Fuck women

Who the fuck made it a thing where men have to work so god damn motherfucking hard to get a girl? Why do we need to work so hard in impressing them? What makes them think they can just juggle us around, use a guy, then just move on to the next one?
How the fuck can I make it where I don't have to work hard to get a girl, and bypass all the fucking bullshit of working so motherfucking hard? I don't want to sling fake bullshit jokes, I don't want to try so fucking hard.


If u still wanna get laid, try ignoring them or treat them like u would treat ur male friends (if ur in school or at work doesn't work outside of consistent inhabitation of the same space) in other words, be an asshole or just become MGTOW


lol just rape them.
watch her deny for years she didnt enjoy it regardless she got wet or even orgasmed.

At the end of the day, all of this is the result of the collapse of the traditional order. Earlier, a woman would trade her beauty and youth for the financial resources and protection of a man. Considering the high male mortality rate due to disease and wars, most men were well positioned to be able to get at least one female in a contract of lifelong monogamy. The problem in today's world is that the State has replaced men as the primary caretaker of women, so even those women who don't marry someone and just ride the cock carousel, they don't face any consequences by way of starvation or homelessness. Furthermore, due to the advancements in medical science and the current lack of wars, we have a lot of excess young males, making it all the more difficult for men to get laid or even get young, virgin wives.


I've found it's best to go to SE Asia.

Jesus Fuck OP, I knew most people here were little pussy faggots but you take the fucking cake.
Girls don't like you because you are an entitled pathetic faggot.
Want girls? Work for it
Want a job? Work for it
Wat success? Fucking work for it

We don't all live by your standards, capitalist pig.

Real simple OP, either stop caring, or stop breathing. If you're complaining to a bunch of fucking idiots on the internet, you're wasting your fucking breath. You dont want to work so hard? Then fucking dont.
then buy a hooker with all the money you have not taking care of a woman
then work for it you fucking neolithic mongoloid
it's probably because you're ugly, fat, poor, stupid, a fucking dickhead, or any combination of the above, you absolute fucking dense, vapid cretin

Women are ultra-impressionable beings and therefore are easily controlled by the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love, and don't care about anything else in life. They would have men believe that being in a relationship is one of the most important things in existence, not realizing that men couldn't care less about being in a relationship–and rightly so. Furthermore, women force men to waste their precious time and resources on them. This demonic charade (i.e., relationships) has gone on for far too long and obviously has no end in sight. Thus, you can blame women for the downfall and utter hopelessness of humanity.

Make no mistake: It is indeed tragic that a man cannot satisfy his sexual needs without also getting trapped in a relationship at the same time. Demonic enslavement traps such as this are the standard modus operandi. Now, just imagine if you had to buy an entire pizza restaurant just to order a pizza–an evil absurdity indeed.

Another thing that makes women insufferable is the fact that they are, essentially, babies. That is, they possess the emotional maturity of a 4-year-old boy. Women cry, throw fits, and need men to take care of them. Adults shouldn't need other people to take care of them.

All in all, women promote the enslavement, rather than the liberation, of humanity. It's bad enough that the elite already control us. Now, throw women into the equation and you have absolute misery. They are like sheep dogs helping out a shepherd (hence the term "bitch,").

you obviously fear and dislike women user. that's why you can't get laid: women sense your fear and loathing. it's not true that women are universally stupid or emotionally immature or aim to enslave men. the truth is that women want a man as much, if not more, than men want women. what they don't like are opinionated ignorami like you, who smell of masturbation and the associated rancour.
for what it's worth, my experience with women taught me that feigned indifference is the killer move. nothing gives women the drive to catch you as strongly as the impression you only see her as a friend. you need to like women for what they are, respect their differences and above all behave as if you expect them to say yes.

My girl is sitting across from me on the sofa watching some netflix and massaging my feet. Later tonight she'll be on her knees and swallowing my cum. Want to know what I do for it? Almost nothing. I've trained her to be my little asian sex slave and only let her stay over 2 times a week max.

