Can my ISP tell if i'm using TOR ?

can my ISP tell if i'm using TOR ?

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They can (just fucking wget one of their own pages through your IP using a tor circuit), but 99.99% of ISPs would be too stupid to.

Why would you care

i don't want to be on the watch list or have the fed knock on my door

Protip: Tor+Public Wifi
Sucks, I know, but it's better than watchlist.


then don't run an exit node

can you explain?

%%I know what wget is, but that doesn't make anything clearer%%


There was one time when someone made a bomb threat against a university through tor.
And when the police looked through the university's network logs they found that only one person was using tor at the time the threat was made.
So he got caught.


They shouldn't care unless you live in the UK or a similar police state though.

This pretty much.

Now the harder question:
Can they detect it if you are using Tor via meek transport? (and don't upload/download huge files)

Very unlikely, considering meek even works in China, while obfs2/3 are blocked. I'm not sure about obfs4

You send a packet, you can be seen.

All you can do is encrypt and obscure.

Pro tip don't look at 🍕 if your buying small time weed or benzo like I may or may not do in eu then they don't care. Also use vpn

Just use a VPN.

Can ISP actually see the website you visit through Tor if comes to a some kidn of DNS metadata leak or whatever it is called?

Of course your ISP knows

You'll be first to hang on the day of the rope


Your ISP sees who the packet is from, who it's to and the data it contains. For instance, when you tried to load this page you sent something to Holla Forums and Holla Forums sent something to you. The ISP knows that. What, exactly, was sent it does not know since it's HTTPS.
Tor uses the system described in their page to hide who it's from/to and the data is encrypted. There are possible attacks, but a ISP would not bother with them. The government would, but unless you're important they won't bother since it isn't cheap.

Your ISP as a logbook of all IP addresses you've visited in the 30 days to 2 years. With that being said Tor as mode that meant to reduce the chances detection, by using more obscure IPs, intend for oppressive regimes such as China.

Using Tor means that they see you connected to Tor entry nodes. They can easily you're using Tor, they can't guess at all what you're using it for.

Go away NSA

The NSA might know what you're likely doing, but your ISP doesn't.

Of course, OP, this is common knowledge. Unless you first route to a VPN.

Isn't this question more suitable for the sticky?

That's just mean. Unless you only care about hiding your IP from a site ignoring if anyone else can see, but, still.

Too late.

You just answered your own question. If it's a DNS leak, yes. Transparent proxying is considered more secure overall IIRC.

Day of the rope? Does /pol people browse everywhere...

Except that the guy confessed the thing itself and no one could actually track the address down. Stop talking out of your ass.

No, u will hang first.

It's too late, user. We've already got you.


Kill yourself samefag pedoscum

How does Tor have any credibility left? What a perfect honeypot.

the fact that people still sell drugs, weapons, and other things without getting caught all the time.

It really does immediately put you on a list though. And it does get logged and compared to other timestamped records.

An easy compromise is to use TOR through VPN, since it gets your ISP out of the picture and eliminates some lower threat models. But for serious stuff, the only solution is to use public wifi networks or something similar.

That's just because the US intel community has opposing interests. The State Department-aligned agencies like the CIA want TOR for regime change, and don't give a fuck about drugs or CP, so they tell the FBI to eat shit. However, terrorism and similar stuff is still politically urgent, so they give the NSA some workarounds. TOR doesn't have "credibility," it just has a practical usage in reality. You have to know its limits. REAL enemies of the state, like Hizbullah, don't use TOR for important shit. They use serious old-style OPSEC like couriers and face-to-face.

Next time try composing words into something meaningful.

You mean just like people who still sell drugs, weapons, and other things without getting caught all the time without using tor?

No goys, the navy and DARPA are totally on us pedophiles side, keep using it

What's so bad about it?

They can cross-reference the list with any other information they have at their disposal. If they suspect something in TOR is related to a specific IRL location, they can look for TOR users nearby, for instance. It also flags you as an "extremist," who they could be visiting one day if things really do go full FEMA camp. You're also put on the "extremist" list just for visiting or the TAILS website. Use your imagination, and just the simple fact that they can tie TOR usage to your IP brings up dozens of threat scenarios.

Let's just put hidden links to that site everywhere.
The list becomes filled with everyone basically — profit

The problem is ownership of the net backplane. The gubbamint can spawn a few thousand VM nodes/identities and thereby correlate traffic to bare IP by time using their innumerable national router hooks. This was done as early as I think 2008 (2011?) where they(FBI?) made an example of someone using freenet. Different story on TOR as points out. The only reason I think the FBI interdicts pizza onion sites is because funding is walled off for these purposes, otherwise the whole budget would be blown on counter-terrorism. Even at that point they would be severely undermatched considering how flooded with terrorists the west has become.

There are two ways to get around it: preinstall freenet, i2p, or an exit node in every new system, which is impossible; or implement a constant bandwidth network that masks time signatures.

correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that exist in i2p

No one's going to bother going after casual consumers of CP unless they can take over a server and deanonymize large groups of them at once. If you aren't a retard even those attacks aren't likely to impact you. Personally I wouldn't use Tor at all after all the Appelbaum related shit, but whatever.

Get a better Pepe, I'm tired of seeing those small lines coming off the back of his head and his left eyeball.

I think it's true

They can for sure, my ISP throttles Tor usage speed. There's a chart somewhere of ISPs who do that, might have been on Wikipedia.

Do only governments see this list, though, or is it open to public eyes? Like, if you were applying for a job, could employers look through those lists to see if you pop up on it?

Fucking kill yourself you autist now I'll never be able to unsee that.


that whooshing sound is your lack of comprehension and massive projection summoning you back to reddit.

Can you imagine a programmer who never used tor?