And what if a passed down trait is a part of a group delusion like the holocaust?
And what if a passed down trait is a part of a group delusion like the holocaust?
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It would also explain why Jews are hated everywhere they go. Our ancestors knew they were bad news and that memory flows in our blood.
His wife looks like Danny Devito.
This is kind of hard to believe.
Just because I learned how to draw, doesn't mean my kid will know how to draw.
D-Danny? Danny Devito is that you?
(((Kerry J. Ressler)))
Literally just more ammo for kikes to kvetch with
There's different kinds of memory that's found in different locations in the brain. Drawing is a skill, the electric shocks are conditioning.
So LeMarckean genetics are making a comeback? Cool.
Jesus fucking christ OP.
What does this mean? Isn't this a massive find? It's more evidence that we live in a deterministic universe. If our fears, skills, and other traits are genetic, then free will very likely doesn't exist at all.
Sometimes, actors take terrible roles they are ashamed of when they really need some cash.
Its important because it will inevitably be used by Shanequa and Shekelstein to claim they have been irretrievably harmed by the crimes of whitey and need those sweet, sweet reparations.
Of course, what it actually shows is that Nietzschean eugenics now have a sound basis in reality.Its all about the interpretation, so long as the enemy hold power this will be interpreted to back some egalitarian masochism.
That IS NOT genetic memory.
Conditioning has been known to be genetic for decades. If not centuries.
Slide thread.
Now that I think about it, genetic memory would explain why they don't actually want to go back to Africa. Maybe on a subconscious level they know that it was other blacks that sold them into slavery and that Africa is a hostile environment for them and that as racist as whitey can be, at least whitey will take care of them.
Yup. There it is.
If this is true… Then every white person should work on being fearless, dickswinging, Duke Nukem-tier hyper racists so they can pass it on to their children and make the next generation of Aryans unstoppable living weapons.
The kikes have already done that.
You're misunderstanding this entirely. It suggests that none of our personality traits are unique to us, that we're truly marionettes, nothing but the playthings of the universe.
It means science has proven that you can, in fact, kick someone's ass so hard, their grandkids will feel it.
So you're saying pic related is possible?
I have no idea what you're asking. Are you retarded?
I understand it perfectly, hence why h'whites need to be fit, aggressive turbo racists so they can pass it on to their children via genes.
You're the one who doesn't seem to understand, my friend blow it out your ass
What is that and why hasn't someone put it out of its misery?
Sorry, nerd. You can't will yourself into being a badass anymore than the fruits on /cuteboys/ can will themselves into being women.
I am not a mouse.
Don't tell that to the Jews. They'll start experimenting on people again.
Keep telling yourself that you're something special, that human beings are something special, it's sure to get you far in society.
Because all life is precious :^) And the parents want to socially signal that they're better than their neighbors.
It's also possible their parental instincts are too strong to gas it even though it's a hideous malformed demon, which is fucking depressing to think about.
Uncultured swine. He is asking about ancestral memory. The Kwisatz Haderach. spoiler alert, it wasn't Paul, twas Duncan Idaho
its "Morphic Resonance", ie epigenetics
look up rupert sheldrake and you can find all the other studies done on rats, it not only works across generations after breeding (ie it cannot be genetic) but it also works across continents
it isnt passed through genetics, it is some other kind of weird brain signals shit
the joe rogan podcast with sheldrake is bretty gud
from what i understand it works like this, rat thinks something other rats are more likely to have that thought occur to them
more similar the organism, the more likely the thought to occur
hence white people think of shit other white people more likely to think of that shit
same with father and son, they are genetically the most similar and more likely to have the same thought occur
thats why a lot of sons followed and still do follow in their fathers trade
its also part of why when something is invented its only a matter of time before someone else invents it
there is tonnes of instances of that, things being almost simultaneously invented
if its all true that is….
it could be part of the mechanism of memetics
Conditioning hasn't been known to be passed on to offspring.
Care to explain your reasoning? To me it just shows that children aren't blank slates, parents' actions have an impact on which genes are activated in their offspring. How does that have any bearing on determinism or freewill?
