Kickstarter Crowdfund Publishes 90,000 Classified CIA Telepathy Pages Online

STAR GATE was an umbrella term for the CIA, DIA, etc. effort that used remote viewers who claimed to use clairvoyance, precognition, or telepathy to acquire and describe information about targets that were blocked from ordinary perception.

The 12,000+ STARGATE documents from CREST are now online in PDF format. STAR GATE was an umbrella term for the CIA, DIA, etc. effort that used remote viewers who claimed to use clairvoyance, precognition, or telepathy to acquire and describe information about targets that were blocked from ordinary perception. The records include documentation of remote viewing sessions, training, internal memoranda, foreign assessments, and program reviews. The STAR GATE program was also called SCANATE, GONDOLA WISH, DRAGOON ABSORB, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK.

You can download all of the documents at once here:
Or browse them individually here:[]=STARGATE

I want to thank The Black Vault, a site which fought for years to obtain TIF (photo) copies of these documents and then made them freely available. I was able to take the image files and convert them to PDFs for easier reading, and then uploaded them to the Internet Archive which performed the text recognition on the files, which is sadly not possible with TIF files (as CIA is well aware).

Altogether, these files come to around 90,000 pages.

I was also able to pull the MKULTRA files from The Black Vault, which were also in TIF format. They've been uploaded here for bulk download:
And here for individual browsing:[]=MKULTRA

Next, one of the files I found on CREST while doing follow-up research for follow-up articles to Memo Sheds New Light on CIA's Network of Journalists, I found a metaphorical thread that, when I pulled on it, revealed Morton "Tony" Jackson: CIA's Forgotten Watergate Player.

I've also uploaded more CIA histories and added them to the list.

Finally, another batch of shirts has gone out. =)

Might belong on /fringe/ but since it involved a massive CIA project that reportedly gave good results & "hidden" info, I dropped this here.

Other urls found in this thread:!MNZizY5L!ODThmGmd3xFrufvQOMzTQiedgANSeOmgx0ejnokaN_Y"Tannenbaum Abraham J."


This better be legit.

It is, but the site is hard to navigate, and there is literally thousands of documents archived there, including files on MKULTRA obtained under the FOIA.
Would take a long time to go through, but when files are obtained under the FOIA the agencies forced to release them are under no obligation to release them in any organized fashion.

Stargate files here:

Are GATE and STAR GATE related?



What the fuck is this foolishness? Basically the old trope of "confused cops consult psychic" in real life, with the CIA instead of cops, and on a huge scale? What a tremendous waste of tax dollars. Who wants to bet this is just some sort of bullshit front to get more funding?

It lasted for many decades, and may still be going on, just not publicly.
The military claimed something like an 80% to 90% success rate in what the viewers were reporting.


They obviously wouldn't continue the program for so long if it didn't work.

Morphogenetic Fields. Yo.

I've seen claims that remote viewing was used to locate Saddam in his spider hole. Bust most likely this shit is just misinfo/distraction/red herring material like all the ayyy lmao garbage.

I seriously hope you guys don't believe this.

Then again, I see way too much /fringe/ shit on here these days so perhaps you do.

I've astrally projected multiple times while smoking weed.

The stargate astral highway is real and used by a multitude of space faring weed-smoking species, like the glogorians from one of Jupiter's moons.

Memed hard.

You obviously know nothing about how the public sector manages time and resources

Relax fellas, chinks and sandniggers aren't going to grow a third eye overnight.


or is anybody else

Well, then if it's entirely impossible, it won't hurt anything for Holla Forums to look into it, will it?


Does this mean I can shitpost with my mind alone?

BITNET, COSMOS, DATTA, E911, FCIC, HTCIA, IACIS, UT/RUS, JANET, JICC, ReMOB, LEETAC, UTU, VNET, BRLO, BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, Active X, Compsec 97, LLC, DERA, Mavricks, Meta-hackers, ^?, Steve Case, Tools, Telex, Military Intelligence, Scully, Flame, Infowar, Bubba, Freeh, Archives, Sundevil, jack, Investigation, ISACA, NCSA, spook words, Verisign, Secure, ASIO, Lebed, ICE, NRO, Lexis-Nexis, NSCT, SCIF, FLiR, Lacrosse, Flashbangs, HRT, DIA, USCOI, CID, BOP, FINCEN, FLETC, NIJ, ACC, AFSPC, BMDO, NAVWAN, NRL, RL, NAVWCWPNS, NSWC, USAFA, AHPCRC, ARPA



but id read an explanation autism ur on about

somehow i've known gondola would be a vital meme
but in this cold dark future
only the memes exist

What the fuck….

There is absolutely zero technical reason this should be the case. If the software to do it doesn't currently exist which could very well be the case, there is no reason it couldn't be written.

Sounds like a very awkward description of one of those cartel smuggling submarines/semi-submersibles.

what's a skeet channel?

Where else did you post these, OP? I want to get on board with others who are digging through this.

Might be a good way to "launder" their black budgets.

Spooky stuff m8

I wonder what kind of drug that was. What new fad drug came out around '89?

The guy who wrote that report clearly didn't give a fuck about it.

Some sort of codename, or meant to sound like one.

That's just calculated vagueness to make it seem more mystic.

Psychics do this kind of shit all the time.

