Not related to anything so slide thread i guess? Just curious to anyone who is a father or mother to a young child and how do you cope with knowing the world we've bought them into is crumbling under the jew and drowning in shit skins.
Or boast about your balls working if you like
Parenting thread
26 and have my first just a few weeks away
Because without decent, white and right wing people there would be no resistance to the jews in the future, and besides, if anything I see ZOG crumbling more than anything. A life without hope isn't a life worth living, white children are, at least in my eyes, pure hope.
sage because i don't really think this thread is going anywhere, although to be fair it's a slow day.
surrender your baby's dickskin to da zog!
Yeah i was hesitent about making it cause its just taking up space but with the amount of shill threads going on, i thought well fuck why not make one that isnt pure cancer.
I have a 5 month old daughter and still not certain her future will be glorious, but fuck im alot more hopeful than i was when she was born.
Whites must rise or we will all die horribly
>tfw circumcised
Why did my parents hate me?
Cant you do forskin stretching techniques to unkike your penis user?
It's really not that bad, comes right beneath the head at rest, how do I go about doing this stretching thing though?
No clue mate youd have to google it or something, i wasnt mutilated as a baby but im pretty sure its a thing people do
Reminder that the sheltering attitude many parents have is retarded and has resulted in Millennials being brain dead.
The sooner you introduce concepts of death, sex, drugs, alcohol and teach them how to safely avoid it the better. The reason the US has a higher teen drinking problem is because of our fuck-tarded 21 age ban and because parents don't introduce them to it young like Yuropoors. The result is a bunch of rebellious teens who drink copious amounts of alcohol without any experience or foreknowledge as to its effects in a safer environment which results in the retards driving and dropping like flies.
tl;dr don't shelter your kids from "dangerous" shit or you'll fuck them up
Can we just end the thread derail with and go back to talking about creating and nuturing white children?
My question is the simplest: How do you find a woman who you know wants to have your children and raise them with you? My last serious girlfriend went full SJW tumblr, the kind of thing we make fun of here (the 4th of July is a racist holiday, cishet aces and aros aren't welcome into the LGBTQ+ community… you get the idea).
I'm clearly a fucking autist but I seriously have no idea where to find even slightly redpilled women. It's not like you can just go down to the local bar and ask about this shit.
I miss the old times when you were married at the age of fucking 14
The last Holla Forumsarenting thread had a better start and hopefully helped some poor fags feel like they can start a family.
This really does feel slidey. Hope some of you faggots capped my advice in the old one tho.
Agree with you 100% user, no special snowflake syndrome for my spawn
Its tough man ill give you that, id suggest looking at meetings or forums or whatever they have for one of your main interests/hobbies? If she has a tumblr, walk away is the only strong advice ican give not knowing your situation.
Was just a broad opening for anyone to post dude. Im not trying to slide important threads, was just curious what other parents are doing to help raise more master race and not white guilt filled slaves.
Ill try an give advice if someone asks though
And i forgot the most important rule. If shes been tainted by a monkey. Walk away
First thing you'll have an easier time if you look good, and that's not hard, 3 average meals, a run, a good number of push-ups and sit-ups, do that and you'll get in a lean, muscular state, you don't have to pay out the ass for supplements or lift to look good, second thing, have a decent job, blue or white collar is fine, so long as you make a comfortable living, then go look for a woman, most city women are a lost cause, MOST not all, don't expect to find a full on 14/88 Hitler did nothing wrong, gas the kikes race war now girl because that's a one in a million. Small side note that I'm not too sure about because I don't have much experience, my wife had some self esteem issues when we first met, and I believe that me helping her with them really brought us close together, so maybe try with some girls that aren't happy, might bring you close, again I don't know, might be subjective, I've only dated 2 women my wife included. So long as they aren't SJW activist tier you can make them conservative, build up trust, drop redpills, my wife wasn't really into politics, was okay with fags, wasn't racist, didn't know about the jews, but then I reeled her in told her statistics and facts, and slightly toyed with her emotions and now she's a modest conservative aware of the cancerous yids and AIDS riddled shit pushers.
