Donald Trump speaking out against FBI
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He's not wrong.
It seriously does not make sense. You spend the majority of the speech SHITTING on the woman and literally explaining to people how she's a criminal, but then backtracks on all of that and recommends no indictment.
Any idea what psychological trick the emperor uses when he keeps repeating things like 'The system is rigged'? I know it's something along the lines of say something until it sticks but can anyone confirm?
However, while the FBI pretty much admitted to being a massive cuckold for Hillary, they gave plenty of ammo for Donald Trump. They publicly stated how reckless and careless she is.
#RiggedSystem trending now lads
Is it normal for Trump to get so many retweets and likes so fast?
He gets usually in similar time 3-4k
he is prepping us for when they steal the election from him and we burn this mother fucker down.
Those tweets are too soft, just hammer the corrupt bastards, this is the time to do it.
Quick question
Why aren't you user's on Trumps twatter fighting for your emperor.
It's endless dribble from libshits.
Destroy them for the emperor.
Don't you see Goy? Trump will never become President. We will suck America dry, and when it is destroyed, we will move on, like cockroaches to Russia and China. We are the Khazarian Mafia, the NWO. Not even the Jews know about us, and we will destroy the World, for our master SATAN himself.
If the state fails to punish one of its own, does that task not fall to the righteous?
The only reason that makes sense to me is that the FBI's hands were tied and there was something keeping them from indicting her, and they wanted to let the public know that there's some fucked up shit going on behind the scenes and get them really pissed off about it.
that is one possibility. Or the FBI are massive corrupt cucks. Don't assume morality in your opponents user; it's bad form.
This is called getting the moderate vote. More people are listening now.
The likely reason as to why Comley won't indict her is because the shitstorm would cost him his job and he probably didn't think it'd be worth since the chance of the DOJ and Lynch finding her guilty would be less then a percent
Point out to people on Twitter how the hashtag is not trending. Let them figure out what's going on on their own. Also remind them about blacklisting. Use evidence we've compiled over the past 2 months.
petraeus is a traitor who recently started a gun control group
I'd imagine he's worried about having a heart attack while accidentally crushing his own throat in the privacy of his own home days before he's set to go against Clinton like that UN commisioner rather unfortunately happened to do.
This man's got a good idea. We can use this to compare Hillary to Hitler, the normie boogieman.
Piece of shit.
Already been happening for months on reddit, the Trump=Hitler narrative is a lot easier for them to accept and meme about
Is this the fucking WWE? Why do liberals always say that?
It's a buzzword used on both sides of the (((establishment))). Easy to relate to the ignorant public.
Yes, a correction is now an 'attack' and challenging the narrative is now 'harassment.'
user 4.7k retweets and 7.3k likes isn't a lot considering his status and role as the republican nominee.
I remember $hillary getting hundreds of thousands or even millions of likes and retweets soon after a post.
That Killary post was proven to be a massive army of bots soon after it happened.
Because the libshits have no dominion over anything. They can squabble all the want on the Emperor's twatter, and the Emperor wouldn't bat an eyelid.
The man plays 4D Chess with the MSM and $hillary, a puny Libfag is the least of his concerns
They coulnd't be any more obvious
Does this faggot do anything but shitting on Trump?
Yeah, he makes 'deals' with Obama that involve giving the Dems everything they want despite the Republicans controlling Congress, to the point that they actually openly laugh on camera about it.
He also makes budgets that always involve hugely increasing immigration because muh skilled workers.
Truly a hard worker for his constituents.
Scott Adams would say that the statement is fueled by confirmation bias. He throws it out there, then something down the line inevitably happens to prove it and make Trump look good.
How new do you have to be to think it doesn't make sense and wasn't completely expected
America shouldn't have let them in. Now they are doomed to crumble, and the pest will move on. To Germany :D Bring them to the slaughter, muahaha…..
He's getting voted out when?
Ryan is America's Douglas Carswell, a fucking turncoat pretending to be what he isn't.
You're sadly mistaken there, senpai.
He's an anti-white and wants White Genocide.
FBIchan from cuckchan is seeming more and more real.
Sounds like a plan to me.
We need eyes and ears everywhere bud. Don't be such a poor intelligence agent.
That's an insult to my Führer and i won't stand for it.
Why are you so shit at thought user?
Did something happen to you?
It's amusing, yet mildly annoying the way these stupid Leftists say things like "get over it, you lost!" What the fuck? My candidate broke the law but the FBI is letting her off the hook. Haha! Big win for me! It's like a fucking video game to these retards. I don't get what the hell is going through their simple little minds.
The last twitter I made was banned after a single post.
We are not allowed on that platform.
Twatter is run by SJWs, just use burner accounts.
Oh? Who would have fucking thought!?!?!
I can not make an account without a phone number. Once you use enough burner accounts it locks you out completely without a phone.
Here I'll spoonfeed you once and once only
Fucking summer in here.
If this had been Trump or any other candidate who had been charged I would've wanted to see them pay for their crimes just as much as Hillary deserved to pay. This is bullshit corruption yet no one seems to give a damn, simply seeing it as a victory for Hillary while Obama is pretty much crowning her the president without any subtlety.
What Comey is arguing is that being extremely careless does not equal being grossly negligent when the FUCKING definition in law books of being grossly negligent means being extremely careless. Hillary should be indicted under the direct violation of 18 United States code section 793 which does not require intent.
burner phones are 8 dollars at kroger
Repetition is a key part of persuasion. Look at the things Trump says over and over. These are the points he wants the nation to retain.
