The girl I've been dating for two weeks just texted me that she's sad women are sometimes seen as objects.
What should I text her back?
The girl I've been dating for two weeks just texted me that she's sad women are sometimes seen as objects.
What should I text her back?
Stop being a beta fuck. Tell her off.
ask her if she wants the D or not
Provide more context or go back to 4cuck you massive fucking faggot.
Yes women are to objectify, men are attracted to physical apperence while women are more attracted to behavior.
Literally not even a problem, they like to know that someone is oogling them.
tell her "don't worry, when men have a way to get sex, intimacy, and reproductive success from something other then women, then she won't have to worry about being seen as a object anymore"
show txt log or gtfo
what a retarded text
"well, not always. Only when they're hot"
obviously you text her back that you feel the same way as how men are seen as money bags.
"I think we should see other people"
Maybe screaming at her right at the first hint (well, second in fairness. I saw her wearing a Rosie the Riveter necklace at one point, but I just didn't bring it up) of poz might be the wrong approach at possibly changing her?
I mean, she does. We've fucked.
She told me a story that stunk of horseshit all the way through, but I acted like I was distantly supportive and believed it.
She claimed her professor squeezed her ass, but she complained to the dean and the dean sided with the professor and said the pants she was wearing meant she was asking for it.
She contacted her parents, and strings were pulled and she's switching to another professor teaching the same course.
I said "Huh, his response sounds kind of ridiculous. That's the sort of thing that could cost someone in that position their job. All you can do at this point is be glad it won't happen again, and maybe set up something to record in case it does."
She responded basically "I'm just sad women are sometimes treated as sex objects. :("
Now, part of me wanted to respond going into specific arguments, pointing out men are equally objectified, maybe linking to one of dozens of videos explaining how women *like* getting objectified, or that there's nothing inherently wrong with objectification, the whole "disposable men" thing but then I thought "Do I really want to delve into politics with this girl? She sucks dick really, really well, and she's exactly what I'm into physically."
I'm not going to agree with her, but I figured I'd just go silent for a minute and then change the subject almost completely, maybe suggest we do something to cheer her up or some shit.
Then I decided to instead make a thread here since I was sure I'd get a flood of responses talking me out of that course of action.
but u r not fuckin right now
Sent her one of those pic, start an argument, and back her off with words. If she admits defeat, she is a keeper, if not, stops being a fucking beta and tell her to fuck off.
No, i don't see toys as objects
Remind her little girls are getting raped in India right now.
If her only worry is being thought about in a sexual way, she has it good.
That's your problem. You don't need to change her, just dominate her. It's what most feminists fantasize about anyway. Worse case senario, you save money and time you would have wasted on a prude.
You're overthinking the shit out of this. Just tell her that human beings objectify people they're attracted to. Gay men objectify men. Straight men objectify women etc…
If he wants to come out still sounding like a good guy he can say teachers shouldn't be fucking students anyway.
Fucking this
She's wrong. Women aren't sometimes seen as objects, they're always seen as objects like they should be. Women are subhumans and are only here to breed but in recent years, they've started to think they're equal to us men and in the last 4-5 years have started thinking they're better than us.
They talk about exterminating all men and whatnot, failing to realize that they're the expendable ones. Women are not smart enough to figure out how to clone things let alone create new life asexually, but men have. They need to be put in their place and stop thinking pussy has power when it doesn't hold any. All these women who are feminists are more retarded than regular women and the "non-binaries" are even more so than feminists.
I want kids and I love pussy, but when I have to deal with dumbass females who think because I don't give them a gift they can fuck my life up, I come to realize that I don't need them. I hate how they think they're better than me but without me, they be nothing and I want to reiterate that fact to them every time I meet a new one
how far to india :D
Actually they're attracted to money and maybe a little bit of a good body (for reproductive purposes)
She is looking for an opportunity to slowly turn you into her friendzone bitch
Just respond "Sad world." or something lightly dismissive, but doesn't cut her down.
Don't engage her in this meaningless shit.
If she attends a Uni in a first world country, this story is obviously 100% untrue.
Your girl is an obnoxious attention whore, and you should be embarrassed of her.
Disagree with her and show no signs of renigging because it shows your dominant side and women want that
No, they aren't attracted to money itself, but the social status money comes with. They crave social stimuli. Which what having money brings.
Why did you write that? What I said already implies that, so why?
Tell her to stop dressing her self in way that makes her look like an object.
Whats going on in this thread?
I'm thinking that if you don't believe that she went to the dean, then you could be all
and insist on taking her with you to talk to the dean together, and making a bigger fuss. Or find some kind of student representative body and complain to them.
although if she's lying she might bunker down and stick with the lie, resulting in some people getting fired.