It's a model organism, would you accept the results if the same thing were shown in monkeys? They likely will perform the same experiment in higher level organisms.
Do you believe that this man can will himself into being a badass? Can Chris-chan? The answer is of course no, you just think you're the exception, because you know you're not a badass, you know you're not happy with who you are, and the fact that you have no control over who you are is too much to handle.
So you get angry, and insult a few lines of text on the internet.
Stop projecting.
Sheldrake's theory is pretty spooky. Here's a weird illustration. People are better at doing crossword puzzles the day after the puzzle has been released than on the day it is released.
Summer is here
2spoopy4me thats for sure
The holocaust was over 72 years ago. Shutup already.
So were like Trills.
Whether this is true or not has literally no effect on universe being deterministic or not.
Though this may prove jews have their holocaust and blacks have their slavery, but whites would have the entire history of Europe embedded in their DNA.
The Black Death, every war fought, every person hated, every ideology contempted. Every tragedy suffered by your ancestors is engraved into your very soul.
What this means is that you naturally dislike people your ancestors disliked. But with racemixing, even among whites, this could lead to schizophrenic self-hatred if your ancestors had prejudice towards oneanother.
This means that you can breed hatred into people.
Some tests researchers did with other rodents, shown in vid related circa the 26 minute mark, came up with some really funky results.
The test did not specify the importance of the female's epigenetic material. The most important factor is the mother's perception of the father at time of conception.
This means that the mother's perception of the father literally influences the child's appearance. At least among rodents. If the same applies to humans this means that the more you look like your father (or perhaps any parent), the more epigenetic material you inherited.
Vice versa this means that people that look physically less like their father/parents have less epigenetic material.
Therefore looking like you father/parents means you have a more tragic and harrowing backstory. If you look nothing like your parents they were insignificant yokels that lead boring lives.
I'm the spitting image of my maternal grandfather. Inherited his same talents and favorite foods, too.
"My dear goyim, It's my pleasure to tell you that we developed a technology that allows us to enter the memories of your forefathers through your genes. Soon we can witness their crimes and blame their sins entirely on you and your children. And no, the global council of Jews has already decided that this technology may never be used to prove that the Holocaust ACTUALLY happened, since those memories are too bitter to live through again, thank you for your understanding. Btw, the fact that no German ancestor has a memory of gassing Jews does NOT disprove the Holocaust, it only means that we successfully erased the Nazi bloodline, which is a good thing. Everybody who asks questions will be the first to put into the SMM (Shoa-Memory-Machine) to test his lineage on anti-Semitism."
This reminds me of that debate between the guy that opposed multicultural societies and a mulatto proffesor who couldn't complete a sentence withouth a fallacy.
They're on a permanent chaotic existential crisis.
do you by chance have some links or reading suggestions on the subject?
So this pretty much explains how the long forgotten memes tend to echo through history?
Literally our blood memory? This means that reincarnation is real to some extent. Even if its not literally your soul being passed on, your experiences pass on through your genes.
I keep telling the materialistic fedora tippers that there seems to be a whole dimension of spooki shit they just flat out deny because muh science can't explain it yet.
Its been proven that there is some sort of weak telepathic link between people, as demonstrated with the crossword shit.
I was pretty much larping this collective subconscious shit a year ago but now its starting to look real.
Well this explains why the jews were kicked out of 120 countries over the centuries.
Each generation inherited knowledge and fear of jews and their tricks.
newfriend, pls
meant for
epigenetics mate, the sea turtles of our existence. someone needs to dig it up but i recall watching or reading it somewhere, holocaust survivors, the early days of it, their descendants had a HUGE propensity towards stress, like even small things would stress the crap out of them, epigenetics is basically what happens in your environment switching your genes on and off, pretty much "evolution".
Need some bionerds to explain it better, im just a neurosciencefag
We all knew it, now we have proof.
