Looking for a Good Girl

If you are Muslim you can find dating sites exclusively with other Muslims

Same with Black people

Same with Christians or Mormons

Is there a website specifically aimed at virgins, though?

All western girls have lost their virginity by 12, user.

This, or theyre ugly, if you dont mind you can just go apeshit on tinder and ask everyone if theyre a virgin

That's not true though.

yeah but anons like to meme this because it helps justify their addiction to anime and gaming instead of finding a woman and starting a family


if there was, it'd be full of "born-again virgins", girls who have only done anal so "technically still virgins" and other such crap

You have no idea how promiscuous girls are today.

congrats OP, you found a market gap
now good luck building a dating site for only virgins where the males will not outnumber the females by 100:1

I found a forum for this a while back but although it wasn't supposed to be religious 90% of the people on there was conservative American Christians.

Holla Forums! Everyone here is a shut-in. You want a virgin? This is the best place to look.



its all bullshit lies.

if your on a h8chan, 90% chance you're an aspy autist.

I heard there was a Meetic-like website but for ugly people, their slogan was "Welcome to the reality" or something like that

2mins research is all it needed


tfw you're 99th percentile

What is that spike In virginity for men at 43. How does that work?

Assuming it's not a longitudinal study, it means that more respondants who were 43 were virgins.

Virgin? Wats that?

Yes. There are several.
By far the most popular is reddit.com.
4chan.org is also popular, but in decline worse than reddit.
The thing is that no site which serves to unite virgins ever succeeds in staying around all that long because there is a very valid reason why virgins are virgins in the first place…they are no fun to be around as people. They are socially maladjusted, or just plain imbecilic.

So good luck, and don't let the door hit you on your ass on the way out.

There is big problem tho. If you are not a fag you want a girl and there are no girls on Holla Forums
If a someone actually says "I am a girl" it either ges ignored or it derails the thread.

I hate to say it because i'm a virgin but this!

Daddy says I'M a good girl.