Yeah they were provably bots though. There was a website that analyzed retweets/likes on notable posts to see what proportion were fake, Hillary's was at like 75% bots for that the "Delet This" post until they edited it.
Think of it this way. Your Fuhrer would willingly sacrifice himself to save the American people from what Hillary would bring…the very thing he fought against.
They believe that they are morally superior because they give money to brown peoplw sometimes. Most of them do not even consider us equals, we're just "wrong and evil" to them by virtue of "political belief" which is a euphemism for "white skin," but now they are arrogant and/or desperate enough to drop the euphemism. Therefore, they tend to have an "end justifies the means" approach to politics because they're just ebul natzees anyway right guys?
She wasn't being careless. There is enough evidence to suggest she used private servers intentionally.
I can not find a song that fits more than this. Yeah i know it's syod, but they nailed it right on he head
He's infinitely asshurt the Romney ticket got tanked and has been trying to "run for Pres but not really" ever since.
I was expecting PLUCK for some reason even though I haven't heard it in ages.
Which is even worse, but the FBI is arguing that there was no evidence to suggest that when it doesn't fucking matter if there was or wasn't. She committed a crime and the FBI admits that in their own fucking press conference.
There was an email where she explicitly stated she wanted a private email to keep her email "private" (read: not subject to FOIA request). How that doesn't count as intent is beyond me.
At the very least she needs to barred from ever having as clearance since she clearly has no intention of handling that info properly.
They don't give two shits about blacks, they just feel morally superior because the supreme court and their favorite tv shows like the LGBTQIAPBBQ which is the new trending minority group while blacks are no longer trending to them, hence why they barely bring up BLM anymore and why so many of them are calling themselves "agender aromantic".
He was also at the latest Builderberg meeting.
Im going to assume if he is real, he's just posting stuff there as a result of frustration from this whole ordeal.
Better thread theme
So what laws did Hillary break?
None of the stuff listed involved her sending out classified material, nor is she responsible for maintaining records.
Criminal negligence?
That FBI director has to be out of his fucking mind, too, whether or not a violation of national security was intentional doesn't make it less of a violation of national security. By a high-ranking public official who is seeking an even higher office of authority, no less.
For one, not turning in all the documents (emails) from her tenure as head of the state department (20k deleted and that's the evidence the FBI dug up). That alone is enough for jail time and to bar her from holding any elected position.
Nope, laws required the department, not the individual, they were changed in response to this.
You have to show willful negligence for that, in writing her refusal to follow the law as an example.
Its why Google is up shit creek for the shit they're pulling with Oracle.
The best way to get a population close to rebelling, scared and submissive, is by showing your sheer, brutal power. The Clintons, having been cornered into a do-or-die situation, are showing their raw strength and unendingly deep corruption.
If Hillary doesn't get indicted, lets say one month before the elections, Trump is going to be forced to step down/cede the election like Romney did before him and allow her to win so she won't, quite literally, murder him and destroy all he built up. That woman would use the army to attack Trump's personal holdings and unleash WW3 just to hold onto power.
The Whore of Babylon?
She just accidentally set up a private e-mail server? Whoops, clumsy her
Wow somebody really should have powdered this guy Miller's giant shiny dome
An authorized and certed server that was permitted and known to exist.
Her server was not a violation of the law, all the people who sent those 2k emails?
Yeah, those dumbasses broke all the laws.
Are we going to see any furor to get them locked up?
Or is it
If thwy were corrupt though why wouldn't they just not prosocute and sweep it under the rug. Having a press conference where they air all the dirty laundry and then said they weren't going to do anything makes it seem like they want everyone to know something is up.
There are guidelines that were completely disregarded. I saw someone get btfo because he sent classified information over niprnet which is still much more secure than her personal server. Ignorance isn't an excuse when guidelines are laid out.
Christianity is a thought trap. It channels all alternative explanations into stupid unchanging patterns. It is strange that people can make the leap to supernatural phenomena, but leave it set in stone.
What is wrong with you? Why would you try to 'win' an informational exchange?
Good luck with that, anons.
THose aren't laws though.
Its enough for her to lose the job, but then she would have to be state department again for it to matter.
And I think there is more to your story that you don't know, since SIPERNET is the proper method of transferring classified info.
He even said that if it had been anyone else, they would have faced charges. So now the FBI is openly telling the people that Clinto is above the law. I feel sick. I have no faith in the country anymore, and no patriotism left whatsoever. The USA can go to hell.
Great, now Holla Forums is flooded with liberal shills as well. You deserve your fucking throat slit. You deserve to be raped and tortured and killed. You fucking subhuman piece of shit. Slit your fucking wrists.
Are you this new to government bureaucracy? Congress will pass a law like don't mishandle classified information, and the executive bureaucracy lays down rules for the handling of said classified information. If you don't follow the guidelines, then you've committed the crime of mishandling classified information. Also niprnet/=siprnet. That's why he got fucked in the ass.
Because it's "honest." If they sweep it under the rug it actually looks like a cover up which they are starting to understand blows up in their faces. Now she has "faced justice" and has been found "innocent."
See, it gives the illusion of legitimacy.
Ah sorry, thought it was typo.
And the law requires intent or sufficently large amounts of fails to be considered so, of which again Hillary fails on.
THis is something that has been predicted early and frequent, if it was real case, it would have seen action during her tenure, instead of 2 years after.
Liberals need to be slaughtered.
RIP 'murica
…while someone was at his house slamming his wife, i bet.
Ignorance is generally not a defence. If you mean intent to harm, then I'll concede that it likely wasn't found.
Over a hundred classified at the time and thousands up-classified means they were sensitive at the time; niprnet material isn't a sufficient amount of fails?
