Anyone like snail crushing?

Anyone like snail crushing?

I thought killing Jews was illegal?

i love you guys


More kike jokes pls

no step on snel


I'm into many alternative fetishes. I enjoy everything from casual sex to scat sex, but I'll never understand this.

Well arent you special

I thought animal crush vids were considered as bad CP here

Bugs are not considered animals on the same level as they cannot feel pain and dont think and so is not immoral or illegal to kill them. Only crush videos with mamals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians are illegal.

You're a fucking degenerate, OP. Do the /nofap/ challenge until your tastes go back to normal.

Fucking Christ man.

I've been into it since childhood and my gf indulges my fetish. Only problem is the only way to truly enjoy it is to record it and rewatch it. Go eat a cucumber.

that's racist

nice LARP job

Castrate yourself!

Don't crush snel bros, I'm begging you.

bug ≠ insect


I agree with that, why are people so rude

Wait, we know that bugs dont feel pain now? When was this info dropped?


No ,but I am into painted toe nails.

Crush some lobsters while you're at it, food waster.

Good idea. Lobsters can react more than snails and are still perfectly legal.


I'm ready. Could we cook them first?

I don't know, I am actually considering becoming a vegetarian I seem to see it nowadays as it is.
I used to love eating meat and steaks.
now can't, it's somehow spoiled for me, can't enjoy it anymore.


op is a faggot.