If she's telling the truth though, then she'll get her justice.
How much do you trust her OP?
Everything is an object so who the fuck is she to think she deserves to be elevated above everything else.
She tells you this story as a way to pull you into her victimized world and think like she does. If that wasn't her purpose she would not have told the story like that it is a way to coach you into sympathizing and then believing the world view she gives you. Do people behave the way the professor did? of course I see it a lot in both scenarios, but the way she told it is horse shit and suspect.
Let me tell you what probably happened. She flirted with her professor multiple times, the ass grab was not the first and it was welcomed in the past. Then some kind of event went down and changed things. She didn't get her way or the professor did some stupid shit so she went to the dean. If her story was true there is an incredibly low chance things would play out the way she claims. Dean was probably very aware of the "relationship" between her and her professor or the professor had evidene he showed the dean. Simple as that. Your girl is canniving. If you ever suspect anything you call that shit out immediately and if she spins a tale to act like nothing went on and the other person was trying something you end it.
I know plenty of women that have been groped etc and shit and none of them tell those stories as sob stories feel sorry for me. It's all told in either humored and annoyed tones or shock that it actually happened.
Guess what else. When they are flirting and things don't go the way they want or they somehow change their mind about the guy they are fucking with they always turn themselves into some kind of victim. Oh he was an asshole, oh why do guys objectify women etc etc. sob stories. You are getting bullshitted son.
Tell her she should be ashamed of seing man as a dildo to cry on.
Everyone's an object. People are the only objects that resent being objects. Everyone you've ever met, no matter how kind they may be, is ultimately self-interested. Even those who genuinely care for your well-being are ultimately driven by their own enjoyment of your happiness. There's nothing wrong or sinister about that. It's just the definition of action. The sooner you acknowledge that even the kindest people are using you as a means to an end, and you get over the negative emotional reaction to that idea, you'll find that there's nothing cruel or upsetting about it.
You can care for you family and friends, and still recognize they are objects, just as you are. It pleases me when they are happy, and so I endeavor when reasonable to promote their happiness. It is literally impossible to escape this mode of motivation because that's simply what it means to act. It doesn't make my love or my care any less genuine, and trying to pretend that things aren't that way can only lead to emotional conflict.
Even moreso, there are the people you interact with in passing on a daily basis. The clerk at the store is a means to the ends of purchasing things. That doesn't mean they aren't also a person, but it'd be silly to try to get to know every person you interact with in a modern social order. There's just too many people. Ask somebody for the time and not their life story, and don't feel bad about it. That isn't to say you should be an asshole; that's not a very effective way to get what you want.
Then there's the part where the focus is cast specifically on women. It would be naive to think that men are not treated as objects just as women are. Men are treated as objects for the purpose of providing, protection, status, sexual gratification, and emotional support, just as women are typically used as three of those five things. The difference is how this activity is viewed socially. A man using a woman for casual sex is seen as a manipulative pig, A woman using a man for casual sex is seen as empowered and self-assured, despite the fact that it is generally much easier for a woman to achieve this feat than it is for a man. The assumptions involved in this are too numerous to go into here, but the concept has been illustrated.
it's called "controlling the frame" in PUA lingo
you have to pull her into yours user, if she doesn't want to get into your frame and worldview then it means she wont fuck you and doesnt like you so just drop her
frame is everything
you text her something unrelated
Because a certain subset of objects are capable of having desires/opinions/wills, and don't appreciate their liberty being restricted.
"if they're lucky sometimes they're felt as sex objects"
"wait til I've had a few more drinks I won't be able to see you at all"
"Usually the women that complain about that shit are ones comparable to objects like trash, not the ones who are worthy of being called priceless works of art."
so did you ignore the comment or were you retarded
tell her to make you a sammich
OP here, shit I'm surprised the thread's still up.
I just ignored it entirely. Changed the topic, we talked about movies, planned for what we'd do next. The only real difference is I detached a little bit and haven't initiated any conversations with her in a while, but she's still initiating all the time. If it comes up again I might make a comment.
Tell her to shut the fuck because men are sometimes seen as objects and they don't bitch nearly as hard about it.
Send her this picture and explain this is why
Ask her how she intends to fix it. Flip the script.
Listen to this man
That's like telling your English friend who moved to China that you appreciate the difficulties of living in a country where you don't speak their language because sometimes on the train you hear a chinese man speaking mandarin on the phone.
I de-fedoraed that for you.
The only solution is to see men as objects.