please remind me why murrica continues to not be annihilated
and still murrica exists
please remind me why murrica continues to not be annihilated
and still murrica exists
1. Innovation
2. Worlds leading economy and reserve currency
3. A fairly brilliant system devised by the founders
That said, I do sense a major paradigm shift coming, and I think we'll prove, once and for all, that America will be destroyed from within.
The election of Trump and his crony capitalists will prove to be one of the worst mistakes in American history, but unfortunately, his supporters are too obsequious and stubborn to ever acknowledge their mistake – they'll manage to excuse and justify everything he does. And then, as a result of his trickle-down tax plan, and massive deregulations, we'll be hit with a major collapse that will make 2008 look mild; at which point, I don't think the possibility of a civil war would be all that far-fetched.
Of course this is a worst case scenario, but I don't think there's ever been a more blatantly corrupt, amoral, duplicitous administration in American history – and around half of the country is too fucking dumb, ignorant, and easily manipulated to realize it,
All the dirty ay-rabs, eurotrash and chanks all shit talk america untill they visit here. Then all of a sudden they love it.
This here; although we had about 12 years worth of undebateable shit; and another 16 years before then of debateable shit.
Just nuke it already.
The USA is a dead weight that has long ago passed its expiration date.
t. American
Go America!
I would actually put the Jewish and Israeli lobby MUCH higher on the list than gays and blacks. Generally speaking, niggers are a scourge on civilization, but the biggest threat they pose is to themselves. As for homosexuals, I couldn't give a fuck less what people do with their gentitals, as long as it's between consenting adults.
A for effort.
Sounds like most of Holla Forums. Trump and his 64D chess.
I'm firmly skeptical of Trump and his Jewish connections. I won't be that surprised when he turns out as just another Reagan that sells out and does 'their' bidding.
I am hopeful but very skeptical, honestly.
Yeah, Netanyahu has said that he considers Trump a friend and a friend to Israel… and somehow the minions on Holla Forums either ignore it or justify it.
Trump appoints Jews to his cabinet (Jews that perfectly fit some of the worst stereotypes), and again, Trumpets either ignore or justify it.
This will be the next 4 years – on the right, levels of cognitive dissonance will be off the charts.
It's 4D chess. He is really anti-Jew and is going to gas them soon.
The Israel/Iran issue is the most worrying for me. Trump has always been pro-Israel and a good friend of Nutanyahu. And he has said continually throughout the campaign that he is going to 'rip up the Iran deal', which may mean more wars for Israel in the Middle East.
It's not American First - it's Israel first, which is why we're in that mess in the first place.
but wait
isn't cognitive dissonance a leftist idea?
I've always criticized the left (particularly the SJW stereotypes) for their cognitive dissonance. They're dissonance is just more pronounced regarding social issues.
that was just weak. either you go full on or you don't address the issue at all.
everyone knows what's at stake. either attack or stay the fuck back. stop behaving like a cowardly Holla Forums nigger
I'm not even sure what the hell you're talking about tbh.
This is why you need to take a moment to step back and seriously contamplate the situation of yourself and the world within which you exist. Is it really so easy to divide things as it is being presented? Cocksucking Holla Forums vs cocksocking Holla Forums? or those asshole tumblr niggers i'm not even going to get into or the fucking general media? will any nigger god like jesus or allah from the middle east save anyone? will money gods from the uk or us?
I'm not here to give answers, only to make you question everything. brainwasing cults can take any form and you must be ready to fight them in any form.
If I understand you correctly, I think you're misunderstanding my position. I can't stand the current state of party politics, and I think it's one of the main problems with my country. Nevertheless, things would be much more incomprehensible if we didn't divide things into categories and subjects; thus, we think of politics and various ideologies in terms of groups.
Bottom line is that, while I'm generally progressive, I don't subscribe to any unadulterated political ideology, as it's all abstract and ambiguous anyway. So, yes, I think we should address things on a case-by-case basis (which is what I always try to do)
But I'm still not quite clear what you're talking about kek
because you need us bitch
keep sending your kids here for college
well yes, but try control your level of drunkenness so much that you can address the post you are murderously angry with
otherwise your anger dissipates like a general new years eve fire-cracker that leaves everyone somewhat clueless
hi shillary CTR
Without America the entire west is fucked.
Let this sink in for a moment.
This means Europe itself has failed to maintain western dominion. Now we all have to rely on America
We're fucked
Even Americans hate America. I don't understand how were still standing either, OP.
Oh gee wonder why that is, maybe its because we had the choice of a Socialist, a Corrupt piece of shit, or a fucking meme who built his whole case on the government hate that has been growing forever now.
Oh also the socialist was fucking Cucked to shit so you didn't even have that choice.
Let's look at the other nominees too.
Nobody even paid attention to these fucks cause it was rigged from the start
lol wft this is my old thread
it's from last week i think
oh Holla Forums