I want reddit to read books before they post.
man i remember in my early 20s i used to fap thinking of that, what if one my descendant is looking at me fapping D; and the jew is laughing
One time when I was 15 I saw a picture of my dad at 14 and it was like I traveled back in time.
Aye, there's a reason some people are naturally averse to things others find harmless.
fuck off
We're on the frontline anonbro. I have to get on top of my Jung, because this collective consiciousness stuff got sidelined by (((Freud))), same way Schaubergers resonance work got sidelined by (((Einstein))).
This memory stuff is going to backfire seriously when it gets linked to childhood genital mutilation.
Given the nogs prediliction for banging a white girl until she is incubating a halfbreed, this shortcircuits a lot of convoluted psychological explanations.
What you know is part of your will.
That faggot could very well look in the mirror one day and say "I'm better than this I am 'x'" and if he forces wills himself to truly believe it that is what will happen..
Its the secret. The secret is meme magic and Trump told the entire nation in the 80s on live tv the key to that secret.
You know nothing of this reality. You are in the company of literal wizards and mages and you scoff at their wisdom.
I fully expect another epigenetics backlash ("oy vey these are literally the same nazi lies that led to the 6 gorrilion and my five year-old grandfather getting gassed at Auschwitz shut it down or you're an anti-semite") in the next few years as ethnic populism becomes a more and more potent political motivation throughout western civilization. Racial awareness among whites isn't worth any benefits that (((they))) could reap.
I have a theory.
Perhaps this is the key? Perhaps this is what ties all of Holla Forums together? We are epigenetics. Our meme magic works because we were literally bred to be better at it.
If everyone here, for the most part, looks like their parents or grandparents, then it's obvious that this may be what exactly is behind all of our memetic magical forces that have been at play lately.
Trust your Aryan instincts, you are the heir of Aryan blood and the intelligence of the greatest men that ever lived is encoded in your DNA.
Never mix with the lower races or your offspring will become them.
This is why the european bloodlines are under such consistent attack by the jew, we are too strong when united, too noble to be corrupted, and too proud to be enslaved.
His racial intelligence is based on parasitism and slavery, ours is based on creativity and productivity, so we are obviously the best hosts for him, now if only he could find a way to erase our love of freedom, justice and truth…………
Blend us with untermensch who care nothing for these things, and the jew has his perfect goy.
Productive and somewhat creative, but lacking deeper insight or love of Truth, and full of vices which can be used to lead him in the direction of the jew's chosing.
When my maternal grandfather died a few years and I went to his house, I decided to look at the family album, when I got to the part where my grandfather was my age, I actually got a little spooked because he looked exactly like me (or perhaps it is I who looks exactly like him), but I got really spooked when I saw him doing the exact same gestures I do in photos such as looking at the camera cross-eyed when it's for a silly occasion.
a few years ago*
I really shouldn't post when I'm tired
Many people have given up. Often when they do, they want to spread their weakness to others, to justify their own.
I know for a fact that through mental practice, willpower and ritual, you can transform yourself to a degree that is amazing… yes, magical… to the average degenerate, determinist, defeatist fate cultist like the one you're responding to.
It's a path every capable man must walk for himself, and yes, it's something in us that calls us to it. Trust your subconscious and body to guide you over written words and theories.
We carry with us the real kings of old. Not the foppish wig wearing transvestites that monarchists fap to. The old kings, whose creative genius reformed the world in their image. Who tamed animals, cultivated plants, invented law and built things we can't even replicate to this day.
If you're one of us you can feel it stirring in your bones. The titans are breaking free.
Next stop:
All aboard the redpill train. Gays not welcome.
Wasn't that already proven?
Start with his Symbols of Transformation (of the Libido), it's his first work after his divorce from Freud's circle.
Suffragettes didn't reproduce though.
This is called epigenetics, a part of evolution.
It's not "genetic memory" fuckwad.
Fucking science journalism.
not biologically at least
Did you not read the article?
