Old thread is full but I made this video and it's fresh out of oven and want to upload it.
Webm thread
Other urls found in this thread:
This one is nifty. How to take a full page screenshot in firefox. The first key he presses is F12.
screenshot –fullpage
It fucking knows.
Leftypol is raiding Hal now?
we're coming bucko.
requesting the extremely close and very loud 9/11 parody webm
Very lovely. I hope we get a large amount of death in this thread.
I'll ad this Classic.
I like this guy.
You nigger.
Can someone please explain to me the political position of the person in the video?
Ukraine is on fire, but I don't understand who is burning it or why. What happened in Donbass? It seems like the singer hates nationalists, but why?
Because he's a Russian, he raps about blood in the street and other bullshit but he's just a cunt who sits somewhere in russia making music because he wants to be popular.
Wow that was a piece of shit webm
Top tier meme, matey.
pretty shit webm thread tbh
All slav language sounds the same to me because I'm a burger.
So this is some dumbfuck Russian hating on Ukrainians for defending their territory, by claims ownership of the city where the bloodshed happens personally?
That doesn't make sense. This sounds like border conflict shit. Why should what's Ukraine's belong to the Russians? Why would the singer be so personally invested?
Your nose is showing.
Then contribute you nigger
win key + F12
with what? the same old webms? the first two videos seem new but are incomprehensible/lackluster, I'd rather contribute nothing rather than the same old shit.
recycling the same old shit instead of making new stuff
whats with fucking Ross?
Filter + ID
Plenty of new people may visit 8ch and thus may take a redpill here or there. Other polacks may save these and use them to in discussion.
Maybe go do something useless rather then shitting up pol with useless defeatist bullshit statements.
Anyone know where to find grandpa video on youtube?
I can't wait for this thread to inevitably devolve into Holla Forums like every other webm thread.
Do you faggots not realize that especially with such small clips, you can put more than one weebm in a single post? You know, instead of spamming your unfunny Holla Forums folder one at a time.
So much shitposting, there's a 8mb cap which is abysmal.
There a place to find this guys content? Website is gone.
here you go broski, don't cringe too much
Unfortunately, no. He has a new jewtube channel, but he recently deleted the 5 or 6 videos he had up. No idea why.
Diceberg is such a retard, it was obviously a figure of speech.
checked, mein fuhrer
What is the background of this clip?
I've only ever seen it in gif form until now.
Dubs Checked
Heil Hitler
Local politician (i think) accused of taking bribes and committing fraud if i remember correctly.
It was later investigated and it turned out the people around him had set him up.
This man was innocent and he was dragged through the mud, he killed himself live on tvb and i believe it was a live broadcast on national level.
He was a politician in the 1980's. His name is Budd Dwyer and he shot himself at a press conference.
Alot of Russians live in Ukraine. Most of the people in Donbass are Russians.
what the name of this guy?
John Alan Martinson Jr.
thank you user
anyone have the one where the guy sings about how he hates everything everyone loves, it has pictures of liberal degenerate as it goes along
Holy shit that was brutal.
Also worth the watch
thank you, would of replied sooner but I was watching Cromartie high
I wish Gavin were like this more often.
There's a fucking Star of David on the ceiling.
One in a million nigger.
what they're talking about?
-"Prost!" (Toast!)
-"Heil Hitler!"
-"No, granny, let's do a new one."
-"Heil Hitler"
old habits die hard.
was this intentional?
Should have been this one, delete the other one.
Needs moar quality.
Absolute madman.
Doc. Steel? The pioneer of meme magic as we know it?
This man was a hero.
I hope he can see what is happening around the world these days.
I hope he is happy with the world we are trying to build.
I'll say it again. This man is a hero.
it really warms my heart that they visit their father in prison, that the first step for him to start a new life after he gets out
Looks kinda Jewy. Is he?
where is this from
Why would he be, though?
Someone please tell me they have source on this talk/lecture or whatever it is
I don't think so.
His surname certainly isn't kosher
He's still active in politics, here's his opinions on Trump. He basically thinks Trump is a new Obama who is conning the people.
He actually has some interesting points.
This is classic. Notice how they all avoid eye contact with the man until he passes, and then shout behind his back or at his wife. Absolute cowards.
absolutely disgusting
German version
Doctor Steel. He's a musician primarily, has stopped doing work if I remember correctly.
I never heard this song before, but its about building walls.
Bastion is actually a pretty good game, the ending induces feels.
this is so depressing
Should be changed to "Mexican's Lament". It's about how the wall will fall.
Reminds me of the black kid in the first semester of college math. I felt really bad for him because he was genuinely a nice guy and tried hard to learn. I haven't seen him after the first semester.
It's like trying to communicate with a couple zika babies
I love this.
holy smokes! Liberals are eating eachother like crazy.
I haven't seen that one yet. It's breddy gud.
Song is Untitled Buzzfeed Project by Mike David by the way
Nice, very on point
All's good.
I-is is he talking about us?
oc, just started watching the great war channel on youtube and noticed this on the first episode.
Your (((international))) clique has already controlled things for too long. Now it's our turn to take it back and secure the existence of our race, and a future for White children.
How's your summer going?
Someone send this to Common Filth.
Where did the grandpa learn these things?
She looks 19/20 so in about 6 years her legs will only produce retarded, autists.
Please, does someone know the name of this song? This sort of music gives my spirit a boner.
kek eggs*
The guy used to be a maoist and studied Chinese language and history in University of Helsinki.
But somewhere along the way he saw the light and became a nationalist, specializing in national revolutions.