Where are the files on how to get psychic powers?

If anything, the government should be trying to learn that from /pol, not the other way around.

How much space do I need to store this?

Wasn't this just a pet project that went nowhere and was closed because it had a success rate of around 50% and the alleged successes were performed having prior knowledge and thus just lucky guesses? I mean sure it existed but it was closed due to being a waste of time. It was started because the US was desperate for any edge in the Cold War. Top SS officers were occultists too but it's not like they ever produced anything useful, like Wehrmacht battle mages or something. All this proves is that the CIA agents involved were nerds that got funding to play psychic.

ur mothers cunt is a skeet channel


They still use drug dogs even though they don't work. These idiots don't care about false positives. Anything they can take to the boss as a "lead" that allows them to invade your privacy and abuse you they will go on.

You idiots this type of telepathy is a PSYOP.

Actual remote viewing exists, but it requires transmitting microwaves into your head and receiving the reflection. Whatever you're looking at shows up as modulations in the reflection.

Scientists have done this in the civilian realm with fMRI, but allegedly the U.S. Navy has systems capable of remote viewing without your knowledge or a giant machine wrapped around your head. Allegedly.

So Men who stare at Goats AAR?

Who wants to bet all the so-called psychics were kikes


Dr. _BLANK_ is cleared through SECRET and is aware of the true nature of the program.

MKULTRA secret true nature? get digging?

Dr Pavel ?

more oddities


This. Embed related.

Microwave technologies are extremely overlooked.

I just got done watching that. Thanks for posting. Interesting stuff I've never heard of Trower before.

Apparently a Russian invented a device which can detect psychic abilities. It's called the Magic Crystal.

A man named Steven L Farion was one of the higher up people in the program. When they talk about levels they're probably refering to this

The tech exists and is used against targets, but remote viewing is real as well, m8. Intuition, hunches and precognition is literally this on a low level.

Are these .pdfs? And is the text selectable? If I can convert them into plaintext I want to run them through some scripts to analyze all the words.

I'm going to bed, but thanks for the find OP. Maybe the docs contain some of their specific early techniques or some noteworthy findings, although this shit is old as hell. Last I heard their using people without their knowledge, but "known" as psychically capable to get the data they need.

Just because it's spooky, doesn't make it true.


At the time most of the researchers did not know that they were working for the government intelligence agencies or the true purpose of their research so this simply means Dr Pavel was one of the few who knew it was for CIA mind control.

We seriously need a digging thread for this information. This no doubt has some relation to meme magic. We need to arm our wizards with as many abilities as we are able in order to survive the coming collapse.

These faggots have supposedly been doing remote viewing
You have to pay for access to the footage for some of the more interesting ones, but they have a few free ones there. I don't know what to think about it.

/fringe/ blue pills GTFO

They're full of shit

Is /fringe/ globalist/liberal?

who knows

$20 million wasted is nothing compared to the budgets the pentagon regularly cooks up.

For the idiots who don't get it yet.

CIA proved beyond all doubt that telepathy and remote sensing were human traits. However they were not reliable (25% success rate) because they could just as easily pick up imaginary things as real things.

TL;DR They proved that something akin to platonic ideals and archtype theory is real and human mind can interact with it.


no, just some retards shilling that because some writings that anons an /fringe/ read are by some people who think the holocaust happened or don't mention it in their writings that it didn't happen.

Hmmm this is interesting. I know some of this stuff can supposedly be trained as it's along similar lines to astral projection. However knowing the U.S. government and its military ID say it's about 50/50 they actually found nothing of value and it was all a waste, or they did find something of value and are now releasing all this to keep people from digging for the real stuff

they probably didn't have anyone read up on the subject.
I bet they just got a load of retards that claimed they had powers and did some stupid shit like ask them what they see.

I honestly would not be surprised. Maybe we should get a thread on teaching anons how to do this?

You have a lot to learn about consciousness and reality.

Grandpa here.

I remember the times were just mentioning MKULTRA would net you "TINFOIL NUTJOB!", "CONSPIRACY THEORIST!".

And now the shit was real all along.

I fucking love those silly gondola webms.

Nah faggot, it's just the CIA back in the 60's out of their fucking minds on LSD.

me too, m8

aka I'm 28 years old telling stories on my porch

The internet is a wonderful thing, huh?

what is batch conversion with ImageMagick? Holy fuck I just had a seizure.

Or a Morphogenic Engine…

mastitis. acute breast inflammation. i really am dying to know what went on with this study.

that was fast

But why though? Who gives a fuck if staph infections adapt to their host? That's just knowledge for its own sake. How does that help anyone do anything, much less help the CIA kill commies?

So meme magic has a 25% success rate?

ImageMagick is a program that lets you manipulate images through the command line. Batch conversion just means converting a lot of things at once.

Ha, i wish.

Life was much better then.


ok sarcasm lost on that one. thanks anyway.

Delta Squad for 9000, Jim






this is actually rather terrifying

Holy fuck

Great to see

sooo basically this?

This board must have been microwaved for a good while then.

What, like 1/3rd of the time?

If I ever publish a comic book, I'm going to create a team of super-powered government assassins with these codenames.

Yeah i use Kikipedia for general information, but when it comes to anything controversial they can fuck right off.

Their editors are basically CIA themselves with how they censor and delete fucking everything.

