Is there any way to turn off the NSA aspects of win10? I want to keep it because of muh gayms but is it less work to just go to win7 or is there a fix for 10?
Salvaging Windows 10
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nigger you had better have Classic Shell on that windont machine
Use it without a network connection. No networking at all. If you need to install someone download it using a proper OS and transfer it to the Windows machine using a usb drive.
I have 8.1 on my desktop and I love it, but my laptop came pre installed with 10
thank you user.
You can put fixes on the ones that were discovered.
It does not mean that Microsoft hasn't put more back door to restore them.
You cannot be sure at all with non-free/libre software.
If you do this it's still better but it's just like a placebo.
Fuck off back to reddit
Honestly, what the fuck games out there that benefit from using Windows 10 are even worth playing?
I love Windows 10
The games part is more for windows in general, 10 is just because I am a lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to change if he doesn't have to.
The non-existent direct 12 games, but like the other user said it's really just windows in general
The Windows 10 start menu is the best because you can just pin all your shit as small icons and it's just unbeatable.
Are there any potential near future DX12 games that will be worth playing? From what I've seen, video games have gone so far down hill that it isn't worth upgrading my computer in hopes that some will be decent.
Also, to add. If it's just for Windows in general due to not wanting to change, it's best to just stay with 7 right now and mess around with Linux on occasion as the Windows situation is only going to get worse and it would be best to slowly work yourself up to the eventually necessary change instead of doing it all at once.
There is nothing you can do unless you know all of MS IPs and block them through separate hardware. W7 is only slightly better than W10.
Ask in the fucking sticky.
There's a few apps that do it all for you. I'll report back once I find it.
Get a copy of windows 10 enterprise and disable all of it there, along with updates.
There's no difference in the spying on Win7 and Win10.
At the core of it, they both compromise your privacy beyond what is acceptable, so your fucked either way.
If you need you gaymes, then dual-boot and only use Windows for gaymes, and have a free OS on encrypted volumes.
The only sane answers
This is a problem how?
Yeah that's fine and all, but then Windows updates, adds a few more domain names, and, oops, your temporarily fucked!
Just stop using Windows. There is almost no reason to run Windows anymore since almost everything has a Linux port these days, or an equivalent that is as good or almost as good.
And whatever game you want, it's probably shit.
Some people have jobs and need Windows.
Sorry, not all of us can be NEETS.
If you need to do stuff from work in your house, Wine will run most Windows programs and if it does run what you need the are always non-internet connected VMs (try VirtualBox, Win Vista and up need to be Enterprise/Ultimate to be emulated).
Not him, but a lot of government work in Australia requires the use of a restricted network that can only be accessed from home by using a windows based virtual desktop. It's not compatible with WINE at all.
The only windowns program I've ever needed for work was IE, and microshaft offers IE-only virtualbox images. LibreOffice has been able to export to .docx and .pptx for years now, and the latest MS Office is compatible with .od*, so I'm not really sure what exactly you need windows for when it comes to work except for very specific cases like
PCI Passthrough, that's the real reason to wait for Zen.
??? I thought older AMD processors could already do that. I'm pretty sure when I looked it up in the past supposedly my Phenom 9550 could.
Yeah, but i doubt my PII has enough processing power to spare for it.
Prove it.
MS will use tor for leaking information from windows installs. so not a solution, unless you also want to block tor and all tor bridges including meek (that includes google, and some other companies)
Read the next fucking line.
The argument isn't that the spying is the same in a technical manner, but in the fact that either is too much if you value privacy.
I just took Win10 because I hate the 8.1 interface and didn't have a disc of win7 proffesional or Ultimate to run for 20 gigs of memory.
Most of the telemetry I killed off with the win10 nag script, but I can still see random and wierd system halting bullshit going off.
OTOH, I mysteriously gained 200 KB/s on my connection after upgrading, so I am not so upset since it seems to get more if you let it spy on you.
I have no clue what the hell you just said.
That does nothing. Read the thread.
The utter retardation in this post (>>662777) can only be redeemed by the trips attached to it.
Wouldn't it be easier to grow up and stop playing video games?