Do mice post on anime imageboards?
nope only rats
It simply just goes like this, you get a traumatic experience you associate it with something new connections in your brain are formed and thus your brain is altered physically giving form to psycological attitudes towards that association. Given that your brain is different physically you develop something new in terms of survival, that can be then passed to your offspring, over time and over many generations that ends up generating stuff like ingrained behaviour we see in humans like fear of the dark, or propensity towards chaste women.
Sounds like a lot of bullshit OP. Thanks.
Jews are rats though, close enough.
This is quite old. Similar experiments have been conducted on ducklings. Ducklings can remember sounds through several generations (and thus form long standing flocks).
This is also the reason that offspring of ducklings who grew up with humans will not be scared of them, no matter if they will be hatched in the wild or not.
This fact is the root of all those amazing "human flies with ducks/geese" and "human reunites witch flock after several years" stories.
Whereas a human female can leave a men for nigger dick in an instant without looking back.
The mind shapes reality.
Please see:
Filthy dumb newfag scum
Holla Forums talking about "science", what could possibly go wrong.
Other than saying "It's not valid because I say it's not" what do you have to say to convince people not to discuss this subject?
White knights refuse to accept it.
this plays a role, but there is an epigenetic aspect. in fact the "collective unconscious" if you will can affect your gene expression, just as your own thoughts can
he's just thumbing his (((nose))) at us
==Reminder that if your wife has slept with anybody other than you, you're being phantom cucked. Your marriage and the physical union of your flesh is being adulerated.)
n this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.
It is written than God knows the end from the beginning. It doesn't negate our free will. You can freely choose or not choose to be freed from the confines of your flesh.
What it does mean is that you can't change yourself, you can only change how you express yourself.
Dreams. Each man longs to pursue his dream. Each man is tortured by this dream, but the dream gives meaning to his life. Even if the dream ruins his life, man cannot allow himself to leave it behind. In this world, is man ever able to possess anything more solid, than a dream?
Psalm 103
13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.
17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children
I'm not telling you not to discuss this. I'm just pointing out that 99% of people on Holla Forums do not understand science or the scientific method, so talking about hard sciences is rather futile here.
Science is not a hard process at all. If it were, we could let computers do it all for us. Discovery requires intuition, the scientific method is only useful for supporting intuition or not.
I've worked with your type before, and you predominate many of the sciences nowadays. Unfortunately, this allows for good technical advances but very little good science.
Nigger what? Conditioning is merely manipulating an organisms environment for a certain purpose, if environment can activate epigenetic genesets then conditioning an environment to do so can do the same. Unfortunately, or fortunately, our genome is difficult to interpret despite being sequenced, since there are so many interdependencies, cross-correlations with expressed phenotypes, etc. but if someone were to make a deterministic model of the human genome before others, and cross-reference it with environmental conditioning, they would essentially be Gods, able to manipulate any human on earth through unseen epigenetic manipulations, while they themselves make designer babies for children and hoard all of the gene augmentation technology or good genetic material for themselves. It honestly scares the shit out of me, it is possible that the Tavistock fuckers or another elite group has been working towards this for a long time, reducing the world to a standardized mulatto underclass of no culture except consumerism would mean that any trauma based epigenetic control would be universally effective instead of having to be tailored to a wide variety of different populations, and it would be literally impossible to resist NWO. Yet another reason why trauma based conditioning of any kind (holohoax indoctrination, circumcision, child abuse, etc.) and miscegenation has to be resisted at all costs, if we don't win we are fucking doomed, moderation in politics or tactics is not even remotely justified in current year.
That's not what he means by hard science.
You guys are like ID brothers
It's a 6yo from Thailand.
According to some commentators, the egg didn't split all the way and two skulls fused, creating that.
She's probably getting more love than some of us.
Just goes to show that the Nordic people were right in there belief that you inherited your skill in battle from your ancestors.