He has written Revolution: And How to Do It in a Modern Society (Vallankumous ja sen toteuttaminen modernissa yhteiskunnassa), definitely worth a read if you can find it somewhere.
Mein sides are no longer obeying the laws of physics.
it's from a movie called "Ca$h" if anyone wants to know
Based Cassius Clay.
It still hits me right in the feels that they seem to think she's joking.
Old people who do "naughty" thing are completely aware of what they're doing 95% of the time. Even if they're suffering from mental health shit. They know.
I don't blame them.
I'm going to fuck with people when I'm old as hard as I can.
He deleted all his online videos, well most of them anyway. He was struggling to find employment or make a living on his own because of the content he put out on YouTube etc. Some user said he came to Holla Forums a few times. He might lurk here, who knows.
fucking shit, you can literally see the moment when he melted their brains, obama was never the same after that.
based nigger.
whats his name?
We're the generation of unforeseen struggle. Even the generation who fought through the Great war would shudder thinking about the coming bloodshed.
That is the nervous laugh of the conditioned cucks, products of the (((german))) government's decades long de-nazification program.
Deep down, they know that Grandma is wiser than they are, but can not openly accept it in public, so they laugh off the awkward feeling.
Why is this thread already on page 8?
can i have source on the song
its not a star of david. I don't think it has a name, just something islam usual use in their architect design. The petronas twin tower also based on this design
While the whole deify science parts a little off to me everything else is a 100% based
Speech embeddyment
Hey Chaim! How's Tel Aviv?
I can almost smell the weed
"Opa war Sturmfuehrer bei der SS" by Landser. Russian version.
I like the original German, though the Russian is a little more aggressive.
Extended German version embedded.
That was pretty cool, i like their uniforms a lot.
I love how the prominent white family glides past the cesspool of liberal garbage with their heads held high. When the camera pans back to the crowd, the viewer can't but help shiver at the disgust 8 years of Obama policy has created.
what is the name of this individual
Based and unnerving
Anyone got a webm of Hitler talking about how a woman with 7 children has done more for her people than the same woman with a career?
Excellent taste. Excellent game. Super happy Tumblr didn't get ahold of it, it being an artsy indie game.
The finale/complete version is really good too.
Couldn't find it, but here is the youtube channel that came from.
Holy fucking shit.
Think of the people who worship bill nye, carl sagan, and global environmentalism.
I get your message but damn is that image funny.
I'm thinking about becoming a politician in a post trump presidency.
What do you guys think?
what the fuck, whats the original?
Where did you find this? Has this guy been taken care of yet?
Love this game.
It's a shame he's bluepilled as fuck on the JQ. I really like most of everything else he does/says.
He's got some good point. I should read the constitution. But these are dire times, and dire times need drastic measures.
I'm triggered
Its this, I felt the same way
it was posted a while ago and an user followed up with a news story about the nigger being convicted for it
Thank the Gods
He isn't "bluepilled", he's working for them.
Anybody know where this is from? I found this in my archives.
Cheers mate!
nice dubs
music way too fucking loud jesus christ what a useless video
that's mercedes carrera
she does a bit of anti feminist stuff
not sure of the point you're making
Assuming she wasn't a shitskin and didn't have a bad case of manface, and masturbation wasn't bad for you in general, what's wrong with appreciating the aesthetic beauty of someone who supports your ideals and who consentually put her porn on the internet? It's that kind of anti-sexuality that enforces the SJW movement.
Based Mercedes Carrera only fucks white guys. Absolutely redpilled.
This is either one of those furry otherkin faggots or a master level troller
Every time I hear about the struggles of Germany after WW1 and the defeat of Germany in WW2 I just feel like crying. How could they do something so terrible to the Germans? Looking at Germany and there people today makes me feel so much inner pain. The worst part about it is I could never feel the true joys and pride of being a part of the German people and nobody else will either.
another song by based igor
Oh shit son, that is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen.
The audacity of these kikes is downright comical at this point.
Read the Constitution, sure, but check out the acts of the early Congress as well.
They add contextually-relevant concepts, informing as to the perspectives and views of those making the documents of Founding.
Linguistic evolution, cherry-picking and purposeful distraction have made those documents nearly without purpose in function.
This guy DOES have some good points… But he's very cuckservative in how he approaches the whole thing.
He keeps talking about the Constitution, which - while a noble document in its origin - has been so thoroughly perverted through amendment, reinterpretation and historical ignorance on behalf of the populace as to be effectively worthless.
Ascribing to the tenants of the Constitution alone will not stave off the demographic decline which is on the horizon; we are going to need more, and of such a manner as the Constitution would likely attempt to prohibit outright - even so, such may be needed.
Shabbos goy af tbh fam
whatever, man.
i'm the one who was laughing while your faggot ass is being miserable about what i said and bitchin about me using a meme that is actually in the fukkin webm
In reality Europe is fighting to protect Israel from ISIS, not the other way around. Even the most cucked countries have sent more troops than Israel.
And the real hilarious thing is that cartoon is a ripoff with the flags edited in - cheap-ass kikes couldn't even be bothered spending money on animation.
Who do you think coined the term "ISIS". Where do you think that term comes from? What do you think it's abreviation means? I'll give you a hint;
ISIS (the organisation) hires mercenaries (ISIS) to disrupt opposing countries near Israel. Israel wants to disrupt the nuclear development of Syria, and disrupt their development of an alternative oil-pipeline towards China Of which Israel currently holds a monopoly
I get your point but. youtube.com
God I'm so glad to have shared Dr. Steel with people on the chans. I'm not trying to boast but literally nobody knew about this guy or what he was about. Until I started spamming about the dude asking about what anons thought happened to the guy. Only in random youtube threads or I'd make them myself, but, still.