This one needs to have its own webm.

Gondola world i mean.

Anything on Operation Highjump???

for reality warping its not bad


You're the idiot who doesn't get it.

The program was discontinued exactly because it didn't prove jack shit.

does that mean I can shitpost as part of an gestalt?

Fucking kek.

I remember that Uri Geller for the longest time claimed he had special powers.

God dammit, take my back to my own universe.


I wish user..

Best one.

Where will Gondola go?

You still don't get it, do you? All is mind.


What if these docs are forged and set up on unsecure honeypot servers meant for Russkies to steal - Just to blow their mind at the crazy shit we may be up to.

Fuck that makes me sad.

Fuck this new world. Fuck all this shit. Fuck "progress."

I watched that and they just regurgitated the old OSS report that the Rockefeller/Frankfurt School jews made up about Hitler having one ball, being gay, liking poo poo pee pee, having a Rothschild grandparent. .

Probably hit the pub.

That would be great, if their findings couldn't be replicated.

BTW, Hal Puthoff, Ingo Swann and Pat Price were all Scientologists. In Scientology "remote viewing" is called "Exteriorization".

It's just an image format, there's no reason it wouldn't be doable.

I take it automatically performs OCR on PDFs or something, because they assume PDFs contain text, whereas TIFF is just a picture format that could contain just about anything. If it's all it takes, you just need to chain all TIFF pictures as a PDF and OCR will be performed.

I'm downloading the sets and then I'll look into it.into it, but clearly we can it's not an issue.

And he was also secretly a nigger. Don't forget that one.

It reads exactly like muh Holohoax.

Need a gondola for this album - first song.

Still more credible than the Holohoax.

Holy fuck that would be amazing.

What other religion revolves around volcanoes?

Holy fuck i'm drifting off into a coma.

That album is pretty tight.

Fucking love it. Feels so… right.

Cyberpunk dystopia.

Well, according to the kikes their YHWH presented himself to them as a column of fire. You might be on to something there.

It would be right at home in a Blade Runner movie. It's actually surprisingly good.

This is pretty hectic too.


We're not even gonna make it to there.

Will we see the birth of the "gondola" music genre?



It's possible, but in order to get it you have to be raped up the ass when you are 3 years old so that your brain learns to completely dissociate itself from your body, this is called "the mark of david" or soime shit similar to that.

So unless you got that it's impossible to actually remote view.


Sick burn.

This is basically a 'muh dik' but on an extremely high level wave length.

Good job there user.

Biological warfare? Like they have currently unleashed on us?

Anyone else thought of doing that? Just driving, trying to get into adventures and shit. Think it'll work alright?

Btw thanks for these. I'm glad i stumbled upon these gems here.

There's some random shit in here. Like wtf is this?

I've long dreamed of fucking off into the wild and never coming back.

It's the Buffalo Bill wax museum.

My honest guess is that it's Buffalo Bill Bullshit.

It's an intelligence tactic; dillute your info with so much bullshit that your enemies can't figure out what to do with it.

Yeah, I know. But that was the entire pdf. Meaningless. Unless there's a secret jew base underneath it.

I tried.

Almost died.

No joke.


I don't know, for me not the great outdoors, but some idealistic view of traveling around the US or Europe, getting into hi-jinks and shit, high and lows, a good solid adventure.

Yeah, I know it's bullshit, but a man can dream right? Tortured by his dreams.

That almost makes me feel sorry for them.


This war was against our own politicians this whole time.

What the flying fuck.

It's like they WANT this war.

I bet to stimulate the economy and prep us for debt acceleration.
They know we're nearly doomed as a planet right now.

That gif almost made me think I had dial-up again

I think the next big music genre will be Cyberpunk themed.

I write something in that direction but with rock instruments.

Glad I'm not the only one who saw that.

Well it sure would be fun to have a little adventure.

Already here, sorta (depending on what you mean by cyberpunk themed). See all the dark techno coming out of Europe in the last five years that mixes deep thumping techno with dark ambient. Set related.

I never liked cyberpunk that much, but I think it might be appropriate as the next "-wave', seeing as the way shit's been going, need a good commie dystopian future to scare them straight.

What about Cyberpunk shoegaze

Really liking the new stuff as well.

Thought we were stuck with big room house, then the scene changed quickly.


I really like Synthwave too.

Then again for me it's mostly nostalgia.

KEYWORD: Rh Negative

take my word for it faggots

How to find out if rh negative

It won't work on all of us. That's why they are using the Mandela effect to see who is resistant.

Dolly and jaws both had metal in their mouths
Oscar Meyer wiener
Fruit loops
Cool whip
Captain crunch
Luke I am your father
C3po is all gold
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get

What's the deal with it?



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g-goys stop

We need to influence the next big wave, think vaporwave but 100% more fascist. I torrented FL, been fucking around recently with mixing Nazi marching songs and Yugoslav war era songs (like the ones about burning mosques) with slowed and synthesized 60s music, I know fuckall about music and even less about fruitloops, but it's the effort that counts right?

I don't know if I suck or the two things just don't blend

I'm not pregnant, thanks.

literally babby toy

Fuck off to your own universe you goddamn immigrant.

oh wait that was already done with mahmoud awad

Yeah, I can see the future, too.

