White nationalism vs [insert nation] nationalism

I am an American Nationalist not a white Nationalist.
One big reason why is, "where is this white ethno state going to be?"
Is it going to be just Europe? All us Americans, Canadians, and boers just fuck off?
Are we going to try to hold all mostly white countries, from the east coast of Russia essentially circling the whole northern cap of the globe and a small south African territory?
What of the different people's within the white race? Will we all have to give up our sovereignty to try to form a union with those who've we have almost nothing in common politically?
If we don't abandon any land whites inhabit how are we going to logistically enforce such huge borders and territory, in addition to making laws that can be applied to such diverse environments and environmental contexts?
It seems to me that maintaining the current national borders (with some exceptions) and each nation trying to make itself as white as possible would be the best goal, compared to a huge multicultural or white culture destroying ethno state that would be a logistic and governmental nightmare.

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What a lovely nation you have.

The same could be said about every one of our countries right now, we are trying to fix that.
Now do you want a white ethno state with a plan or for it to collapse within a decade?

I'd say so. I wouldn't have a problem with blacks if they behaved differently. And I do believe, that they can behave differently.

Change the conditions, change the ideology, eliminate the outside influences that promote indolent and degenerate behavior. I don't believe that comes from biology.

I'm a burger. Get the fuck out of our country, you're a traitor to our people if you care more about what side of the ocean one was arbitrarily born on than their natural race.

Whites are a global minority and there won't be any majority white countries in 100 years. We need a nation where whites can live in harmony and pursue their own destiny in peace – whether that nation is called America or wherever.

Is this a comedy thread?

What are you doing on Holla Forums?
Even if behavior wasn't working factor, they are not as intelligent and are a drain to the American people.

Did you read past the first line?

kek, look up just about every IQ study ever researched.

Yes. "American Nationalist" is still a ridiculous concept, especially when your other option seems to be being a globalist shit white "nationalist".


I don't understand your point or reasoning.

No suprise, being an American you are incapable of understanding what "a nation" even is.

Brit/pol/ called, they want their retarded concept of civic nationalism back.

A nation is a people

You have still to try to convince me by answering the very simple question of where the technocrats's borders would be.

Fucking autocorrect.
Ethno state's*

cause of them "outside influences" I mentioned. Pic related.

That's material caused.

Regards, material frog

Along with the ethnic borders. It's not a hard concept, is it?

Look this isn't the thread for that, make your own.
Here we are talking under the assumption of white ethno states being good and whether it is better to have multiple or a single one.

And how would we defend such a large and scattered amount of territories efficiently?

Let me spell it out for you. European states can keep their nationalist identities and preserve their cultural distinctiveness, but the excess population of the new fast-growing nationalist European states will be exported to the colonies. All of Asia, Africa and South America are currently devoid of human life, populated only by worthless subhumans. The "White ethno-state" is basically the entire planet outside of Europe, and in the long run, it is the entire universe.

We must begin to transition from away from a nationalist posture, which is purely defensive, and embrace our imperial destiny. European nationalist tensions can be completely sidestepped by putting our collective energies into purging the planet of non-whites. In the long run, Europe will serve as a cultural reservoir and place of pilgrimage, but will become economically, demographically, politically and technologically irrelevant. This planet is the white man's ethno-state.

Wew lad
This is a new level of D&C

That seems like a much further long term goal.
The first white ethno state, while non-whites are still alive and hold territory, where is its military going to enforce the rights of white people and try to establish a border?

No, these are legitimate questions of logistics.
How can we set up a country without a defined and fortified border?

Best one on earth

With a well regulated and heavily armed militia.

Everyone fights
No-one quits

The U.S. was the first white ethno-state.


The first goal of white nationalism is the reconquest of the U.S.

Everyone? We will conscript women into national service? The elderly? Those who have dedicated their lives to peace?

You guys are fucking embarressing.

Ok, so it will be America, and all whites have an ability to immigrate if they are of good character?
The American borders I can get behind, I would want something more objective and strict besides "good character" but this is something to work with!


Actual nation states have, you know, nations instead of skin colours to run with.


Nations are the people, and people's in an ethno state share.more than skin color.

This is what I mean when Americans don't understand what a nation is. In fact your bullshit is devaluing the term

Someone get this defeatist shill outta here.

Schlomo, we have these kind of threads every week or so, don't think your shilling is original or unique at all because many of your fellow jewish friends have used this bullshit before you.

Please enlighten us poor American Holla Forumslacks what a real nation is.

Unless I'm misunderstanding the OP, he's under the impression that we want to create a globalist white state that basically encompasses all white nations as one people. This is not what I believe most of Holla Forums wants, my understanding is that most people favour the ethnostate, as in, Germany for germans, France for the french, etc. All subhumans need to be deported, and white countries be made once again.

The OP's way of phrasing himself however gives the impression that he's a civic nationalist, that cares more about people having an american passport and following certain cultural codes.

No Jew in me. I even have a YouTube channel, and my last name is as German as German as the kaiser's.

Oh shut up.


I've been on Holla Forums for years and generally support this place but this is puerile.

You understood what I meant 99%
I think a civic nationalism will be a more feasible way to reach the same end goal of America becoming more and more white until it is an ethno state.
But I think my impression is right when some on Holla Forums want to unite all whites on the planet into a single white nation.



He was implying that, that is why I said it was more.

A country cannot protect its borders if it can't tell where they are.

It's obvious you're a shill.

Haven't you noticed how we have created an internet culture of racism, nationalism and general edginess?

Everything "alt-right" is bastardized version of Holla Forums.

Lost for words.

Niggers aren't Americans, Shlomo.
You brought them here and sold them to us, but they're still African, and they need to go back there.
They will never be American.

The idea that people here are narcissistic enough to believe Holla Forums is important enough that the government would literally hire people to come and say things like "maybe you guys are wrong" and "grow up and try to actually accomplish something instead of shitposting on image boards" Has me lost, maybe you're all the shills and i'm the only fucking sane one here, you're all trying to convince me that Holla Forums is a shithole full of anti intellectuals whose full arguing ability consists of posting pretentious reaction images while scapegoating.

I want this to succeed, i'm sick of mudskins raping kids in my country, but it's never going to change if you're all here shitposting and creating a right wing tumblr, where every european ethnicity is a special snowflake status that you all give to each other.

Like i said it's puerile, childish, it will not accomplish anything.

I agree.
There are very few who could be up to an American standards and they are such anomalies that it most likely won't carry over through their family if they manage to have one.

So many niggers on this board lately. If you're European and disgracing your race and blood by shilling against White American, then you should just kill yourself. You're a bluepilled faggot

Reminder: America invented Nationalism… monarchies have no loyalty and cross breed with each other when they're not sucking the Pope's dick

You have 5 years left to stop the destruction of white America you silly coon lover

Rome invented nationalism.

Dude, I am not black, a Jew, a Catholic, a communist, a progressive, a sjw, a neo-con, or a poo in the loo.
I am trying to plan ahead for a white ethno state, how can I be any more direct?

the whole idea is to want your nation to be great
america was great when it was white
do you see the logic here?

Someone watched that John Cena video.

Yes and I want America to be white.

The borders of the white nation are at Washington, Oregon, Idaho and western Montana

And I wouldn't have a problem touching fire if it wasn't hot.


I want the white America to maintain its current borders not lose land.

And as such you are a race traitor

Literally no point in you making that post

No ammount of pretending will wash away your traitor's blood.

A single white nation is not a concept that I believe would work unless we had some serious outside force threatening us, even then I doubt it. Internal rivalries have historically trumped the threat of outside forces.