>Parenting thread
>Talking about how to meet women and foreskin
We should get back on topic
I have two kids, 3 & 5.
The hardest part for me is trying to get them to understand their own power level and to not give it away. The older one literally says "ewwww" when she sees niggers in the grocery store.
You should teach them how to read and do math for fuck sake, they're still EASILY impressionable until they're like 8 and aren't fucking TOTAL retards by then, what the hell were you thinking?
Find a gullible and naive pretty girl and slowly redpill her with emotional progaganda until she is full 14/88, then marry her and have many white children.
If you can't do that then just bulk up and prepare for the coming race war.
There are many other ways to contribute to the white race than just having children. Self-improvement, redpilling peers, creating groups and political parties, etc.
Doing god's work, user.
Lay the foundation and they will be swallowing the red pills by the handful, by their own choice.
Didn't mean to sage that post.
Best get that shit under control now or else when they enter the education indoctrination system the thought police will come and abduct your children and arrest you.
Get the fuck out of my thread rabbi
You must be a very proud father user
I can confirm. The other day on the train, my 6 year old son said "these people shouldn't come here" as to africans sat down in front of us.
This thread is making me laugh
Based hitler dubs on your based son.
Where would you guys draw the line on spoiling your kids? Ofcourse you want them to have the best of everything but you can easily fuck it up and turn them inti spoilt shits.
Raise Good Adults, Not Good Kids
If I say no and he keeps begging, he's going to his room. I give my son a high amount of freedom, but he will know if he crosses the line.
Get fucked, cuck.
That's the plan. They listen to the Good Emperors speeches at dinnertime. They know what they need to know in order to build a strong working knowledge of what's right and wrong in this fucked up world.
Working on getting the funding together for small class-sized private Montessori schooling for both of them. The oldest starts in September.
I am, user. I am.
Well done.
Also one more post before I go because I enjoy this topic.
A high amount of freedom for a child is pretty crucial in my opinion. Obviously don't let them do whatever they want or spoil them, but don't be one of those parents that sets restrictions on everything they do and be as intrusive as possible into their lives. Freedom to fail is crucial to a child's development, failure and shame allows them to learn and make themselves better for the future, it makes them more independent and able to do things without being asked. When you take that element away and give them a "failure is not an option" mentality it is guaranteed to fuck them up good. They will become unable to think for themselves and act for themselves and will be incredibly reliant on other people for aid because all they know is to follow orders to the tee and never deviate from a timetable.
I'm just saying young kids are pretty stupid and there is really no need in telling a young child that can hardly think for themself about politics.
I might be biased because I'm assuming they'll rebel, my parents were libshit faggots and every bit of bullshit they shoved down me and my brothers throats at the age of 4-6 (which was a lot) had no effect and we all treated them like shit when we were teenagersThey're rotting in an old age home now and don't even know I'm marriedDon't wait until your 43 to have kids, I don't know how my mom wasn't dried up and how I didn't have autism
The difference is to me, you were brainwashed with liberal bullshit. If you teach your children the truth of the world and its ok to be proud of being white and that theyre going to be fed bullshit in school/college.
Dont go full nazi on them when theyre 5. But lay the ground work so they arent easily manipulated by the kike education system
Yeah, one thing kids aren't good at is keeping a secret.
Good on you for teaching them right though.
That does make sense honestly, I dunno I had a shitty childhood, raised by old cucked narcissists in the fucking hellhole of Detroit. That's a good tip, have the decency to live in a place that doesn't have a rampant crime rate if you start a family.
Dude, if you can get a woman, convince her to be a stay at home mother, have 3 or more kids, then tell her you'll kill yourself if she leaves, she won't leave, no alimony, your duty for the white race is done.
Let me tell you the number one thing you need to do as a parent: be open with your child from the start. Things are going badly? Let the little shit know. From about the time I was in middle school onwards, and able to actually rationalize things, my parents let me know about the state of our financial affairs, medical issues, and so on. If I asked a question, I got an answer. Net result? Mentally stable, one of the only people from my piss-hole school to actually make it out, and leagues beyond the average person in terms of political awareness.