I searched the entire archive and rh negative gets 0 hits. Clarify what you're talking about next time, fagatelli.

It's not his fault you don't know jack shit about modern lore.


It's also not my fault you can't into psy00nix

The best bait Ive seen for a while


I don't have monkey blood, and yes I've read all that crap.

Well, I guess we've already passed the event horizon anyhow.

Then what are you asking?

kek i know

Here is another interview with this man.

Well spit it out, I ain't got all night.
Cat got your tongue?

so what you're saying is kikes have to drink the rh negative blood of pure aryan stock to get temporary psychic powers, or are they just depraved sadists?

Now you're getting it.

Yeah i stopped watching as soon as he brought up Joseph Mengele and evil Nazi scientists experimenting on humans.

Get a motorbike and travel a bit. Can be done on a budget.
Or get a good tent, good sleeping bag, good shoes and head out into the world.
A week can seem like months when you are free from your surroundings.
If you are from Europe you can take a cheap flight to Norway, then take the train for a few stops, and just walk out into the woods.


Buffalo bill's buffalo bullshit.

Pretty mediocre album, tbh. Though, it's still vastly better than its two predecessors.

90,000 files, all will be dead ends.
I would bet that this is just a red herring, maybe to distract autists from digging through more of hillaries shit, maybe just coincidence.

Definitely /fringe/, let them or the GATE fags handle it.

it's a complete timesink, and if you don't grow your own occult stuff organically (frog-gods and meme-magick) then it will be a way to mess with your thinking and derail you in the future.

I've been digging a bit. 100034-4 seems to be an interesting ovierview on what they were able to achieve with this.

It'll be take a while, but good find.

Didn't work with same effectiveness of a gun, but hasn't meme magic taught you anything?

harness this power and use it to redpill folk

That's so beautiful.

Can you link it or something? I tried to find it for a while and couldn't.

Also everyone, remember shills are out in force on this post. Think smart.

That's right, goy. There's nothing to this.

I feel like this is another Tavistock faggot pushing more new age faggotry.

This is by far the dumbest, most retarded, USELESS bullshit, ever written.


The only thing worth reading, the MKultra files, are barely readable and I bet none of them goes over the tactics used.

holy shit you autists have no idea how to use time wisely.

You could study something practical that makes money, or learn movie making / film.
But no, you're going to pour over a bunch of stupid bullshit about things that exist on the level of flat earth conspiracy and ghosts.

How are you so certain it's useless bullshit?

There is no such thing as precognition, out-of-body experiences, or telepathy…

-the future, is based on a series of events that happened historically. The history CAUSES the EFFECT. There is no human brain or computer that could possibly crunch enough data to determine the future.

-Thoughts are transmitted by proteins. Human electromagnetism in the brain, however cool, does not transmit thoughts.

-mfw we are even discussing out of body experiences.

I read that TAVISTOCK runs the website God Like Productions (GLP). This website does not even let you mention the jews. They constantly push completely implausible bullshit in an attempt to control and divert the masses who wake up.

This is, and I'm quite sure of it, just an attempt to waste your time and make you forget #clintonfoundation, or something more useful.

& I actually stopped to double check that the "MKULTRA" files are bullshit. They are. The files LITERALLY SAY NOTHING.

TFW I'm the only one realizing this.


perhaphs there is some important context to non-allergenically penetrating the mucuous barrier for other pathogens. Morgellons maybe?

Fuck off. You're either a shill or some goddamn ignorant normalfag. "how to use time wisely." *snort*

Just do it. Paul Masson would approve.!MNZizY5L!ODThmGmd3xFrufvQOMzTQiedgANSeOmgx0ejnokaN_Y

Can't be assed to do something other than mega for small time things, tbh.

Thanks man I really appreciate it.

I've never seen a gondola in real life before

This project was obviously a failure because they failed to predict the rise of Trump and Brexit.


We should.

I told him about the conversation with my wife in regards to him and the job - not being able to understand his number etc. He laughs and says, "Must have been destiny!"

Just so you know, m8. The assholes use synchronicities as well. If they're too "one the nose", you get bad gut feelings too much or somethings not right, I would be careful and bail if necessary.


Meaningful coincidence. You're at the right place at the right time, hear people conversing about shit that's related to something going on in your life, or what you're thinking about. (Like having the radio talk about stuff you and another are talking about, which is pretty funny once you notice it.)

Something that has a really low probability of happening or manifesting. Like having a pen with the companies name roll towards whose job offer you just rejected because it didn't feel right as you're about to step out of the elevator. This is also hard to set in stone, and should be careful not to overreact, but some "special" people should be more careful than others and pay attention to what "fun coincidences" happen in their life.

If you have better choices or job offers and you're not at the complete end of the line, where this is the dead last job possibility or you die and you get too bad a feeling, it's better to not engage with people who have a propensity towards manipulating people without their knowledge.

I'm going to copypaste a chapter from Carissa Conti's Chasing Phantom's because maybe you have something like that happening. Interesting in and of itself, may even spark your curiosity.

