Holla Forumsrethren, the time has come to bring back the glory days of Holla Forums. No more this board shall be dead. No more shall thin-skinned moral-faggotry against everything that hurt their feels. No more cucking to mods. We'll bring back raids! We will bring back Caturday! We will make Holla Forums great. Join me, Holla Forumsrothers! This is our time and we will not die out.
Let's Make Holla Forums Great Again!
Samuel Cook
The only way 8ch can be made great again is if our REAL leader comes back.
Nolan Campbell
Let's not dwell in the past, Holla Forumsrother. The future is brighter and we will go forward! Sacrifices make great men and with great men, Holla Forums is great.
Kayden Roberts
we took dysomnia the faggot as a mod and look what happened to Holla Forums
Landon Jones
Windows ….
fucking hell dude.
Xavier Rodriguez
Jesus, I never had seen how twsited his arms and leg bones are. No wonder the poor bastard decided to give this shit to chodemonkey.
James Davis
i'm too busy with your mom's cunt polish this turd without me
Ethan Morgan
Chase Hall
Let's start the revolution, Anons. Do not go gentle into that good night. We will not let his faggotry further ruin our Holla Forumsarn.
That's nasty! You're one nasty user, but I like your guts, kiddo.
Noah Foster
For you.
Owen Wright
be careful what you wish for the consequences will never be the same
Wyatt Johnson
I am not afraid. We are not afraid anymore. Blood will be spilled. Be ready.
Landon Garcia
Thomas Miller
Only by posting dank raunchies like this can we truly remove the normies
Zachary Powell
seconded, I am in
Connor Brown
Austin Perry
ok im in ,what do?
Adrian Baker
Thomas Bailey
That works too, user. Anything to remove the weak-minded pussy thin-skinned fags.
We must bring back raids. We must kick the intolerant newfags. We must thicken the skins of the lurkers and DDoS anything we deem worthy. Let's sharpen our edge and get on the offensive. We've been keeping to ourselves for far too long that even Holla Forums tried to raid us. No more, I say. We must hit back or we will perish and die alone in the dark, like most of us will do in real life.
Leo Rodriguez
how do you imagine our raids? what are the potential targets? Holla Forums's population is probably 800-1000 anons. say 100-200 at best estimate participate in a ddos, it won't be enough,would it? unless some of us take the risk and build a botnet.
David Ross
otherwise we would have small raids,spam trolling…etc I agree with you about the thin skinned newfags. they need to be gassed.
Oliver Perry
as much as I miss that glorious fag, I don't think he will ever come back, sad, but it's reality.
Luis Cooper
I love hotwheels more than my fuckin family, but to say we have a leader is fuckin heresy and you should be gassed for it .
He was the keeper of this place but not in anyway a leader.
Justin Moore
We raid for the lulz. Anyone who generates reactions, Anyone on the edge of suicide, internet fame exploiters, user's ex-wife/gf, incredibly autistic spergs, user's coworkers, etc. We've always had the potential, we just need to remind our Holla Forumsrothers who we used to be and what do we do. 100 Anons would be enough, we have the manpower, but, unfortunately, we've lost our willpower in the a/b/yss. No more! We must get back on our feet and fight the good fight. For the lulz never betray us. Our fight is a righteous one and lulz is on our side.
Are you afraid? Are you afraid of raids and spam? What a pussy you are, user. Toughen the fuck up. There is no escape from our slow demise if we live peacefully. What's worst than dying like an old dog. Holla Forums is going to die, but for Holla Forums to die because anons abandoned it, that is fucking shameful. Shame on you, user. We must die as martyrs, doing what we love. Otherwise, it was all a projection.
Logan Carter
bump sticky this
Henry Evans
It is actually very difficult to polish a turd; however, we could roll it in glitter!
Bentley Lewis
Yes. Take the Gold Pill.
Alexander Ward
Brown pill is just as good.
Nathan Cook
Can I eat some?
Luke Morales
Yes. Come to my room in 5 ;^)
Camden Walker
Owen Green
Nope, where did I say that? I was talking in reply to the ddos post, that we would not have the manpower to ddos a site unless we have the manpower. where in my post does it say I was afraid? I am ok with small raids,spam,trolling. I am usually all over any raids because I see that there isnt as much raids as there used to be in 2008-2013.
Bentley King
Good plan. But what do we do about non-participants? whenever I suggest a raid, people don't want to do it.
Jack Martinez
You have my ex.
Michael Fisher
are the right way to make Holla Forums great again. Holla Forums is the heart of an image board, if Holla Forums is not alrite the whole image board is in danger. Holla Forums used to be the most active board on any image board on any given day, how did we become the third board?
and why did politics become the topic that gathers most interest?
