Do anyone else here sometime pretend to be pedo for the sake of trolling?
Pretending to be Pedo
I pretend to be all sort of things for trolling purposes, was banned from youtube twice for it.
Yeah. Same for pretending to be gay/nigger/girl/hatedysnomia
I pretend to be pedo and anti pedo.
I argue with myself all the time.
I just hope the "I was only pretending" defense works in court
A couple times I've trolled pedos by telling them stories about my niece that drive them insane with jealousy because to me it's completely innocent and non-sexual, but it's what they want and can never have.
They just angrily assert I'm a pedo and curse my existence though, usually.
i don't have to pretend
off course u dumb nigger, where the fuck do you think you are?
So, like…
Pretend to be an anti-pedo who is secretly a pedo?
That would literally just be acting like an anti-pedo.
Shit last time I did that I made a thread called there is no such thing as pedophiles only easy children.
I pretended to be both an angry guy and a guy who agree I posted a picture of Kristina Pimenova's face, saying how it was candy for the eyes and shit and got banned for "Pedo shit" longest 130 days of my life. It was supposed to be 90 days but it lasted longer.
I did stuff like that a bunch of time on cuckchan by shitposting on random threads and ended up getting banned.
I have a guilty pleasure of seeing how long it takes pedo threads to be censored or deleted. I don't report them, I just do other things and check back every now and then.
I report them all and then I see if I have the time to finish masturbating before they get banned, that's my guilty pleasure.
my guilty pleasure is underage girls.
also in real life i pretend to be incest
check this
I thins can work on any average joe no matter their political view, you can make conservative agree to torture under god.
>People should be allowed to love [CUM IN]
I once pretended to be a jew for almost a year because of an offhand comment I made to a coworker and then decided to run with
I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread is actually a pedo. At least I'm not the only one who will fess up.
No, m8. I was only pretending that i want to fuck Millie, fuck off.
Well I sure am a pedophile who rape my own daughter everynight.
It better be her own father than a damn nigger.
The only BM on WW 'rape' cases are when Tina from the trailer park wants to take as much black dick possible in one night without uncle dad and fiancee brother clem finding out and disowning her.
The only thing white women crave more than Starbucjks is black man milk straight from the tap. Just like baby calves to the teet.
Get of your intenalises racist
I'm sure that's the reason. It couldn't be that in any given country, blacks statistically commit more rape per population size by a great margin. It's just because everyone is out to oppress black people by accusing them of things they totally never do.
Ooooh boi
Yeah, and I pretend to be a furry.
That's disgusting, get the fuck out of here you creep.
I think many people here do to create some drama. Makes this place more lively, especially around the pedo issue.
Yoi should call the police to say you are fucking a child and see if you have the time to finish before they arrive.
Absolutely degenerate user, back to /furry/
I wish
In that case I would have a shit ton of (ME)'s
No, it is not true
Congratulation you are 6.25 % correct.
false accusation.
Wow, you're good
that pic is so badly photoshopped
hehe creepy?? :)
This is just poor bait m8 xD
Kennedi Check Em
It's like dividing by zero.
Furries actually loved that animation and it even won a furry award for best animation.
How could I leave such a cutie behind?
Furries ironically loved that animation.
wow fuckin genius, what gave him away?
fbi still trying to get a prism log entry.
This is what you get for law enforcement. Fucking niggers relying on actual skilled ppl to write the code.
Why would someone keep 4 gigabytes of child models ripped from various swinsuit catalogs just to troll a Taiwanese farming community for 8 hours a day every other day about pedo acceptance?
(Not You)
You under estimate the power of an succesful troll
Trolling is a art
It's part of the 5D chess of politics.
It has a paywall.
Got any leaks from that website?
People are say they are outraged by CP, but they aren't really, it's out of sight, out of mind for them. And its why they like it when CP is removed from the internet. They don't want to think they are so powerless that hundreds of children are being raped right now and there is not a damn thing they can do about it.
I like to rub it in their faces, so they know the world isn't their happy sunshine place while they sit on facebook and talk about who got nude in game of thrones.
I would never troll on an anonymous image board OP. All of my pedo threads are 100% genuine child love.
No. Because I'm an actual troll and have superior skills.
what a genius strategy.
teach us based master troll.
cool stary brah
Its really not. You niggas need to stop thinking so much and just shitpost.