Here's what I mean. Certain people love to talk about hard science. Evolutionist acknowledge that the chance of a simple protein molecule forming at random in an organic soup is 1/(10^113).By the way, any event with less than 1/(10^50) probability is considered impossible. The number 10^113 is larger than all the atoms in the universe. This is for a single protein to form spontaneously. Nevermind the many proteins, enzymes, and other structures that would have to spontaneously, instantaneously assemble themselves into the form of a living cell–if one component was missing, the cell would die. So ask a "hard science" cuck, how in the world did the first cell get here? Well, proteins assembled themselves in an organic soup, and the parts all fell together…
Welcome to the amazing world of Probability then?
Just because something is statistically impossible doesn't mean it actually is. So what is your point?
So many problems with this.
How do we know it isn't behavioral?
Mice parents squeak to beware of a certain sweet smell that you don't know the source? Thus when it happens they react.
2. This is a reaction to stimulai not a memory of a stimulai.
Because my ancestors fought in the carthoginean wars and of course lived, that means I am the most fit genetic outcome of fighting in those conditions, but I have no memory of them nor will I have reflexes to an attack by carthogenians.
3. They tested only 1 set of stimulae, what about others? Did this prove that a picture of a penis can cause mice to prefer upbeat jazz to vaporware?
There is so many failures to this study it proves nothing.
Besides, talking about probabilities would be a step UP for the average science talk on Holla Forums. In reality it's more like "CHEMTRAILS ARE REAL READ THIS BLOGPOST (((SCIENTISTS))) BTFO" and then maybe 2 or 3 guys trying to explain why OP is a faggot while the rest shitpost jews and shills.
Right, so "hard science" cucks need to admit that their "hard science" has no more "hard" support than the book of Genesis
The only thing separating "God made it" from "It made itself" is the PRESUMPTION that God does or does not exist.
Atheism is a religion. The difference being that it masquerades as science
Or it proves that animals can communicate. Maybe mommy mouse told the children scary stories about how the room would be filled with the smell of cherry blossoms whenever the whitecoats were about to torment them.
Unless the baby mice were removed from their parents almost immediately after birth. If you did that then you would know for certain. Or you might prove that mice can communicate slightly more complex ideas than previously thought.
pretty sure this is standard practice. you'd have to check the methods
That's about where we are now
And here we see the Christfaggot, gripped by fear of death doing his damnedest to prove evolution wrong, which will prove heaven is real and his soul will be safe with god forever.
Here is a cool tip for you bro, even if you could argue that Evolution is completely false, you then come to me and say, "hey there European, I want you to convert to this middle-easter sand-nigger religion."
It's a bit of a disconnect.
Projection. I have security. You're the one who is rightly gripped by the fear of death.
Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse
Go away Christfag; you only bore me these days.
They almost certainly were. As user below you points out, that's standard practice.
I recall reading a similar study around five years ago where they electrified the floor in the centre of the cage. Mice in that cage avoided the centre and stayed close to the edges. The CHILDREN of the mice in that cage, separated at birth from their mother and moved to a completely different cage which DIDN'T have an electrified floor, avoided the centre and stuck to the edges until they reached adulthood, at which point they started behaving more "normally".
So genetic memory is most definitely a thing, and has been observable long before these experiments - for instance, hunting dog breeds will often use the "pointing" pose, even if they were never taught it - but it's not the same as actual MEMORY. It's nowhere near that complex. It's more like instincts and "gut feelings".
user's kid might not necessarily be born knowing how to draw, but if he worked hard enough he might instinctively know how to hold it. It's possible a ballet dancer's kid might find themselves resting or stretching in a familiar pose without really knowing why.
Makes sense to me.
Twins raised separately from birth often have ridiculously similar lives. Marrying girls who look the same, naming your dogs or children the same names, working the same profession, smiling or dressing the same way, etc all together.. Shit that you wouldn't even expect from genetics, like getting a dog of the same breed and naming them both Spot.
Identical, I should specify.
Shit, this could potentially explain children acting "Weird" and remembering "past lives".
Its almost like they're unintentionally exchanging memories in the Wired…
The real "what if" will happen when mankind gains technological control over the spiritual world. When we have eaten from the tree of life, that we might live forever. What horrors will the works of our hands guarantee? What will we find when we build our tower of Babel into the heavenly realm
What will be real when Babylon can transmit artificial ancestry memories into your body and alter your gene expression?