The executive departments should be held to the same standards, and personnel in the departments should be held to the same standards regardless of position. Had this been DOD or DHS, then heads would roll.
Total bullshit.
Intent to harm.
She has to actively and willfully be destroying those three emails with all the fury of somebody flushing their drug collection.
No, because she received, did not send, and was not deleting them.
Unsurprisingly, receipt and holding of classified documents is not a crime.
And no they wouldn't, I've been through this.
Heads roll most typically because hey deserve to, or because the person fails to keep records and talks.
If on the other hand somebody keeps records, cites the law for it and shows the agent who in the chain they should be going for, they tend to fuck off and act spooked, mostly because they just got told how to do their job and know its the correct way.
Oh I'm sorry, apparently laying new cable, getting certs to integrate into the network, and having IT have to know where it is means its stealthier than the Pirate Bay.
They knew exactly what was going on, and could have halted it at any time.
As well, the requested materials mean the papertrail was created and known, meaning it was authorized, in the same way handing over the keys to your car to somebody means they can get in and do what they want.
how much per post you fuckin faggot?
So they knowingly kept the server going?
So they willfully kept the server going?
Sounds like you can show willful negligence like you wanted here if that's true. IF that's true. There is no universe where any sane person "authorized" the existence of this server unless they had no idea how insecure it was.
Knowingly and willfully mishandling them is a crime.
Major Jason Brezler
"A senior Navy Department official decided Monday to force a Marine Corps officer out of the service for his handling of classified information, three years after he was first investigated after sending a warning to deployed colleagues about an Afghan police chief whose servant later killed three Marines.
Brezler’s case first came to light after he sent an e-mail with a couple classified documents attached to Marines in Afghanistan about Jan. Brezler was deployed to Afghanistan from 2009 to 2010, and had worked successfully to have Jan removed from power in another district, Now Zad. Brezler self-reported his spillage of classified information afterward, and the service found that he had been keeping it on an unsecured hard drive."
"In 2012, Brezler sent an email from his personal account about Sarwar Jan, a police chief who had recently arrived at Forward Operating Base Delhi, whom he had kicked off another Marine installation two years prior for alleged unethical behavior.
Seventeen days after Brezler sent the email, a boy working as Sarwar’s personal servant killed three Marines at FOB Delhi: Staff Sgt. Scott Dickinson, 29, Cpl. Richard Rivera, 20, and Lance Cpl. Greg Buckley, 21."
Free Brezler
I don't think so jegudon.
Leftists don't look at actions, they look at words.
They think that Trump is bad for foreign policy because he denounces criminal illegal aliens and dangerous terrorists, but they don't think that Hillary is bad for foreign policy despite her supporting the failed Libyan Intervention, Syrian airstrikes, and training of Syrian rebels who turned to ISIS.
Killing brown people is apparently less worse than claiming that they're violent. Progressives are funny and contradictory people.
Faithlessness and irreligiousity is the ultimate thought trap leading to nihilism, decadence, depravity and despair. For you reason that life is a short thing and choose invariably to take all the pleasures one can from it and then grow desensitised to mere pleasures.
From that point on you are doomed and ensnared to your own iniquities and bound to follow base goals in the name of a short life. But I don't mean to lecture. We're all in this shit together. And frankly I'm glad it is so.
Yes State Department did just that.
ANd as it has been done before, and done now, and permitted under the guidelines, it was okay.
Not if you're the recipient, you don't even have to report it.
Else we have a long list of mainstream media to throw in jail, which would be nice.
You are attempting to mix pieces of law, and ignoring the fact they come under different statues, which prevents their mixing.
Its not.
Your information is old. FBI already said that she sent.
Yes it is. That's mishandling of the information. Protocol requires reporting the breech to your security personnel, and they usually wipe the information.
why are you here reddit queer?
by the way:
"Comey revealed that not only did Clinton inappropriately handle top secret, classified information on a private server, she did so on multiple private servers, not just on multiple email accounts."
I'm confused.
That's shit people used to get commendation for…
All you've done is with this post is spread the blood over more hands.
You have to realize this right?
Last (You) from me. Please make it count.
It's apparent an invalid view to take action towards a country with major drug cartel industry and a religion associated with four major terrorist attacks ( Brussels, San Bernandino, Paris, and Orlando) this year in developed countries.
That tranny should sue his doctor for malpractice. Pretty sure that he was only supposed mess with his genitals, not his head.
The report also said the inspector general "found no evidence that the secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server"
Really can you link to the sent?
THat's pretty big.
You the sender are in trouble, the reciever is not.
Otherwise auto felony for every bit of info in the papers, on wikileaks, liveleak and so on.
All in all, we now get to have fun come November
And no, to have blood would require crimes.
These are not.
People need to learn to prosecute when it matters, not afterwards.
Crimes are not bankable items for ammo.
Yet magically it is wired into the network with parts requiring sign offs and approvals.
How odd is that?
Its like somebody is lying, and I am wagering its not the one with the possession of the certed server.
Seriously, the certs aren't handed out, possessing one means she was approved whether they like it or not.
No actually I have the fact that you have to have a cert for email to work, otherwise its refused on the basis of it being a false domain.
Its okay, I understand you have less of a clue than an H1NB employee.
“involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters”
Yet the paperwork isn't there. She probably made a drug deal that bit her in the ass, but she should have crossed her t's and dotted her i's in this case.
so hillary is totally innocent, but nishimura is not?
This is your line?
pic is related for you, you fuckin JIDF cocksucking faggot
Stop shilling your moronic transfag comic you worthless ape.
