Mods wont get active against pedos

Remember that pedos are pathetic scum that harm our children and thus traumatize the adults of our society who result from the victims.

global report all CP
Behead all aspiring pedos (Who have not acted yet but relish the thought and enjoy watching).
Impale all active pedos on pikes in their anal cavity.

Other urls found in this thread:


Like those headache pills?

Now this is cuckholdry

Die pedo.

I like Putin





Why does that matter anymore?
Every time I report it still takes 12+ hours for anything to happen. Who cares at this point

it matters to show we dont want illegal shit here

No I get that. I'm saying it takes a whole day for anything to be deleted

Since it takes so long why even report?
I don't want that shit here either

I'm just being a realist. Mods will delete when they feel like it. Not when we report. They don't care

No one wants illegal shit here
Complaining like a bitch wont fix anything







good try

reports help

reporting will
deal with it


We all know that m8
No need to made a post about this

Go back to librechan


I have thought out this thoroughly and I 100% agree.

Best way to deal with pedos is to drown them in lolipussy until they can take no more.

This is the final solution.


Pedos learned their lesson today



You're living on the edge.

This isn't normal
Why is her vagina opening so big?

You don't become swolen with excitement when playing vidya?

Am I supposed to?

Not necessarily, but good vidya will do that to people.

mods pls

Her daddy lets her play on one condition.

Gets to play Life is Strange but has to please Daddy

No Life is Strange and has to do homework

I'm sure we all know which option she keeps picking

Given the choice between having an orgasm and playing vidya or not having an orgasm and playing vidya, there's only one logical option.

Daddy cares about his orgasm and nothing else


Thank you mods

pls post in this thread, based copypaste


Daddy has shit taste, then.

trips demands it

Is he crying or laughing?

Sometimes I cry when I laugh
Or laugh when I cry

Why is that?

Laughing hard can be stressful, so your body cries involuntarily.

Crying due to pain means that your body is flooded with endorphins, which can give you hair-trigger giggles.

Have you ever considered, OP, that you just don't understand the beauty of what happens? I was """""""'raped""""""""" as a child, and it made me so incredibly open to all the forms and expressions of sexuality that it has transcended a mere reproductive act done on nothing more than animalistic biological impulse and become an art, a religion, a cosmic and holy force all of life shares in throughout space and time. The rhythm of being, the heartbeat of the gods, sex is not just the momentary exchange of body fluids, but a glorious and divine state of existence.

To deny humans this access to God and Goddess is to destroy the last link between humanity and its source. Our source is an endless, eternal and perpetual orgy of universal ecstasy, opening children to this before science can explain to them its physical properties is essential in maintaining the essence of the immortal in the spirit of mankind.

If you cry for the death of pederasts, you cry for the death of the soul. Why do you think all the greatest art, literature, music, film and philosophy are created by the homosexual and queer? Because they are the ones who were touched by the divine at an early age, when they were still forming and the dead, mundane world of the scientific natural existence had not yet gripped them and excised their connection to God and Goddess.

If you have no fear of a soulless world, then go ahead and kill the pedos. But enjoy your uninspired, deformed, empty husk of a planet. Your lifelessness will be your own doing, and the mass suicide of every human on earth from the agony of uniform mortality will only have you as the holder of blame.

Weird. Never happened to me as far can remember.

Not everybody does, same as how not everyone can get a brain freeze or fold their tongue more than once.


I got it. And not everyone is as autistic as me.

Click here pedos, nothing bad will happen to you. :^)
Just make sure you you are not using a VPN.

*teleports behind you*
*Unzip katana*

Wew the Internet edge

There's a few different ways.

Funny thing, most people can flip their tongue sideways, but very few people can flip it sideways both to the left and right.



This ^

The moment one of the spergs fuck up to that level that's when they're all fucked. So just do the simple filter and boom. Annoying pedofag issue resolved.

You cant fool me with your feminist propaganda bullshit faggot.

and report


FBIanon here. If any anti-pedos are interested in working together as a collective force against Internet based pedophilia/distribution, reply to this post with your interest and I'll give further instructions.

Enlist today!

Congress has pedos.