As for people on Holla Forums advocating a large white state containing every single white country, it's not really something I recall seeing a lot of. Only example I remember hearing of this concept was Richard Spencer, who wanted the EU to turn into a white super power, which of course is a ridiculous notion.

There's no point in you being a fag, but here we are.

Enjoy the Scot veto faggot

You mean like we do now?


Honestly I think that pure racism is a divide and conquer tactic on this board by shills.

I doubt many of us here want to "kill all niggers."

Nationalism means every race is entitled to it's own nation. We have to help the black community by helping them form their own nation. In Africa. Way over there.

The way "some of you" act just sounds like a liberal racist caricature. I think these are just shills trying to be more Holla Forums than thou, and it kills me because some of you take the bait.

George Lincoln Rockwell didn't team up with the blacks for no reason.

Wait, you think white nationalism means we want one giant white nation? No. We want a white France, a white Germany, a White America and so on. People just use the word white instead of ethno- for some reason.

Then again we don't really care if brown countries mix together, as long as white countries remain French, German, Norwegian..

holy shit you could not be a bigger shill if you tried.

Holy shit your typical one liner post to build consensus probably netted you a dollar, get a real job.

Or a fucking actual argument.

Someone prove me wrong.

I'm tired of posting shit like this and watching threads sink to the bottom of the page.

I'd like to talk to a real person, please.

I'm serious. I'll just keep bumping.

Come on. Someone say something.

By definition you cannot have a multi ethnic nation state. You are trying to make an empire a nation.

Actual nation states are based off races

Are you willing to let yourselves be balkanized and the marginalized?

Someone prove me wrong.

When we defeated the (((main enemy))) and finally take control of our nations, we should be helping the negro's and other races as much as they need to readjust in their own state of happiness that they need
Niggers aren't happy living in the hood, they are most comfortable living in mudhuts.

But most negro's (and gypsies, chinks, abos…) are short sighted and not intelligent enough to see that in the long run, if (((they))) win, everything on this planet will suffer. So they chose the welfare benefits, and going back to africa sounds horrible to them.
Also even allot of aware negro's wont admit that white people are superior (atleast in intelligence or creativity) and that there are differences between races
I wish we could all unite under the banner of anti-(((NWO))) user, but its not that simple

But I agree with you that some percentage of shills are acting like idiot neo-nazis, but a large part of Holla Forums sees this as lulz.

What are you going on about? What your suggesting is Brazil which is exactly what you will get. There is no longer any clear majority in the US. Balkinizatiom would be merciful.

Americans are such fucking cucks. Nothing but white mans burden faggots in need of rope.

I'm saying that the skinhead mentality is a fucking psyop. We have to become smarter and better at recruiting or we're doomed.

Arbeit macht frei

It's our duty to fix their culture so that it doesn't interfere with our own. If we remove the jew from their media, we remove an enemy of that state by default.

Black culture doesnt even come from the blacks and you know it. It never used to be THIS bad. It's all be artificially fed.


Smarter and better at recruiting who? What's the point of American nationalism? Don't we have american nationalism now? You still have not addressed the point that by definition a large multi ethnic empire cannot be a nation state.

Even if you removed all the blacks and latinos, isn't america already not a sovereign state whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent.

Whites have many different ancestors. There would be no way to establish a nation state in america without carving the US out into a new Europe. Which would never happen.

What are you arguing for exactly?

I agree with everything you just said user, but we can only do this when we removed the (((enemy))) from our nations, and negro's don't want that since they are too short sighted.

They just need to be convinced that they are being lead.

Once that happens, they need to be convinced that it is better to have self determination, or follow us to greatness. (which is the same fucking thing.)


And which SHOULD never happen.
Fucking secessionist/balkanize threads need to be anchored/deleted on sight.

I don't know of any black that has learned the truth and completely went along with it. It's like the argument of the "good jew". There are so few that it shouldn't matter.
Tho I guess there could be some black user who tries to redpill his black brudas. But convincing white people is far more important since we are the ones who are being genocided and still have a majority in our countries. It shouldn't be a prime objective tho if someone has time to waste (which we don't) they could try to redpill niggers

you have defined borders.

now, remove juden, remove nignog, remove kebab, remove spic, remove gooks and enforce those boarders.

Go fuck your self faggot

America is a bureaucracy not a nationality


join the north west front

Ok, but you aren't giving me an alternative.

It might HAVE to happen, because moving millions of people somewhere else is logistical hell.

So you're a fucking civic "nationalist" racial cuckold who still buys into the egalitarian pipe-dream that races can both exist in your nation and you can keep a healthy national identity. It's idiots like you who cheapen and destroy our nations ability to have a racial reawakening with your disgusting anti-white pro-multiracial bollox that will only continue to result in the destruction of our people.

pic related

and exactly how do you propose to do that?

Kill yourself.

Exactly, alot of Holla Forumsacks are starting to look like pic related

meant for

Jesus christ, what a fucking moron. We are racial nationalists and pro-white. This automatically puts us at existential odds with all non-whites. Allying with non-whites would only result in those ones believing they're entitled to live in our nation and benefit from our civilisation or neuter our own ability to look out for WHITE interests. Shitskins need not apply
Jesus christ. No it doesn't you white-man's burden egalitarian-lite cuck faggot. Nationalism means putting your nation and people before all others. Niggers and other non-whites do not deserve our help, nor do we owe them anything at all. We ought to purge them all from our lands and then later colonise Africa for our personal gain. Only the strong deserve to survive. Only the superior deserve to prevail. Only the whites have any claim to this great nation. You're entirely fucking rope-worthy

you just deflected and did not answer any of my questions. B-but white Americans are different to! not really

Nah. you're just a fresh-off-the-boat egalitarian cuck from Reddit who needs to lurk more.


and all the original Americans WERE WHITE. That's the whole fucking point. Whites can integrate into a common identity based on our shared European struggle/history. Shitskins cannot. Shitskins also played no part in the construction of our civilisation, and thus their presence can only be degenerative to it.

It would have to be more obvious to the average normie, an official threat. The current threat is getting past normies by concealing itself in white guilt and liberal progressiveness.

go away, tumblr


There's really only one ethnic group that's deserving of extermination, and that would ideally be achieved non-violently through sterilization.

Concern troll

All I'm saying is that we need to make redpills for black people.

The white man is not your enemy, and we share a common enemy that wishes to enslave us all.

There is plenty of evidence of this, and we are the people who would share it.

But the Jews and the FBI want you to keep screaming "kill all niggers" so everyone ignores us.

Every group can be controlled. But by whom?

I'm going to go ahead and tell you because you seem a bit slow on the uptake. Almost all your posts reek of a leftist caricature of what nationalists are, most of the shit you're saying isn't going to be possible due to the logistical nightmare they can cause; do you actually think we're going to be able to remove millions of minorities that have lived in the U.S for atleast three generations without any pushback?

where did I ever say I was egalitarian?

so tell us user, just exactly who is white
gonna apply the one-drop-rule?
and what exactly makes this perfectly white supremacist nation you're talking about special and chosen ? like we don't hate another group of the chosen
I think you'll find after you've defined white and painted yourself into a corner that you are greatly outnumbered in this country.
Don't get me wrong I'm a breed realist and I know from experience that livestock purebreds out perform hybrids. the only place mixing breeds helps is in breeding grain and the hybrid vigor is only present in a small portion of the offspring.
I'm a racist, I love watching racing on a 3/8 mile dirt oval, but otherwise I don't hate dumb animals because they are dumb.

So while we agree in many principles your method of segregation needs work.