Can you game on Windows tiny7?
most updates from microsoft, google, adobe, apple, and others are consolidated now. gvt1 and others are the primary staging dns lookups for updates. test your deployment systems, and then dns block + rdns block on the core update lookups and you do, in fact, attain 'nsa-block'. updates and telemetry are distributed the same, with different lookups for delivery -after- first checking with the core names.
interestingly enough, ms/windows has a dedicated dns for detecting 'does this ethernet link have internet access'. if you block this lookup, you'll always have 'no internet connection', which then stops a fair amount of specific telemetry designs. it's kinda odd and stupid to do this, but that's microsoft for you.
you can also control dns and rdns for certificates. crl (revoke) and ocsp (update) names for the top 50+/- signers are the target here. controlling these will prevent spying as well, as a fair amount of update checks and telemetry sendbacks do https while obeying the trusted model (that is, https + cert + mismatch = no comms). yet another strange oddity, but hey, pajeets just pull the same kits off the shelf like everyone else... and don't even bother to config them, etc.
There's no disabling the datamining in Win10, the telemetry has been incorporated in every program and library the OS runs and cannot be shut off.
Afterall you're trying to win a fight on their operating system.
There are no good operating systems.
Sure, don't use it.
this is correct. while you can block the transmission thereof, you cannot turn it off. the dns and cert fuckery i mentioned blocks transmission, but comes at a price of careful calibration each time you update or change, and slows down executions as they timeout.
Your operation system of use is directly affected by your political views. Cucks, idiots and leftists deserve to use win10. "Mom look, i am a linuxoid now!"-tier fedoras deserve Ubuntu. Everyone else uses uncucked linux operating systems.
World is at brink of war right now, there's no time for modern shit games, and for normal gaming faggotry there are always emulators available.
I use Gentoo. What are my political views?
Unplug the network cable. Don't plug it back in. Do everything within windows air-gapped.
I use trisquel, what are my political vies?
Because I'm smart enough to do my business on personally built hardware with self authored software. The rest I don't give a shit on since I'm a government man.
You are the cancer. Remove yourself immediately from life. You deserve nothing and should be dead.
Seriously, go the fuck back to your containment board.
>>>Holla Forums
Get a cheap laptop for shitposting and personal stuff. There you can use an older OS.
Keep your gaming PC for gaming only. What is there to spy on if all you do is play games on it anyway?
What the hell is happening to this board?
4cucks are among us in greater numbers
i use freebsd. w-what am i a-user senpai?
If you install any critical W7 update from the past 2 years you will have just as much NSA bullshit going on in your W7 install as in Windows 10.
There is no escape from the government spying on you, even on Linux. Anyone who thinks using Linux to escape "muh NSA spying xD" is a fucking retard. Why would you think the government would limit their techniques to one system only? Sure the majority of PC users run windows, but they know that like 60% of all Linux users have something to hide. As soon as you connect yourself to the internet, you're exposing yourself, whether you like it or not.
The only thing you're getting rid of when switching to Linux is M$ own spying methods, and not even those can be escaped simply by not using any instance of Windows 10. Windows 7 received telemetry updates about 2 years ago, Windows 8 did with SP1 and Windows 10 has it baked into any component of the system. Sure you can turn it "off" using several programs, scripts etc. But you'll only cripple your system as 10 pretty much depends on the telemetry components being able to connect to MS. The solution is to either get a cheap laptop for everything but gaming and set up a separate gaming rig with Wangblows on it, or to just be a cuck and use it anyway.
Forza Horizon 3 is pretty much the only worthy DX12 game right now, if you're into cars.
How about you just stop playing video games?
You can still watch all the anime you want with GNU/Linux or a BSD.
Unless you have to use it at work, there is literally no reason to run Windows.
Linux has games too.
let me guess, systemd is spying on you.
holy shit the level of NSA posting is thru the roof in this thread. Feds pls go stop shilling ur botnet OS
and you expect people to take linux seriously?
there exists leaked exploits by NSA for router firmware, why would linux be protected?
all of your data is collected at ISP level anyways fag
and even if you use VPNs your hardware may contain a rootkit
Our civilisation is fucking collapsing retard. You want a hugspace feel free to go to reddit