He is a based man.
Well first off he is very white. Secondly, his lyrics and what he's done is the very opposite of being a Jew. He made music and then a scene around it that was at first successful and influential. Which then got turned around and made into some shitty steampunk scene. If you read into his lyrics you will find many things oyu already know about. Whereas the people who regularly followed him have no clue about his lyricism. Which was why it was so easy to take his initial fans who were true and knew what he's about. Then turn it around and make it into some bullshit. After that he disappeared with no trace until a few years after the fact. This Commander Jet dude received a letter from someone who is supposedly in contact w/ him. Saying he never wants anything to do with it again, etc. Even though it took off and was making money.
Either way if you talk to me about the man; I'll tell you up and down that spooks got to him. 'Cause you can't go gathering large crowds of people under banners and ideals. Especially when you do it by means of auditory influence aka music, aka, the greatest propaganda there is next to playin' the telephone game.
That's a perfect jew laugh right there.
See, this is why i differentiate between black people and niggers.
In this video you see black man on one a side, a nigger on the other.
Also it's further proof that the system is rigged as fuck. No way a nigger could ever win from this guy fair and square.
Why? That's exactly what's happening today.
Science has become a religion; doesn't matter if the 'study' is a load of Leftist bullshit goy, it's science so it's true.
Haha, i really enjoyed this. Good sense of humor.
been looking for this, nigger is right
Whats his name?
Does the exploration part have something to do with r-selection?
Are all of these real?
One was fake.
Can tell from the AE bloodsplatter.
He's like a chubby, dorky, finnish version of herr fuhrer. :3 Check out dat wave at the end.
Truly inspiring stuff.
i dont even know what reaction pic post, this is fucking awesome
never post funny or die content again
Where's the original?
John Miller. He certainly has a Goebbels type persona when he speaks, I think he's jewish though.
so the question is, is the slut a slut? yes. yes she is. she's 'one of the bros' hoes, dresses and acts manly, and fully endorses lying and stealing positions in culture, in race, in every step of the way. she's not cute, she's a deliberate frankenstein. and the grandfather knows it, he just is old, avoids the pain (rather than face it), and there's nothing he can do about it. period.
sex and eggs can't make up for lost time. generating more guaranteed failures, just because your dick says 'yes' and you 'know how to keep/straighten-out women', also doesn't work. there is only one universe, with one sun, and one earth, that revolves around it, and a whore slut is mechanically not able to assist with making white victorious sons. period. that's what is, and that's all there is.
execute or don't, just move on.
grant nothing.
In the original it's the golem that actually causes the boulder to roll.
What's she saying?
stop user I can only get so hard
jesus fucking christ WHAT THE FUCK
why did I watch that WHYYY
only now you understand.
Nope. I know where this is going. Rip on cat.
Ich Weiß that feel.
how long does it take to go 80 miles if you go 80miles per hour?
80 miles.
holy shit, they don't even understand the concept of time and distance.
Kek this was made to deter people?
I'm glad someone on here knows what Dr. Steel is.
reminds me of boiling water challenge
A nigger shoahed a degenerate, toxo carrying pest. That scream the glorified rat produced was top notch. And the nigger got flak from leftists + charges. All in all, everything turned out well.
Shitskin sociopath detected
Get rid of your cats, you autist. The toxo will hopefully wear off, obviously not completely since you seem to be deep in it, but it will clear your head. Until you do that, you will not be able to see reason.
If it was a dog I'd react the same
And lmao "reason"
If it was a dog, I would react like you did. But a cat is useless (except catching some mice, which is not done with 99,99% of western cat owners) and also infests you with a parasite.
Stay cucked, catcucks.
If it was a pet rat I'd react the same, a pet bird, a pet snake, any domesticated animal. Fuck your retarded Dog v Cat shit are you still in school or what?
Build it tall.
Cats are useless. They hold no value to 99% of western cat owners. They infest you with toxo to make you like them, just like they do with mice and other prey of theirs. You cannot see it because you are a cucked cat slave.
Yeah but aren't any pets aside from Dogs? And yea I know I'm fucked with the toxo but I didn't choose for my parents to have a cat from when I was born till now
Thats true, I do not know why anyone keeps useless junk like rats. Cats are beyond useless though, because useless is at least neutral. Cats harm you. Get rid of the cats and it will clear up.
Notice how people whose cats die, they immediately have to get another one to get their toxo fix, but if they wait, they might be let go of the parasite.
People who have dogs and they die, they often take a break inbetween dogs, because the dog was a genuine friend, unlike the cat who only enslaves you with toxo.
i like [this] vid. please excuse my sperg: @1:20 it shows gaussian distribution average, taking use perhaps unknowingly of the central limit theorem.
this is incorrect.
central limit theorem is a profound realization not to be trifled with. it exists only in the fictional, albeit highly consistent by design, since it is, well, designed – like all of mathematics. where you are charged, is in ensuring the context and transformation/modeling into, and out of, mathematics. then you can take advantage of that body of work. applied, using gaussian distribution fails this transform in, and thus fails the transform out conclusion of what distribution will look like. human distribution is not gaussian, it's the precursor as described by antecedent of the central limit theorem – it's poisson.
yes, if 10,000 N, the curve will approach the bell shape, but we're not 10,000 identical N. For a given environment, and a given adaptation, there are only a handful of likewise identical N to then rank frequency against success. the lower the N size, the more the curve is poisson (kind of like a reverse J, or a 'd' on it's side).
