Feelings on this BS?
Man Claims Pedophilia is his 'Sexual Orientation'
nobody cares
It's all part of building the narrative, goyim. In ten years you'll be told to tolerate pedos, then there'll be pedo pride marches in your cities and you'll be too cowed to criticse them. Soon there'll be prominent pedo chararcters in all your favourite TV shows. The game ends when they're normalised. And you wanna know the best part? You won't even notice it happening.
he he, stupid goys.
also UFD
I see this as a false flag conspiracy, realistically. And from I have seen, it is.
That's how I feel about it.
Yes, it is a sexual orientation, and it's just as much a degenerate abomination as faggotry. I don't see the issue here.
It's semantics, but I prefer the designation as a mental illness. The only reason I don't feel the same about homosexuality is because it doesn't necessarily involve non-consenting adults. Of course "Sexual orientation" legitimizes pedophilia, but it's not like there is a significant push for this – only people who spend way too much time online actually believe this is a big deal.
The next step on the ladder to total degeneracy.
Y'all niggas need Jesus. We should use the Biblical age of consent.
The correct term would be MAP
A person who is attracted to minors
I am one of them and this orientation is a thorn on my side everyday
I know you're comparing this to society's acceptance of homosexuality, but the fact is, acceptance of homosexuality doesn't put vulnerable children at risk, and there are far too many people who have children for there ever to be widespread acceptance.
I'll await your strawman arguments.
gay men look for feminine males and who's more feminine than 12 year old boipussi? fucking jackass.
And there's that strawman. On cue
Do i need to explain why this argument is retarded? I'll let you mull it over a bit.
Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, child molester is a mental illness. There's a difference whether or not you approve. A very small percentage of pedophiles become molesters.
As for putting kids at risk society allows all kinds of activities that endanger kids lives all the time. Drink a couple beers and drive home is a good example. May not be drunk but still effects you.
They'll never be a pedo revolution in the next hundred years so you faggots don't have to worry.
Nope. It starts in 2017. I have a yuge plan. Just keep lurking and you will see.
I'm with you man, grab your sign and start marching. Let me know how it goes.
Which is 4 years of age.
Leviticis 23:12-13
thats exactly this chan needs
Have we started the fire?
What the fuck happened to her nose?
And people will continue to say the Slippery Slope isn't real while they cover their eyes
You retard, gays are harmful to society in a number of ways.
That only pertains to gay, straight, or bisexuality. Paraphilia is technically an orientation, but it is deviant.
As an oppressed pedophile I found your ignorance really offensive.
please do, fucking idiot. please fucking do
I am nto an expert, buti think the Bible does not have fixed standard(unless knowing of one requires study on the books and extra-biblical history), but I would guess there was a that was the norm or assumed.
Either, unless you live in a theocracy, or are trying to create suc, it should not have the final say.
That said, this "sexual orientation", "love is love", "born this way", "muh gf", etc, identity and love crap is not good.
I do think there are slopes, but I disagree on what is part of it/means, and the ends.
i seen this coming many many many years ago.
and so it begins.
how much longer until im called a pedophob and an ignorant bigot because i am bigoted towards pedophiles? hmmmmmm
You pedophobes should check your teleiophile privilege.
I'll have you know I identify as triple-trans lesbian little girl and you have to respect my demi-pan-pedoseuxuality and stop the fight against systemic oppression against Minor Attracted People and by handing over your children.
How many of you belive that this would work with SJWs?
You're a pedophobe and ignorant bigot
if one is a mental illness, the other is. There is no grey zone.
Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, vile youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of joyful innocence!
I really don't care what a slut on youtube has to say, pro or against, I don't give a fuck.
Reported locally and globally. All reports are catalogued.
Friendly reminder that every 15+ woman has already had sex with Chad or Tyrone. Until the degeneracy changes, lolis are the only source of virgins nowadays.
i've been in this thread a few times before. didn't realize the op was a vid. tried watching it.. holy fuck that bitch is annoying. i usually have a relatively high tolerance for annoying girls but there's no way i can finish the whole thing. i'm not a huge fan of the virped/map faggots but the salon article she's talking about in the beginning is actually pretty good.