The fuck are you talking about? You were the one who set down the parameters for the definition of "criminal negligence" which I then met, I mixed nothing.
I'm going to need to see your law degree or your yarmulke if you're going to be swaggering around pretending to be the only person who understands the law.
So I was wondering something about the way James Comey went through with this ordeal. What if he didn't push it further because he knew she would get off and couldn't be charged over it again in the future.
What if the FBI reopens the investigation once Trump wins now having a president who will work with them an "new evidence"? Since she has yet to be charged with anything the option is still open in the future?
You know that's not true. Very few white people could be described as pursuing whatever pleasures they may in a short life. People do care about themselves, but they also care about their symbiotes; a feature often left out of the less religious interpretations of reality. Almost everyone cares about unusual things like art and music, too.
An irreligious perspective also doesn't mean a completely material life as the popular disinformation states. If anyone is truly honest, they'd say they don't know for certain but there are things that lead them to suspect something more or less.
I don't discount religious belief myself. I suspect it is evidence of something more sinister at this time than the usual believers. Maybe it's just my autism applying my Holla Forums senses to meta-reality, but I don't buy the narrative. If it's real, my gut says it's cuckservatives and cuckocrats beyond the pale just like it is here.
And yet without paperwork it could not be wired in.
At this point there is now a separate conspiracy of how the server was magicked into being wired by what was it 13 miles of cable? and into the network, without being rejected, nor IT showing up with magnets and etherkillers to it.
Seems odd, unless she got away with it because State does not have criminal proceedings for mishandling ala DOD.
THat is, again, if they had started under her employment, shit would have gone down, Hillary would have lost her clearance and be fuck out of luck.
I see unclassified.
If you are saying her request, still not an issue.
THe only one in trouble is a sender.
Wait til September, its in the mail.
PS, show yours.
Does correct then record at least pay federal minimum wage? It seems like you aren't the brightest bulb chaim.
good job moishe, now explain how nishimura is guilty but clinton isn´t, we will wait
I'm not the one boasting about my knowledge of the law and mocking others' lack of knowledge. Baselessly.
I'm also not the one trying to deflect the blame from Clinton to just about anybody else. While you're getting that torah, grab your pay stub from the CF too.
Does blind naivety make the world actually better?
Simple, he used unauthorized devices while being under DOD control.
As well, he purposely admitted to it.
No different than any other perp smoking, never admit guilt, ever.
No you're just pontificating about how scandalous following the law is, and that your view is right because of your belief it is.
YOU'RE accusing somebody else of pontificating? Holy shit that's rich.
Under your skewed explanation of the law completely unencumbered by evidence or foundation in reality
Wow, a completely unrelated response!
Not gonna answer until you answer my original question: Does "Correct the Record" pay at least Federal Minimum Wage?
Like I said, probably a drug deal with an IT person. Bureaucracy creates situations where people break the rules due to the sheer amount of hoops to jump through. Turns out that this wasn't a hoop to bypass.
Doesn't matter where you are. They are the same for me now as a government contractor as they were for me in the DOD.
Also a BS= a law degree now? Learn something new every day
It's called the sleeper effect.
If you're old enough, you might remember how Bob Dole kept referring to himself in the third-person as 'Dole': 'Dole' this; 'Dole' that.
"Dole's in the Doldrums, with the molemen"; anything, really.
The idea is to get a word or short term rooted in the mind with the hopes that the undecided will cue upon that message when standing in the voting booth ,reaching for a decision, in this case: 'Dole'.
As well, he purposely admitted to it.
Ah yes, because pointing that the violations are under guidelines carrying penalties only if she is employed, and not under criminal laws is so against reality.
And its not pontificating if you actually can back it up and are correcting somebody.
I would hope so, since its illegal not to.
That'd be a lot of and continuing drug deals for two years.
Ah see and now you admit it
THe laws did change because of this.
Because I had to study up on law for it, which is more than Jewlani.
Is there anything we an even do to fight this evil woman? Voting for trump doesn't seem to be enough.
What do we do if she wins?
Basically what other said, about having such an idea stick in your mind while allying Hillary with the concept of this rigged and corrupt system. Also, Warren, a possible VP pick, said this when she declined to run for the nomination clearing the way for Hillary and Sanders has said something to this affect as well. In the end, Trump will use this against the dems, even more so if Warren or Sanders runs with Hillary.
It's only "correcting" if you're correct, which you aren't. Unless you sincerely can't understand the difference between certification for the existence of a private e-mail server and certification for the use of that server to conduct official business
Stop being intellectually dishonest by ignoring context. I am now a contractor. I was DOD. The laws were consistent.
Dole wasn't very good at It because it didn't go unnoticed.
Move to Canada of course.
Philpines are better though.
Alternately revolution.
Reality wise, pretty much whatever you are doing now and enjoying a bigger ass fucking.
The point is though, that said cert is containing the infornmation that it is authorized.
A cert is not a key where mere possesion works to use it.
It requires communication with the other cert holders that it is authorized, meaning it is a constant process.
Certs require the full work of being authorized to be used, meaning to say it was not authorized is a lie in itself.
At best you can say they did not want it, but two years of that bullshit doesn't work.
Again, the time that this went on for proves an abject lack of wrongdoing per the guidelines, and an endorsement.
And she is in state, please check the regulations handbook for the 2012 and recent updating as of June 2016.
Note that policy has changed.
*Which as you should now, can not be reproduced due to the fact I am at home and not on an authorized computer.
Much less it lacks a CAC reader.
feels good man
So they don't? What do you get paid by them, more or less than minimum wage?