This is specifically because evolution theory is not. 'Survival of the Fittest' is a strange narrative made by social justice warrior. it is not that the fittest survive and the rest die (a self centered supremacy argument that refuses to see time changing the test for fit, implied constant by -est in child-like short-sighted error). it is that the least fit end. there is not best/-est. there is only survival, and not. and that survival must constantly be redone and innovated, by virtue of environment always changing with each iteration, not be some low-energy 'oh i won last time, i'm human!'.
skipping to the end, evolution is "the self de-selection of the least fit." if you think about this, you know it, you've seen it, you do it every day, along with all other life on earth. which is why we're here. all these liars, trying to be so low of degenerates, while proclaiming fittest, using the fact that they 'just' 'are', timeless, as if they 'just' have 'always survived'. the darwin dyscrasia is one of the foundations of affirmative hermetical enablement of this madness.
man is an adaptive adaptation engine, that has on it's shoulders the price bought by six gorrilion gorillion lives: an ability to actively change the winning behavior based on context alone, on will alone, on recognition alone. this has an isolative effect, such that for each similar genetic chain, and -then- for each similar choice chain, only a few have made enough similar to be classified as N unique samples. thus the curve takes the poisson shape. and this is where horror arises: the majority of the population are below the average-function line, while the trace few are untouchable standard deviations away from the rest. that's the heart of darkness that gives rise to this charade – the greater majority -can't-, and have no ability to even -see- their unableness (if they could, then they wouldn't be so), but they can still sense it. and they then choose to use all of those gorilion sacrifices before them to subvert, unless —unless— might stops them (or they succeed, and might ends, and they all starve).
Did notice that, ah well my cat is quite old now. Fucks sake though I wish I knew about the parasaite loooong time ago.
RE: Source
Requesting original madness. Odd vid channel encode is odd, strange algo.
Fascists/righties like dogs while commies/lefties like cats.
This is evidence when Hitler loved dogs but Lenin loved cats.
Dogs appeal to the sense of order, respect for authority and genuine platonic love out of nothing.
Cats are all about that freedom, mysticism and hard to get.
i agree with your assertion.
the superfluous shifting of populations doesn't assist with this conclusion. but i would support regardless of such: degenerates are unclean, keep unclean cats, acquire toxoplasma gondii, and the lingering infection drives the too-low-of-energy-to-even-clean to commit more stupid.
the superfluous exclusion of degenerates and dogs is a gift to the overriding class of dog asset owners – a gift given poorly. i would limit my generosity not to dog asset owners, but dog asset masters of based/nonbroken dogs. there is no data to suggest (degenerates + dog) (-dog) doesn't otherwise lead immediately back to (degenerate + dog). often, with or without death, it leads to (degenerate + dog)(++dog), etc.
to the unhealthy, the toxo gonads affects women's ability to grow the yet born, and worsens women's recovery. thus, essentially, nothing is changed: failed females are still fail, just failing more.
to the healthy, the parasite can't linger long, though reinfections are omnipresent with uncleanliness. nevertheless, the toxic gonad affectives don't occur. many (an ungodly many, actually) bugs, bacteria, fungi, and viruses continuously reinfect – they just can't infest the healthy.
yes, i am aware that Holla Forums prefers the former slicing. i endorse this myself as well; failed females need withdrawal of all crediting; lying for (((them))) returns no profit.
He knows. He's hinted multiple times. Won't admit it for obvious reasons.
Can somebody webm this?
youtube-dl -f 43 'youtube.com
I'm actually impressed for the fact that he can spell.
there you go
he was going off script by the way
Western cat owner here
my cat leaves dead mice by the door
get fucked nigger
source on this?
Not really.
Not a .webm but it will do.
Appropriate since 160AD.
anyone have the source on this?
This gets better every time. 2:25 gives me chills
This gets better every time. 2:25 gives me chills
good that it stays outside then, if you keep it inside you are a catcuck, also exception proves the rule
Anyone got a full version of this? Even if it's on Jewtube I want to see where this goes.
That guy's a bad goy and I want to hear more bad goy talk. Any more videos of him?
The disgust and anger powers me. If I did that to my mother, God I'd KILL myself. We must BURN the furries in their carcasses, let the real flesh consuming union between them and their costumes provide enough pain for them to repent right before dying.
Plus. We wouldn't even need fuel. Those suits are basically napalm.
Where's that from?
… Did that pleb just pronounce GUI as "guy"?
If you must pronounce GUI it's "gooey".
Holy shit.
Literally one of the most beautiful young white families I have ever seen. The dude even looks like some chisel jawed Chad they would use in old propaganda posters.
That's literally Holla Forums right?
Like actually literally, not figuratively literally.
Anyone have the full length youtube link?
Could you share the settings?
Found it.
Of course:
ffmpeg -y -i source.mp4 -map_metadata -1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -s 960x540 -b:v 500k -an -pass 1 -speed 1 -cpu-used 1 -tile-columns 6 -tile-rows 2 -f webm temp.webmffmpeg -y -i source.mp4 -map_metadata -1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -s 960x540 -b:v 500k -c:a opus -b:a 50k -pass 2 -speed 1 -cpu-used 1 -tile-columns 6 -tile-rows 2 -f webm result.webm
Thank you!
What movie is this?
The series proceeds to shit all over him you know.
Full Episode
related webm in another thread
I wonder if based grandpa is still kicking. I'd give anything to spend a day shooting the shit with him.
A shame his granddaughter is a disgusting marxist.
people on Holla Forums think niggers getting stomped out is hilarious but get tumblr level triggered if a cat has boiling water thrown on it
Animals are neutral creatures that have lived alongside us for thousands of years, especially cats, dogs and horses.
He probably is Jewish
This is what denazification has done. Mission complete.
How about this?
wheeeww… one well spoken man right there.