He's right but I'm not going to support his fucking children. I don't see how it's different from any other perversion.
This violates DOST?
It's like you've never watched anime before…
Okay, I'm gonna admit, I'm a little bit of a newfag here. Who the hell is this Laura B all the pedos are posting? I mean obviously shes…a child model i guess you could say, but why her and not just any random girl?
logical fallacy.
e.g.: If we allow gay people to marry then soon people will marry their dogs.
Your argument is false. Git gud fgt
Go die in a river
Go choke on a rock
Okay, I'm gonna admit, I'm a little bit of a newfag here. Who the hell is this Boxxy all the faggots are posting? I mean obviously shes…our queen i guess you could say, but why her and not just any random girl?
You got something to say say it mother fucker
she looks cute in this pic
he is not wrong
Neither is he right
Pedophiles exist. Closing our eyes wont make them disappear nor does insulting them. I don't know what should be done about them but I know that doing the aforementioned things wont really help.
Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. If you deny it being a sexual orientation, while saying homosexuality is one, then you should kill yourself. Just because it's a sexual orientation doesn't make it right though, since children can't consent. This dumb bitch is retarded. This man was born like this and at least he is trying his best to be a good person. But this slut is brainwashed like everyone else and think that pedophilia = molester. Someone shove a dick down this whore's throat already because she is giving me cancer.
You have a lot of faith in people, huh? Decadence is one thing humanity hasn't adapted to, and the more they have, the more perverse their tastes become.
Sexuality isn't fundamentally and objectively divided into "orientations" and "fetishes." Those are just arbitrary categories invented by humans. They are fundamentally the same, so he is right.
God created homosexuals and pedophiles too. It's ours to find for what purpose.
I've got news for you
Everthing's a choice
People who hate paedophiles aren't pedophobes. Pedophobe would just mean you hate kids.
so you think all heterosexuals could find sucking dick just as arousing, but they just choose to like pussy?
Failed reading comprehension.
It would have been a fallacy if he said that gay marriage would CAUSE pedophilia. He didn't. He said it would be normalized in the same way as homosexuality.
They were programmed to preserve their bloodline. They could have been programmed to be gay in the same way faggots could be programmed to be straight. Nobody is born gay.
so faggots are programmed to be gay? and i'm programmed to be a pedophile? by who?
I was heterosexual for a while but I couldnt get a girlfriend, and there were all these gay guys who liked me, so I watched a bunch of gay hentai and worked my way up until I could stomach regular gay porn and eventually enjoy it. Then I graduated high school and never got the chance to ask anyone out and it was all a waste.
I don't know who programmed you, but I do know that it is possible.
So homophobes are afraid of similar things?
Homophobes are afraid of people, or better put primates.
Humans are robots? wtf
This is how fucking retarded the both of you sound
That would be androphobe or anthro(po)phobe
They're right, you're stupid.
According to the World Heath Organisation you're correct, it's a mental illness under the heading disorder of sexual preference.
F65 Disorder of sexual preference
F65.4 Paedophilia
So homosexuality is the sexual attraction to humans?
They were saying it's just as harmful as homosexuality, not that its a sexual preference. Nobody has the potential to get hurt/fucked up when you're fucking an adult dude.
no they weren't?
word meanings can change
how common is "fear of children" anyway?
moralfags pls go
no u
Used up hag is salty that little grills are more qt than she'll ever be imo
Tell that to the little boys who get adopted and molested by men. Also the boys who get tortured by lesbian radical feminists
I knew you guys weren't smart, but really?
Fucking retard
There's some reason why Sodomy is called a "Contra naturam" act and has
Fucking a kid is the same as fucking a man, both are unnatural.
But pedophilia is perfectly normal, good goy…
Mostly upset the most stereotypical looking pedophile is now the face of pedophilia.