This Holla Forumsoard has been way too serious for like the last year plus now.
pfft, they go after some nobody who tries to woo some 12 yr old. Instead of going after the people that actually run the porn rings and the child sex trade. But if they kill some random pedo who wanted a 12 yr old as a g/f, its a win for them.
Fucking idiots.
Study rhetoric and the art of conversation.
CP trolls rely on someone's emotions - literally to make someone upset. But emotions changes frequently, which is why CP trolls have to constantly post CP to get a new reaction. But if you can troll someone's mind by challenging their beliefs and ideas, that will stay with them much, much longer. Even a lifetime of impact can occur with just one word if spoken at the right moment. Also gain some skills like:
Four basic skills every troll must possess, otherwise you're just a shitposter.
Haha! Yes, i love it senpai. A face full of reality and their hypocrisy is always a nice cold dish to serve the plebs.
you aren't smart
seems legit.
Yes that s good.
I have a unique skill, I shit up every community I belong to.
it happens without intention,what do you call that?
I agree though CP,racism is a shit-tier trolling.
what I do sometimes is keep talking till I detect something the other person feels strongly about then keep pounding that point.
What do you think is the easiest chan boards to troll?
For me :
hardest boards to troll:
Uncontrolled and eventually you'll close every community you'd be interested in trolling. Focus that power, user. Become precise, and you might develop a talent more sophisticated troll groups would be interested in.
Oh noes! There are image files of those LS models as naked as they were born over 10 years ago! What a terrible timeline! :^)
The problem is that communities I really like keep getting destroyed.
true it's uncontrolled, I want to be able to do it at will, but I don't really know what I do to result in that.
forgot quote
Also, Trips of Truth
Shit is happening right now and people don't really care. I mean they say its bad, but then they do nothing.
They just don't want to think about it
She was 9 the last time
Get your memes right pls
yes the islamic fundies take pride in following the example of muhamed that he married aisha at 9.
when you tell them that it's pedophilia, they say it's not pedophilia if it's marriage therefore not haram.
it's only haram if it's without marriage.
abrahamic religions are totally cancer.
I have this theory about abrahamic religions that they are memtic viruses, they are very destructive memes that replace the person's intelligence with the meme characteristics.
which is why they seem to be so dumb.
also christians and jews are the same, it seems to be stronger as much as the level of radicalism .
Also most pagans are intelligent.
which brings me to think it's a monothiesm/abrahamic thing.
reason does not register in your head. i'd give you the sauce but i don't swing that way, pal.
Not at all, it's what I think, it's what I observed, you are totally free to take it or leave it.
but if anything, it's the meme virus that is replying now, not a real person.
why should I agree with you?
You are just switching vpns this proves nothing
You're really over estimating me.
why shouldn't you? the burden of proof is on you. where's you proof that most pagans are intelligent? and why should i agree with you?
pretty sure that's just general knowledge fam
I like women, actually. I don't find children attractive at all.
Jesus fucking christ the thing I would do to see her breasts and pussy.
possibly fake
Second-wave feminism had the idea of the political lesbian. What that meant was a woman who hated men so much that she refused to fuck men, but she refused to fuck women because it wasn't like she was actually attracted to them.
I wonder if it's possible to claim to be a political pedophile.
u gay m8
well, I don't find you attractive, for instance. so what gives?
What if there was a girl that just looked like a kid, but was 18, then what?
I mean I guess I pretend to be pedo sometimes. Or I just post pictures of Civil Protection and announce how much I love the CP
I would legally fuck her so damn hard
That's not gonna hold up in court, guys.
It's not illegal to be a pedo.
It's not illegal to be anything, it's only illegal if you act upon it.
No, but I assume OP made this thread after posting in a pedo thread. No one pretends to be a pedo on Holla Forums. Everyone's used to it, and there's plenty of real ones to piss off the ones that aren't. OP posted in a pedo thread, and he's now trying to pass it off as trolling, just in case his permanently stored IP address falls into the wrong hands.
Can't blame you for trying, OP. But you opened those pictures. Your IP requested the large files. A troll would not need to open that many images. The truth is out there now, buried in a pile of both interesting and uninteresting activity. It's a long shot, but can you trust your ISP? Your government? The competence of Holla Forums's administration? Can you at least trust your VPN? What was that? No VPN? Oh, OP… The van is coming.
lol your head is so far up your ass you'll need a mining company to find it.
I've been around long enough to know that anyone who talks as if they know everything, is literally talking out their ass.