I get it — Might makes right and conquered peoples have only themselves to blame.

But if anyone here desires and thinks they can systematically go to war and murder all the non-whites in the world without massive irreparable cost to whites and western civilization they are deluded and ultimately the most dangerous threat to our goals.

I only seek to ensure what is best for my people — Not to go to war with all other peoples simultaneously.

In truth I think it is best if those like you are systematically removed.

Your madness will be the end of us all.

Fuck off kike, we neither need nor want niggers

You can't get a bigger threat than total genocide

I agree with the deluded and dangerous to our goals, even more dangerous than the jew.

this is reasonable and achievable

How about all the white countries for white people?

Gas yourself you multi-cult kikel.

just keep going and going and going…

This time, there is no one to mobilize to fight against a anti-juden movement since all juden controlled nations are on fire.

Policy discussions like this make me think there is one particular instance where the "Dark Enlightenment" folks are undeniably rational:

The critical weakness that generates most infighting within and without Holla Forums, the Alt-Right, White Nationalists, Traditional Conservatives, Anarcho Capitalists, Neoreactionaries, etc. is that not only do these groups patrol for ideologically purity among their own they argue and advocate for only their policies and the cessation of all others in theory and practice.

What this means is that these various groups seemingly do not have the conviction of their beliefs to put their ideas into practice amongst themselves and to stand on their own merit.

To self-segregate, self-determine and self-rule.

They constantly seek supremacy against all other would-be allies and all other perceived-enemies.

An eternal ideological war of the lazy and prideful that allows them the Right-Wing equivalent of "virtue signalling" without actually committing to any action.

Rational and practical political and philosophical advocates would seek a decentralized municipality, state or nation for their own and to be left alone.

Fools seek to conquer all others out of fear that if they allow others to self-associate and self-organize their opponent's philosophies would be proven superior in practice.

Do not be such a fool.

There will be multiple white countries. "White nationalism" means a lot of things, but it doesn't mean some kind of globalist empire.

No, of course not. Whether the Boers can be saved at this point is dubious, but America and Canada will continue to be located where they are.

Yes, and plurality-white countries too, if we can manage it.

There are two different issues here. One is the core and periphery of the white race. Obviously we are closer to Germans than to Italians, closer to Tuscans than to Sicilians, but still closer to Sicilians than to the Lebanese.

The secondary issue is that every white nation has its own quirks and ethnic uniqueness. Each nation will be autonomous so that it can be the best homeland for its own folk; whites from neighboring, closely related nations with similar quirks will assimilate easily and harmlessly, while whites with very different traits cannot emigrate to that nation in large numbers without changing it.

No, no, no

This seems to imply you think Swedes and Italians will have one parliament making one set of laws, when if anything it will be the reverse; Tuscany and Sicily could ideally separate/allow regional autonomy.

Agreed. That is what most white nationalists want.

It's not called "white nationalism" because anyone (not even Dick Spencer!) believes there is a single nation embracing all white people and it should have its own state, but because its adherents believe some combination of the following:

a/Whites in modern democracies should fight for their tribal interests, just like minority racial groups already do

b/Historically white nations have been such great places to live because of the traits of the white people who live there, and they can't keep those traits without paying attention to population characteristics

c/Socioeconomic differences between white people and minorities aren't the result of oppression, but rather heritable traits of whites that make them a coherent national/ethnic group.

Note that in each case, the reasoning provides some justification for international solidarity among whites, but applies mostly to the white citizens of a particular state.

All this white supremacist crap is going to ruin any chance we have of ensuring a world free of globalist bullshit. We should be focusing on preserving the ideals and make sure other races adopt our views or variations of them to ensure that we get more support rather than alienate potential allies.

And? why should we not maintain that as our final goal? This is exactly what we should be striving for, whether its logistically possible or not. I don't care about self-censoring for "muh pr" reasons or because at the current moment it's not immediately possible. If we aim low, we'll hit lower, if we aim high, we might have at least a small chance of achieving our goal, which should be the complete removal of all non-whites currently residing within white nations be it through deportation or war.

By promoting this idea of interracial cooperation and "nationalism 4 every1" you're embracing an egalitarianism of a different kind. You haven't fully accepted the reality of racial relations and our inherent superiority as a people, so you still want to promote the false idea that we support self-determination for all people. We don't and we shouldn't. Our goals should be the self-determination of our race and our race alone, and we should pay no regard to what other races do inside their own borders unless its a matter of our nation's interests.

Ah yes. Here we go with the bullshit obscurist crap where you try to muddy the waters and make my position seem illogical by pointing out ever-smaller perceived inconsistencies that don't actually exist. You people are all the same. What's next? Are you going to deny the existence of our race because "it's all a continuum, man". "White" refers to anybody who is overwhelmingly ethnically European in decent. Even Adolf Hitler didn't believe in the one-drop rule.
Nothing. You're making a bullshit strawman that has no basis in my argument. Nothing makes our nation "special" or "chosen" because it's not. I'm not claiming any divine providence in regards to our race. Our race is simply superior to other races in terms of the civilisation we have produced, and I have every reason to want to maintain homogeneity to ensure this civilisation continues to survive. We don't require any magic book to tell us we're #1, because it's plain as day that we are, and we don't need to be "special" to want to preserve racial homogeneity.
No. Only in the idiotic strawman you've constructed to easily knock over. You hadn't even heard my definition of what "white" entails, and you already jumped to conclusions. Stop being disingenuous
What exactly are you trying to achieve with this shitty analogy? I don't "hate" other races either, I just view them as a natural and eternal threat to my own race's interests, and recognise that they should not under any circumstances remain in our nations if we want to prevent another repeat of where we are now after a few generations. I don't hate a black or a chinese person for being black or chinese, but I do hate the fact that they're living in my nation and both indirectly and directly contributing the debasement of my civilisation and nation.
I don't advocate segregation. That shit failed when one of the niggers decided he "had a dream" and a bunch of bleeding-heart marxist libshits started marching with him. I want complete racial removal of all foreigners from our lands with no exceptions. This should be common knowledge on Holla Forums at this point.

no, that's you


Every credible trends pundit of the past three decades has stated that if the U.S. were to fall into Civil War — of political, ethnic, economic; it does not matter — the conflict would be exploited by foreign powers almost immediately.

You're literally advocating pursuing a pyrrhic policy of omnicide without consideration of logistics, cost and consequences.

Ideology without temperance, discretion and virtue is insanity.

literally "muh pr"

The US is rotten to the core and populated by multitutes of shitskins that don't belong here. This nation is dead from within and those non-whites are not my people. Holding together this diseased, corrupted filth any longer without completely removing shitskins would be self-defeating. You're just advocating further racial cuckolding and seem to be okay with the idea of some cheap, soulless civic "nationalism", which is an oxymoron in its own right

racial self-determination and reassertion or bust. Anything less and we are betraying ourselves

Fine, but don't virtue signal. Find a way to talk about the beautiful uniqueness of other races without saying "I'm not a racist! I'm not with those other guys, they're the supreeemacists!"

This is logical. The problem is people who keep proposing all-or-nothing solutions; people who are willing to trade away a 90% chance of a 90% white state to get a 1% chance of a 100% white state; that kind of thing.

Exactly what I mean. Yawn. Being ambitious (given chance of failure, backsliding, later compromises) is good; being modest/patient (knowing that political success depends partly on how many enemies you make, so more moderate policies are more likely to become law) is good; all-or-nothing is niggerthink.

Everything should be on the table in terms of policies and compromises that help the ethno-state come closer to reality.