Maybe that's why American Niggers are so emotionally uncontrolable, their great great grandmammies took the Irish servant dick one too many times and had countless Potato-Nigger hybrid children.
this explains why some species who are on their own since birth know how to survive. millions of their species before them died trying to find out and their bloodline figured it out and passed it on genetically.
Nice argument, nigger
In this study, the trait to associate a completely harmless flower with shocking pain passed on after just a single generation of selection!
Clearly a species as intelligent as humans would produce children instinctively fearful of fire, electricity, drowning, and sharp objects.
Uncomfortable ramifications from this bad research:
What clever research and well thought-out journalism this is REEEEEE
Does anyone think our various societies are just big hive minds made up of lots of smaller hive minds.
Just look at pol, people regularly say we are like a hive mind. I think we are just a smaller condensed version of what is happening on a much bigger scale.
This just made me think too, if people from the same race are influenced by genetics to think in the same manner it just makes more of an argument for national socialism. A purer society with free speech would also probably culturally and technologically advance quicker as we would be much more on the same level and be able to share ideas quicker.
Yeah, if genetic memory is true at the very least toddlers should know fire is hot and stoves can burn.
Probably genetic memory is limited to mammals/animals with shorter lives and smaller brains that are more reliant instinct than education and parenting. So even if mice have genetic memory it won't scale up to humans.
Reason is a double-edged sword m8, and on top of that humans aren't even physically capable of reproduction until years after their higher reasoning abilities begin to develop and they've already been exposed to all of those potentially dangerous things in both negative and positive contexts.
Fire might be dangerous and painful, but it's also a necessary technology for virtually any society more advanced than a troop of apes. Blades might be used to murder, but they're also used to harvest food, make clothing and defend oneself. Humans got to where they are by harnessing the power of potentially dangerous or even deadly things to constructive ends; if we were scared of our shadows then there's no way that would have happened.
Seriously besides my size and my mouth I'm a spitting image of my father. Can I now claim I have PTSD from my father and grandfather being exposed to bombs?
Can I claim I am a gulag survivor?
Fire is a tool. Why do you think we don't have a natural fear of it?
Perhaps autists can't read emotions or avoid accidental death because your genetic memory doesn't work.
Uh, no.
The probability of a chimp writing the first act of King Lear is pretty much zero. The probability of a near-infinite number of chimps doing the same is pretty much one.
It's simply a question of scale.
tfw look like my Great Grandfather
tfw all he wanted was a free mauser rifle
Stop being retarded. Anything can be a tool What the fuck does that have to do with genetic memory?
How about fear of heights? Some kids have it but a lot of toddlers especially don't understand the concept. Heights have existed for as long as humanity. You can't cook a meal with a cliff, you can't do much at all with a cliff. If genetic memory were real then by default all (or at least the vast majority of) children SHOULD have a built in-fear of heights.
Secondly; lets say I can think of a use for a cliff. Hey, if we build our castle up on that bluff we can only be approached from one direction! WOW! Cliffs are so useful now! But that doesn't change the fact that they are dangerous too. When I was young I had a fear of heights. As I got older my fear never went away even though I know that there are things you need to do that require being in high places.
The point is that heights, fire, drowning, etc. They are all dangerous, and the instinct to fear them should be built in whether we have a use for them or not. It is only later in life when adults overcome their fears that we make tools out of these things.
Because children do not exhibit these fears at an early age it is safe to say that at least there is no genetic memory in play regarding fear of objects.
Here's an old wive's tale that will floor you guys.
Women inherit their Father's hair.
Men inherit their Mother's hair.
This means if your Mom's Dad balded, then you'll go bald.
nice strawmen
genetics kind of show else wise with that one. "Not entirely true. While the primary baldness gene is on the X chromosome, which men get only from their mothers, other factors are also in play. The hereditary factor is slightly more dominant on the woman's side, but research suggests that men who have a bald father are more likely to develop male pattern baldness than those who don't."