MAPs don't all look like that.
some look much much worse
if he looked like tom cruise this bitches video would probably be lot different
I know you're really mentally damaged with your sodomy to see the reality. Don't worry, the time will judge you.
Rookiee Revolyob
And how the fuck does that prove their point? Men are not children, retard
false-flagging troll
Rookiee Revolyob
Damien Roberto Andres Cole AKA Rookiee Revolyob is a known member of Boychat. He also was the host of the now-defunct Pedologues podcast. "Rookiee" came somewhat into prominence when he was banned from Wikipedia for attacking pedophile victim Justin Berry, after Berry himself contacted Wikipedia's administration regarding Rookiee's attacks upon him. He was eventually unbanned by Wikipedia and then continued to edit pedophile-related articles with his pedophile propaganda here and here. Later, he would be re-banned due to the campaign by Perverted-Justice.com against him.
Plus dans le milieu, Bubba…
pedo scum
Gay men are into males. I'm talking about real gays here. 12 years old boys are feminine and have soft voices, being attracted to them is neither gay or straight, it's in between. Most BLs are not attracted to men at all.
You're sure? Because a lot of BLs call boys "beautiful"
it's gay
nothing wrong in that
of course there's also thing called bisexual
It's sodomy
lol faggot why do you know so much?
If you're attracted to something with a penis you're gay
That's how the world works
Of course I was attracted to her… i'd known her since she was eight.
It was a few months after her 12th birthday, when she finally admitted she was in love with me, and wanted to be with me.
I asked her what she actually meant by that, and…
I'm a monster, but not a pedophile.
If everything's a choice why is it that i'm not a vampire helicopter furry mechnoid pan terrestrial teapot ?
choice is only illusion
Why did you wait so long?
what did she respond?
Sexual Orientation refers to which gender you prefer: male or female.
Pedophilia is a documented brain disease.
Don't let the pedos fool you with simple semantic tricks.
Does this mean most gays don't have to practice and the current culture is a result of legalizing it? Wow just image how fucked up the Folsom parade in San Fransisco would be if pedophilia was OK.
Disorder not disease.
You probably lack appropriate adult interaction or are unaware of it and are stuck in shallow bonds with people your own age which has caused you to identify with children instead of someone more age appropriate.
Then does that make straight women gay?
There's some interesting information there by professional psychologists.
Of course. They could just fap to porn in private.
If God didn't want us to fuck assholes, he wouldn't have made it so delicius.
but there would be no gay porn for them to fap to if there was no gay sex
Humans are not robots.
I think the term he used, "programed", might not be the best to use for most people, not that I think one needs to be programed to find a young woman a little attractive.
Er, no. That part is about God demanding animal sacrifices. biblegateway.com
Do you also acknowledge their above avg IQ and how often they get positions of power?
By USA standards 100% of all adults are pedos and we just deny it because our culture says to.
What magical event determines the ability to consent from 17 to 18?
I didn't watch the whole thing, but the closest thing I saw her make to a legitimate argument was pointing out that the definition of the term "sexual orientation" is specific to gender
But I would argue that dictionary definitions are neither an absolute nor a complete authority on complex issues, and that there isn't as much difference between a kink and an orientation as our culture currently defines it. Older cultures did not distinguish between those two things because they're the fucking same
What she was pointing out is that sexual orientation is classically based on sex (I would challenge that it's based on gender, because gender depends on self-identification, so that means you would have to ask the person what they identify themselves as before knowing whether you are attracted to them or not), so you have categories such as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, and so on. The sexual orientation presented on Todd's video is an adaptation of that classical model, but now based on age instead of gender, so you would have categories such as nepiophile, pedophile, hebephile, ephebophile, teleiophile, gerontophile, and so on. Those two orientations are orthogonal, so one can be, for example, a bisexual and at the same time a hebephile.