As long as the final goal remains total non-white removal and white self-determination, and we don't compromise this goal for the sake of >muh pr or >muh based non-white then we'll be fine. If not, then there's no fucking point in the first place, because our race and civilisation will be right back where we started in a couple generations.

I'm arguing for racial self-determination.

YOU'RE arguing for a suicidal Total War that would leave nothing worthwhile left of Whites and Western Civilization.

It is possible to achieve a confederacy of ethnostates globally without trying to attack all non-whites.

If the U.S. as a nation is no longer amicable to these aims then seek and pursue policies, legislation and acts that allow for white communities on local, municipal and state levels.

If these communities are worthy then they will thrive regardless of the conditions outside of them.

Here is the unfettered truth — All that we're arguing for is PURE THEORY.


Instead of asking all of western civilization to rush forward into the same ideologically-driven fate like Leftists have done for the past century I would like to see experimental communities based in different and nuanced philosophies established and compete.

What I seek is a natural state of affairs — The strong will survive, the weak shall perish.

What you seek is an artificial aberration. You would literally ask all whites to jump off the same cliff in the belief of Divine Intervention.

No. You're arguing for balkanising the US and ceding land to shitskins who shouldn't here in the first place. This is our land. We conquered it. We built on it. We tamed it. These foreigners who squat on it are only able to do so due to kike immigration systems, and we will ensure they are removed.
No. I'm arguing for our race to reassert ourselves and remove the invaders who squat on our lands.
What the fuck are you talking about? non-whites can have their own nations for now and do whatever the fuck they want in them. I'm talking about the removal of all non-whites from OUR nations.
You're really naive, aren't you? Our government is corrupted from the bottom to the top and is engaging in a deliberate plan to destroy any vestiges of our race still remaining in tact. Our media, schools, and entertainment is completely inundated with anti-white marxist bullshit. There's no where to hide. There's nothing left to secede. There's no where left to retreat to. We need to take back what's ours and stop hoping for half-baked pacifist solutions that will only result in us losing more ground.
Okay. So if it's pure theory, then why should we not hold the best possible outcome as our final goal? Why stop at shitty half-measures if the sky's the limit?
What's your point? Are you trying to use >muh current year as reason not to pursue our own race's self-determination and independence? To not reclaim our land?
Aren't you aware? LEFTISTS ARE WINNING.
What? This is completely irrelevant to our argument.
so let us wish to be strong once again
No I won't. Jesus christ, you're a dense fucking moron. I want WHITE RACIAL SELF-DETERMINATION AND THE EXPLUSION OF ALL NON-WHITES FROM LANDS THEY DO NOT BELONG IN. This is basic shit. Anything less than this and we're just dooming ourselves to the same fate.

Literally no point in making that post

You're confusing compromising on the goal with compromising on the policy. If 40% of whites support a 100% ethnostate and 40% prefer a 90% ethnostate, take whatever compromise policy you can get 80% of whites to back, even if it's only 90%.

Likewise for "based" non-whites. If we can get what we need with 0% minority support, that's one thing; if we can't, then we figure out what compromise policy brings enough support to our side. Not all that different from allying with Sicilians.

Idiotic. Momentum in the right direction would be huge, even if it only meant an immigration freeze to start with.

Eurofilth always taking offense to Americans being Nationalists. It's amusing. They can't stand a proud American. They want us to praise them so badly for nothing. Go boast of your grand Nationalism, in which you hate each other so much you can't have pride without waging war with other white people. European Nationalism equates to border disputes and whites hating whites, while protecting the brown hordes within their own borders. European Nationalism is a disaster. It has never existed in power without border disputes and war.

The sky isn't the limit.

You would have us teetering over a precipice of our own creation.

Currently we are in a relatively slow-degrading dystopia. Spengler's Autumn Age of Civilization.

You continue to ignore even the most overt costs and consequences of expelling all non-whites from white nations.

The most obvious — The majority of whites may hold disdain for Latinos and Negroes but many don't want to see the complete disappearance of East Asians and Jews.

I don't think those who have the most stake in our current society — Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, CEOs, Policymakers, etc. — would seek to deport most of their non-white peers who while underrepresented in the population are OVERREPRESENTED IN THE PROFESSIONS THAT MAINTAIN OUR CIVLIZATION.

If you were to deport most of these non-whites you would see a crippling of commerce but also a brain-drain as companies and organizations would struggle to fill the positions held by these people.

Secondarily you would see patents and projects within high-level STEM undertakings rendered null and void as these non-whites, out of utility and spite are wooed by other nations who have not foolishly self-destructed for the sake of perceived purity.

This does not even go into the VAST NUMBER of whites would would see the mad scribbles on the wall of your Cult of Purity and escape to other nations.

You have a complete ignorance of reality and even rudimentary logistics.

I say it again — You are the highest danger to our goalset.

Look at the history of Europe you uneducated sheep fucker. In the past 3000 years every part of Europe has been invaded by another part. The UK for example being one of the most mixed areas.


on this subject it there tends to be two or three questions/issues being thrown around, under the appearance of being one big question. It then makes discussing it near impossible as people are talking past each other.

There is

1) obviously this tends to fall under problems like the illegal immigration problem/euro-immigration crisis, the economy failing and cultural degeneracy within white nations. Immediate solutions would be closing the borders (walls and *strict* immigration control/deportation enforcement), kicking out the ((bankers)) and restructuring the economy to bring jobs domestically while restructuring the monetary system to stop it from screwing over the 'goyim', and restoring the traditional family while being able to social shame degenerates out of communities without being punished for "bigotry".

2) end game is to restore white nations to their proper ethnic/racial dominion. This means white (definition would be something like european descended caucasians) only citizens for nations like America, Canada, and Australia/Kiwi. This means particular ethnic citizens for each respective European nation (Germans for Germany, French for France, Brits for Britain, etc). And as each nation is set like that, there also needs to be birth rates AT LEAST back to replacement rate, and european/white culture is practice to the most healthiest and prosperous degree.

3) is the trickiest and obviously applies differently for each country. After implementing immediate solutions to issue 1), plan A) would be a series of steps that would have to implemented over time in a sound way to make these demographic transitions as easy for our nations as manageable.

For european states; first implement the promotion of "*european ethnic nation* cultural values", as in the traditions of each respective nation, while discouraging foreign cultural values.

This would be restrictions on business that spread internationalist values or other cultural values, this will be economic protectionism to get domestic business to flourish and to give jobs to natives citizens.
This would be school curriculum that, while should be honest about what its teaching, should also strive to teach the rich history, values, and knowledge of Europe and have a strong sense of patriotism and ethnocentrism; no multicultural/jewishy bullshit. And you can go on with this but the point is to take a firm stand culturally for each people's values.

From there you will promote the economic ease of natives while giving nothing for non natives. Any type of measure that makes it harder to live in the nation if they are not genetically of that people. Ultimately you would just slowly push non natives out with 'soft' authoritarian measures and would have a comprehensive system to determine who is a rightful citizen by blood and who isn't.

For America (and Canada, Aussie etc) its even more tricky as it would have to be by racial lines, instead of specific european ethnicity lines. As someone mentioned in this thread, the original American law for immigration is as good as it will get, and I do think, unless we make our current white people breed like rabbits x10, we should allow immigration of europeans into America/Canada/Aussie to help with the demographics issue. That said whites should be breeding as much as they can anyways. Past this, the steps would similar to how europeans would slowly implement their end goal as outlined above. Even if there isn't a tradition as old as europe itself, America, Canada, Australia have a history and white culture as sound as you need to define them as nations, and of course there should be a strong cultural connection to the European continent.