Manipulated jobs?
Here and there in this book I’ve made reference to working for a brief period of time at what I called “the Illuminati hotel.” In retrospect my brief time there seems to have been an orchestrated set up from the get-go. If I hadn’t worked there then the idea of manipulated jobs, and things taken to that level, probably wouldn’t have even occurred to me. But if one can have manipulated relationships and moves, then why not jobs, is how I now look at it. And I realize that all this can sound a bit…paranoid. But there were indications that something very unnatural was amiss with me seeking – and then getting - this job, so I use this story as a good example.
We had just moved to Virginia in September of 2004, and I began temping with one of the local temp agencies starting in October. I worked at a couple of assignments, then found myself assigned to this one particular company starting in December. I soon loathed the assignment, as it was all wrong and a total joke. It culminated with me giving two weeks notice. The minimum requirement with my agency was three days notice if one wanted to be pulled off an assignment, but I wanted to be nice and give them enough time to find a suitable replacement. Plus it made me look really good to my temp agency. :D It guaranteed that they’d continue to call me for work. But one afternoon during those two weeks notice my supervisor at the job assignment I was leaving needed me to find a room at one of the nicer end hotels in the area for an incoming company employee, and that’s where it all began.

As I perused the yellow pages getting hotel phone numbers my attention was caught by one particular hotel ad. In retrospect I can recognize what happened next as something akin to “post hypnotic suggestion,” because the moment my eyes saw the hotel’s ad I had this sudden kind of trance-like knowing in my head that “I’m going to work there…..!” For no discernible reason. But I knew it….I *needed* to call and find out if they were hiring and if so, what I needed to do to apply, because I was going to work there. And I did, with total relaxed confidence, feeling like it was already a guaranteed done deal. I got the front desk, who sent me to human resources, who told me what to do to apply. Within a few days I was sitting in a meeting room filling out the paperwork…and found myself in a face to face interview with the front desk manager himself. Meaning, I’d already passed the first stages of judgment. I’ll keep the front desk manager anonymous by calling him “Richard.” By the end of the interview “Richard” was giving me a basic tour of the hotel and letting me know that I was pretty much hired. The job was mine, if I wanted it. I said I did, feeling excited inside. Then again, I “knew” it would be mine anyway before I even applied. Richard had a low key personality, not emotional, but in his low key way I could see he seemed pleased when I said yes, and had a small smile on his face. While we waited for the service elevator to take us back up to the lobby he let me know that the position had been open for almost five months now (in retrospect since we’d moved there…..…something I only just realized right now as I’m typing this in 2010……) but he’d rejected every person who had interviewed. Until me. That’s a little weird when I look back on that. Now, it really could very well be a case of nothing but sketchy, and/or unqualified types applying for the job during all those months, and it wouldn’t surprise me since I’ve seen that sort of thing happen, no doubt. But then again……maybe not.
A woman I knew over the ‘net named Pam who identifies herself as a MILAB and also happened to be intuitive sensed negative things surrounding this job back when I was first getting hired on, and tried to warn me about it when I told her about it over the phone. Negative things as in, malevolent happenings, not just that I would be displeased with the job. She had never warned me about anything else……just this one particular job. At the time I just waved it off, thinking she was loopy. In retrospect she may have been right.


Soon I was working the front desk, usually the 6:30 am - 3:30 pm shift. Most of my coworkers were younger then me by over ten years and kind of immature, with limited work experience, whereas I was 30 at the time and had eight years of office job experience around the country under my belt, plus prior hotel experience, so I did well and was able to keep up with the busy paperwork, phones and guest traffic. The employee programming that went on there was a bit of a mind control trip in itself, though not surprising for a higher end hotel. Everything from the way we answered the phone, to how we stood, to how we spoke, and even directed guests (you never point, you always “gesture with your hand”!) had to be done a certain way.
I soon started referring to the hotel as “the illuminati” hotel when I got wind of where the corporate headquarters was located, the way the headquarters’ restaurant was even named “Illume,” the fact that the hotel’s owner was some oil tycoon, and then realized that the hotel’s logo had a thinly disguised pentagon in it. (Of course it didn’t hurt either that in the break room it was mandatory for the TV to be set to CNN, all the time. One more “illuminati conspiracy” you could say. I say that tongue in cheek, but, it is a little weird. Hotel policy dictated that the TV was never to be switched from CNN, or turned off in general, though I frequently ignored the latter if I happened to be in there alone.) Then there was the matter of how the hotel had eastern European, Croatian and Russian/Belarussian immigrant workers, all of whom were being exploited by an agency that represented them to the hotel. The agency was knowingly doing it, the workers were knowingly submitting to it, and the hotel was knowingly okay with it and encouraging it. For instance, scheduling the Belarussian desk clerks for double, and even triple shifts, where they would sleep over in one of the hotel rooms and didn’t get any overtime pay, and where their hourly rates were several dollars less an hour than the rest of us. Something the hotel couldn’t get away with for legal U.S. residents who know their rights with the Federal labor laws. The immigrants accepted it because to them it was still a better deal than whatever they’d left behind. After I heard about what life was like in Belarus, the last communist holdover in the former Soviet bloc, I could see why they gladly accepted it. The one time I tried to broach this subject at the front desk, probing for more details about the agency who brought these people over, the bell hop – who wasn’t even one of the immigrants – got fired up and shut down the conversation, seeming fearful and angry, making it seem that I was going to be reporting people….and costing people their jobs. He let me know that the guys who ran the agency used to be (exploited) immigrants themselves, and now were running the agency to bring over more (exploited) immigrants. So basically a case of, “Shut up and mind your own business. Everybody here knows what’s going on, and everybody involved is okay with it.” This is why in retrospect I wondered whether some of these girls were being used for other……stuff on the side, considering how good looking they were, in a vulnerable, needy situation, and with innocent, passive, almost trance-like demeanors.
As far as my own indications of weird activity go, there are only a couple, not counting the unusual circumstances of me applying, and then getting, the job in the first place. The first thing I can think of is very minor, but it involves 15 minutes of “missing time” you could say. I left for home at the end of my shift at the normal time, with no delays en route, and yet when I got home I was 15 minutes late. And no, the clock at home was not incorrect. All the clocks and times matched….I was just missing 15 minutes. It stopped me in my tracks because it wasn’t right. To this day I have no idea what that’s all about, if something happened to me and my mind is blanked out, or what.