She reminds me of Kennedi Cotarelo
Do you even know where you are kike?
I know her!!
Someone I know trolled her channel by pretending to be a trumpfag
go here and watch my webm
I cant post it twice
What anime is this?
I love how redpilled the grandfather is!
That's just a lie. When have the Israelis fought ISIS?
gitgud, faggot, Israel benefits from ISIS and the US is happy that we finally have a near blanket cassus belli to wreck the few stable areas of the mideast.
anyone have that three kingdoms webm?
Yep. In stromcucks safe space.
Keep your eyes closed stormcuck or you are just hohol diaspora?
The Beast of War
it was created by some guy on /webm/, he used to post on Holla Forums a lot and made webm tutorials for those that needed help.
I spotted the fag
To the goy who asked for sauce on the other thread:
the worst part of this shit is that she thinks he is just insane. he is not just wrong in her view he is actually senile and insane. she is using someone who is insane to get views and attention
(he is not actually insane she just thinks he is cause he has disagrees with here)
time for some oc, here he talks with sammy boy
Like 95% of this entire website is fucking shit. What are the chances of someone getting good digits and it being also a good post?
The 10 million Holla Forums get.
I actually didn't bother checking that one, was it good? When I came into Holla Forums the post counter was at 10000333 or something like that. I mean in the end of the day it is Holla Forums, how good could the post have been?
It was "Praise Kek"
Anyone translate this?
John Alan Martinson Jr.
I feel sick.
This is what a Jewish-run society looks like. On the microscopic scale, this is what degeneracy does to a family, and thus the nation.
His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular
What is that from?
lmao based Britbong, good on you lad
t. burger
That was damn good
That was damn good.
A housecat is an innocent companion, you fucking idiot. A nigger getting stomped out was most likely asking for it.
This video is really underrated. You could see the rapid change in the brunette as she moved on up to the shotgun. She was just a regular libshit but once she fired one you could tell that she creamed her panties from the thrill. Not to mention she's the only one of them who said they would do it again.
I wouldn't even say it was that wasted
Ok i have no idea how to make a webm.
But i was just watching this show, by chance with someone else, called Full Measure with Sheryl Atkisson and there was literally a nig they interviewed who was an immigrant from Africa and he said he did not want to live in Atlanta because of the niggers essentially. Straight up said degenerates and rap pretty much.
Even an AFRICAN straight from the jungle is more based than an American brainwashed by the you know whos black man.
unnerving doesn't even begin to describe the first webm.
So that's where that comes from….
My question is, where's dad?
how is such a thing even possible?
This has me worried.
…have you not noticed global oil prices have continued a downward spiral coinciding with the rise of ISIS?
Reminds me of Dennis Hopper.
Islam aside, what kind of cuck would say sacrificing yourself to take take out your enemies is never justified under any circumstances?
Requesting the "Life on the content farm" videos.
I'm gonna need a source for that Soviet music friend.
I love how the white family even invited there maid to go with them to the Trump rally.
post didn't go through.
did anybody save the text of the article or the other info? it was posted with that webm in a stalin thread a few months months ago
Good old Dr Steel.
The nose knows.
Save this one, boys. It is golden.
Taken from the archives of the Esalen's Racial Confrontation as Transcendental Experience workshop. These sessions were the inspiration and source for the book Black Rage,
This bitch sucks, having this guy for a grandpa would be like hangin' with Archie Bunker and she just sits there like the smug millennial twerp she is, thinking how much better she is than him. This guy probably killed people in the war and worked an honest job for years to feed his family, meanwhile she's probably living in some studio apartment on a trust fund while she goes to art school ar some shit.
Hey can someone convert this to a webm for me?
made me cry also fuck this gay earth
Allright, listen :
two methods (that I know of)
This should works on BOTNET windows 10, but idk
rapper is a she
Luhansk native, that's why she raps in ==MY== city
I'm Russian and that song kicks ass
This explains a lot.
I feel bad for both of them. The kid is so far gone that his ability to connect with other human beings and live outside of his masturbatory fantasy world probably seems way out of reach.
But you can tell that his mother has some controlling tendencies. Like… maybe she shouldn't be bugging the kid about fucking his stuffed animals.
I think she probably cares about her son, but she doesn't really understand how he got to where he is. She asks him how it got there, but I don't think she really wants the answer nor would know what to do with it. Hell, HE probably doesn't entirely understand how he got there.
They both need to be in serious therapy. The guy is clearly desperately lonely, but part of that has got to be the result of over demandingness of others.
I wonder how she'd react if he was able to just hit her with the basic facts "I don't feel like anybody wants to have anything to do with me. I'm desperately lonely and afraid that nobody will ever love me."
Shrinks should study this video.
This webm always gets me. Fuck man
dubs are checked
gonna start up red orchestra 2 tocalm this boner down
Thank god. There's nothing lower than people doing shit like this to animals.
Kill yourself you useless sack of shit. Animals are innocent a nigger attacking someone isn't. And fight your others your own size. I hope someone skins you alive.
Stephen Miller. He is jewish, but I think we can forgive him for that, this one time.
She doesn't get triggered when she eats food? Like, why doesn't she just eat less? They make food that is packaged in normal person portions. JUST ONLY EAT ONE OF WHATEVER YOU NORMALLY EAT YOU DELUSIONAL FREAK REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
b-b-b-but muh genetics
dubs of truth
I always thought [raughs] was from Deadwood.
for downloading
for compressing
Weirdest ep of TNG ever
Why do I get the feeling this is part of an anti-Trump propaganda film?
tbh 30's is the hottest even without the bias.
What does he say?