Shills like don't work so why would some poorly worded attempt at justifying the Clinton's openly admitted illegal actions work here? A few of us in this thread work/have worked with the DOD- on top of the FBI openly stating these actions were and are currently punishable. It is an open and shut case of obvious corruption in government- specifically to benefit the murderous Clintons.
Jesus fucking christ. Do some research before you spout bullshit. I don't care where she was in the government.
Between a) the investigator lying and b) you not having as precise an understanding of the way this authorization works as you think you do, one is a lot less of a logical stretch than the other
Someone else remembers that skit!
Good times.
Gradually ween yourself off political talk on the internet, starting now, and find real-life, like-minded folks and begin preparing.
Seriously, the web is how they're going to identify 90% of 'dissidents'.
You do see the 2nd Bachelors on there?
And my job is with the US DON as a metrologist.
Dunno, I have a different job, but I suppose you are attempting implications and hoping I'll bite so you can feel better and that little tribal spot in your brain gives and endorphin flood.
I suggest heroin, its much faster and you can OD yourself into not having to live in this world.
So you don't want to be confused with the facts then.
It had better happen or we lose everything. The enemy is surrounding us and making huge strides with every passing day. Where are the mass protests? I still don't see much white resistance to all of this shit.
Could it be because you spend more time dithering on the internet than doing anything of substance?
Notice how not even the millions strong protests of 2001 and 3 are remembered much less matched now adays?
Its because you're all too damn content on here, too scared of being profiled if you go outside to make a mark.
Its your move to change something, when do you take it?
sure it is, moishe, sure it is
There are government wide protocols laid out by the ISOO. Individual organizations can make their own protocols that are more strict than the guidelines laid out by the ISOO, but they can not make guidelines that are more lax. Her actions violate protocols laid out by the ISOO, so I don't care which area of government she was with.
Please, that screenshot barely even proves your degree, wild claims about your occupation are just hilarious.
See, you didn't mention that you're a comedian
What you want a heavily redacted pay stub to the point all you see is some colored paper?
And yet, she is not charged when it matters.
You are getting my point here?
She did do wrong, she was not prosecuted when it matters.
Ergo, no punishment can be done.
we're uncorrecting your record, fuckin kike male
Just stop Chaim.
Or how about the obviously manipulated social media trends which promote anti-Trump tags daily and bury anything else. Or the million dollars Clinton is confirmed to have spent on actual online shills
I want you to stop trying to argue from authority on a god damn anonymous imageboard. If your ego happens to be hurt enough that you slip up and post some information you shouldn't have that's just a bonus
On an imageboard.
Dedicated to its own beliefs.
Infested with paid Trump shills and some amount of unconfirmed but known others.
Next you'll tell me you have plans to move to Jewtube comments.
I'm serious, man, you should try standup
massive amount of shills after the rally today on cuckchan
they're scared
So you deny that his banners were and are still on the site?
That his son is shown on here?
You've been saying that she did nothing wrong this whole damn thread, and you want to change your tune now that you realize that you're out of your league in this matter. What is your point now? IS it that nothing can be done suddenly like this post is saying or will it change later on? The FBI said she violated the law, and is going unpunished. Hopefully that will piss the populace off enough to tell her to fuck off in the elections. It's not a total victory, but it's ammunition for the future. Now either be consistent or fuck off.
where are you gonna be shillin tomorrow?
No they said she violated guidelines, not the law.
Nor that she can be punished, as she left the State department.
You are the one making a claim of breaking the law, which is something that cleanly has not occurred, nor asking why was she not written up when she was in State employ if it was an important thing?
Same place you are baby.
As I said, you are so focussed that you want me to be a shill, its your trigger.
Which is hilarious, but eh, horseshoe theory and small minds.
That's you with the small minds, just setting that clear here.
Israeli english, back to the yeshiva chaim
Is this site also infested with Hispachan and penis pump shills? Anybody could buy an ad, hell, I could have afforded those ads.
How about this uncannily-similar case which was successfully prosecuted by the FBI? I understand you're autistically sticking to the idea that the server was tacitly and passively "authorized", but this fucking wasn't.
I see your point was to argue yourself into a hole.
Archive reiterating laws were explicitly broken
Your IDs are somewhat similar, so I thought that user was suffering from schizophrenia and replying to himself as if he were another user and I got scared.
Pic unrelated.
Right now, I'm seeing an ad for /gore/ (spoiler related).
If I were more /tinfoil/, I'd think it was a weak attempt at demoralization.
Well that explains why Correct the Record is here
That's just some user trying to scare away newfags after we got in the news.
The guidelines are the executive branch's interpretation of a vague law. If you violate the guidelines set forth, then you violate the law. Specifically:
a) Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information—
(1) concerning the nature, preparation, or use of any code, cipher, or cryptographic system of the United States or any foreign government; or
(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States or any foreign government for cryptographic or communication intelligence purposes; or
(3) concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States or any foreign government; or
(4) obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government, knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
forgot the best part
So since you have come only to accuse me of being a shill, how right am I?
Also, does Trump like honey mustard or Dijon?
And does he pay in gold or brass?
And you are missing the willful part, something rather absent here.
Or we could play flog the dead horse with listing the point of all the other people not charged under that, while caught.
Nice choice going for the communication intelligence under the part of her talking about drone strikes.
And the key thing:
Please prove this very important clause. Intuitive is not allowed, you must show.
What really confuses me is how somebody can apparently be some super smart lawyer, someone who has actually studied the law and supposedly knows how it works, what's legal, what's not, etc - and chooses to spend his time defending Hillary Clinton's corruption, or at least the decision not to prosecute her for her corruption, on a Mongolian Stone Carving website.