I lucked out and got my father's hair, my father also lucked out and got my grandfather's hair, my grandfather has a lot of hair for an 82 year old, thicker than some of my friends hair and they're in their 20's
forgot to link where I grabbed my quote
When I was a kid (and even now) I had great fear of heights.
Also the father of my grandfather broke his spine when falling from a tree.
He didn't die, just broke his back.
My grandfather on the other hand also got a fear of heights out of seeing his father breaking his back in front of his eyes.
So who knows, maybe there is something to it.
My grandfather was an Engineer, myself and two of my brothers are Engineers. There could be something to this epigenetics thing.
That's a skill. Genetic memory =/= muscle memory.
I dunno man. Have two Family lines of nothing but rifles and marksmanship. Everybody in the last few generations were damn decent with pistols.
Epigenetics are correct. The ancients knew this as well. And this is why race-mixing was forbidden.
When you race mix, you risk creating progeny that suffer from the traumatic experiences of multiples peoples.
Whites who have small amounts of native american blood will have in their families the traumatic experience of what happened to them (let's not kid ourselves guys, we did, in fact, slaughter them mercilessly and kick them off of their ancestral land, which we are now afraid the muslims will do to us)
This is why biracial children are three times more likely to suffer from personality disorders (depression, bi-polar, schizoid, dementia etc…)
Fuck off. Whites have proven time and time again they are the most just, moral leaders.
If I was a nigger I know where I'd prefer to be.
Also, all those stories we were told as children are obviously meant to instill a fear of jews in us. Witches have long noses, pointy hats; short trolls and dwarves counting money; jealous ugly siblings wanting to do you in etc etc. They're all stories about kikes in Europe, imho
this is the dumbest fucking macro I've ever seen. kill yourself.
The Star of David distracts from anything you were meaning to say.
Very interesting, tell me more of your autistic perspectives.
We Dindu Nuffin.
No there isn't because fear of heights is learned later in youth, it's not an instinct. My fear of heights was probably instilled by a fall or warnings of the danger of falling from my parents. If the fear of heights were genetic then hundreds of generations of falls would result in nearly every child having the instinct instead of just some.
Illiterate faggots get the fuck out.
Maybe the jews wants to genozide white people because of this?
If you believe for second that this wont be used to further tear down white people you're an idiot.
It's interesting that even when we can prove that free will doesn't exist, people will still believe in it and come up with endless justifications for why it could exist. Almost like evidence has no bearing on what we believe, and our thoughts are not our own at all, we simply identify with them and attach emotional weight to them because they're the ones we have to live with.
Conditioning can be hereditary ? That's pretty scary, shows that engineering a race of sub-human slaves isn't that far from being technically possible for an hypothetical NWO.
It happens to me a LOT.
My mother had their back's skin burned because while my grandmother was cooking, the pan with boiling water fell.
I had always had panic when I see boiling water, it should be the "genetic memory", because my mother only mentioned the accident, she didn't tell me the details.
Heritable Pavlovian response?
Smell like kikes found a new way to extract shekels forewer.
Also, presenter is a kike.
Never ever trust kike "science".
Prove it then, you fatalist shill.
Welcome to 1200. I love it how the godless have to painfully rediscover every last bit of humanist belief that eventually cemented into common sense.
Pure free will is a philosophical concept, folks and particularly believers know very well how limited they are in their choice. That's why they seek the help of others, or gods, to get over their limits.
We can't keep the West functional with idiots who think they're liberating themselves from religion, and end up running around like headless chickens because suddently (and they even wonder why!) they feel unmotivated and demoralized.
I suspect that christianity offered us the means to break the chains of kikery but the abuses that the post macabee rebellion kikes dished out alongside the accursed baalist mohammedans to european christianity split us in twain.
There are those of us with the potential to survive all of the lunacy to come and there are those that shall surely die. We are the only ones who can break the kikel of evil that these monsters have begotten it is truly up to us. If we fail then kikery will reign until the lord returns.