The memes are real.
The guys he is talking to is a pretty pozzed labour guy.
Is that guy at the beginning meant to be translating Goebbels?
Also source, can't find it googling quotes from it.
Nevermind, it's edited to look like he is mistranslating.
Probably just condensed for jewtube's old 10 minute limit.
I think that needs a GTA wasted version. Fuck I laughed way to hard watching that tub o lard get wrecked.
Cliff notes?
Source for 0:06?
Sitting in the car not wanting to deal with the brony or the harpy.
He is at least part Jewish
He's also recently released a video in which he pretty much affirms that he's not a racist, before that it was ambiguous at best. Disappointing.
was that about Elegon/Evalion? Lol.
A Jew has …?
I'd fuck the stupid out of her.
Fuck yeah that's ours. The monkeys didn't build them.
Anyone posting 'Beautiful Israeli women' is JIDF and is trying to influence you.
Every time I see this video posted, my Herman has improved, and so my hate.
anyone got that video where they took the trump/nazi mashup anti trump ad, but overlayed it with comments from youtube?
it ends with a guy's post saying "if they are lying to us about trump, does that mean they were lying to us about hitler?"
Verdammte Schreibmaschine
pic related already exists >>6633968
Only in a sick, degenerate, Jewified society is such a morally abhorrent thing possible.
How do I webm this?
newfag detected
Meant to post [vid]
You're a subhuman.
If you read their biography, they claim that no one cared who they were until they put on the masks.
an Islamo-Cuck
Make Zimbabwe, Rhodesia again.
That's about the funniest shit i've seen this year. Thanks.
/r/ing webm of South African oper8rs with Die Antword as background music
As near as I could figure, Doctor Steel dismantled his personality because his fans started becoming followers, and either he or his producer got spooked and shut everything down.
If he was still operating under this persona, his ironic fascistic imagery could have paved the way for neo-fascism much sooner than musicians now.
Every time this vid is posted I want to dox the girl just to hang out and have a beer with her grandad. He is 100% Holla Forums.
Seig Heil, oma. Sieg Heil
webm related
Anyone got a webm of the Germans lighting up the cathedral in cologne? Jewgle refuses to show it in the results..
This video is terrible: the arguments against him are poorly executed, the colors of the text are hard to read, the video is repetitive and slow, the music is extremely irritating. I could go on. There needs to be a good takedown of Einkike but this ain't it.
I'm in tears.
You've never seen the movie, have you?
of course i have i just made that oc here's some more.
request a scene and ill make it a webm
just her accent i think
Onison (aka UhOhBro) literally tells his girlfriend to handcuff him and make him watch whenever she's fucking her nigger.
does anyone have sauce on that webm of the German paratrooper song, not the heavy metal version the original?
not so fast the nig nog is a supposed REAL jew they believe that they are the true jews and that the jews today are imposters of their haritage
Why do niggers do this shit? Why don't they take the cat in, feed it, and care for it? Is it really low IQ? I fucking hate niggers, and I wish every nigger would just drop dead of aids, ebola, and every other fucking disease. They are truly a useless race of disgusting, violent creatures.
The exact thing happened to me one day: a cat appeared, clawing at my window on a cool October day. I let him in, fed him some scraps, picked up some cat food and supplies, and have kept him to this day.
Also, I know this is a webm thread, but at what IQ level does common sense kick-in?
I know niggers are as dumb as a bag of rocks, but it doesn't take a Watson and Crick IQ to figure out that you shouldn't fucking film something that is blatantly illegal in just about every state, if not all states.
the dad i swear looks exactly like my dad years ago kinda freaky
a (((jew))) "house"
wtf, now I hate jews
reminds me of this
the red pilled elmo to wew
This is seriously disturbing, how far can your standards fall.
truly terrifying
How would a Nigger react to this?
Would the nigger be able to see the pain the creature has?
Could a nigger look past the initial reaction of "Big nose! Kill the Kike!" and see it`s pain?
Niggers man, gotta slay `m all.
Damn… holy shit. I never seen an animal express such relatable emotions.
Congratz son, you are a human being.
What universe are you guys from?
Here NL has been a part of Germany ever since they pushed out the Icelandic hordes.
is this a sketch? It's fucking hilarious.
you spelled Human Bean wrong.
I was just curious where you guys came from :(
All this hate.
nigger, if you wanted to know, just ask? Also, really, you can't tell?
or a yet unknow real?
realm fuck
I don't believe in the stein/stain stuff. It's way too far off for me, like, /fringe/-tier. Besides, isn't it based upon the name of a book changing? Seems to me its just people misremembering things then anything more.
Of course I do, user! He's the reason I'm going to go help burn a smile across the nation, and why it won't be called anarchy. (~:
The year of the fire monkey isn't burnin' off like I want it to, but, then again it's a 30 year period isn't it, anons? All I know is everybody ought to have their spits ready fer roastin' when the blaze begins to rise stronger than ever.
its der illerminaughty gais
i swer on me fuggin lief
There is no correlation between the parasite and somebody being brainwashed to be liberal or why they are brain damaged. There is actual reasons for why brain damage is so prevalent in today's society. (Alcohol, media, common core, group-think, fear-mongering, hard drugs, prescription drugs, chemical dumps in the water municipal systems, extreme amounts of estrogen in all the food, drugs, AND water systems, etc) But no animal around us is the reason for it… You fucks are just as bad as people who point toward the Illuminati or or reptile people when it comes to talkin' about who has the most influence over the system and society.
I bet none of you even know how to train animals. Did you know you can train cats to do most of the shit dogs do? Nah you didn't 'cause you are too busy being young and buying into all the trends in your local culture aka this place.