Shouldn't somebody that smart, I dunno, maybe not be a worthless fuckbag?
Most lawyers are glorified paper pushers making less than 40k a year doing Google searches.
stupid jew bastard
internships m9, we all have to start somewhere. He does this now and in his mind can one day work himself up to senator
You're missing that part.
Yeah, the fact that the FBI is a corrupt Jewish organization.
She did it as willfully as this person who was also prosecuted.
Does it smell like flopsweat in here?
She set up an email server of her own accord and sent classified documents through it. Ignorance isn't an excuse when procedural documentation is so incredibly encompassing.
Or we could flog the dead horse with listing all the people who were charged under that for less.
(a) National Security Information (hereinafter "classified information") shall be classified at one of the following three levels:
(1) "Top Secret" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
(2) "Secret" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.
(3) "Confidential" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national security.
No wonder he's defending the bitch, he wants to follow in her footsteps!
Banter aside, exactly what the fuck are you doing here? Just saying FBI dindu nuffin? You don't seem to actually like our government or Clinton, so why have you now made 22 posts defending the FBI's statement in an attempt to prove that they were in the right?
Also I don't think you're seeing the obvious fact that something like this fiasco with Hillary's email bullshit somehow being legal means that some laws need to be changed, because if this is legal then there are in fact bad laws in place right now.
I'll even grant that some moronic fuckhead authorized her stupid fucking server. Should it have been authorized? Is that legal? Can you please point out to me under what grounds such authorization can or should be legal?
Oh right so Hillary is emailing herself then?
To see classified info she can not see while holding it?
Do you also have the proof that email resulted in the act, or just an email?
And yet said server was certed, which is the point here.
People can make claims, yet there was the certs, the cable, and the continuing debacle of her using it to the point of the spam filters being turned off.
For the tenure there, something you will remember means a willful and knowledged part as others make claims with over three emails?
Yes, while employed, you know the crux of the issue here?
Nope fail, you did not prove that the classified info, which is what you are trying to say, was
Citing the classified info means nothing here, please show the green part.
was huma the lesbian currynigger authorized to have access to that info? was sid blumenthal?
What? The picture is an exchange between two people, there is no mention of Hillary emailing herself.
Is this seriously all you have left? Playing dumb?
"Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account."
Did you even read the transcripts?
Look at how the formerly smug faggot who thought he was the smartest guy in the room now has to pretend not to understand a simple concept. Jesus fuckin christ you worthless bum, I bet the rabbi who gave you herpes when he sucked on your bloddy nub is embarassed and ashamed to have sucked your dick. I bet every out of work bum and delivery boy knew the color of the paint on the inside of your mother's bedroom. I bet that for all of your (fake) credentials that you would be better off as a short order cook at the fuckin waffle house.
If that guy works for who he says he does, we've probably seen each other. I thought Thursday was going to be boring but maybe I'll stop in early and talk to the woman I know in HR.
I will do nothing illegal or against the interests of National Security, so don't chimp out.
Boredom, sitting around waiting for a print job to finish before I go to sleep.
Yes, I guess, sort of.
Correct, and because its fun to play this game. Also because I have personal experience of people claiming I have mishandled classified info obtained from white papers, woo which the parties in question also failed to disclose was classified in the first place much less possession as per a contract.
Oh Ia gree they need to be changed, and they were. THe issue at hand is people ignoring the fact that it was changed after she left, and that the major parts of this fiasco should have occurred in 2013.
Senator Ashland does it now, for one, that it was done and not prosecuted (creating a precedent albeit shitty), that there was actually forms for it.
Its all still fucking retarded, she should not have done it, should have been prosecuted in 2013 resulting in losing clearance and shortly all political clout as she becomes a nonplayer.
There is also no criminal law to prosecute her under, despite the creative thinking, as until 2014, State Department was charged with records holding and legal dealings.
Following it became an individual mandate and the records act now applies to the individual, something that should have been from the start, with the augmentation of the infrastructure data and backups.
No, its apoint that as Hillary is not sending the data, it is the guy on the other end who is in trouble.
Once more, hillary is the recipient.
We hold it possible that the Holohoax happened and you made money off it, so give us sheckles.
You do see the part where it is an affirmative statement for that law bit, not on a presupposition of it occurring?
Its a punitive stature.
The guy on the other end isn't the one isn't the one with the unsecured server
Careful, your boss might hear you
That's irrelevant because "or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States"
ya blew it
But he is the one sending it to the server, which is a violation.
What boss?
The one who bombed his governor's mansion or the one who lit a forest on fire on state land?
Perhaps you mean the one who hates me because I got his son sent to jail when he made false claim that I was a terrorist?
Which then means please show it being prejudicial, given all said data on the server was to be under FOIA (Was as Hillary was trying to endrun around it)
Actually its part and parcel to the Maryland University program, but I understand your sadness at having spent far more than me and not having two.
If I cared for Latin I'd be a papist fuckwit going after you jailbait.
It's so goddamn sad that we have to contemplate civil war in order to secure liberty.
But here we are. Sad.
You're saying he was aware the server was unsecure and was knowingly sending the information there? Or was the person knowingly maintaining an unsecure server and requesting the information the one at fault?
Now we both know Senator Clinton has done way worse shit than that. Must suck to have three bosses.
If you didn't care for Latin you probably wouldn't use it in the first place, quod erat demonstrandum
So how much do you think this'll increase Trump's chances?
That tends to be the common method if you aren't getting ass fucked.