Plan B) to issue 3) is also just an all out violent racewar and trying to pick up the pieces afterwards though if we are talking ideal solutions I would prefer plan A).

Look at the fucking PCAs. Nations cluster together with little overlap. Even Switzerland's three ethnic communities overlap more with their motherlands than with other Swiss.

The US and Canada are more damaged by immigration than most, but they are very clearly Anglo nations. Their institutions are more ethnically specific than those of many more homogenous nations

not a white Nationalist


waste of dubs

slide thread

I wasn't trying to virtue signal and I'm often called many things when I call out bullshit committed by blacks and saudis, but I just didn't know how else to word it. I'm just concerned since the last time I was on Holla Forums several posters said they would support globalism and neo-liberalism if that's what the majority of white people wanted, despite that it's nothing but pure madness. Preserving the ideals and goals of nationalism rather than having a globalist hivemind of any kind should always be the top priority.

Culturally yes. Especially, as you say, the institutions and legal foundation of the country.

but genetically not quite. I can only speak for America but the largest white demographic by far is Germans, and while Anglo is close to the top, so are Irish if I recall, and Scandinavians and Italians are big too. and they all have retained cultural solidarity (at least until all white culture started to be suppressed in the second half of the 20th century. If we are to maintain the white nation we have starting now, culturally and genetically it will have to be more mixed than JUST a Anglo ethnic nation. It should still maintain that Anglo foundation but I don't think we can force Church of England Protestantism as a state religion, for instance (probably just Christianity and all its sects). I do admit am not sure how well this could work but I just don't see America or Canada ever transforming into a pure Anglo ethnic based nation.

Portugal here.

Piss off
You're as welcome here as the niggers, moors and jews.
Especially if you bring the fucking Spaniards.


Exactly. Genetically nowhere close. It's a problem

It will take slow, careful work


No I wouldn't. FUCK OFF already. I want white self-determination and INDEPENDENCE. You can take your multiracial bullshit and shove it back up your ass
Yeah, and multiracialism has played a big part in causing this.
Consequences? You mean the potential that our race continues to survive and prosper as an independent body? No cost is too much for our own survival
Which is an enormous fucking problem that needs to be rectified. East Asians are a bigger threat to white hegemony in our society than any other race. The presence of any amount of foreigners is incredibly degenerative to the unity of a nation, its identity, its function, and its future viability. It doesn't matter whether Asians are hard workers or follow the law. They do not belong in our nation and they naturally pose a threat to it by being a foreign group with their own ethnic interests. I shouldn't have to explain to you why Jews are a big problem
Our civilisation is more than a bunch of fucking profressions, you motherfucker. You're trying to reduce Western Civilisation and the culture that it entails down to a list of jobs that exist literally everywhere around the world? Fuck off with that. China and Japan have all of the jobs you listed, yet that doesn't make them part of our civilisation. Our civilisation is the expression of OUR race. European civilisation is the culmination of our people's struggle and vigour throughout the millenia. No other people have any claim to that, and I do not wish to threaten our further survival as an independent people because you couldn't have the stomach to assert your race before anything else. Non-whites are not and never will be our allies.
The economy comes second to the survival of our race, you cuckservative idiot. We can produce our own geniuses without foreign influence infiltrating us. You're outlining exactly why we need to deport these people. We CANNOT become dependent on them like ancient Rome did the germanics. What's the end result? These non-whites who have NO claim to our nation end up controlling key positions of influence and using them for their own interests such as promoting "diversity" and more immigration? Fuck off with that. They all have to go. They do not belong in our nation under any circumstances.

perceived? Where the fuck do you think you are to pretend like race has no basis in the foundation of a nation? Where the fuck do you think you are to pretend like race isn't the only important foundation of a society and the only thing that ensures its survival? What the fuck do you not understand about "we must secure the existence and future for white children?"
You're really beginning to piss me off, you kike stooge. You have the audacity to claim that racial nationalism and self-determination is a "cult of purity"? Just off yourself. You don't even understand the first thing when it comes to a healthy nation. Every non-white within our borders is an inherent threat to our future as a people. Pic related to give you a crash course education, because you're obviously not from around here
No, you nigger. You are. You're the wolf in sheep's clothing who would water down our entire position for the sake of PR. You would turn us into half-baked cucked multiracial civic "nationalists" for the sake of your perceived "logistics". You're advocating for us to compromise our goals for the sake of PR reasons. You are the bane of our entire movement. No one has ever gotten anywhere by compromising. Cuckservatives compromised themselves into irrelevancy. It's time to stand firm to our beliefs and assert that non-whites are NOT welcome here, and explain why.

I'm not a white nationalist or a nationalist. I believe in white global imperialism.

allying with non-whites implies we acknowledge their right to exist in our nation, which implies they have a right to remain in our nation, which implies we do not care about the racial element that defines our society, which means that we'll end up cucked and multiracial again in a couple generations when these "based non-whites" have children who feel entitled to living in the civilisation and nation our race has produced. If we have any minority support then we're doing something wrong. It is fundamentally against minority interests to support a white nationalist cause, because it would result in their own deportation. The moment we start seeking non-white support is the moment we lose our direction and become no better than mainstream cuckservative "civic nationalists"

exactly how though?

English isn't even the biggest white demographic in the US. What would you do with the other whites, where would white mongrels end up? One thing I mention before by I should emphasize is having realistic steps to planned end goals, and genetically we are just too mixed to have one ethnic european citizen base. I can see at best a cultural anglo nationalist ethos but concede to a broadly genetically 'white' nation.

An anglo identity is impossible to foster in the US, nor would it necessarily be a positive thing to try. We can maintain Anglo culture, but have a different racial identity

My vision of the White identity is not one defined by the cheapening of European culture and civilization into something lesser, but instead the culmination of it into a single unified identity, built on the collective European struggle and history we share as a race, and grounded in the greater European civilization all white nations belong to. I envision a single pan-European identity for America that draws its strength from the larger culture of European Civilization to which every European ethnicity has contributed in some way.

The American identity is capable of being the synthesis of the greatest aspects of the white race from every corner of Europe into a single entity. We can know and stay true to its roots in the old world, yet be something new entirely; something uniquely American yet European at the same time. I believe such an identity, grounded in the collective struggle of all of our ancestors has the potential of being truly greater than the sum of its parts.

sup ramzpaul

The point is that America is not a nation, so American nationalism is a nonsensical term.

You literally did nothing to argue rationally against my listing of the practical consequences of your policies.

You just keep saying "we must"/"we will"/"we have to"… You default to the position that somehow if we degrade into sound and fury enough that will be sufficient to secure a desirable future for our people.

You're literally a useful idiot. A digital copy of the (((RAHOWA))) skinheads that allow for all others to dismiss rational and practical discussion of our policies.

I am simply asking for a logical path to our stated goals with all logistical concerns and implications considered.

You keep making impassioned emotional appeals to "MUH PAN-WHITE UNION" with the hope of that being enough for — what, exactly?

You say that 'no one ever achieved anything by compromise'.

This is the exact declaration of falsehood and foolhardiness.

ALL of the most potent, prolonged and powerful endeavors of Western Civilization have been achieved by careful planning and measured adaptations to external threats and circumstances.

You're literally the reason why (((they))) continue to overtake our culture and peoples. The most useful of idiots.

Your goalset is not our goalset, cuckservative retard.


Also this guy gets it.

First, ultimately the goal isn't to fetishize muh DAR, it's to get the anglo cog/psych traits that make the US what it is, which can ultimately only be derived from the genes that code for them.

