I only have 74 dollars in the bank atm and now I have to wait until for more gibs to get high
so Holla Forums how much is in your bank account( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I only have 74 dollars in the bank atm and now I have to wait until for more gibs to get high
so Holla Forums how much is in your bank account( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
around £750000
6 million shekels actually mr goldstein all in this bag inside that metal box
why are you on welfare? Do you have autism or are you a nigger?
autistic retard( redundant statements are redundant)
about tree fiddy
900 quid
found the muslim
Around 20 bucks. shit sucks cuz i cant live the neet life anymore and i have to find a job
It's true ;-;
I don't understand murican monz
broke azz nigga livin the hobo lyf
I have 320 dollars m8 get on my level
so you're a rich broke person
$2100 in personal savings, ~$100 in checking, $1000 in emergency account.
Can't touch any of it, I have no job.
you can't touch money in your checking account? That's fucking stupid.
around $4000, have like $20000 in savings
$100,000 trust fund, $40,000 in savings and $6,000 in checking.
200k in index funds, and about 5k in bank
also kill yourself OP
sorry wrong webm
you can still kill yourself too if you want though
650 at the moment. At the end of the month I'll be flat assed broke and I'm jobless.
You fucking disgust me. I have $1268.52 right now.
If you sell instead of buy you can can lots more money and smoke fam, don't get caught tho they'll take your neetbux
fuck off normie
I am backtracing this amount to find out who you are
quads confirn
I don't have a bank account
good goyim :^)
I live on "disability" because my parents managed to arrange that somehow, shit's pretty cash, have the best available PC components for my neetbox
What the fuck? Are you like a brown person living in Sweden? I live on disability in the US and barely get 700$ a month. My craptop is a 10+ year old kick down still running windows xp. I can't afford new boots and the ceiling is leaking all over. Good for you, I guess.
reminder that you should only keep about two months' salary in liquid funds
the rest should be invested into stocks and bonds
thats not counting interest that will be added this wek
when you people say 'savings', I sincerely hope you mean stocks/bonds and not a savings account
you'll still be wealthier than i
i sincerely hope you realize most of these anons are normies and not wealthy kids from inheritances
you don't need to be wealthy from inheritance in order to not be retarded with money
and you also need to not have debt to make investments that you can just sit on and make money with
if your debt is more than your investments than you're fucked and better to pay the debt off
when investing borrowed money, all you need is for the return on the investment to be bigger than the interest you pay on the loan. in business, this is called leverage
it's legitimate in the sense that I can use it to buy goods and services
not sure what you mean with your first arrow though
I mean you are creating more national debt which will later be a burden to you. Sure, you'll be able to buy goods and services now, but you'll be taking it in the ass later.
how am I creating more national debt by spending?
by using fiat currency created by the Federal Reserve. There is no material based economy, you are using money that was made from thin air.
what does that have to do with national debt?
You are mentally retarded if you think this is how money works. Please read less Holla Forums and more economics textbooks.
because national debt increases when you use money that isn't based on material items, like gold. Why do you think the national debt has skyrocketed so much and continues to? It's because the federal reserve is creating money from nothing.
I'm not even a leftist, faggot. What I am explaining is simple economics, you don't have to be an insider to know what I am talking about. If you create money from nothing, debt will increase.
good goy
are you sure you know what national debt means?
from wikipedia:
>Government debt (also known as public interest, national debt and sovereign debt) is the debt owed by a central government. (In federal states, "government debt" may also refer to the debt of a state or provincial, municipal or local government.)
most of the fucking anons here are NEET losers or minimum wage slaves with student debt or worse debt than that
they pay interest rates of 20% or more on some of that debt
can you beat that goy?
are you sure you know what fiat means?
Thanks for the wikipedia description. Yes, I know what national debt is. National debt increases when its citizens use fiat currency that is based on nothing. The federal reserve creates more fiat currency and the people "spend" it. They aren't actually spending it though, they are just throwing more garbage on top of the heap.
Actually the opposite is true. Since money is based on the total wealth of a nation, when you create more money the value of the dollar decreases. As you create money, you in fact remove equity from the dollars you owe other countries meaning you owe then less. Understand?
Stop being a fucking retard user, mental midgets like you are the reason we still have niggers in this world. Don't forget either that Jews did not create paper currency, or the science of economics.
no, national debt increases as the government borrows more. this can happen with fiat currency or non-fiat currency.
maybe they shouldn't have borrowed at 20% interest, especially to use on a worthless college degree?
what happens when the government "printing" money is the same as the government borrowing
how new to this world are you? how naive?
maybe you shouldnt advise they take more loans to risk losing it all?
No, money is based on what the federal reserve decides to do. Most of America's money is based on the international petrodollar, which is is basically made up. The only reason it still exists is because international companies continue to use it.
Do you even know how legal tender started? Dollar bills used to be certificates that claimed you owned a certain amount of gold. Then the (((bankers))) decided that they could just keep producing these certificates to flood the market with bullshit. This is still happening today, the federal reserve is creating more of these useless certificates and creating more debt because it isn't based on anything.
there's no risk as long as you diversify properly
quads speak truth
No, the federal reserve cannot force other nations to accept dollars and use them. The federal reserve does not dictate the market price for the dollar.
Based on? What does based on mean? Do you mean they fluctuate similarly in the market? Based on means nothing. They are either the same or not the same.
Do you even know what legal tender is?