By requesting the classified info (removing headers does not change classification, does make it a headache to anybody down the line) be sent unclassed Hilalry is doing nothing wrong.
As soon as about to be a felon sends it by anything nonsecure, he is in trouble.
Hillary is unable to be in trouble or break a law at any point here.
Not really, its technically one and two supervisors, but I am geographically removed from two of them most of the time, and under the care of a supervisor, but typically a coworker who has the one authorized phone and computer in the building.
THe rest of us play darts.
Lots and lots of fucking darts.
Or browse on our phones, but that's not supposed to be said.
It sounds pithy and effective, like crooked Hillary.
Negative amounts, he has to now try and say how the FBI is corrupt while have praising them previously.
THough more likely, none as people are pretty much coming down to :Trump, Hillary, stay at home.
Requesting classified material by unclassified means is not an offense.
Sending it is. Which Hillary did not do there.
Again, Hillary cannot commit a crime if there is no law to break.
You are combining a general statement meant over three chains and the server, with a specific one.
Let's put this all together. Maybe you'll finally be able to follow logic if it's spelled out in one post.
Do I have to spell it out for you any more than that?
I kinda like this newfag influx…
so much butthurt going around.
Its a teaching method. Notice his speeches can be broken down into a handful of topics. And at most he uses no more than 100 of the same words, so in his hour long speeches he repeats the same 100 words over and over again. And then in every speech he repeats the same concepts over and over again. And each speech is a repeat of his other speeches save for when a new concept needs to be introduced. You learn through repetition, whether its shooting a rifle or mathematics. The more you do or hear something the better you are at it.
Add to that the way he will be on one subject and then seemingly randomly go into another and then randomly once more go into a third subject before returning to the first. This is also a teaching method. Your mind retains data better if instead of all information at once you take it in broken up. Now when he talks about x then y then z… Having heard the 3 things spoken in a broken up manner when ever y comes to mind so too will x and z.
Its also strategic reinforcement. Anyone who has actually listened to his speeches doesn't just support him they are fucking pissed because they've had it drilled into their heads that shit is so fucked up that it is illogical to not be pissed.
The man is a genius.
Yes, you have to show that hostile actors did gain access.
Which would be easy if Jewtin anted up and showed.
But I get your point, you're upset she isn't facing criminal liability, except you know two part even then:
Stature of limitations is passed, and she isn't in the State Department.
So again as I said, if it mattered, which it does, should have prosecuted in 2013.
I thought the FBI are trying extremely hard to indict her but her Pet other Mulatto, Lynch is saving her ass
No you don't. Even if no one took it and even if we are talking about the lowest lowballing we could give for the crimes she is guilty of what she did is still gross negligence of office and multiple charges of perjury..
There is no rational universe in which she should not face some type of punishment.
Don't idly put so much faith in the FBI. They are, after all, the (((FEDERAL))) Bureau of Investigation.
Them being earnest in their investigation was the best, and least likely, case scenario. The real key is going to be.. Will the few FBI agents with a shread of decency risk their livelihood and safety in order to do the right thing and leak everything.
To be fair I thought the situation with the FBI and Hillary is that they hate here and the AG and CIA are stopping their investigation every step of the way
And there you go saying the universe has to be rational. Again, a mistake on your part.
And unlike the rest of us, or really not, saying too my knowledge and as I remember actually works.
Of course not, because they have nothing to leak.
Hillary ties up loose ends and knows where the law is to pull stuff off.
She isn't going to be getting in trouble until she is well into featuring on /ABDL/
No I don't. The manner she handled sensitive information was in a manner prejudicial to the safety of the US since she didn't follow the guidelines set forth. She created a situation where the data could be stolen with ease compared to the protocols that are in place.
Statute of limitations is usually 5 years in most federal cases; I'm not sure for this exact law. I'm sure they found something from 2012.
Irrelevant if we're talking about criminal liability
Should have. Still can for a little longer.
See this?
Not even the normies can stand it and they fucking know how bad it is.
Provide additional links to Hillary's corruption, analysis damning her conduct, the Clinton Foundation's corruption along with it.
Automate this process if necessary.
Are they bots
To be fair, Comey was talking about administrative repercussions when he made that statement. I don't agree with that kind of dishonesty, so I'll spend my time researching people who got fucked for less.
Reminder that Kris Kobach is the best VP pick for Trump.
Except, again, the stature is affirmitve, it is to be used when you have caused those acts and are being prosecuted for it.
The simplest part being the lack of logs prevents this knowledge, but their intactness also means it is not something that can be hit upon.
Aside from the fact it would also just lead to IT taking all the blame for failure to secure.
Nope, I'm wrong, its 5.
If criminal, which is not what the FBI is showing.
At this point, only unsolicited judges are opining, no ones with power here.
Look up whistleblowers, easier time, and has the advantage of reporting on illegal actions.
Downside, thanks Bush and the Patriot Act, whistleblowing is actually illegal.
THe best that can be done is speak to a supervisor and accept what happens.
Do both faggot.
Right now quantity is important, quality can follow up or be posted along with it.
This line is getting the normies mad as fuck.
imagine the butthurt when it turns out to not be enough.
all that money, all that corruption, all that manipulation and all those back alley deals being made… for nothing.
Remember how many endorsements Little Marco had, and how the media constantly fawned over him? And then he got blown out in his home state. Money isn't everything.
Meme her getting a brain aneurysm.
no, they won't let that happen. If you honestly believe this election isn't already rigged, then you haven't been paying attention. Our only real hope is that the support for Trump is so overwhelming that they can't use their normal vote shaving tricks to steal the election. Which would mean they would have to show their hand. They aren't quite ready for that, though, since they haven't completely disarmed the populace yet. Someone like Trump coming along had to be part of their contingency planning.