Also during this time as mentioned elsewhere in this book I began attracting in the “MILABS 69” thing in terms of number sightings. I experienced it once back in Fort Lauderdale, but now out of all the lockers that I could have been assigned, my locker number was #69. (so when it came time for me to select an employee number for logging into the computer and such I decided to choose 3169 from the list of ten numbers that were offered to me, why not you know. ;) Make it easy to remember. So that was my own doing.) And then I started frequently getting “6:09” on the clock….but only during the time I worked there.
Then came the morning in April when I had just started my shift in the morning and “Richard” arrived at the front desk at 7 a.m. on the nose, always impeccably dressed in a suit and on time to the minute for when his shift started. And as I glanced over at him to my left to say hi, an immediate, intensely strong feeling and knowing that something very unsavory had happened involving him just…..hit me. I don’t know how to describe this. But when I saw him this knowing immediately surged up in my mind, that something very yucky had gone on involving him, the memory just about to emerge…..but then feeling like it was running into a wall, or a ceiling, being blocked. The memory wanted to come out…..but couldn’t. Over and over. Surge…block. Surge…block. Surge…block. My eyes bugged out a little bit as I glanced over at him and was hit with this intense surging of negative memory knowledge. He in turn looked slightly quizzical and surprised, probably at my surprised look, and I hurriedly glanced down and away. If something indeed had happened he gave no indication of it, and didn’t seem to be aware of it. His surprised look seemed to be solely in response to my wide eyed look.
This all overlapped during the same time period when he gave his two week notice, having accepted a bigger and better position in another hotel chain outside the state, putting his house up for sale and preparing to move with his wife and two young kids. During those final two weeks this negative memory knowing remained strong, enough so that I completely avoided talking to him, wouldn’t look at him and never said goodbye to him, even artfully dodging the little farewell thing on his last day. But I had such a negative feeling and knowing about him I didn’t want to associate with him in any capacity. This has never happened before, or since, with anybody. Richard’s “personality” or lack thereof was very interesting. But he was Caucasian, in his 40s, very clean cut and impeccable with dark blond close cropped hair, blue eyes, seeming kind of 1950s actually. Not necessarily good looking, but not ugly either. Reserved, with a cold intelligence, low key, though I did see indicators of a fiery temper a couple of times that he kept tightly in check, so he had restraint. And he actually gave off the vibe of possibly being gay, something effeminate, so I was shocked to hear he was married and had kids. What was going on there with my memory surging, I’ll never know, and if something did happen, then truthfully I don’t want to know.
I wound up leaving that job within two months after “Richard” left due to an escalating series of events piling on, primarily focused on the replacement desk manager, who was a total clown and very inept. But it was like reality was trying to get me to get out there, and when I wouldn’t take the hint then more things kept piling on until I finally quit…and actually walked out in the middle of my shift no less. So I was only there for four months, then returned to temping with my previous agency.

The postscript to this whole tale is just as weird. But in October of 2006 I was temping at an assignment that I’d been at since June, when I got a call from my temp agency saying that this other company whom I’d temped with months ago, for only a day and a half mind you, was literally begging for me to come back and work for them with the plan for me to go permanent with them. Apparently this other company *HAD* to have me. And only me, they insisted. They were creating such a scene about it, calling the agency repeatedly, that my temp company was going to do something they didn’t normally do…..offer me the position with this other company, and pull me off my current assignment. The whole thing was bizarre because again, they’d only worked with me for a day and a half. Why was I so special?? The position was for a tax accounting firm downtown, working the front desk as a receptionist basically, with light office admin duties. Everybody there was nice from what I remembered, the job seemed okay enough and the pay was fine, the location was only a couple of miles from home. Since the begging and pleading for me was so intense I gave in and agreed to be pulled off the assignment and go over there, feeling kind of flattered, admittedly, like, Wow, okay.
Long story short, when I got over to the tax firm it was a major case of “bait and switch.” And this is where it eventually gets back to “the illuminati hotel,” as you’ll see in a moment. But my job duties weren’t going to be what they told the temp company, and instead involved a whole bunch of back office grunt work and converting their thousands of paper files into scanned electronic copies. One of the women who worked there was showing me around and explaining these various job duties to me, and then brought me down to the mildewy smelling basement level where all the filing cabinets were located with the thousands of files that I’d supposedly be converting. She waved her arm towards all the cabinets and said, “Welcome to your future.” O.o To this day I’ve never gotten over the arrogance behind that statement. So sure was she that I was just this meek, passive little chick who’d gratefully jump at the chance for this “opportunity” to work in a mildewy basement doing work that would make anybody want to jump off the nearest cliff.
But then as it turned out, the mildewy basement would not in fact be my future because guess what….they were moving in only a week and a half. So I was informed that another major aspect of my job duties would involve packing up, and helping to move, the entire office. Again, none of which was told to the temp agency. But let’s take a guess at where they were moving to………
…….into office spaces located inside the “illuminati hotel,” of all places. ;)
So all this inexplicable intense begging and pleading that they HAD TO HAVE *ME* and *ONLY ME!!!* when they’d only known me for a day a half, months ago, right as they’re packing up shop and moving into the “Illuminati hotel.” ummmmmmm. Amazing coincidence there. Needless to say I was only there for one day before bailing out and going back to my previous assignment, who was happy to have me back. The temp agency sided with me and was peeved with this company for their bait and switch, and trying to get a free office mover in the process. I don’t profess to understand what in the frickity frack was going on with this situation, and for all I know it’s just a giant coincidence, but it was bizarre, to say the least.