We will not make it far down that road. Those who try will die and their works will be shattered. What do you think all of this, marxism, ideological and spiritual subversion and even the religious D&C on here are? They are the beginnings of a great evil work and we are those chosen to fight it all. As I said it falls to us to free the world and let it have its conflicts and to warn against such a path for humanity lest we all die. Like monkeys with the pleasure button with a bowl of food before them.
genetic memory dawwwwgggg
So… if i look nothing like my father or stepfather, and nothing like anyone else in my family at all… am i the mailmans baby? Does that mean im going to go insane and shoot up my local post office?
I've never seen this Wyatt Mann drawing.
Is he at it again?
Sign here to ban all guns:
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I'm a practical guy who doesn't hold to any religion but did get mandatory Bible study in school.
Even disregarding all the religious crap; our societies would be much better (and were much better) when held to a standard.
Its just an ironic statement to make: we're so kind and loving that we have to destroy every other race.
I do believe Europeans are the kindest, etc, but we definitely did genocide the natives. I don't see the moral dilemma in that, coming from someone who says they want to exterminate blacks
look up per se vs accidental causes please
Oh, I get it now. We have to play the eternal victim to justify future genocides. In a way we're like Jews
Determinism and Free Will can exist in the same universe. Most people don't have free will, you only have it once you recognize you have it. Living unconsciously is where most people fail.
I'm almost a complete euro mutt. What does this mean for me mentally?
I want to condition jews into race mixing with abbos.
So you can show me the coding, can you?
Fuck the coding, the entire world is waiting for proof of the Holohoax.
na dumbass, the topic was Epigenetics the research participants were Hololololo not the other way around
No other race would even try to match our level of altruism. We really tried, but it didn't work. Time for plan B.
It's all very dangerous tbh.
Haplogroup study can already reveal where you come from, hence strengthen nationalist/ethnic/racialist sentiment, just as well as blame things on you just because you're white. It can be used both ways.
Now this is equally bad. It means jews can really enslave the whole world through conditioning, and at he same time, gives even more reason to oppose all the bullshit you can see at the slightest sign of it because it could be an attempt to condition you and your lineage.
We live scary as shit times. But if anything, it shows our dedication to oppose the jew won't be in vain.
Please note that humans cannot be pavlov'd as easily as animals and especially not to the point where it becomes epigenetic material. Scientist found proof of great tragedies that lasted for extended periods of time. No proof has yet been found for genetic evidence in people that got their ass kicked once or twice.
When you think of epigenetic material think of more subtle intrinsic expressions of human emotion.
Basically what epigenetic material is, is proof that some people can be TRIGGERED due to their genetics. By anything that scarred their ancestors.
This includes you.
Imagine what this could imply for people(s) with psychosis. A perceived tragedy could therefore genetically alter people's genetic lineage without ever taking place.
I don't think you understand the scale. The visible universe is estimated to contain between 10^78 and 10^80 atoms. Evolutionist acknowledge that the chance of a simple protein molecule forming at random in an organic soup is one in (10^113).
Idk if you can into math by 10^113 is a lot bigger than 10^80.
We /assassin's creed/ now.
Plato was right.
Disease is not genocide. And Columbus was a Jew.
You're a moron. Go back in the the past one hundred and fifty years, tracking everything at the molecular scale that had to go right for you to every be born, and the odds of you existing at all are similar to the odds you're claiming for a protein to spontaneously form (under unspecified conditions, when abiogenesis is hypothesized to have started with rna first anyway, you twat).
The chances of ANYTHING AT ALL become infinitely slim the further back into the past you go. But we know shit happened, because we are here now.
so I can blame my irrational fear of spiders on my ancestors?
Abiogenesis is a fairy tale for grown ups. It isn't even talked about anymore because it has made zero progress despite collective efforts.
Don't you mean god?
why didn't it post?
We Assassin's Creed now.
Yep but only on flies, just no one is willing to brave being thrown in to prison to show that it affects humans since they will likely be killed or thrown in jail over it.
Fuck off Void