Why do pedophiles always ruin good ideas?
Why do pedophiles always ruin good ideas?
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Cuz fuck you
Pedo in spanish means farts, farts are a byproduct of the proccess of making poop
So pedos are just trying to find a place to congregate but everywhere they go it turns to shit
It was funnier in your head, rigth?
You're the reason why 8/v/ is 4chan 2.0,
Freenet isn't just pedoshit. It has other useless garbage too.
I think I downloaded a kpop music video once.
Western societies don't need 'censorship resistant' networks.
The only thing censored on the internet is CP. There is no point for something like freenet to exist.
Not all the world lives in the west m8
Why does the government feel the need to stop people from looking at pixels on a screen?
I know you're probably baiting, but the fact that there's people that think like you do make me feel bad.
If you live in a shit country, just upload your censored materials on a server in the west.
Dropbox won't delete a PDF because some shit government demands it.
Gives them power to control people
They still can track me for complaining or share protest info
Freenet came out in 1999-2000, around the time of Napster. It was supposed to be the future of filesharing.
i wonder what filesharing would be like today if people adopted the distrubted data store instread of gnutella/torrent type networks
So they can blackmail people, duh.
Pedophiles are the only ones that need things like Freenet.
Yes Goy, privacy is only for ebil pedophiles!!!1
Lets get rid of all those to protect the government children!
Do it for me them!
I can pirate music/movies/games with a VPN. Freenet needs to be deleted.
No you
So what is it?
I'm not clicking that link nigger.
It's basically a censorship resistant network. After uploading a file or website, it's nearly impossible to delete it. You'd have to find every person with freenet installed and seize thier computer.
It's a direct link to the global CP database. Don't click on it user!
delet freenet
Freenet is too slow for copyright infringement.
Freenet is too obscure for dissidents and journalists
Freenet doesn't have enough users for kikes to use it as a platform
Only tinfoil hatters, tech nerds and pedophiles tolerate it.
Freenet is an archive of all CP produced between 1969-2015.
this is pretty much true tbh
I thought pedos were on I2P
Pedos are everywhere.
Hi !
Things you hear that you never wish you had:
Q) Why does your dad still call you 'Squirt'?
A) Because that's what I do!
I don't want child porn, faggot.
Also, fuck you!
no the nsa and gchq do
If the system can't protect pedos, it can't protect anyone. When the canaries are dead, it's time to get the fuck out of the coal mine.
Everyone should upload 100 terabytes of anime and cuck porn to push all the illegal files off freenet
The logo is a rabbit, what did you expect?
Waste of trips.
it's a white rabbit
like from the matrix or alice in wonderland i guess
From Alice in Wonderland
Based Lewis Carroll
Government surveyllance
The logo looks like cum.
I was reading about freenet and saw the friends thing
So if i don't have any friend it means i'm fucked?
It''s based on the principle. The opennet setting isn't secure, but if you want to look around you can use it.
So if i don't do the thing with my friends i can't anything illegal, right?
Tha's a picture of your mother's face.
I don't see anything worth while.
[ ] didn't do anything wrong
pedophilia doesn't exist
they dont
governments ruin your ideas then hlep you be a good submissive by fighting invisible bogeyman instead of the government
Because to create those pixels on the screen a kid was raped
Non existent. Think about the average person's intelligence and willingness to learn new things. It wouldn't have turned out well.
Is that pic your waifu ?
what is ruined about it? I don't want to talk to people who are too paranoid to use a medium because pedos supposedly use it. I post on FMS and it works fine, in fact it's the only network I know where you have a proper anti spam system (web of trust) and proper authenticity of messages
yeah say that in 10 or 20 years when the only way to get remotely credible news will be over such networks that have proper authenticity and privacy
Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, vile youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of joyful innocence!
I've been on Freenet for months and haven't seen any CP. If you see it, you must be looking for it.
There's other stuff. I've downloaded some movies and music. There's not nearly as much stuff as on, say, I2P, but something interesting pops up every once in a while.
How do I get Friends on Freenet? I don't want to connect to Strangers.
Only one person was ever arrested from freenet. That guy was either a fake news story or really really unlucky.
I expected more but never heard another story like it.
When was that?
Because it threatens the FBI and GCHQ and guess who runs the distribution networks of CP?
A few people have been arrested for using Freenet. A document leaked that showed police have been lying to courts to get warrants.
See their response
The goal is discourage people from using it. The less people use it, the easier is to monitor them.
nothing to hide nothing to fear, only sick fucks worry about privacy so much.
this it's. its over. this end of u paarade off shim, abyusive imagerry. as menber of anonymoose, it duty to def h8 chan from villa schum liek u ppl. bedofillament mustrd end. the folow ilejal &/or not allo on h8 chan:
1. cheeze porno
8. abyusive porno
5. animul abyuse
4. yoli
3. 'TTFYT'
7. 'ATFYT'
6. peen treds
2. LYLY treds
9. LELKAT treds
anonymoose is stop crim, but u halp. report treds & make btr h8 chan.
we not fgive.
we not fget.
we leejun.
expoct us.
This is a problem that sadly any censorship-resistance tool faces. Maybe it'd help to consider the alternative. If the capacity to remove content existed, it might only be used to remove CP, but it could be used to remove anything. From a technological point of view one cannot have censorship-resistance with exceptions. Freenet is a tool - it is not a tool's fault how people choose to use it, and this tool certainly doesn't do anything to encourage CP. A communication medium cannot be considered responsible for what people use it for - one doesn't see ISPs, telecoms, or postal services held responsible for their users either.
People can post whatever the fuck they want. If you don't want to see CP or some other shit, join a web of trust for filtering that content out. This is already possible in Freenet, but I hear retards there are abusing the anti spam WoT by listing CP as spam instead of making a separate anti-CP WoT. This of course is partially just self censorship. If Freenet makes itself look hostile to CP, there's less of a chance of government cunts making Freenet illegal.
The problem here is that people still resist to accept that all information should be free. For as long as they continue to force that there is "good" information and "bad" information, their minds won't find peace.