Makes it funnier that everyone in the video have Pinocchio length noses.
I see this problem all the time. I too was like this back when I used Reddit. I would get mad at everyone talking about jews who I otherwise agreed with. I thought they were sabotaging themselves and our shared beliefs. Until one day I learned how to recognize a Jewish name, face and behavior. I started seeing them behind every anti western, anti white thing.
To most average people they just don't even notice them because they blend in well on the surface. They just look like white people to the untrained eye. Even black nationalists and the sort who have a hatred for whites don't realize that it's actually jews who are upsetting them.
Requesting a really specific webm I thought I saved but can't find.
It was from an old anti-freemasonry thread. It was a super loud video of some distorted voice denouncing masonry.
He said something along the lines of "You must understand, this is not a conspiracy theory. I beg each and every one of you to consider, just humor the idea that freemasonry is an outlet for organized crime, sexual abuse, drug and human trafficking, and political subversion to the point of tyranny."
In return, you have my gratitude.
hahah im dying this is great
Weird that this is the first time I've ever seen a webm of this scene on here before
Who is narrating these? I recognize the voice from other webms, just want an ID to find other content by him
Search 'Oswald Spengler' into YT. It's a channel.
Pigtails are pretty hot.
Vid unrelated
They do it for the notoriety value. There's fucking lots of niggers out there and any press that makes a particular nigger stand out is good press, even if it's ugly press.
Like this fool jigaboo that KNOWS the car is a bait car yet has to be talked out of it. Like he knows man, yet does it anyway.
Couldn't find it on jewtube, so:
its oc i made it for shits and gigs
John Alan Martinson jr
If someone could webm this video
it would be greatly appreciated.
learn to do it yourself, you lazy nigger.
I can't even get the video to load properly. Flash is bullshit.
luckily for you, somebody already did it for you in that thread, now that I look.
Nigger how stupid are you?
These are what you call HTML5 video players. Integrated in your browser.
a beautiful white swedish woman calling the bulls to her
Anyone has the webm/full video of Hitler talking about Finland as brother in arms or something?
feels bad
The mp4 (for ants) is already embedable
30's-50's were great for hair. Though I also like Farrah Fawcett hair
Oh. Let's call synagogues Jew houses from now on.
Anyone got a vid/webm of the protest at that German cathedral where they light it up?
Twin tails are the best and come in many different forms, including braids.
He's most definitely part Jewish.
Retarded video. The Franks were a Germanic tribe. Stopped watching right there.
Ok so this was either theirs or a neighbors (Looks like they live in cheap apartments surprise)
And I honestly don't know which is worse.
god dothraki are dumb
==GOD DAMN IT!!!!==
==DAMN YOU Holla Forums!!!==
he is way beyond stupidity. geez.
took it from another webm thread, don't know. But it's probably from some russian army convention.
Ukrainians are Russian. The Jew promoted Ukrainian nationalism to divide and weaken the Russia to pave the way for the Bolshevik revolution.
Would've been good if not for the exaggeration about the third reich.
Her name is JaclynGlenn, she is on jewtube but I've never seen this vid with her and her Grandfather. I wouldn't subscribe to her though she was known for plagiarism
Fresh off the Morriakdindu presses!
game theory getting edgy lately
Well niggers do get angry quickly, and Morriaku is 1/64 nigger.
Jesus christ
Idiots vs. losers
I usually like Jaclyn too…
I can't into modern art, what's going on? What does it mean?
Are you new here?
No, no, I am an old man
ayy lmao
that video got me all kind of feels
Lets play guess if a random webm uploads or it's already here.
nigger on youtube
That's some good shit user
No fucks given.
Thank you sir.
Interesting analysis, deserves its own thread actually if you could translate stats-speak into common language. But you're right, I hadn't though it of it like that before.
kek he's never allowed near a news station ever again
Velocitron, by Two Steps from Hell, from the album "Invincible", which is arguably one of the best musical soundtracks of all time.
Fucking board fucking up when I've a slow upload speed, grr.
Also thank you user.
The man in the second webm should never try to speak Deutsch again.
You would think that the (((CIA))) would at the very minimum buy an airsoft pistol for a hundred bucks that actually has a moving slide.
Grün ist unser Fallschirm
woops that one goes into the metal version after the first few seconds. Have this one too
From someone in another thread:
My own personal explanation, which may or may not be correct, is that it's about the rise and fall of a nation - about how a nation gets corrupted.
The first shot is of white children. They are pure. Even their hair is blond. The box that the boy walks toward might represent attaining knowledge and technology. In the next shot, they're older, they have a house (which represents both meeting the material need for shelter, and the development of culture) and the boy wears a golden glove. This probably represents national power.
In the next shot, a group of adults are dressed conservatively. A woman knights a man. Most everyone still has blond hair (they're still racially pure). The conservative dress and adherence to custom suggests they're a based society. As the shot ends, you see a server farm. This shows that they've continued to develop their technology.
Next shot is a family in very modern dress. The male at the head of the family wears the golden glove. They might, at this point, have abandoned conservatism and customs of honor. But they're still mostly blond. Quick cut to a jet engine. It's clear their society is still on an upward trajectory.
A group of men with M-16s stand in a formation. Golden glove leads them. The society is now powerful enough to have an invincible military. Quick cut to golden statue of a man wearing a glove. I suspect this is the height of the civilization. And since they've already abandoned customs, they've sort of coasted to this height. It's all down hill from here.
The next shot is a naked woman, but she's wearing the glove. Note also, she doesn't hold the glove up the way everyone else did. She's not wielding it the way they did. She's just wearing it. It's entirely symbolic. It's a fashion statement. Basically, they're mocking their own culture.