So step A is to block immigration, to prevent further drift away from the anglo folk. Step B? Control the franchise so that the anglo core and their peripheral white allies are better represented. When you have that, you can move to step C: while there is no replacement for a nation's folk as the core of its social life, similar ethnic types will CONFORM to the folkish ethnic type if the folk makes it a goal of national policy. Past that point, with the nation stabilized, you need to wait for step D: eugenic policies which reward those with desirable folkish traits, so that over time the folk gradually grows at the expense of a/total foreigners, and b/peripheral european ethnicities which share only some traits.

Note that this means that someone with 0% anglo ancestry could, just be being an outlier among French/German/Irish groups, be a suitable candidate for selection, and his descendants might eventually be part of the regenerated folk-core of the nation.

I honestly think you idiots have this MEME as your plan of action:

STEP 3: ???
STEP 4: ???

The fact that you have not alluded to any potential difficulties or doubts of your 'Call to Arms' as it were is troubling and telling.

You're a Zealot. You don't seem to think anything can or will go wrong.

It seems like your damning and delusional sector of Holla Forums are continuously humorous demonstrates of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

You have infinite faith and confidence in the tautological ability of your FAITH AND CONFIDENCE to achieve your vision.

Get a load of the nigger lovers in this thread.

The borders of White America are from the Dakotas to Texas, from California to Rhode Island.

How many of you have given serious thought to handing over land to the foreign mongrel hordes? Please, commit suicide.

Europe, and the nations and colonies her people founded, have the divine right to remain fully white and must defend their borders at all costs.

Depends on the kind of "white nationalism" you're talking about. Pan-European nationalism, or a theoretical nation of all whites, is definitely dumb and is basically multiculturalism light.

Nationalism specific to each nation is correct, but you have missed a central reality about the USA: we have essentially always been a country of two nations - white and black America. Any reasonable nationalist would support separating these persistently different cultures.

The entire earth is supposed to be an all-white ethnostate, you dumbass.

Hurr durr I r Murrika supremacist cuz I can't into RaHoWa

Its as if you are steeped in a fever dream where you commit to an immediate, uncontrolled ethnic cleansing of western nations and…

There is no irreplaceable or damaging coinciding white flight.

There is no counter-offensive by whites who don't fully accept your goals.

There is no external interference from Russia, China, the E.U. or other nations who may take serious issues with the instantaneous destabilization of the global economy and geopolitical stability. Or even worse, who accelerate your Mad Dash to White Oblivion to further their own goals.

There is no internal strife, hunger, disease or economic destabilization caused by such a swift population shift.

There is no opposition from corporations and businesses that leads to the destruction of municipal utilities and access to rudimentary goods and services.

There is no opposition from the U.S. Government and U.S. Military.

These are only SOME of the difficulties that your Cult will encounter in its War to Immenatize the Eschaton.

Again, this doesn't even take into account your stated goals to then somehow wipe all non-whites from the face of the Earth.

At best you are absurd shills, at worse you are wild beasts who must be put down for the good of our movement.

I disagree, even from your point of view that would be whites and American indians. Niggers are collateral damage, ship 'em off back to the jungle.

And yet you haven't provided any path of your own. You've done exactly the same as I have except with half-baked multiracial "nationalism" instead of pro-white racial nationalism. You seem to think that if you're moderate enough, you'll win people over. What you don't realise is you'll end up exactly like the cuckservatives, moderating yourself into irrelevancy. You are the definition of a PRfag and would fit in perfectly with the typical alt-right crowd. What's next? Are you going to tell us to "tone it on naming the Jew" so we "don't send the wrong message?". Our goal is white self-determination and independence, and that should not change.
Not once did I promote anything resembling a "pan white union". You're making some shitty strawman. I want white nations to remain white but keep being their own unique nations and cultures. Notice how I say "remain white" and not "remain multiracial cuckfests where ">muh good minority" can stay"?
No its not. On an ideological level, there IS NO COMPROMISE or else your "moderate" position becomes the new "extreme right", and the whole overton window shifts left. Your PRfagging is the bane of every ideological movement. You want us all to be good little goys and play by the pre-determined rules and not step outside of the enclosure that was carefully constructed for us. The most you allow yourself is oxymoronic half-baked civic "nationalism" were non-whites can stick around. You completely reject Holla Forums's entire foundational concept of nationhood.
Oh right, because Western Civilisation compromised with the invading muslim armies, right? Western Civilisation compromised with the people we subjugated, right? Don't make me laugh. The history of Western Civilisation is not one of compromise. No. Western Civilisation got where it is today precisely by not compromising with our enemies. Pleas for compromise are staples of weakness and occurr when the inferior knows they cannot survive in direct confrontation with the superior.
And yet I'm the only one in this argument actually advocating the independence of our people and culture and our self-determination, while you promote interracial bullshit and "muh based minority" prfagging. You are the cuckservative useful idiot. You are the defining problem with the alt-right.

niggers have as much claim to America as a tractor. They have always been a blight on this nation. They should be shipped back.

You speak as though you're one of us yet you're the most dispicable of prfags who wish to deny us racial self-determination. It's kike-enablers like you who are the bane of our movement's existence. You are a traitor to your race

If Trump doesn't get elected, that is it for this country. All options will have been exhausted except violence. Violence fixes everything on your list.

You don't care about the future of whites. You just care about ideological purity and instant gratification.

This isn't about Public Relations or Marketing.

Its about practicality and actually moving to complete the goal of preserving and ensuring the success of white peoples without immediately crashing and burning from TIMIDITY, COOPTING BY GLOBALIST POWERS (an all white E.U. is still a Neo-USSR) or GENOCIDAL TOTAL WAR DELUSIONS.

If you care about whites, don't call yourself a white advocate or nationalist.

You're obviously more concerned with being edgy, more-devout-than-thou and dreams of killing niggers than anything achievable.

Say whatever continues to give you that dogmatic endorphin fix but don't say you're working towards our interests.

You only stand out to continue to let the opposition dismiss and deride us.

Say what you will about the value of black American culture, but it's hard to deny that it exists. Blacks here have developed a whole dialect, unique traditions, music, foods, etc, and are at this point very different from native Africans (indeed, many blacks can't stand actual Africans and call them booty-scratchers and other names). Shipping them all back would be even more of a disaster than shipping all white Americans back to Europe unless you plan on genociding a sizable chunk of Africa somewhere to make room for them. As Liberia has proven, black Americans and Africans can no longer coexist peacefully.

You're just a cuck. The Spartans at Thermopylae never considered compromise.



The Spartans at Thermopylae didn't have to consider hundred years of miscegenation and Jew occupation.

And yet I'm the only one here actually advocating for our racial self-determination, unlike you, who's being a total prcuck. What you're promoting will not save whites, because it has no basis in racial awakening. All you'd do is slow down our racial decline into nothingness, because you're too cucked to actually talk about what needs to be done - racial removal of foreigners.
Apparently it is based on how you're arguing for us to self-censor literally for pr reasons
And yet we will never get to anywhere near white survival if we don't advocate what actually needs to happen. You're just a cuck who wants to compromise our independence to try and win over libshits who would call you an ebil nadsi anyway. Like I've said. You want to compromise our entire movement into irrelevancy. You'd turn our movement int something no different than Trump's normie-tier brand of race-blind "hoorah America" civcuck nationalism if you could. You're an embarrassment and a traitor
Jesus Christ. You couldn't be any more of a cucked prfag if you tried. You are the kind of shit that neutered gamergoy in the bud, and you're the kind of shit that will kill any hope for white survival. What should we call ourselves then, faggot? A "race-blind American nationalist" and blend into the slew of normie faggots who buy into the racial egalitarian pipe-dreams? Get fucked. You are a complete cuckservative.
You're obviously a disingenuous kike-enabler who's ideas of "anything achievable" is playing the "respectable" game and blending in with the rest of the good goys until you're no different than the people you claim to oppose.
there's that word again. Still trying to pretend you're one of us while promoting the exact opposite of what's in our best interests? Keep it up, champ
off yourself


and why should that make us want compromise anymore? Where we are today shows where compromise takes us. This should be a prime example of why we shouldn't be prfags

This is the ideal for me, and it would be incredibly interesting what it would end up looking like if we were ever able to get this process going.