TL;DW, but if you're for anything outside of heteronormativity, you're mentally ill. You're also a hypocrite if you're for homosexuality or transsexuality, but against pedosexuality. What happened to "#loveislove" or whatever? You've got men fucking men, men fucking men dressed as women, men fucking men in animal suits, so what's wrong with a man fucking a little girl or boy dressed as a little boy or girl in an animal suit? If you had read that without any other context and you saw nothing wrong with it besides the fact that children were involved, you're either mentally ill or just ill-informed.
Anyway, it's not my thing and obviously it's illegal in most places, but as long as the older folks are getting consent from the younger folks and the younger folks are informed of what they're doing as well as the potential benefits and risks, I don't see why pedosexuality shouldn't be legal. Ideally, I think it should be one adult man and one adult woman but if no one's getting hurt, you can shut the fuck up. Live and let live unless people are hurting, and things like homosexuality and transsexuality have been proven to hurt the people engaging in it. Homos were only just recently taken off the list of mental illnesses because you can get liberals to cave to just about anything if you act oppressed long enough (← oh, hey, PROTIP for you pedobros) and technically trannies haven't even left the list if I'm not mistaken. If you try to discuss the health hazards, you're disregarded and labelled a bigot while these faggots are comforted and cheered on and encouraged into an early grave. There's no room for a civil argument. It was never meant to be "oh, you're different, GROSS, LET'S OPPRESS THE GAYS," though I won't deny that some people only think that far about it. It was supposed to be "look, man, you're gonna die if you keep doing this. You need to stop, it's frowned upon for a reason." There is a long history, and this is all written down if you'd care to pick up a book, of people falling ill, dying, and even entire civilizations collapsing (albeit, those were extreme cases and all had other symptoms as well) because of sexual deviancy. Falling outside of the heteronormative kills. It just takes a smidge longer nowadays due to medical advances.
Now let me play double's advocate for a moment. I suppose if we were sufficiently medically advanced, this entire post would become moot, but we aren't there at this time. Conversely, though, pedosexuality in a consensual and loving form has never been shown to cause any adverse effects and only recently became taboo. Obviously, you still have pedosexual rapists and murderers, but they're fucked in the head in other ways. You also see hetero or homo rapists and murderers. You don't have to hurt someone to be attracted to them and vice versa.
Unfortunately, people have been and still are disfigured or killed for even being suspected of being a pedosexual. This is unacceptable. Despite my previous statements, I do not wish harm upon any of the aforementioned groups. I wish to help them. You would weep for a gay person who was stoned to death and denounce any country who had laws stating that this was okay, why is a pedosexual any different? They can't control their attraction, only how they act on it. Many pedosexuals do not act on their urges (if only for fear of being lynched by a mob) and simply wish to live in peace. Anyway, it's late-as-fuck o' clock and I think I just about made all my points. Apologies if you wanted a good closer, but /end rant.
Pedo doesn't need to be outside of heteronormativity.
and then
You're on a roll today, troll
Kids eat too much candy even when they know the risks for cavities.
They just cannot be trusted.
My queen
Bumpin to Mock Pedos
I mean, seriously… how was I supposed to know that she was only twelve years old?
Muh fallaceeees
Fuck off, you're living proof of the slippery slope.
Pedophila is the source, molestation is the plague.
Really, it's all over YouTube but no one sees it.
Some of it displays talent, like Dance Moms or Bring It
I like white girls more
Oh this takes talent and practice
utterly disgusting
that's actually one of best arguments against legalizing sex with kids
sluts from child - don't want to live in this world anymore
ITT: Sexualization of children
So will there ever be a time when everything is not fucked?
I don't like pedo shit but half the garbage she says, by the very definitions of the words, is retarded. Pedophilia is a mental illness that causes sexuality to shift toward children just as homosexuality sort of is (homosexuals primarily only hurt each other). Normalization of pedo shit is nasty, but the bitch could at least try to make sense so shell stop leaving attack vectors for others to refute.
Could a guy fit the stereotypical pedo more than that guy? And the missing arm to make it even more eerie…
Are we really sure about that?