Sound familiar?
This is the most important shot of the video. The camera pulls back to reveal a luxury car (they're all bourgeoisie now) a woman whose facial expression might be sexual arousal, or it might be disgust, and another woman who carelessly exposes her breast and spits on you. Everything in this scene is emotion - feel good, feel sexy, feel rage. The woman sitting on the hood of the car is feeling bored. It's hilarious to me that it's all represented by women. Very appropriate.
The last part of the scene is a jet fighter. The guy is almost worshiping it. Previous images of technology were strictly functional. This might represent that technology has gone too far.
Next scene is young people dancing like pagans. Older people watch them and study them. Society is clearly on the decline now. The young are narcissistic and nihilistic. They don't believe in anything anymore. The older generation wants to control them. M-16s float in the air, with no one holding them. This represents technology divorced from its purpose of serving humanity.
A woman lies in effigy. Death of femininity maybe? Death of the society?
Short scene of a well-dressed guy wearing the glove looking in the mirror, but not seeing his reflection. Those few who still value the old ways see nothing of themselves in what's left of the society. A group of men all point in different directions. One of them wears the glove, but doesn't have a special place in the group.
It (might be) worth noting that nobody left has blonde hair. The last time we saw that phenotype was in the scene with the family in modern dress.
Last scene: a dead king in a box. All that's left of the civilization is history.
The cows aren't the only thing that came when she called.
Joining Fallschirmjaeger after Uni
Nice truck
(((Mark dice))) did this very recently as well.
Mark Dice is a kike?
Song time.
Does anyone have the webm where 2 people are talking about boredom and they are in a bar
ive been trying to find it for months
kill yourself, there is no difference, you do not get to pick and choose.
The question is not if there are or aren't "based black men", it is if it is worth it to maintain a "mutualistic" relationship with this group of people, considering factors beyond diversity and "equality".
Are you talking about this?
audio is off
HAHAHAHAA i gotta admit, aside from all the degenercy, these guys have a good marketing mind. Remember to spare them on the day of the rope.
Yeah ty
Please don't misuse ((())) on people you think act jewy sometimes you can just call them a kike, but don't compensate for your lack of creative commentary by confusing the fuck out of everyone by labeling some goy a jew when he isn't.
Just made this webm, please tell me what you think.
Some version of Ave Maria
Source on the song?
Quality analysis
Jonna Jinton
I do. We can make Germany the best again. AfD today, der neue Führer tomorrow. Kämpfen und siegen! DEUTSCHLAND SIEG HEIL!
math b raciss an sheeit, ware da whyte wimminz at?
No, Goebbels says Jüdische Presse (jewish press), not Lügenpresse (lying press)
He said both cuckanon,
that smile after she says she likes the KKK always gets me
correct. that is a heard of steer (castrated male bulls), with one stag (advanced, then castrated male bull, slightly more sex-sensing), and cows (female bovines +/- birth). what she is doing is what you sensed: effectively female singing advertising sex to the males, who when the move in enough numbers, pull the heard with them.
black lives matters operates on the same principal, beta whitenights, beta muhdick hobo nogs (psuedo alpha variants by poverty and thuggee), and beta sandy drama-snacks (hyper psuedo masculine for public displays only). see Homer's The Odessey Book 12, Jason tied to the mast when the Argonauts sailed past the Sirens.
White female of the ascent have the highest (most refined) ability to incite sexual desire. Sex can cross-wire across species, see race mixing. It can't go cross-up (eg monkey females aren't generally desired), but it absolutely can (and unfortunately does) cross-down (eg actual male monkeys do seek copulation with human females). etc, etc.
Cow sirens have to keep their distance, otherwise they get humped. She stays very far down the road when she starts calling in the later vid, and behind a wire fence in the former. She was also tasked to do it, she was doing what she was told and constantly wanted to look towards the cameraman for validation.
He literally chimps at the end, I thought my nature documentary was still playing when he made those noises so I tried to pause it
I want to meet that grandpa and talk to him, ad then hatefuck his grand daughter so hard she reichs
Goddamn I've been watching this guy for awhile and I thought he might be a jewcuck despite his awesomeness
Thanks you for showing me that I was, happily, mistaken
nice theory
My father used to run a small herd of cattle. He trained them to come to the call, by giving a call and then feeding them lucern. It's a Pavlovian response. They begin to associate the call with food and come running whenever they hear it.
They're domesticated animals. Not that hard to train.
I did not want these feels user
Fuck when I see a dignified man cry I just can't control myself
Fucking hell user I didn't want these feels, it hits too close to home
who is this youtuber?
Millennial Woes
What ever happened to him?
Did he an hero?
his world was a bribe; a satistic dick-lead blind march of decades into pathological optimism; a never ending debt made possible only by doing it more, and more, and more, so the debt never came due. but it came due.
do that path, and you'll be that end (minus the irrelevant middle bribe stolen and gifted to you). all who agree to tear for his tears self confess that they are him: willful self-stall nascent children, who live lives of chosen alzheimer self-harm, and end without memory of what they've done. only a feel that it was 'right', and that they miss it.
you are behind.
try to be more self aware.
or at least fake it better.
I love CQ and Tough Crowd was my first red pill.
Also, notice his hands at the end…
He still makes videos
Israel is MAKING our war.
He's the fag of honor at Richard Spencer's upcoming NPI conference.
These really need to have their audio normalised.
I know an elderly couple in a similar situation who are family friends of ours, hard to cry because I am used to seeing this.
You can fight it user. There's lots of things you can do to keep your mind active. Challenge yourself constantly.