I love Holla Forums . I am willing to do anything to make Holla Forums great again.
Cooper James
Leo Jenkins
because Holla Forums keeps shilling gommunism and it's a moral imperative for everyone to point at them and laugh
Carson Martin
not really Holla Forums was established as the most active board before Holla Forums even existed. it's probably because of gamergate.
but let's not argue about Holla Forumsitics we need to focus on how to make Holla Forums great again.
Brandon Rodriguez
Then we are on the same page, user. We will make it happen. Can I depend on you to reclaim our glory and off the traitors, Holla Forumsrother?
Non-participants should be b&, but we all know that's not going to happen. All we can do is degrade them whilst at the same time ennoble the combatants. We are the warriors of Holla Forums, they are the leeches and mere visitors. We, on the other hand, are the proud citizens of Holla Forums. When SHTF, they're the first to shake it off and go shitpost somewhere else. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them came from reddit or cross-post. We the participants will have our own threads. It is by separating us from the defiled pussy bean faggots, that we hone our Holla Forumsacksword. Holla Forums will be great again.
Hunter Allen
must have misread your comment, I thought you were referring to the fact that a good portion of activity on Holla Forums is politics shitposting
Justin Brown
Yes, yes you can, I will always serve Holla Forums.
Non-participants should be b&, but we all know that's not going to happen. All we can do is degrade them whilst at the same time ennoble the combatants. We are the warriors of Holla Forums, they are the leeches and mere visitors. We, on the other hand, are the proud citizens of Holla Forums. When SHTF, they're the first to shake it off and go shitpost somewhere else. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them came from reddit or cross-post. We the participants will have our own threads. It is by separating us from the defiled pussy bean faggots, that we hone our Holla Forumsacksword. Holla Forums will be great again.
sounds great. I am ready. where do we start, any way to recognize each other, any other methods of communication?
Nicholas Peterson
We start by making OCs. As you've already guessed, I'm a beginner at Photoshop, but I wanted to urge talented Anons to contribute. Those OCs are inserted in our threads exclusively until we have quality, relatable memes that touches our former being and our end goal of a stronger, short-tempered Holla Forums. Our threads will mostly be dox threads, small raids, gore, rape, pizzas or anything that will spawn as much butthurt as possible. After claiming ourselves threads and employing meme magickians, we outright BTFO the crybaby faggots. They wont know what hit them and they'll leave quick, because they have ZERO attachment to what Holla Forums is and used to be. Once their numbers have reduced, and they will go down fast, we celebrate our victory and start major-scale raids. Our targets will be corporations, celebrities, social media platforms, etc. In my next post (tomorrow), I'll leave an email address for you.
Joshua Jackson
Ok great Holla Forumsrother. I will wait for your post tomorrow.
Bentley Sanchez
Hello Anons, OP here. The time has come for a call to action. The movement starts here. The re/b/olution is now. Do you want a board filled with moralfagging, bitching, dead empty threads? Because I sure as hell don't and I hope you don't either. Newfags must be held accountable for their faggotry. We made this board great, not them. We hold Holla Forums in our hearts, not these assholes. It's fucking time to send the newfags a clear fucking message and that message is as follow: In 15 minutes of this post, I will post a raid thread. We, the real Anons, will raid said site and raise the flag of victory and show you fuckers who's boss. If you think you can rob our culture and territory, you are sadly mistaken. All you spew is this is all okay, it doesn't matter, Holla Forums is a fucking joke, right? who cares? let it die. why do you care? It's just Holla Forums. Aren't you worried about pedophiles, why aren't you paying attention to pedophiles?''. At this point it is blatantly clear than none of you newfags care to keep Holla Forums alive. It is in our hands to bring them to task for it. If we sit idly by, and we don't, we have lost. Appeasement does not work. Burying your head in sand does not work. Await for the raid thread, Anons. Holla Forums will be great again!
Nolan Cook
I couldn't make an email, but I made a twitter. it's @Rebolutionb twitter.com/Rebolutionb
David Evans
Jackson Mitchell
Robert Hughes
Daniel Cooper
Benjamin Johnson
Tyler Bell
Easton Bailey
Rolling, what about we start a new post and agree in an time frame to start planning the first raid
Connor Allen
Let's praise Him with joyous song! "Open your bowels for Jesus, Open your bowels for Jesus; As you dwell in His Word, You'll be undeterred To open your bowels for Jesus." Praise him with many motions!
Easton Hernandez
Austin Miller
Justin Smith
Tyler Flores
He was the keeper of this place but not in anyway a leader. He was the creator, too. Nevar forget that, 4U9UBU