You keep saying is isn't based on anything. What is 'based on'? Are you saying it doesn't exist? It does exist I have it right here. If I can change my dollar into material goods it is worth something.
I suggest you develop a deeper understanding of economics instead of listening to fucking youtube professors.
you sound like a kike
have you considered you're talking to a hooknose?
You are delusional. The federal reserve currently controls the international market and has for ages. Why do you think we went to war with Iraq? It's because they said they were planning on rejecting the petrodollar.
It means that the dollar is based on transactions that relate to oil and natural gas.
Yes, and I explained how it came to be.
Yes, I am saying it doesn't exist. Congratulations, you finally figured it out. The "money" that you are using right now was created by a private company owned by jews that want you to keep spending it. It is basically a piece of paper that means nothing, every time you spend it, you are creating more debt because it is based on nothing.
ad hominem
hi kike
I'm delusional? Really?
I'm intrigued that you came to this logical conclusion all by yourself can you link me the youtube video where you found this because its honest to god so fucking retarded that I can't believe you're explaining it correctly.
yeah, it sucks when someone proclaims something that goes against your narrative.
If you don't think that the federal reserve is owned by jews, just do a quick search in your chosen browser. I won't post a link because you'll just try to discredit me based on the source. The federal reserve is owned, controlled and operated by jews. There is no denying it.
Can you explain to my why the federal reserve has to base the US dollar off the petrol dollar when the US dollar is made up? They could just set the price to whatever they want. I'm still asking for the youtube video this originated from.
its based on petro dollar because oil is useful
It's because the petrodollar has become a thing. The petrodollar is accepted now because it has a definite impact on the economy. It isn't an item. You can't own a petrodollar, you just transact with it. This is what the federal reserve has created. The petrodollar is a fictional character created by the federal reserve. Any country who denies it gets a war waged against them, just look back in history.
The only time I browse youtube is when I am looking for old ventrillo harassment vids or miscellaneous entertainment videos. I don't generally browse youtube. Are you projecting?
of course he is
Again I'll ask, why should the fed base our currency on the petrol dollar? you just said that our dollar is made up, so logically they shouldn't have to base it on anything. Link the video where you found this retarded psuedo-economics please.
When did I say this? I never even implied this. I am simply saying that the basis of fiat currency is based on the petrodollar. The main thing that I am trying to say is that central banks should be burned to the ground. All money should be based on material and not made up shit. Do you have ADHD?
You are a waste of evolution.
Yes I do but what does that have to do with it.
My father is an investment banker and he thinks you're retarded.
Yeah, it sucks. It's funny how you just skip along with it though
So you have a father that is brainwashed into thinking that the federal reserve is legitimate? Wow, that's so surprising.
End your life.
No you're just mentally disabled fam, you're so off kilter that you forgot what you wrote. You know if you really knew what you were talking about you could write a whole thesis on it and stay logically consistent throughout, but you couldn't even manage to post a few sentences to an online nigger-cock forum without fucking it up.
because Holla Forums gets so much traffic
Hey there pal, stop with the antisemitism.
Dontcha know jews are God's chosen people and Israel is our only ally?
are you dumb? Everything you do will create more national debt, that's the governments problem and not the citizens.
If you can't defend your argument then there is no need to act retarded.
how does anything an individual does create more national debt? national debt is debt taken on by a government
the petrodollar refers to the phenomenon of oil throughout the world being traded only in US dollars. This is good for the US because it means virtually every country needs to maintain a reserve of US dollars with which to buy oil.
PA wine and liquor?
nein this guy just sells me weed, coke or speed plus there's no taxation involved in the money exchange.
how can people actually live with depositing at such places :/
I have 1800 dollars, but I can't spend any of it due to all the rent I have to pay.
I don't have a bank account, banks are owned by Mr. Shekelstein. I keep my savings in my home safe. that is if I had savings
19k :^)
+/- $5400 with no debt
Why would a manchild like me have a bank account?
gib me all your monz plez
Can I have 80 dollars to buy an onahole? I'll think of you every time I use it.
No debt, live at home
What should I invest in?
This guy, he needs his onahole
Thank you for supporting my cause. Please donate amazon giftcards to [email protected]/* */ If every user reading this donated one dollar I could have a silicone loli pussy within three days.
Give me money right now you fucking goys
Im jewish haver, I have no obligation to pay you
It would still be a nice thing to do.
It would be wouldnt it?
Cant you buy a cheaper fleshlight/onahole?
get a job
My dick can only tolerate top of the line onahips. I have raised 50 dollars already and it costs around 130.
I can't do that on account of my autism.
About $120. Someday I'll get out of college and have more shekels I hope
I only have 1459 dollars
Nigga, I have $2000 whole entire dollars in my account and all my bills have been paid for the month. I am the Bill Gates of imageboards
there are two kinds of people:
those who pay compound interest, and those who earn it
I won the lottery a month ago
not all of us were born with a silver dreidel in our mouths and a rabbi's mouth on our mutilated dicks, chaim.
interest is never, ever 'earned.
that has nothing to do with anything. the guy said he has $2,000 in his account, and I simply told him it would be smarter to invest it
stay poor
stay literally jewish.
I hate jews as much as the next guy, but it doesn't mean I have to be retarded about money
keeping it in a bank account means you're literally becoming poorer every year because of inflation
1560$ in personal account.
20 000$ for my studies. And I live at my parents, so I pay no bill.
1000 gold bagels
around 100 kroner :)