When did you realize that free will exists and you can do anything you want and no government entity can dictate what you do?
When did you realize that free will exists and you can do anything you want and no government entity can dictate what...
About the same time I realized doing something stupid would have a bigger entity impose it's free will against mine.
around 12. but shorty after i realized my actions have consequences and grew up.
and that's when you became a statist faggot
anarchy thread?
anarchy thread.
ancaps fuck off
exercise your free will by possessing any mount of weed and getting incarcerated for a year with a 1,000 fine
Enjoy being a product of corporatism, faglord
stop being a lazy pussy and learn to abuse the system just like everyone else
What a cute girl.
Every law is made based on profit not moral righteousness, stop looking to the law as a sign of moral, faggot whore
The current system is based on either tyranny (communism) or fascism. I'd rather attack both and call for something better.
The system is based on jewish ideology. To attack it with true damage, slaughter the jews. Fucking imbecile fucker
I agree, we should allocate jews to their own space like Israel. We should not allow them to influence our country.
We should erase their existance from human history. They literally contributed nothing but suffering in human existance.
I completely agree. i would like them to wonder off into the woods and experience nature like the Nordic people experienced back in the ice age.
Considering science and actual progress for the human kind.
Sure manipulative science by the nazi propaganda mysterium might have been evolved further by jews. But that's about the extent of their contribution towards science in human history.
The rest is based of others work, jews are masters of plageriasm.
Nothing actual contributed to humans advancement what so ever.
Pathetic self glorific creatures
All I am saying is that authoritarian movements never work. I'm not saying that anarchic movements work either. I just want people to come together on both sides and reach some sort of agreement. I am not talking about multiculturalism here, I am talking about a government that is truly for the people and respects what the original constitution was about. No, I am not a libertarian either. I am looking for a system that allows nationalism while being respective of other nations at the same time and doesn't rely on corporatism.
I truly like free market capitalism but I think it can be corrupted. Just look at the current state of the US. The current state of the US is full on corporatism. It's shit.
I think it would be better if we just deported all kikes and immigrants (illegal and not) and started a new. It would be like the US back in the beginning.
All I want is to see the total destruction of judaism and jews, I want to see every last one hang from the gallows
when did I say humans were worthless?
Expecting any human being to feel bad for killing jews
It is known.
Anarcho-Socialism is literally the stupidest thing to ever come out of anyone's mouth.
There can't be a government, but there needs to be a government to distribute the wealth.
It can't even work in the earliest stages of theory.
Varg recently said the system should burn to the ground so we can start a new. That's inherently anarchistic.
Humans don't posses the potential, the best thing anyone can do for a human is to end it's filthy existance.
Every current ruler is extremly inferior, asking why one should bow down just do corrupt our one system of rooting our weakness, yeah sure, alter natural selection with products and placements,
Humans are at the very best worthless flesh slaves destined to die.
It's funny how Varg never actually offers an alternative. I mean, I am a big black metal fan, I listened to his shit back in the 90's. He still doesn't offer an alternative. He only complains about it.
Building a new comes first when the old is dead. One target at the time my love
That is so defeatist though.
Mfw exterminating every single jew from the face of the earth will improve the quality of natural selection
It will be my honor to improve the genetical heritage quality of our genetical species
I am sure it will
But how does this apply to the current state or affairs? Jews are all around us. You can't just shoot a lazer and expect them all to be gone.
You can trace their genetical tree and exterminate them, believe me, it would all be over in literally days with an efficent force.
The human species is being dumbed down for easier control, anything thining out it's own herd needs to die.
It can't make itself superior so it makes everything else inferior, it's literally disgusting having such a thing as leader.
If there is a group who deserves to rule all the humans, god knows it's not the jews