This is false. There being a collection of memory cells inside your computer that has the potential to represent a grid of pixels on your monitor, is not acting upon anything, but CP is illegal and despised by society. In addition, many countries have criminalized DRAWINGS "of children" (as if drawn shapes are beings with a date of birth), as well as introducing a broader definition of "sexual in nature" to include anything depicting something that looks like a child that happened to be on screen while you were jacking off.
Dark times are a comin' for you guys. Thought crime laws are now applauded by your neighbors and your families, but you just need to see that confused, hesitant child, aka RGB grid, suck a dick… In a couple of years, and you won't even know they could do it, they'll find out you looked at a naked, 2D, drawn loli and toched yourself, and they'll throw you in jail for 10 years. You will be the next slaves of the prison and law enforcement industry. They won't even release the junkies and responsible drug users, they'll just double up, call the druggies public enemy number 2, and you'll be 1. It's happening all over again. Next, they'll probably start with the involuntary brain scans that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you're going to murder babies in the future. People will buy it. Nobody's safe. BUILD A FUCKING BUNKER, BURN YOUR COMPUTER AND SMASH IT TO BITS.
Hey, I'm just having fun. You're not very good at spotting shitposting for a troll.
It's got to apply to at least one sorry fuck ITT. Maybe it's you. You seem kinda defensive.
Acting on it includes downloading images in my opinion, so if you factor that in to what you said…
As for artwork and drawings, I'm an "artist" myself and yeah i occasionally draw things that someone might look at and think I'm going too far with, but it's art. I really don't feel that drawings and art should be censored for content, unless their only reason for existence is to be hurtful, and even then, everyone has the right to their opinion.
How the fuck is it any of your business, or anyone else's, if I want to make a piece of art/doodles/shapes with the sole intention of hurting feelings?
Also, going to Holla Forums will load a bunch of pictures of questionable legality into your cache, regardless of the intentions of your visit. That's probably enough for a jury these days.
Its not my fucking business, it's my fucking opinion.
And NO! You do NOT have the "right" to just any opinion. Do you not know what the FBI did to non-violent communists during the cold war? You don't have rights, you're just so accepting of the idea that your actions are to be regulated by strangers, that an action simply being tolerated appears to be some sort of "right" to you. You sound kinda cucked for an artist. Are you sure they're not just doodles?
K, I'm done here. Food for thought. :^)
Because you hate adult's.
Do you perhaps kipnap children to take them in Somali, where you fight pirats with them and kill them once they reach puberty, only to replace them by other children.
You mean like Rima Hatsume.
She's 147 cm
No I posted that after making a thread saying that there wasr no such things as pedophiles, only easy children. I than posted a reply, pretending to be butthurt, a long paragraph explaining how angry I was and how people like op should be castrated. People where all pointing out how butthurt I seemed to be, not knowing I was actually OP. Then I replied that I agrred with op and that children are asking for it when they are such eye candy and posted a picture of that 9 yo russian model's face tina something.
Afterward I got banned for a bit more than 90 days for "pedoshit" I appealed the ban but was denied.
What if I globally report those pictures?
Plus not long ago CBC used to show questianable movie scenes and that our national television. Children educational programs with children in the bat naked as fuck. I didn't want to see that. I remember La guerre des bouttons, the original version. Where all those boy runned naked and the only girl in the gang was fully clothed. When I was 9 I was so pissed off that this girl got to see so many pepe but we didn't get to see her vulva. Not so long ago the age of consent in Canada was 14 now it's 16 can't I just blame the government for allowing such stuff on national television but not on the internet?
Holla Forums is not life. The idiots in charge of this site can do whatever they want with it for all I care.
Too fucking bad, poor lil' baby.
Sure you can, because they're partly to blame for the sorry state of modern values. But how about you take a look at yourself and forget about other people for a moment? Why the fuck are you watching television? Why do you sit in front of the shit box, waiting for whatever crap comes next, crap you didn't even choose to watch at that particular time?
Because I was 8, because I"m a cinephile, because I study film making and because I didnt have my own computer back then.
And also because there used to be great movies every friday on cbc, but not anymore.
La guerre des bouttons was a great movie dispite the fact that it have naked boys running with their dick flipfloping, but it aired in 1962.
It was 1962, no one gave a fuck about children threatened to cut eachothers penis, while they run naked with knifes.
She look 15 but not like a kid.