Why is it that I'm a SJW, yet I fit better with the Chans than SJW sites? If I make a seriously autistic post on the Chans, it's just a lot of fuck off's and such, but if I make a seriously autistic post on a SJW site, then I get hate and personal insults out of the ass, lots of guilt tripping, people that don't understand what I'm saying, lots of normalfags saying that their new ethics system I've never heard about is "common knowledge", and gain a large amount of backstabbing friends? Why is it that supposedly positive and nice people treat me more WAY more like garbage than people revolved around negativity and hatred?
That's how the world works, dude
I wonder why.
Specific political directions are not as important as funposting and banter.
I'm not leftist or rightist. :)
Same here, man. I wouldn't call myself an SJW, but I'm definitely a liberal, and the hyper-sensitivity that I find on liberal forums is too much for me.
On the other hand, I find Holla Forums to be just as obnoxious and sensitive, just regarding different things. So I stick to non-Holla Forums boards.
Into the gas chamber you go. You are a disgusting cancer on western society and you are why young white men are so disillusioned and hopeless and hated. The Jews have manipulated you to do their bidding.
Yeah, if I was actually a SJW, I'd agree. But I think I'm more of a moralfag in all honesty, but not as much as others, but I'm too nice.
so special, aren't you?
Because these supposedly positive and nice people just pretend to be so for the social status point. In truth it's all hooey. It's all virtue signaling.
Here people are used to be in contact with shit. Some will even throw shit for free because they want you to be shit resistant. That's expected of you here.
You yourself said you were an SJW. To the gas chambers with you.
They think normal human interaction is something to be gamified. They are following a script and throwing you under the bus for disagreeing is worth 200 points to them.
The real world does not give a shit about your feelings. We are real. They are lying to themselves and you.
Someone once put it better but I saw a post that was something like "Holla Forums is nice people acting like shitty people and tumblr is shitty people pretending to act nice".
how extreme are you with politics?
Not very extreme at all.
It's because the people here accept that they are shitty, but the people from sjw sites think that they're literally jesus.
kill yourself, ftm shit.
Reread your question, it almost answers itself.
There's your problem: if you aren't an extremist, you really won't fit in with the SJW crowd. I'm not sure why seem to want to, but there you go.
I'm a stirnerfag on a site full of nazis and I feel the same way
I just called myself a SJW because I didn't know the correct nerm. I just thought that every nice person into colorful stuff was a SJW by Holla Forums standards.
"Nice people" have no reason to consider their actions and how nice they are really being because they are already convinced they have done a nice thing. This allows them to be absolutely horrible people, but never have any guilt as they have "good intentions".
Have you tried 420chan? It sounds like you'd fit in well there.
that just makes you a faggot
Simple, your "ideology" is more like a religion, a tiny subset gets to rule over the vast majority of idiots like you using a dogma of unquestionable bullshit and when you say anything outside said dogma that could challenge them they hammer you down
And look at you, they keep giving you shit telling you to kill yourself and you keep going back to them because you are too much of a fag to get excommunicated from the church of LGTBBQ