"This is not okay! This is not okay! Why are little girls more attractive than me?"

My interest.

Did you see the WorldStar HipHop picture? I like women, too.


It will automatically resolve to https

I'm still triggered after seeing those little girls.

Putin is a cool guy m8

hey i can do that shit

Any serious group hoping to infiltrate/stop online pedophilia will themselves be subject to infiltration by the very culprits they hope to catch. The reason for this is obviously to warn targets they're being targeted, and to dox/kill those who pedohunters who are doing said targeting. Clearly, OPSEC and PERSEC are the first subjects any Hunter should familiarize him/herself with. The point of this Collective to equip anons with all of the necessary tools and knowledge required to either work alone or as small group within the larger Collective. Once these fundamental skills are attained there remains no need for anons to be led by a leader, thus making this group leaderless. Furthermore, anons who are sufficiently skilled may decide to form small groups to perform some operation, and may decide among themselves who is best prepared to lead the temporary group. And so this Collective is not leaderless. It is leader-full.

Your first mission is down and familiarize yourself with the BitMessage secure communications platform. You should add the following contact to your address book:

Your second mission to find and recruit additional Hunters who should follow the instructions outlined in this post. The more people working together the better our chances of success, and if only one or two people volunteer, I will dismiss this first Collective until a later date.

In the coming days you will be contacted with further instructions through BitMessage.

cutting down every pedo politician is one of my motivations in life
with a scythe would be ideal

They are late. I've already infiltrated pedohunters.

What a dank picture

Damn nigga

Kill yourself "pedohunter".

I am fucking 15 year olds, daily. What can you do to me? Bleed on me?

wat do

Those girls surely could.

Little girls tend to like me, some even get into "uncomfortable" situations where I need to tell them to settle down.
If you've never had a little girl masturbating herself using parts of your body, you might be some scary monster type of guy.

Your support of punishing thought crimes is a good idea.
How many people did you not want to kill on your way to work this morning? (or are you a N.E.E.T. who has nowhere to go?)
Maybe somebody deaded you while playing Halo today and you wanted to kill them IRL?
I'd bet you have plenty of things to weigh against you for thought crimes.


It's too bad moralfags can't wrap their heads around what is truly porn.
If pretty young girls make you uncomfortable you need to learn how to not click threads that trigger your candy ass.
Young pretty girls will always be around unless you keep your basement locked uptight.
So hopefully you can keep enough bathrobes on hand to keep your lewd imagination from sexualizing them by covering every overly cute girl that you want to come across.

child models like laura b are usually raped by pedos. fuck off.

Have a proof?



I can do everything with my tongue. I'd be the best oral sex performer in the world if I was sexually active, right now I can't and won't be able to for at least twenty years. But one day, if I'm still alive, I will go down on women again and orgasms galore.

I'm not sexually attracted to children, but that third pic is cute. It makes me feel weird to look at a little girl in that pose, wearing so little, and if I was her parent, I would be biting the shit out of the photographer. But she's cute, very cute.

… Nah m8

And she's a international model

It's not the underwear or the pose on their own, but the combination. There is a sexualized element to it even if she's an "international model", which I would not let my children become if it meant their sexualization.

fucking cuck

How does not wanting perverts to jerk off to my kids make me a cuck?

You just are simply a cuck.

It's literally only in your head.

Fair enough…

Is it? Why, then, do people have their kids taken away from them if they go out in public wearing that shit?

I really see nothing sexual with that picture you're complaining

Its just a little girl in a cute pose
The sexualization only happens inside your mind

Unless a complaint is filed with CPS, then no one gets their kid taken away.

pedo get the fuck out

die all pedos




Cry moar moralfags. Soon it wil be legal.

Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, vile youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of innocence!


Oh yeah I remember that episode

He killed that innocent man for just taking pictures in a public place. I mean, fuck off!

ITT: normalcuck salt

Why are MoralFags even on Holla Forums?
Go back to 4chan Holla Forums like the Retarded cunts you are, you're forcing the Pedos to go to even more dangerous lengths to get actual CP to Satisfy themselves.
You are Helping the business grow, retard





mods pls


