Fuck the jews

all kikes should be gasses tbh





This is now an IDF thread









Reminder that jews aren't white








no user those are jews, and jews are white.



I agree guess the kiks

Thanks for confirming that Holla Forums was right about jews shilling on Holla Forums dummy. :^)


What about all the stormfag posts then? are they shills? I just like Israel.

Correction: They're allowed to have women that appear white. Jews aren't white.
Either way, double standards of the jews.

They see true whites as a threat, and are attempting to co-opt the race, all races, through race mixing.

They will say they're white when it benefits them, then reveal their true race when the time to run away comes.


Daily reminder that the reason why Europe doesn't want to deport the illegal Mudslimes isn't because of the Jews, but because of dependence on Muslim oil and the fear of creating a conflict of interest.

Daily reminder that Israel is helping to take down the Muslims once and for all

Daily reminder that the only way to purge Muslims from this Earth is for Jews and whites to work together

all those Jewesses


Eternal reminder that we wouldn't have anything to do with mudslimes or refugees or open borders policies if it weren't for Jewish influence.

Israel is trying to make the whole world fight for their homeland, while denying it to everyone else.


absolutely, they are behind isis and the refugee crisis.


if Holla Forums would agree with Holla Forums on one thing, it's the jews

That literally does not disprove what I said. The Jews want nothing more than to see all Muslim governments eliminated. The defense ministry plays 4D chess, they realize ISIS' important strategic role in accomplishing their goals.



fuck off jidf

Nobody believes you lies anymore

Jews destablised the middle east using America as their puppet, many places like Syria had a proto-western society growing until their governments were taken out allowing Islamic fundamentalist groups to take over




Running out of stock photos of white women now? I see your true jewesses are starting to make the cut


And bare with me here;

MAYBE groups like ISIS, being made up of subhuman muslims, questioned the legitimacy of Americas insurgency governments following the Soviet Withdrawal from the Middle East and rebeled.

This isn't the first time or the last America has issued insurgency governments. Take Japan and Hawaii for example.


I'm actually near the end of my Israel folder, its been a fun thread :D

Muslims are sub-human, but Jews aren't even human, they'll tell you this themselves, they believe they're aliens sent to conquer all other races.

America pulling out troops without a plan allowed ISIS to take over, but the reason the world got involved to begin with is because of Jews.



Fact: There are about 5 non-Jew women in Israel for Jews to spam in threads

the yinnon plan , israel is behind isis

even jews hate jews

I have a better plan








My history teacher was a muslim lover, liked arab stuff n sheit. She always said "winners write history" whenever we talked about WW2
And never talked "bad" about the Germans

Now I understand
Nice, I bet she hated jews as well.





most muslims adore Hitler actually.



Oy vey goy you're nothing without us, your greatest ally


Don't fuck the jews! It might result in more jews being born!

fuck the jews

Its only liberal American Jews that hate christmas

Kikes out in full force

I wish cucknada eould do that in Quebec.

fuck no. those frenchies are leeching way too much of our money as it is

You call those sluts soldiers? If Israel keeps expanding those whores will be getting culturally enriched, count on that. Never spew inside a Jew!

Jews created the Atheist religion to do their dirty work for them.



you mean buddhism?