With the immigration part, would you allow or expect only British to be able to immigrate to here? What if little to none choose to? The remaining Anglo heritage americans will be mongrelized by the other white demographics if you don't bring in more British people.

On the Eugenics, how do you identify Anglo traits? DNA test all citizens. What would be the eugenic polices you put into place?

The rest of your points seem much more feasible to me though.

I love how your responses are variations on calling me "cuckservative" or claims that I am less committed than you. There is almost nothing more to your argument than sound and fury.

You have yet to address any of the practical concerns and consequences I listed. I wonder why that is?

You have yet to state that there are any challenges at all that stand in the way of your 'policies'.

You have yet to state anything at all than compromise or even practical considerations are heresy and that screaming RACIAL AWARENESS loud enough and frequent enough is sufficient to raise white awareness and reverse white decline.

You can call me a 'cuckservative' all you want for being aware of geopolitics and logistics but ultimately you still a dangerous fool.

On second thought, be as loud and vocal in public about your views as you want. I won't need to put you down — Either your idiocy will relegate you to obscurity or your desired acts of violence will relegate you to a grave.

It isn't compromising to start by shutting your borders.

You need a game plan even if you accelerate everything happening. You can just go RACE WAR NOW and expect to win. You'd be opening multiple war fronts.

Deportation, border control, purging of "minorities" in your country, opposition from lefties in still pozzed white lands, opposition from China, Russia and India that would take the disruption to fuck shit up.

I'm not denying the blacks their culture and way of life, however, I do not wish to share a nation with them. If I must, I suppose there is only one thing left to do. Pic related.

I never suggested coexisting in the same country; I'm saying blacks should break off their own nation-state. The details of what that would look like and where it would be are a bit less sure.

I've an idea.

It can also be done through Klan style (post-1865) insurgency, basically making niggers and cucks lives so difficult, through covert and coordinated efforts, that their agenda is brought to a standstill. The Southerners did it to end Reformation and northern occupation, and it was a resounding and unqualified success.

Like I said though, we already tried that with Liberia and it was fucked, so we either have to let them have something on this side of the world or make room for them over there by force.

In Canada, there is also the issue of the French. Not only have they kept a different culture, but also certain different institutions (in Quebec, for instance, private law is civil law derived from the Code Napoléon, not common law, and there are Latin notaries).

A "pure Anglo ethnic based nation" is absolutely impossible unless they secede (which is what they should do and what they want to do anyway, only federal trickery kept them in Canada in the first place). The thing is that would cleave Canada in two and cause a logistical nightmare as any traffic to/from the Maritimes would be subject to the whims of a now foreign power. In a perfect world, the West (either via Cascadia and an AB+SK+MB bloc or BC, AB, SK, and MB together) and the Maritimes would also secede, leaving Ontario alone as "Canada", which would be well-deserved as southern Ontarian faggots are almost 100% to blame for fucking Canada over (reminder that Trudeau Sr. sold his people out to the crypto-Jewish English-speaking federalist scum).

There's also the option of turning Canada into a true confederation, i.e. a loose partnership of provinces that are independent and sovereign, but personally I want Toronto assholes to have exactly 0 say on how I live my life. Truthfully we should probably do that and just kick southern Ontario out of the new confederation. Maybe we'd be a bit poorer, but fuck if we wouldn't be much happier.

You wanna know how i know you're a Jew?

In the short term, while the goal is to prevent the US from collapsing into a mestizo caste-society hellhole, any white Europeans would be welcome. (Perhaps subject to an IQ cutoff.) In the long term the goal would be to slow immigration down to a trickle. Britain doesn't have a large enough population to repopulate America, and even if it did it's not clear whether the potential immigrants would have the same traits as the East Anglians who landed on Plymouth Rock.

There is the pretty way - which involves coming to a consensus on what traits the founding population has that the current population lacks, and then determining what psychological traits are connect to them - and then there is the ugly way, which is to go into colonial graveyards and get a good picture of what polymorphisms have become less common over time as we let in waves of foreigners.

What you're mostly looking at is probably higher IQ, more tendency to individualism, more interest in liberty, localism, and self-sufficiency; high levels of reciprocal altruism, "Calvinist" traits, let people take responsibility for their own actions, and a few other elements of the personality system.

Step 1: remove dysgenic policies like welfare. Step 2: small rewards/opportunities for people with the desired traits
Step 3: larger rewards, and specifically incentives/disincentives to have children
Step 4: government-sponsored match-making

Ideally you want to accomplish it with lower levels, but higher levels give a quicker result.

Agreed. Stabilizing will be pretty easy, restoring very hard.

The plan is to collapse "Western civilization" ourselves. There is nothing worth preserving in it, so we will drive it into the ground.

We want all of these you dumbass conservative. That is the point.

Nobody gives a shit about black people, moron. We don't care if they live in peace or not.

I prefer the later.

Excuse me? How inconsiderate. The correct term is "niggers". Also nice quads

There is no such thing. All of these people are wrong all the time. Why? Because their worldview is false.

If all Euros are anything like the ones here then they'll just assume we're all mongrels and not let us in.

If we could just purge nig, bean, and chink I would be right there with you

Ok, this looks like a pretty sound plan. I do agree that the "American values" that are praised are primarily features of Anglo culture and that the closer we get to Anglo, culturally and genetically, the better those American values can function.

I appreciate the convo too, I think this board can use more productive conversations like this where we talk about actual plans to get to the goals we seek, instead of the broad sentiments that make up most of the conversation most of the time.

Wanking on the internets is the solution.

Internet Nationalists are going to save the White Race.

White Nationalism is to Whites what the AIDS virus is to Gays.

you wanna know how I know you're one?
Because i never said or implied that in the slightest

You can be a nationalist for a specific country, but still be racially conscious.

I support French nationalism for France and German nationalism for Germany, but if either of those movements became too civic, and were all about black "French" and Turkish "Germans," I'd immediately condemn them. Also, If China and Russia were at war, I'd sympathize with Russia, regardless of geopolitical connotations.