Don't just show them visual entertainment. Understand what you're showing them and point out what makes it good. Show them things that are bad and show your displeasure. Let them see what makes ti bad. Shape their opinion. Don't just let them have those opinions shaped by figures on the television.
Educate them. Your children will learn from school. They will not learn what they're going to need to survive. Teach them how to shoot a rifle, how to go fishing, whatever the hell you nee to. Teach them what is good to eat and what is not good to eat. Teach them morality and ethics, and show them why these things are needed. Use the cultural fairy tales passed down from our ancestors to instruct them - a child who knows to be wary of wolves becomes a man wary of his adversaries.
But do you know what the most important thing of all is? You can't provide children with opinions. "I hate niggers" is an opinion. The situation in Detroit? That's a fact. Facts are what you need to give your children. Do it at an appropriate time. Let children reinforce their knowledge with experience, and they won't turn on you. It's easy enough to raise a young kid into the person you want them to be. But when children reach their teenage years, they will rebel against their parents. There are exceptions. God knows I was one of them, because of some very specific circumstances. And because my parents raised me properly. They knew exactly what they needed to do.
Beyond that, keep them physically fit. Your children should always be in peak physical conditioning at any given moment. Teach them how to fight if need be. If a pack of niggers comes after your son in school, he should be able to pummel them down. The worst thing that can happen is he gets expelled, which puts him into homeschooling, and the ball into your court for a full year. Better yet, it shows him just how fucked the system is. That goes to daughters as well. Even the strongest woman can't hold off an average man, but that doesn't mean you should deny her of any chance whatsoever. All of your children should know how to use a weapon and handgun.
Oh, and make sure you read them stories before bedtime and let them listen to classical or folk music from the moment they plop out until they're old enough to tell you they're done with story-time.
When a kid hits school it's gonna be brutal, no matter what you've taught them. They're gonna be around other kids (usually shitty ones with shit tier parents) this is when you have to have to take the greatest care to make sure they don't turn into a retard.
I don't know, but speaking from experience (of being a kid myself) I didn't give a flying shit about what my parents wanted me to do when I was 15. I smoked weed all the time, wasn't listening to them worth a damn, and my tip is, you gotta be strong and stern with them.
I grew up without a father, and that's probably why I was a little douche bag when I was a teenager. I'm probably lucky I found chans (albeit a little young) and shaped myself from there.
Also, if you can help it try to live in a good neighborhood with a good school. raising your child around diversity is a shitty decision.
Homeschool, homeschool, homeschool
Ignore the idiots and kikes on here who push the "homeschooling will make your kid weird" meme.
Do you know anyone normal that got home schooled? Your kid needs to go to school for better or worse, they need those social skills to not be a turbo autist.
at the very least send them to catholic school if they still exist or if you can afford it a private school, public school is fucking T R A S H, besides, you could just meet other people homeschooling their kids and your kids could hang out with them.
Agreeing with user here. Schooling may be shit for education, but you learn basic social skills and understanding where you sit on the "social ladder". Its an important thing to learn
I went to a catholic school for a year when I was a kid, I hated it and was a fedora when I left it. I don't know, I was probably a retarded little fucker but I didn't like it. I still kick myself to this day about it though, this super qt aryan girl had a crush on me and I fucking blew it.
Just seemed like you were a massive autist.
No one is proud of their teen years bro
5 Aryan kids, another due this year.
I'm a naturally good dad and came from traditional large patriarchal family so I kinda have it EZ mode. Wife was from a shitty family but took after her grandmother, and was able to be trained. An amazing woman, stronk feminists have nothing on her.
Private school a must. For homeschooling in principle but not in reality. They really do turn out weird. Just do Private school and teach your kid extra on the side, natural lessons that stick better than busy work. And negative numbers, basic physics and anatomy.
Don't try to teach morality except by example. Punish lies more harshly than any other transgression.
Talk to them like real people and don't dumb it down too much. Language is synonymous with thought.
I mentioned in the last thread. Classical literature. Illustrated Classics of good shit like Robinson Cruse and Count of Monte Cristo.
