sauce goddammit OP

Pretty sure that's a transgendered man who decided to keep the stub of the dick left behind. Pretty fucking disgusting tbh.

I donno man, How do you keep a "stub of the dick" with the tip intact. You think the Dr. cut off the base ans sewed the end back on? No. The hand looks pretty femmy to me, and the fact there's a membrane of skin coming from near the end of the dlit down towards the vag makes me think there's been no surgery involved here.
Bumping until sauce/back story is found.

Like I said, sometimes the patients ask to keep the stub behind. Because at least then you can feel some enjoyment from rubbing down their when trans, otherwise you'd feel nothing.
Pic related looks pretty fucking "femmy" to buddy.
Somewhat realistic artificial vaginas have been done before. All it requires is you just simply look it up.

try hard nigger?

Don't you guys ever use the internet? Some girls have bigger clits than others. And Girls who use testosterone for bodybuilding or sex change, end up looking like this.

you do know in male to female surgery, they literally invert the penis and stuff it up inside your body, right? Theres no penis left to poke out.

That's actually pretty damn hot.
Shame it's not as pretty as OP's, though.

Theres no penis left to poke out.

Also, you know how I can tell the vagina in op is fake? Because the fucking vagina is smack dab near the ass. Real vaginas are never that fucking close to the anus.

welp ive had my fill of retards for the day im out

robot detected

i shall keep your virginity intact

You ain't seen nothin' till you down on the muffin bro. Hate to break it to you, but you're wrong. The entrance to the vag is actually too close to the anus IMO. Which brings me to OP. That OP vag seems way farther away from the bunghole than it should be. Starting to have my doubts about the natural origins of the depicted genitalia.
Still lean towards all natural biological female tho.

If the vagina is small enough, it can look like it is too far away from the anus. Since this could be a not completely well formed vagina, it could be smaller than it should, explaining the distance.

You have eased my mind, user. Why that did not occur to me I can't say.
still waiting for OP to not be a faggot.


the former head is reconfigured to serve as the clitoris, and sometimes the surgeon will fail to scrape away some erectile tissue in which case yes, something would be poking out

Found sauce