Women are easy. It takes a little effort and that's it. The more out of your league they are the more effort it takes, but you can always find an easy 7/10. If you are that autisitc you can always find a fat chick that just wants to get fucked and feel good about herself and that is the easiest thing ever. I don't understand how people can sit there and cry about not getting laid. You can make an okcupid account and send the dumbest shit to 30 chicks and get 5 to want to meetup and suck you off.

You need to either stop going after women that obviously wouldn't fuck you ever or change your fucking medium of contacting women because tinder, okcupid, etc are the easiest things in the world. Finding worthwhile woman to actually have a relationship is something else entirely, but my god OP stop being an autistic pussy and get a reality check.


If you're sick of their shit then stop trying. Literally forfeit the stupid games, submit to whatever cosmic bullshit may determine your future, and just fall into whatever relationships form naturally.

You're never going to be a happy person if you give up on people.

if only I could, m8.

if only…

On the contrary, I make women actually shake my hand or speak to me before I'm willing t the satisfaction because all women have ever been to me is entitled vaginas. I could get laid easily. The matter of fact is, I choose not to in order to prove a point.

All the women/girls that I've tried to date in my life have always said "you're too nice" or "you have too many boundaries". Well excuse me for not grabbing your ass in public and calling you a bitch.

so you know what you need to do, but you refuse to do it

seems like that might be your problem

sexual dimorphism


below 5/10 male detected
chances are if you get /fit/ (something you do for yourself and your health) and stop caring (again your own attitude) women will be x(-(your desperation)) easier
x = fitness


That's what they all say.

The trick is to say hi and then ignore them. Women HATE that. Or when you chat them up and she is flirting say something like "I bet you don't shave your pussy." Her response is likely to be questioning how you know something like that. Then you tell her "if you need it shaved, in the man to do it."

Go listen to the Patrice O'Neal compilations on YouTube. He saw through this female bullshit over a decade ago and was talking about it on Opie and Anthony. His short lived Black Phillip Show is key to listen to as all of his commentary on getting bitches is 100% accurate. Dude was calling out feminists and sjw's 10 years ago.

Stop being a pussy. Stop being nice, be more dismissive. Women walk all over nice guys, you always need to be above them. You can talk to them, but don't give them any interest or tell them that their outfit is terrible and walk away. You will have an edge in their eyes. You may laugh, but this is how douches get girls all the time. You need to be more assertive and not be shy. Once you do that you will be absolutely fine with getting women. Always chat up multiple women at a party, it highly increases your odds of going home with someone. Never settle on someone, you are better than she is. I know you are better, you are looking for help which automatically makes you better than her. Women never needed to do anything other than look pretty, we had to actually learn skills in order to be interesting. Bring up that stuff in conversation as women do like it. Good luck.

I'm sure that will work well.

It works if you aren't a beta faggot. Be fucking assertive for once in your life. Women love assholes, they don't like nice guys until they're 35.

That doesn't put you in the friend zone, you jackass. No woman would EVER let you do that if she didn't want your dick or your tongue on her clit. It just doesn't happen to guy friends. You really don't know a damned thing about getting pussy.

She wants him and he doesn't even know it

wouldn't it make more sense to use wax and paper strips?

Exactly. He's a beta faggot for not eating her out and fucking her.

It must be a bdsm thing.

Silly Boys!

Don't you understand yet? You came from the all powerful sniz, and just like the salmon, you must return to it. Submit to your servitude. Don't question it. Just give us your money, your time, and anything that gives you happiness. In return, we will cheat on you with Tyrone.

You can't possibly defeat us. Our bosoms enslave alphas and betas alike. Our reach spreads across the lands. Our legs spread even wider.

Use DeviantArt. On one hand, it's easier to get a girl without disease, ugliness, and an okay personality. On the other, they're probably a furry or a weeaboo.

Just join the gay community then