Delete this post.


Fashy vaporwave - Call it Gondola.

Meme it, lads.

Thank you for sharing user.

I gotta be honest. I'm a little weird'd out. Something like this is happening, almost exactly.

Going to green-text the entire situation but I'm honestly fucking exhausted. I have a meeting with the new job tomorrow @ 9:45am.

This shit is kinda spooping me out.

I'd be glad to read it, if you greentext. Just stay calm and pay attention. Might as well be that yours are "good" meaningful coincidences, maybe this job is really something you desperately need. No one but you can really judge if your just being spooked out because you never noticed this happen before (and this stuff happens to everyone, especially when you know that it can happen), or because you're getting legit "bad vibes".

Just returned from that meeting.

It went really well. I could tell that I was by far the most qualified for the position. Although I found a few things out that I fund quite strange.

Pins and needles all over my body.

Sorry for the typos - I was editing it and forgot to scroll and and fix those.

*summer's 4th of July and a bit afterward (sometimes even in August)

So many good threads on Holla Forums, so much info.
I dont know where to start.
I'd love if we could create a comprehensive TLDR of all of this or at least the spiciest parts.


kek, still got a screenshot of that formula.

Prolly tought; i needed it later on in the game.

Well fuck me in the ass, m8. No wonder you sound spooked out, the "small things" are definitely odd. Personally, I would bail because I don't trust anything that brood does and HC's own known kill record is too damn high to risk it. However, I don't know your own current situation, so I can't really be the judge. Might as well take the joband bail after a few months, if you start noticing an unprecedented desire to rape children and harness their blood.

she want's to fuck

So, it officially gets spoopier.


At my new place of work, and down the road from family. Within a few days this is all happening. First the prospect and offer, then the meeting and seeing them, lastly seeing them again by a relatives house.

Do I have a connection with these people? Or just coincidence. Probably coincidence. The feeling wasn't bad. It was the feeling of flattery and optimism.

I'd be willing to work for them and the curiosity surrounding the situation is beyond pragmatic. Somewhat intoxicating.

I have my pick of hours at the place of work due to my experience. Honestly, better qualified than the manager, and they know it. I'm desperate for additional work and with this interesting connection, my curiosity is leading me to no longer teeter on the fence about taking it or not instead of holding out another week or so. I'm accepting the job on Monday.

Is this all a dream?

I think she thought she actually knew me or something.

I always dress very professional and am clean-cut

Pretty crazy stuff. If you feel like you want to take the job then go for it, but I would advise paying attention if anything changes about you, your thinking or your emotions. I might as well be blowing shit out of proportion, but better safe than sorry.

It's all mind.

Don't trust Crooked Hillary or her kin.
Go ahead and work there, but make a stand for humanity when the time is right.

Ill check those quads

id say our lord is guiding you
kek be praised

i was so close

Will have to dig to find any connections between GATE and STAR GATE. Essential names and terms form the GATE material to use as search terms in the STAR GATE material include Michael Aquino, Wilfred Bion, and Eric Tannenbaum. Certainly though, any anons who find this STAR GATE thread interesting and haven't read the GATE stuff, prepare to be spooped like you've never been spooped before.

Below is a collection of GATE thread info and links to original GATE threads, pasted from /gatebreakers/.

Intro summary, Gifted and Talented Education anons realize they share similar traits, occipital bun, near drowning experiences, odd memory hole surrounding being taken to windowless testing rooms as part of GATE, many were tested with Zenner cards (classic psy-powers test), many other things. GATE origins lead to people involved in global elite think tank [email protected]/* */, and shady military occultists like Michael Aquino. Anons become convinced that GATErs are either a failed experiment in creating psy-soldiers, a successful experiment to create psy-sleeper-soldiers who are now waiting to be activated, or a program designed to identify high IQ independent thinkers, alienate them from normal social patterns, and sabotage their potential to gain influence:

Space kids?

High-IQ Exclusion

Eric Tannenbaum"Tannenbaum Abraham J."