Started watching DBZ on recommendation from the last thread. Liking the racial pride aspect. Being stubborn and tackling big challenges. My oldest has already dealt with bullies so I think it is sticking.
Did he bully them?
That is why I don't put children into this world, it would be a sin to get them slaugthered on the altar of the devil. Instead, you all better leave their babylonistic system and become self-sufficient so that when the shit goes down you can survive.
Nah he's too nice for that so far. Mostly.
Basically we taught him that the first time you tell a bully to stop it(for some reason this is not obvious to kids), after that point they bring it on themselves and defensive violence is a parent-sanctioned solution.
My kid is nicer than me but he has his buttons too. He's made me proud.
That's why you baptize them right away you heathen fuck.
Thats the number 1 rule for school.
Dont start shit but you can finish it.
Yet, I grew up exposed to alcohol at a young age, even had some at a very young age and all I see every weekend is hundreds of people, if not thousands, getting hammered and having casual sex.
The problem is culture and society. Both have been completely eroded and steered toward hedonism. I was also exposed to sex and violence at a very young age as well.
Oh fuck off. All six of my brother's children were/are homeschooled (4 are adults now) and they're all normal and successful.
Modern day homeschooling has social networks so these kids have friends and do social shit. The stereotypical model of the homeschooled kid who never leaves the house or meets anybody his age is OVER.
Did the jews get me, guys?
i was a young boy, ly dad and i caught a bunch of catfish. my dad brought them to the neighborhood black guy to see if he wanted them, nice black guy says 'thanks guys, you sure you dont you want them?' Me: 'my dad says only black people eat catfish'
totally embarassed my dad and the nigger
be careful about redpilling a child at a young age, they have no filter.
This user knows his shit.
So many people in this thread want Utopian children, which is just going to screw them up and make them nervous, imageboard using wrecks that can't cope with the ideals you've set for them; or they'll go the other way and rebel, and you'll have no one to take care of you when you're old.
The only thing your kid needs from you is for you to be there, cut down on the yelling and anger if they haven't done anything wrong, and to guide him/her from serious harm and support them when they do the things kids naturally like, like playing sports or being good at school. You're a father, not a priest or dictator.
pretty good. deserving screencap
Spotted the Marxist.
A good father is a benevolent dictator. I think Franco era Ibiza when raising my son. Lots of freedom and fun, but any attempts at serious subversion will be struck down.
OP, Google this:
Mastering high-investment parenting and building a merchant guild
Stop being such a pussy. This is like when the bolsheviks talk about the right having "anxieties" about living in a diverse society. No, we have a preference for the advantages of a homogenous society over the disadvantages of "vibrancy", simple as that. Anxieties are for children and women suffering from PMS; and it is the job of adults to comfort them and show them there is nothing to be afraid of.
If you need to "cope" with the crumbling world we live in, what the hell would you have done if you lived on the frontier back when Indian raids were still a thing? What would you have done during a smallpox epidemic?
Identifying a problem and organizing to fight it is one thing. Not being able to "cope" is another. You have to be a man before you can be a father.
Good points you raise there maye i agree with them. "Cope" was the wrong word. Im more scared that the slight chance we lose and my daughter ends up being a sex slave to some shit skins. Ill kill my whole family before that day arrives though
I agree with this man's attitude. Don't raise your children to be victims. Also, you should raise them to be able to work and function at some level with those who are different. They will inevitably come into contact with liberals. Don't raise them to have autistic rants when they have to be around them, or even . They should learn how to use them instead. This will make great memeticians.
Also, be sure your homes have filtered water. There are tons of shit in tap water. Eat organic meat. Avoid xenestrogens. Keep them away from alcohol.
the single most formidable act in opposition to the current vein of events is to procreate and teach your children what is right and good. they already have instincts, it is up to parenting to cultivate them in a way that ensures their behavior will evince a knowledge of right and wrong, while consciously pursuing what is right. the world has always been a place of light and dark. hope is never lost, they need to be shown the path and raised to have the courage to walk it.
defeatist fuck.
Stop living in the 1% nightmare scenario. Find a nice white area, a good wife, raise her right, and it won't happen.