what do Holla Forums ;_; i'm so itchy
Tfw bed bugs
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>wash all your bed shit in hot water as well, and get a bed bug proof cover for bed remember to have a sheet, so you don't have to sleep on plastic , and if your bed is not off the floor, then get it off the floor
Holohoax your bed.
Holohoax the shit out of it.
bed bugs SUCK. They are itchy as hell but only ever bit behind my knees for some reason.
I don't think you'll ever get rid of them without calling a professional, honestly.
I have dealt with these fuckers before. There is nothing you can really do, other than moving. They can live for over a year without feeding, so you can't just leave for a given amount of time. They also dwell in areas that can't be cleansed like deep inside your mattress, or in crevasses within your wall. They will find a way to live.
Even if you move, they might have attached themselves to your clothing. They will just move with you.
Not a bed bug but one time I found a dead cockroach on my bed. My guess is I keet tossing and turning that I killed the little bastard
Go buy a spray bottle and fill it with rubbing alcohol they die easy they just hide well I went over my entire bed and killed them
(they hide in th seams and underneath your bed)
Wash your bedding and once you're sure you killed them on your mattress and box springs move your bed away from the wall and set up double sided tape on an area they can climb up
Spread borax powder in every crack and crevice you can find vacuume your house then spend that powder in your carpet hit it with a broom so it sinks in. This is where the creeps are going to be crawling to get to you and it fucks them up hard
Good luck op
burn your bed. it's the only way to be sure.
torch bed, bonus points if sleeping on it.
Heat up your house to 200 degrees.
post timestamp with you cumming on a bedbug or you're lying nigger
I'm not a proffessional and my advice may totally fucking screw you over so don't listen to me.
this might destroy all your shit and give you a horrible allergic reaction or it might simply kill all the bugs or make them run away from the overwhelmingly insane minty smell.
also you may have to do this every once in a while. they might never fully leave but if you always spray every now and then. they might stay very inactive or dormant from hating the mint
get your shit right and stop giving bad advice.
Do this, but vacuum your clothing, matress and bedding before you do. You have to do this twice a week for at least two months. even if they appear to be gone by the third week, keep doing it.
boss all this advice is shit.
Having had begbugs for years in my youth (tfw poorfag) the only way to deal with them effectively short of hiring a professional fumigator is to use diatomaceous earth.
It's a silicate powder created from fossilized aquatic plants and it's cheap as shit, about $3 USD/pound
The silica particles bond to the exoskeleton of the bed bugs and draw out the lipid oils inside, fatally dehydrating them. It's non toxic and shit, so just buy a few pounds and throw it everywhere in your house, put it fucking everywhere, in your bed, carpet, fucking everywhere. Your house should look like christmas.
After like two weeks of living an EXTREMELY dusty lifestyle you'll be bed bug free. Just vacuum it up and move on.
Don't believe me just google it.
4got 2 add
dont buy pool grade diatomaceous earth that shit will fuck you up
get food grade or pest control grade its the same shit. Pool grade is heated to crystallization and will destroy your lungs
fun fact health faggots also eat it to cleanse their digestive systems lol fags
this op
Bed bugs arent real, they were propoganda created by the jews. You have a skin condition known as herpatitis imo get tested
stop being a nigger
literally, high nigger pop cities are more bed bug infested by large numbers
You have allot of open flames in your house ? And you spray the bugs faggot
As for your other claim
I had OPs problem my solution worked
Fuck these bastards fuck them to the ends of the universe. Had these imported in by a tard who lived at the place i was working at.
wew lad what did you do
You can also use dryer sheets in-between the mattress and box spring in the four corners but it's a temporary fix
Tard wrangler. Was the most awful job i have ever had.
you should try actually cleaning your house every once and a while
His house could be spotless but if he lets one person with a bedbug on them, it's over
does one actually see these bugs? I've never known what those are, lucky me. Or at least I think I don't have them
Ivermectin 1 drop per kg in half a glass of water single dose
Get your shit together Holla Forumsetard clean your room
My mom wants to bring our grandma over when grandma has bedbugs. I know because shits smooth sailing for some time then when grandma comes over I move a short little dresser she used in guest room to my room and lo and behold 3 fucking days later I'm in bed on phone and little bastard crawls up from headpiece towards me. I threw the entire fucking bed out. All the covers and bed frame with the pillows and mem foam pillows. proceeded to buy 4 large cans of bed killer spray from home depot. For the next 5 days after that I sprayed the carpet, the part where carpet and floor meet, the closet, my desk, tv stand, my fucking books stacked in corner and everything else. Threw out a large portion of my clothes since apparently when i got in my mom's car one was crawling on the window by me. Stopped the car and walked several miles home after tossing my coatand shaking shirt out behind a bush and checking it throughly. They were inthe coat. Was one of those coats with the poofy cotton inside. I got rid of em within a week. At times I laid in bed and waited to see anything move to me. Cause when looking up the details on the little bastards I realized they kind of align themselves with your schedule. So they wait and when they feel a heat source has gotten close and not moved for sometime then they begin to move in on it. They also hide in outlets sometimes and kind of whatever is close to your bed or where you sit for long periods of time. Like bed, chair for desk and bed is where I found the fuckers waiting. I'm not so much as grossed out by bed bugs just pissed off some little cunts think they can use me as a meal whenever they want. Also I think the spraying carpet thing works pretty well. I'd use a whole can on my carpet the first day after moving everything out. I left the window open and slept in the room on futon. I knew they'd probably bite me but I didn't want them spreading outside my room if possible so I stayed in there to keep them in one spot. Line my door with boric acid and the ends of the wall where it touches the carpet and took my kneaded eraser pack since im an art fag and plugged any cracks i seen anywhere. luckily my apt is pretty new so not really any cracks. but yeah i mourn for you and your belongings. those things get everywhere and make you paranoid as to if you can even wear a fucking coat outside lest someone sees a bug climb up your sleeve. and also i dont want my grandma coming near my damn home. i will set fire to her clothing and belongings if my mom really does try to move her in. i dont pay fucking bills to live with bed bugs.
that cat