Quality Matters in the Transnational Education: Undergoing the GATE Review Process

Assessing Cross-cultural Competence in Transnational

Education: The Intercultural Development Inventory

A Brief History of Gifted and Talented Education

Tannenbaum primary sources

UN Influence in Schools

Early Roots of Common Core

International Baccalaureate and Global Citizenship

Andrija Puharich

Dr Andrija Puharich and "space kids"

Joseph McMoneagle

Beyond Telepathy, by Puharich

Gifted, talented and high ability: selection for education in a one‐dimensional world

Gifted Delinquents: What Do We Know About Them? (gifted delinquents)

Anne R. Mahoney

The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory

Sandia Labs

Sandia + GATE

Lockheed martin Cloning Qubits: A New Way to Converse in Quantum Computing

Lockheed's facial recognition contracts

Tavistock - must read.

The Human Meaning of Social Change

Youth in Transition

Americans view their mental health: A nationwide interview survey.


Edwin May

Deborah Sarkesian

Please discuss these and post more. For more context and analysis of each link, please ctrl+f it in the old threads. Feel free to discuss current and new links ITT.

Old threads: - Green Pills, Red pills, (occult/Gate thread I) - Gate Thread II: Electric Boogaloo - Gate Thread III: Veterans of Psychic Wars - Gate Thread IV: When Shills Attack - Gate Thread V

Remember telling everyone that the government is monitoring everyone and databasing your emails, texts, phone calls and can even listen to you in real time even if you're phone is off? Everyone would shout how it was a tinfoil hat crazy conspiracy theory and that would never happen. Then people learned what PRISM and the NSA were when the media finally decided to reveal it and now everyone is all "meh who cares" about it.

Praise Kek!

I'll update you anons tomorrow ~



Search her full seminars on YT
Pretty sure your
life will be BLOWN

Step 1.
Tell Faggot about this shit.
Step 2.
Tell faggot about how awesome it is because of pron stolen from people using the governments own backdoor shit. Can do it in real time. Favorite pron.
Step 3.
Tell faggot about how peeps getting taken to the cleaners now by wives lawyers and interested extortionists cause all the random joes dalliances are like an open book now. Best vids are now lurking on their cam while forwarding wife the downlow, and watching the resulting funnies live.
Step 4.
Laughingly say fuck yea dude, you should see what happens when some guy gets pissed and puts cheese pizza on an idiot joe's pc and does a swat call on him. Since it comes from the gov't nobody gives a shit! This stuff government does now is awesome, love the lulz.

Remember. Being crazy conspiracy guy that is worried about stuff is bullshit boring and nobody wants to listen. Being crazy loon whom openly enjoys the hell on earth we see, and openly welcomes it upon everyones head as if it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Causes everyone to stop and think, do I really want THIS guy getting what he wants…. wtf, this shit sounds scary, why he happy.

This is why I openly support hillary. I gleefully list all the bullshit going on, corruption and killings all. When they ask why I support her, I say 'because she is going to take YOUR guns' and you dont deserve them. When they say 'but user, you like your guns, she will take yours' just laugh and smile while looking em in the eye. That little voice in the back of their head is going to go fucking nuts.


Obviously they're involved in occult shit so they would make efforts in that direction and try to control people who do have those kinds of abilities but as far as them having highly evolved spiritual abilities themselves? Nah, pretty sure they don't/can't. They made a pact with the demiurge (yaweh), a low level deity who manipulates materiality and is himself spiritually handicapped because of his own flaws. The powers/advantages of the jews in this world mirror the powers of yaweh, e.g. they have strong intellect, are skilled at manipulative coercion, blessed with material wealth, etc., but these benefits come unto them only insofar as they turn towards the path of Yaweh, i.e. the way opposite to the divine. My guess is they probably really suck at reality creation and other spiritual powers but try to use material means like advanced tech to do the same things (e.g. time travel fuckery).
LSD warfare

I fucking told you NSA can use astral travel
You did not believe me
t. user from gate threads

hatechan ate my pic

oh wow, let's try changing pixel

what the fuck?

Try uploading with multiple photos/resetting your internet/restarting your computer.

Those error messages come at the spoopiest of times it seems.

cba reading the thread, are there ayy lmaos or not?

upload to and

Convince me to keep watch the other videos, that was retarded.


They got a third nose m8

If you had watched the entire video it all makes perfect sense your the typical conditioned drone
To react negatively to truthful stimuli

No. He's rejecting information from a bullshitter who's advancing verifiably false information. Even if you believe the guy, Bartzis's claim was that "the event" (everyone on the earth falling into a kind of trance for anywhere from a few hours to a few days as part of the typical "ascension" story that so many people have made their own version of) would happen between 2011 and 2014. It's now 2016. No event. Now, like most ascension peddlers he built in a fail safe by claiming that people who are just too "dense" (stupid low vibration plebs) would experience the event more slowly, but of course, Bartzis himself is still here on the regular 3rd density 3 dimensional earth with the rest of us who are apparently too dense to have experienced "the event", giving lectures for money, making youtube videos, etc. Is Bartzis himself, the "galactic historian", too dense to have undergone "the event" during the timeframe he gave or even two years later?

There are weird things beyond the standard materialist world view happening in our world, but most people peddling the ascension like Bartzis are just liars who are having fun with you, inflating their egos, and making money.

mdma was turbo popular in that era, could also be cocaine or methamphetamine.

It's like I've become attached to these threads.

Put a MAGA sticker on their truck.