I live in the US, but I'm hesitant to really embrace American nationalism as such because I want race to be factored in, and most so-called American nationalists would sooner die than send their beloved "bro-tier spics" back, or have some kind of reservation/Liberian settlement program for blacks.

and your argument is? What exactly? All you've done this whole time is acted like the worse kind of prfag. I'm calling you a cuckservative because you blatantly are one. You want to engage in the exact kind of shit that neutered conservatism.
Instead of recognising the importance of restoring racial integrity in our nation and coming up with solutions to the listed problems, you've gone the opposite direction and acted like those aren't real problems at all, or we shouldn't have any interest in achieving the desired goal. You've just asserted that it's "logistically impossibe" and how we should just accept the pozzed mongrel shithole kikes have made for us for the sake of "PR". You're clearly not from around here, because you would recognise the vital importance of ensuring racial homogeneity. You just want to keep this bastardised multiracial shithole the way it is because you genuinely are too cucked to say what needs to be said.
Nothing you've even suggested we do helps whites in any way whatsoever. You don't want whites to regain their identity in any capacity, because you've clearly stated that mentioning anything related to white racial awareness is a no-go because muh pr, apparently. You're a wold in sheeps clothing. You pretend to care about white preservation, yet you advocate half-baked measures that only ensure the decline continues to happen. How will our race come back from the brink if we can't even put our own racial interests first without some PRkike like you telling us to "tone it down"? How will our race come back from the brink if we can't even promote racial self-determination? Just face it. You don't give a shit about white interests. You care about being a half-baked egalitarian-lite multiracial kike-enabling PRfag.
Quit being such a condescending piece of shit. I'm well aware of geopolitics and logistics, but the difference between you and me is that I don't compromise my believes for the sake of "PR" which has PROVEN to only be destructive to our side. The moment you compromise your beliefs and repeat moderate arguments for the sake of PR, you begin to see yourself as the moderate. Once that happens, the entire overton window shifts further left as leftists become more bold. All you've done is "compromised" our beliefs into irrelevancy. You will never achieve anything by being a good-goy moderate and playing by the rules the kikes have designed for you. No amount of race-blind "hoorah" Americanism will stop white decline.
Right. because only the "moderates" who have been enlightened by their own intelligence like you are the clever ones, while all us who don't sacrifice our convictions for PR reasons are the "idiots". Like I said, the more you repeat "moderate" positions, the more you will become to see yourself as a moderate, and the old "moderate" becomes the new "far right", and you've fucked your entire movement over.

What's next? Gonna tell us not to name the Jew because it sends the wrong message?


america is a house with no foundation.

only a fool would spend resources building a house where in the next generations, there will be no moral ground to defend the idea of fending off immigration. even the whites on that country repeat "I'm 1/64th cherokee" because they don feel like a white deserve to live in america.

building america instead of fortifying europe was the biggest mistake of the white race, it afforded americans to invade WWII and is part of the reason there is an rampant white genocide.

Why are you such a faggot?

that post read like you skimmed the names of the chapters of a book that Holla Forums wrote and figured you knew enough to post here in a fashion that contributes to discussion

lurk moar faggot

It is within our interests to establish ethnonationalism as the standard the world over. It doesn't make much difference if we get the niggers out of our country through lynching or forced deportations, but it'll certainly be much easier for us if they go willingly, at their own expense, out of their own desire.

Your nation and people are not "white", retard. You're an american, a german, a frenchman, etc.

I might respect the german people to have more potential than kenya or whatever, but beyond our present-day race war - one that's a fight against (((treason))), not niggers - they don't mean anything to me beyond what they can bring to the table (which today is nothing), and I don't owe them anything more than any nigger nation.

The niggers can be employed as tools to overthrow juden just as much as the other european nations. If you don't recognize that, you're larping nationalism with no true understanding of what it is.

NSDAP never shied from allying with non-german races, white or not. That doesn't mean being cucked by jews and tolerance.

Unfortunately Holla Forums has become a right wing tumblr ever since Trump came around. This place is almost as bad as 4chans Holla Forums, normie as fuck.


Your ideas are all incredibly novel. No utopian precedes you. This has never been tried. Why has this never been tried?

jesus, you really think Holla Forums forms people and not the other way around.

Holla Forums is formed BY people, I happen to mean the sentences you read, and you are an absolute piece of shit to non-sequitur my post like some chubby millennial on steam chat.

investing on USA, is investing on a 20 floor building built on sand. it will sink with time and the effort on it would be an waste. strong racial europe means strong white race that can colonize countries from the BRIC, also america is also an economic failure, obsolete.

no hablo ingles senor miguel?

I'm not sure whether this is the attitude other WNs take, but whatever.

White nationalism doesn't mean obliterating our own internal diversity and can contain within it things like Italian, English, Persian, German, etc. types of nationalism. The reason why we must operate in terms of White nationalism at this time, however, is because we are being attacked along the vector of being white. Az-malek isn't blowing up your airport because you're Belgian. He's blowing up your airport because you're white. Abdal-wali isn't raping your daughter because you're English. It's because you're white. Squabbling over internal differences, however great they may be, will cripple us in the present situation.

This really is such a petty issue. What we're asking for is whites to work together when facing these threats. WNs don't want whites to lose their distinct nations & identities in favor of pan-aryanism.

Canada has every natural resource needed to become an economic and military super power. Russia is next door, the US is below us, and Europe is across the pond. We have an extremely large landmass, vast quantities of lumber, fresh water (Russia too), high grade Uranium, oil, natural gas, etc, etc, etc.

We are *all* hwite at the end of the day. We *all* need to stop D&Cing ourselves over petty shit.

fale com esses dubs, parça.

I just realized there was no actual context to my post. What I was getting at was that whites have a lot of very valuable pieces on the board, so to just throw your knights and rooks in the trash because "muh unstable foundation analogy" is foolish. We have *exactly* what we need to fuck everyone's shit, we just need every normie faggot to realize what needs to be done.

not gonna happen since we're all at varying stages of being subject to the jew
some of our nations are more powerful than others and the weaker nations resent the stronger ones attempting to rule over us and tell us what to do
an ally thats stronger than you isnt an ally plain and simple buddy
putting trade aside american and russian hegemony is a bitter taste on the tongue of all european nations
nevermind the russian sex trade trafficking girls to israel or the cia funded al qaeda attacks in Europe and the cia funded migration of war criminal shitskins into europe

Wow, Hans, that's a really rational argument you've put forth. I guess Japan and Germany weren't allied, as Germany was far stronger than Japan…

How about we worry about who has a bigger dick until Tyrone, Mohammed and Schlomo have been BTFO? Remember the Olympics and sports in general? Remember how heated things got between Canada and Russia with hockey?

We can have proxy-wars when we're done reminding the lesser races why we were the ones who built civilization.

How about we stop worrying*

its nice that you have those sentiments but your nation doesnt
America will continue pursuing its goal of world hegemony while fucking us into the dirt
as a byproduct and thats not gonna change anytime soon
i seriously dont expect Trump to change whats become an american tradition hey you've been doing for the at least 1/4 of the time your countries existed

Aryan Nationalism.

The League of Aryan Nations.


fuck off back to freech, you nigger.

The overwhelming weight of evidence now indicates that coexistence with non-whites is neither possible nor desirable. The European race has on multiple occasions come tantalizingly close to complete global dominance, only to eviscerate ourselves with internecine warfare and fall to subversion by Ashkenazi parasites. The only non-whites that pose a serious challenge to us are the Ashkenazim, all other non-whites are intellectually irrelevant. One of the biggest mistakes that we have made was sharing our technology with gooks, but once we cut off economic, demographic and political relations with Asia, they will rapidly fall behind us technologically. The yellow subhuman is and always has been destined for extinction and replacement by the European.

tl;dr: The supposed costs of exterminating all non-whites are virtually non-existent. It is only due to kike subversion of our intellectual life that non-whites are even considered to be people.

To be honest, blacks should not be allowed to have all of Africa. They will destroy the continent's natural splendor. Africa must be under the stewardship of the white man so that its natural biological diversity may be conserved properly.

Delete your accounts.


All of this is under the assumption that these radiclised nationalists would want to just leave us peacefully and go away. That's rather naive, once nations and races become rabid nationalists they tend to attack other nationalities.

Have you ever thought that over zealous Anglo nationalism in the US would break the country apart? There are very few pure anglos left almost everyone is some sort of euromutt now. Why would these people want to be close to England? Because you told them?

even though it might have been 20% of the headcount, they were only 3/5ths of actual people, so its really more like 12%