Nishimura is relevant in this case.
There were several failure points including those in the email chains. I'm curious to see who they were.
it is to these people.
Which would be
(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both
Nishimura admitted and destroyed large quantities as I said earlier, something Hillary did not do.
I want to see where the narrative goes for those sending the classified data.
We'll accept Hillary never being anythinged, but what about the others?
5 months away from the election, and her paint is so scratched and there are so many bernouts who see the faggotry in the Dem structure.
ad on of this top the inevitable ISIS attack in Europe/North America, BLM chimp out, Trump (counter)attacks and more revelations.
speaking of the latter, what was in that "tell all" book from that SS agent re the Clinton's?
Wasn't it released a week ago?
We all know she has AIDS
I honestly don't think they estimated Trump doing this well
They know he probably would of been in this election but were shocked the way he's taken his platform
And shills on Twatter are already astroturfing "Saddam Hussein" into trending.
And it's come to light that HC destroyed vast quantities (yes, deleting from a digital device is considered destruction) if you read the transcripts.
I want to see this pile of shit come to light. People who are careless with classified information should be punished, and those who witnessed it but didn't stop it should be re-mediated in comsec procedures.
They already said it was considered a normal amount of deletion.
Again the point of the changing laws, State now has to do paper prinouts, something not from her tenure.
The older Hill-backing dems are falling back on the whole "She didn't do anything ILLEGAL" or the "Right wing nutjobs are falling on wikileaks as a source"
Am I fucking high? What world did I fucking enter?
Oh wait, Wonkette is a Gawker site. These people are considered journalists.
Nevermind. See how long you can last in the comments
They said the deletion rate was normal for an email account, but it doesn't change the fact that she had and destroyed large amounts of classified material.
I'm surprised Gawker isn't shut down
I thought Hogan would of bought them out to be a wrestling network
Maybe he'll give Money to Donald Instead
Material that should not have been present nor was it in its proper place to start.
She had three of her own she should have been in trouble for, and two thousand from others she has no guilt in.
It's irrelevant how it got there. There's protocol that needs to be followed. Incident reports sent to the owner, destruction reports filed and kept on record, etc. Is it a pain in the ass? Yes, but she should be liable for not following. She should be liable for sending. She should be liable for her complete non-compliance with comsec outlined by the isoo.
he wont answer….hmmmm…
correct the record probably told him not to engage on these points
Oh I agree on it, but given reporting and receipt is not punishable, it gets ignored, same as making false claims.
Because playing off first names instead of typing them out, but placing memes is a sign of low energy unworthy of response.
But for humor
Huma Abedin, not authorized but as I pointed on the lack of tagging, causes problems.
Hence why you don't send stuff on uncalssified if it should not be there.
Again, guilt is on the sender.
Sid Blumenthal
I find him fine, he gave some wonderful stuff to the public on France going into Libya.
Psst, hey guys…
Google the word "twitter"
Just heard an interesting theory:
Comey said "no reasonable prosecutor" would take the case. That could mean that going to court over her server and what was posted by who could open up a shitstorm of biblical proportions. Political and career suicide (if not actual 13 nails to the back of the head suicide).
So, Comey signaled the FBI ("proud") so they don't think that all the work was a waste. No mention has been made of the Foundation which doesn't implicate the White House and then the DNC is rid of both of the Clintons and they can switcheroo Crazy Uncle Joe.
faulty AI or a real person who can't into english? WTF word salad is this?
What you don't follow Trump now?
What are you a chicom now?
Destruction still is even if it's unreported, but it's irrelevant. The law was broken; she could be prosecuted, but she won't be. I'll leave it at that for the night.
Quite fair.
But the point remains that you can not claim clones of classified info under the same lines discussing copies.
Still say lock up all the reporters going off on classified anonymous sources told me.
A nicer world…
Its called Virginian, you'd know this if you bothered to travel some and stopped listening to prissies.
Alternately, enjoy drinking some.
drinkin some what?
Cossack vodka right now.
For your reading pleasure
No thanks, don't feel like getting dressed either.
What a lovely doorstopper, if people followed it more, I might consider your arguments more than idealism.
Which is the point. Reality speaks, we do not.
Start a revolution has been a cry since before the 80s, well 50s.
I think you'd be surprised by how many people do follow it. Most of us are also disposable pawns, so there's that too. Probably less so the higher up you go because their time is too valuable for silly procedures designed to keep information secure.
word salad 4lyfe
Trump is late night shitposting again
Yeah, that's what shocked me about the whole announcement as well.
Keep in mind that he is not the only one. Many bureaucrats have gotten into hot water for infinitely less and they can attest to it was we speak in their prison cells.
Big reason though is the others admitted and were caught in it.
Here, Hillary only was caught.
I really would not be surprised for people to take plea deals and admit guilt in the name of getting it over with, condemning themselves rather than get free.
Here we often use dialup + massive crypto. Slow but secure.
You need a SCIF for SIPRNET as far as I know.
A shill is a shill, or intent matters.
Depends heavily on the allowances, though I know a bunch are being axed right now, like not having to use a CAC.
Before this, I did find I could get my server certified for secure work, but because I have no control over the hardlines, it would not have been able to get anything.
Not that it matters, since its kind of a, what am I going to do with secure access?
Browse the classified documents and keep it all to myself?
You could have at least gone for the second page low energy shill.
that doc must mean something, cuz its written in a dead language